Saturday, December 20, 2008

Oh, what the hell........heck...........................whatever...

On a lighter note....I was telling our church organist yesterday that "Sometimes I say 'hell' at church, in the kitchen, or an office, in the gym, slips out...'oh, what the hell.....!', etc. I try not to, but I slip sometimes." I added that 'hell' is a word in the Bible, so I rationalize that it's okay..

She said "Well, Z, as they say... 'Heck is where people go who don't believe in gosh." Cracked me UP!



Anonymous said...



Your organist is wise. Most folks, unthinkingly, never associate the slang with the real thing.

In Christ eternally,


Anonymous said...

OR you can say h-e-double toothpicks! I don't think the word "hell" is dirty at all. Now if you tell someone to "go to hell" that's a bit different because you are cursing them, right?


namaste said...

ffs i'm such a potty mouth there's no hope for me. LOL!!


shoprat said...

Don't let it bother you. Try to avoid foul language but don't get hung up on it either. The scriptures command us not to use foul jesting, filthy talk, cursing and false oaths, but don't worry too much about a word, especially that word.

If you get right down to it, the Bible, especially in its original languages, has a few passages that would raise eyebrows if they were translated with no concern for decorum.

I am pretty good at avoiding foul language but I have other weaknesses to compensate.

Law and Order Teacher said...

I have a problem with profanity that's for sure. I developed the use as a police officer (no excuse) and now I'm trying to purge some of it from my speech. It's kind of like losing weight, you have to modify your behavior. We all have our trials.

highboy said...

I swore like a sailor the whole time I was in Bible college. Its a nasty habit.

Z said...

I just loved the expression about HECK and GOSH!

I try to curb it, too, but I think we tend to get a tad TOO legalistic; a bad word here and there isn't nice but it's human, no?

Anonymous said...

LOL! Very funny!

Anonymous said...

Haha great stuff.

Rita Loca said...

It's the words which describe bodily functions that I find distasteful. There are words which when used in the proper context have legitimacy, such as 'damn'. there are times and situations when that word is what is needed and meant.

Z said...

JM...I can't believe you said that!
I always say I love an off color joke, etc., but they can't have "bodily functions" in them. Great minds!

kevin said...

You can always use Hades, which is considered profanity for some reason.

Anonymous said...

I'm with you JM. I don't think hell or damn is nearly as objectionable as those "other" four letter words.

I will laugh at a funny joke though, as long as it isn't too rank, then it's usually not really funny.

What I resent is a constant stream of foul language, especially in movies. There's hardly a film anymore that can stand on it's merits.

Between the foul language, bathroom humor and special effects, there's not much to appreciate in films today.

Right Z, we all get mad or tell a joke from time to time, and yes we are human after all, and neither will I repeat a joke with those certain "other" four letter words.


Anonymous said...

You're not alone, Maria!!!

Sorry, Mom. ;-)

Actually, it's only after the kids are in bed and I'm talking to Sweetheart. It's actually kind of cathartic. Cleansing.

Whew. That felt like a confession of sorts!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, when you stop and think about it, gosh and golly, just don't cut it when you've stubbed your toe or banged your shin etc

Anonymous said...

I don't think you will get into trouble with God for saying hell. I hope not. If so, I'm definitely out of luck.

sue said...

made me smile

Anonymous said...

Well, folks, I sure do hope you all have one helluva good Christmas.

And a cheery, productive, prosperous New Year as free from hell-raisers as it is from from raising hell.

<):-}> Ho! Ho! Ho!

PS: HATE is a four-letter word, so is LOVE, and for that matter; so are WANT and FEAR. Also DISH, FORK, MEAT, WINE and BEER.

PPS: Has anyone ever ever enjoyed the taste of HELLUVAGOOD CHEESE?

It's the brand name of an excellent sharp cheddar. So far it's never given me indigestion.


~ FreeThinke

Anonymous said...

Z, I agree with shoprat in saying not to let a word bother you, and I would add to his eyebrow raising comment by saying there are some jaw-dropping ones as well. Thanks for the welcome and comment on 12/7/08.
