Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Abe, what do you think? be honest...

I was watching a panel discussion with Chris Matthews this weekend. Matthews,Tom Brokaw, Andrea Mitchell and Eugene Robinson (W. Post) were discussing the Obama ascendancy. What struck me were some of the comments:
"Obama's election would show America we're better.." "I know people who'd leave great careers to come back and work in public life with THIS guy!" "A Black presidency would show all that's good in America"
"All that's good in America?" Isn't there a lot else that's good in America? Have we lost focus? Is it wise to talk about a guy's skin color more than his platforms, his opinions, his plans? Or do we resort to this when we can't get much of a picture, or don't think we can sell, the guy's platform, his opinions and his plans?
Are we picking a guy because of his skin color or are we picking the best guy for the job? Will we be allowed to discuss this question if he is the nominee? Or will it sound racist? Will we be called racist? will the matthews show ever be canceled? !!


Anonymous said...

Hi all,

Given the fact that the Democrats loved Bill Clinton, that ought to tell us that style over substance is what woos them.

When a Ronald Reagan came along with style AND substance, they said something about "the selling of a President", a "B actor".

About Obama, I have no idea, at this point how substantive he is. He is an attractive candidate, and for the Dems, that seems to be all that matters.

We know he attends an African-centric church, and we know he would be very expensive for the taxpayers, and that he's against the war.

Other than that, what do we know about him? What is at his core? Does he love America, or not? I don't know. He doesn't salute the flag, I know that.

If he loses, would Matthews and Brokaw say America isn't as good as they'd hoped? Are they looking for a guilt vote or the best person for the job.

As a conservative, of couse I won't vote for him. So what, does that make me a bad person? What is this a test on racial relations, or the selection of a President.

I guess the first woman president isn't important, and given who that candidate is, that is true! No guilt there.

So, I'll vote for the only candidate who will stay on offense against our mortal enemy. On a scale of one to ten, regarding the war, ten being the highest in order of importance, I'll vote for John McCain. Of the three he gets a ten!


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Clearly a house divided against itself can not stand.

President McCain. You should be used to saying it by now.

Karen Townsend said...

I'm sure to some it's a racist opinion, but I think Obama would still be just another Senate back-bencher if he were not a black candidate able to give a good speech. It has a lot to do with the liberal white guilt of so many Dems.

Just think the reaction if the candidate was a Republican. Calls of Uncle Tom, etc, that show the racism of liberals, yet acceptable speech to them. Think of what Clarence Thomas experienced in front of the Senate Judicial Committee under the leadership of Ted Kennedy.

Obama is way short on substance, no real legislative experience in the Senate, absolutely no record of working with the other side of the aisle, yet is successfully portraying himself as competent, unifier, etc. It is amazing. And, it's all about the adoring press coverage.

Anonymous said...

Chrissy boy has a SERIOUS man crush on Obama. He said in the past that Obama gives him a chill that creeps up his leg. Jeez I wonder how well his wife really knows him...

There are two things at play here:

1. Obama's a HARD-CORE leftist. So's Chrissy
2. Obama is a chance for Chrissy to vomit forth his putrid white guilt. Well see a lot more of this in the next few months. I suggest easy access to barf bags for the rest of us.


Anonymous said...

It should be far beyond obvious by now that the "mainstream" media's "thinking," or lack thereof, is as shallow as a piece of onion skin, every bit as stale and dry–––also far less substantial.

At bottom nothing really matters but the SIX I's–––Intelligence, Integrity, Imagination, Initiative, Inventiveness and Incisiveness.

I'd gladly vote for a blind, hunch-backed lesbian with Negro blood, and a hare-lip, if she possessed and fully embodied those rare qualities and proved herself immune to the temptation and resultant corruption that inevitably comes with fame and power.

~ FreeThinke

Anonymous said...

I think that the election of an African-American to the office of president COULD be a great symbolic political victory, much as Fujimore's victory in Peru was.

But I'm afraid that the election of a closet black-nationalist/ separatist would be too "divisive" for our country, along the lines of of Bolivia's election of Evo Morales or Zimbabwe's election of Robert Mugabe.

And for that reason, I'm willing to accept a black candidate for president... I've actually voted FOR Alan Keyes, but I'm NOT willing to accept a closet black panther and New Left radical like Barack Obama. I want an "America First" candidate, not a "black America First First" candidate.

Anonymous said...

As usual, Brokaw and Matthews have it wrong. What is good for America has nothing to do with skin color or gender of the next president, but everything to do with competent leaders, and a society that rejects victimhood as a conduit for success.

As far as leadership is concerned, the only reason anyone would follow Obama or Clinton is out of idle curiosity. We have too many "oppressed blacks" in society, which is largely self-imposed and based entirely on the myths put forward by people like Alex Haley.

And by the way, I never said Obama would appoint Louis Farrakhan as Secretary of State . . .

Z said...

Pris: "Are they looking for a guilt vote or the best person..?" we all know the answer to that one, right? Since he's not the 'best person' and they so desperately want ANYONE but a Republican, they'll throw the whole COUNTRY under that bus with Obama's grandma.

Beamish: the left's idea of divided "YOU DON"T THINK LIKE WE DO, THEREFORE...." SO progressive, so open minded.

Karen: The press LOVES OBAMA. November might be difficult. We have to start a shove against the 'biased left wing media' AND try to get mcCain(gulp) elected. When America sees how eager the media is to get Obama in there, maybe we'll kill two birds with that one stone?

FT: An your onion sure makes us cry! I'm with you on the lesbian..is it 'hare' or 'hair'? You got something against bunnies?!!!

FJ and Mustang: Imagine that OUR MEDIA really believes an Obama type of thinker is best for this country? OR is it just "Anything BUT the Republican"? I think so.


Ottavio (Otto) Marasco said...

As I wrote at another site...

Obamamania and good oratory, fair enough but upon analyzing, it’s not all pretty. He oft speaks of harmony and consensus but his Senate votes paint an entirely different story.

Let us remember after all that he remains a left-wing, member of the Democratic Party.

Obama has an uncanny ability to invigorate the lazy and aimless with his feel good vibes. However, it is of great concern to me, and should be too Americans, that he can end up as commander in chief. We would require more than a Ronald Reagan to fix the damage done to the military because of four or eight years of Obama rule.

Make no mistake he will weaken America and make her vulnerable.

It also concerns me that the media is so deeply in the tank for Obama and only now must at least ask a few questions...

Check out the following clip, it represents 52 seconds that should make all pause...


(((Thought Criminal))) said...


These days there are two kinds of people in leadership positions in the Democratic Party

1.) People the Bill Clinton administration put there (majority)

2.) People the Hillary Clinton administration would replace (minority)

elmers brother said...

I have no collective guilt over how "African - Americans" have been treated.

If MLK really wanted us to judge someone on the content of their character Obama falls short.

nanc said...

holy bejeebers!

if that's the case, i'm running on the ecru native american/irish ticket next time around!

surely somebody will feel sorry enough for me to at least cast a vote?


Z said...

Oh, you are all so smart..why couldn't it be only YOU who vote? We'll even make American Interests.blog an honorary American citizen (hi, Australia!)because he's got more America-loving sense than all the liberals I've ever met!

Beamish, you nailed it (as usual).

nanc, I'd vote for you in a heartbeat.

Elbro. What you said.

WomanHonorThyself said...

sorry Z...my flu bug is still hurtin my head ..ugh!..great post and insightful comments!..I'm at a loss for words about the Defeatocrats!

Z said...

WHT, I'm so sorry your head's hurting....that's so hard to take. You're in my prayers. Come back soon but, most importantly, feeling well. xx