
"Hillary Clinton threatens Iran with complete eradication should Iran attack Israel during her presidency" Die Welt, Seuddeutsche Zeitung... FOCUS and SPIEGEL....All the biggest German papers ran this today.
You hearing this today, or was our media afraid to release it before the PA elections? Drudge doesn't even have it. Danke, Mr. Z
heh... thought i saw pregnancy... God help us all.
Hi Z,
Yes they did report it on Fox. I was surprised that Hillary used the word, "obliterate", when talking about a response to Iran bombing Israel or the US.
Since her criticism of Move-On.Org., she may feel freed-up to move toward the center. At this point she really has nothing to lose.
Her campaign probably figures she has to be bold to contrast Obama, who tries so hard to be careful, he ends up saying nothing, trying to have everything both ways ultimately hurting himself.
I believe, in the parlance of football, it's called a "prevent defense", which to my mind, looks weak.
So, the fight goes on to live another day, and I'm sure not complaining. Let's hope McCain is raising money, because he's going to need it.
INCOGNITO! I clicked onto your profile first and saw ACTRESS, then saw CLOSET CONSERVATIVE and thought "WHAT?" I'm in LA, so I know the two rarely meet. EXCEPT, they are now...a group with Patricia Heaton and Kelsey Grammar and some other Hollywood types is growing by the day, from what I hear from an actress friend of mine. (and thanks for using ACTRESS, I never understand why any woman would want to be known as an ACTOR)
You saw "pregnancy"..I'm guessing you mean instead of "presidency" and THAT is hilarious. (and yes, "God help us all" is exactly what most of us would have thought! I'm shuddering here!)
I hope you come by again.
Pris...yes, a friend just said she DID hear that, too. Well, I hadn't, so as far as I'm concerned it's a SCOOP! heh! It's just SO huge, her saying this, that I couldn't imagine it not splashed all over every news media outlet. Of course, we can imagine the msm wouldn't approve of the truth getting out if it's something they don't approve of!!
Yes, McCain's going to need it. But, not QUITE as much as I'd originally thought. (i hope)
Hillary wants to bomb the Iran that backs the Hezbollah that endorsed Obama.
She's playing hardball now. The Iranians better cut her a check soon.
What pathetic childishness.
Do you ever stop to wonder why most of the world holds your country - especially your leaders - in such contempt?
Please try to grow up and stop being so narcissistic.
[That's not a 'commie' word by the way]
Don't be afraid;
one of the Hillary's Sponsors who is living in NY. is NAMAZI,
And NamazI is the MOIS Representative in USA,
MOIS = Ministry of Intelligence and Security.
This is Equivalent of Geschtapoo, even more Dangerous.
This ministry is formed by the ELITS of the Passdaran and Quds Forces.
All the Mullahs Political Prisons, and the MASS EXECUTIONS, the tortures, are under the control of this Ministry.
Two of MOIS EX-MINISTERS are on the international ARREST list of INTERPOLE.
Bombing of Khobar Tower, dead full atack of the USS COLE, Bombing of US Embassy of Nairoobi, Bombing of US Consulat of Koweit, Bombing of the Israeli Consulat of Argetin at 1992, Bombing of Jews Amiad Center of Argentine on 1994,
This Super Criminel Organization had more than 800 Deadfull operations outside of IRAN before 2003.
There are several Volumes of Documentary about a litle part of their activities.
One of the Toppest researcher about MOIS( or VEVAK in Persian) is Professor Rabbi Daniel Zucker in LA.
Yes, Madame Hillary and all her stablishement are highly involved with NAMAZI,
Madelain Albright invites regullarly Mullahs designated persons to USA, and she is on permanent contact with Namazi.
I can writ the books about them, but I prefere to refer you all to the links on Internet and the American Schollars about the Mullahs influence web in the USA.
Now how about the same promise if we catch any more of the slimey b*stards in Iraq!
I'll quote from a friend:
"Back in 2005, the "Bush-hating, anti-American" German people elected pro-Bush, pro-American Angela Merkel to the office of Chancellor of Germany.
Last year, the "Bush-hating, anti-American" French people elected pro-Bush, pro-American Nicolas Sarkozy to the office of President of France.
And now, the "Bush-hating, anti-American" Italian people have elected pro-Bush, pro-American Silvio Berlusconi to the office of Prime Minister of Italy.
Y'all may remember Prime Minister Berlusconi's kind words the day after the September 11th attacks:
"Islamic civilization is inferior, and the West should unite to destroy it."
Yeah, that guy. He's back in charge of Italy.
And so I'm wondering, who exactly in the world hates America?"
I'd like to quote who posted this but I don't want him/her to be annoyed by this Anonymous.
'narcissistic'? The definition can include "one who can't allow others to have a thought which does not jive with his own so he must insult". So, Anon comes here and reminds us "I AM RIGHT ALL THE TIME, SO YOU ARE ALL STUPID". and calls us narcissistic.
I heard her comment last night on Fox News, too. Nowhere else, though. It was ironic that she was going to the right of McCain with this response, which she only made on voting day for the folks in PA.
It is vindication for President Bush that western European countries are voting in the Conservative, pro Western leaders again. I heard on pundit say if Obama is elected President, he will be much farther left than most of Europe.
KAREN, you nailed it...exactly my point. WHY only the day she's running in PA? And, maybe THAT is why the Obama/media didn't expose her (only FOX, you're right...I saw it nowhere else, and I watch a little of everything..and, let's face it, the NY Times would have made a HUGE deal if McCain said he was going to 'eradicate' or 'obliterate' Iran for ANY reason!)...
Also, re: Obama (or Hillary) being more left than Europe? Please see my article DOES THIS IRK YOU? on my article roll on the home page....#2 directly addresses your point. You are SO right. Very insightful, Karen. Thanks so much for coming by!
I would add to that list of pro-American "America haters" the Chinese, who in order to express their contempt for America's plans to invade Iraq in ways everyone could understand took the extra step of loaning us the money to do so.
yes, Z.. am an actress in the regions, but lived in L.A. for many years..and though we are growing in ranks, we're still a small group.. at least those who are willing to admit it. and I'm not quite yet,, with most of the people i work with. though the current project know my politics.
as for Hillary. .you wouldn't believe the amount of people who consider her a closet republican... uh, right!
and Berlusconi was re-elected.. which makes it even more beauteous.
incognito...I've heard the same thing about Hillary. I heard the lefties REALLY think Charlie Gibson is a Conservative, too, now after the debates. THAT is quite something. Shows how Left they really are.
Are you aware of Evan Sayet?
LA's Conservative Hollywood group is quite large.
Well, I'm not surprised. She's been bombing the US with BS for two years now. There is no reason why the Iranians shouldn't take their turn.
Mustang! I read your comment to Mr. Z and he BURST into laughter! GOOD on you!
Think i've heard of Evan Sayet.. is he a comedian? i know i've heard the name... and that's good to know.
it's actually quite freeing when you don't have to hide your conservatism.. but you still have to deal with idiots who try to put you down. and most in my biz, as i mentioned, don't know. still need to work.
and what's even more ridiculous is people have googled and posted about Obama being a closet republican... yes indeedy. there are those who think that...scary times.
Incognito: Ah, Obama the Republican, huh? Ya, that IS scary.
Evan's blog is on my blogroll...he's wonderful. Google him and watch just 10 minutes of one of his fantastic videos. You could weep with relief that someone that smart and THAT previously liberal thinks like we do now. I adore the guy.
Be careful at his site if you comment..the lefties use you for red meat, insulting and demeaning for lack of ability to discuss the issues with facts, etc. (typical)
I think you'll enjoy Evan! I hope so.
INCOGNITO..if you comment at Evan's site, click on ANONYMOUS. I got my stupid troll from his site because I forgot, he'll follow you to your blog if you don't...the guy must have been lurking just waiting for somebody new because I counted to 3, the minute I knew what I'd done, and the jerk was here in full force within seconds and hasn't left me since. no life, I guess!?
will definitely check him out, and thanks for the heads up re posting..
but i've found the reverse to be true... libs, like the true lemmings they are, are painfully unable to back up any argument with fact.
i have one troll, who now lurks, though every once in a while favors me with some inane, asinine comment.. usually antisemitic.. i suppose i don't want another one.
Hi, Incognito. No, I agree with you...see my comment earlier that he can't base anything with facts so that's why he gets so nasty. Why else? If people are in earnest and really want to show another way of thinking, and can prove or at least suggest they're right through some thinking process we can follow, why stoop to the nasty stuff, right?
Good luck at Evan's site. Remember 'ANONYMOUS'!!
Some day, I'd like very much to hear your story of becoming more conservative after having been a lefty. Have you ever posted it? And, by the way....I can't tell you how many conservatives I know who've said liberal friends are whispering "I can't vote for either Obama OR Hillary, but don't a soul!" Adult ones, anyway. Very interesting phenomena, isn't it?
You see what professors and our media have done? They've demeaned conservative thinking so badly that people have to hide. That's as UnAmerican as anything I've ever heard.
Z, I don't believe Hillary for a split second. Do you? I think she'll say anything at this point.
Oh, and the media and universities...brainwashing. Yeah, it's been going on since...forever. Liberal = openmindedness? Only when your thoughts = theirs.
My second grader came home yesterday PREACHING at us about Earth Day and what we need to do to save the Earth. Her tone scared me.
Checked out evan's site and heeded your warning re. posting anonymously.. what a bunch of idiots commenting there. oh well. you're right, not worth stopping to their levels.
as for my transformation..not really sure how it happened... was sort of gradual. Then again, i was never hard core leftist.. just out there demonstrating like all my peers. I think i just grew up. And it's actually odd, because both my parents are Dems. My sis and I Repubs. Truly not sure how that happened. My sis was far more of a socialist than I was.
None of my liberal colleagues... they're all voting for Obama. At least the theatre folk. They just despise Hillary too much and the Repulicans too much to vote for MCcain. The Dems are firmly divided into 2 camps, and neither will vote for the other if the other wins... so, that should hold us in good stead. Mum won't vote for Obama,, so she will vote for no-one or McCain.
should be very interesting!
Of course Hillary said this stuff on the eve of the Pennsylvania vote, where all the miserable gun toting hill people lurk.
This was red meat for the blue collar folks.
I just despise the evil people that are sitting in positions of power in this country and their allies.
Makes me hurt for this country.
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