Prepare yourself for this one - maybe with a Stoli martini or two. Back in the days of the Soviet Union, the Soviet Red Army had an official choir composed of male soldiers and musicians. It still exists. The Red Army Choir performs throughout Russia to this day.Now consider the Finnish rock band called The Leningrad Cowboys. A little while ago, they held a concert in Russia, in which - to the screaming applause of Russkie teen-agers - they got the Red Army Choir to join them on stage for a performance of "Sweet Home Alabama." In English. You couldn't make this up.We're talking seriously off the wall here. Better have that Stoli ready when you watch it (from "Dr. Jack Wheeler's TO THE POINT") thanks, Priscilla...this just cracks me UP!
10 Akun Depo 5k Paling Populer di Indonesia
2 days ago
I really enjoyed this! It is also utterly amazing. Who would have thought?
Thanks Z!
I love that ending with the Russian folk song ("The Volga Boatman")!
But what's that crescent moon doing in the background? I'm sure that this music is haram. Hehehe.
Mustang: Glad you enjoyed it!
AOW: the Volga Boatman part put me over the top laughing! I'm glad you noticed it, too!!
I loved the HAIR!
Music certainly IS one of the avenues of 'common ground'. When in Italy, it used to crack me up the US rock songs that they would use in their commercials...the words having NOTHING to do with the product whatsoever..hysterical.
thanks for the good laugh!
Vraiment Formidable;
I listenned with pleasur and joy at least ten times all the versions;
Thanks Pris, Thanks Zin;
I even Danced
NW..the hair is QUITE something, isn't it!! Hilarious!
SAM! I love the idea that this gave you such pleasure that you danced! Wonderful~!
please see Norwegianwood's comment to you on the Baskerville article....!!
Hi dear NW;
Very happy to see you here; zin succeeded to gather the bests here,
I'm sure that if there was not the distance and Geografical problems, we were at her GARDEN playing and DANCING SWEET ALABAMA;
thank you for your heartfull comment;
please tell to your Husband, do not trust Iraqi police and ARMY, Maliki is even more dangerous than SADRE, Maliki gets his direct Orders from Kazemi Ghomi (Embassy of the Mullahs in Bagdad).
From one week ago, the commentaries on VoA Persian Language are talking about the Regim Change!!! insteed of Regim's behavior change.
Have you heard anything?
Did the Administration changed their politics toward IRAN?
SAM....regime change as in "Maliki goes"??
In Iran it's not possible, without engaging Resistance and a General Riot, they can never change this Regim;
Let's say that with the intensified Bombing USA destroys the Regims military Capacity, that I think that US airForce is Quite powerfull and can destroys all the sites, But, Iran of the Mullahs has never fought a great power with Army, they used always the Terrorism, like in IRAQ, Libanon, Palestin.
This is an Ideologic FORCE, and the Fighters are not all the Iranians.
Iran of the Mullahs has his Ideological forces everywhere, even in the USA.
Without Resistance of Maryam, Impossible to do anything about this REGIM.
Zin; The MeK of Maryam has saved the lives of the Americans and Iraqis, Without our Resistance, your Army in Iraq were going to be martyrised.
We have disclosed the full details of at least 32,000 of the Quds Operatives in the Iraqi Administration,
Now, I'm going to listen again the Sweet Albama once more before going to bed.
SAM: enjoy the music again!
Tell me, do you think this Iran/Iraq conflict with the USA can EVER get better? EVER resolve?
Do you think the people of Iran can finally get together in SUCH huge numbers they can overthrow the regime? Are ALL the military units SO fond of the mullahs they'll do their bidding? Their MUST be people within the military eager for freedom, for liberty, for an end to the theocracy?
What do you think?
Hi Sam,
So glad you enjoyed the music.
There is an old saying:
The couple that dances together, stays together.
My husband and I have danced together for fifty years, so it must be true!
There is one thing for sure, a little joy is good for the soul.
A great touch for GEEEZ! Z. Thanks.
Now that is what I call really cool!
As a full-blooded Alabamian, I can't forget that these commie flag-wavin' sons of bitches pointed nuclear weapons at me... and my grandma.
No, it's MY sweet home Alabama. Y'all's just visitin'.
beamish...good point. That touch of VOLGA BOATMAN is hilarious but there's a hint of irony in it, too.
I didn't know you're Alabamian!! You have a Southern accent, y'all?
I look FORWARD to the day when we can all meet at Z's house and dance to Sweet Home Alabama. LOL
I have NO news with regard to our gov't changing its position with regards to the PMOI/MEK. None. But, that doesn't mean alot. I did read a while ago about a Congressman who was promoting the idea...but nothing since then.
Now, SAM, what do we make here out of Sadr's threat? Is it real? Is it going to undo all the progress towards stablizing the region? Is it meant to hit in time for the elections here in order to bring the Democrats into power here? What are your thoughts?
stealing this post and video for my blog on, it's not really 'stealing' if I tell you first right?
Hope you don't's just too funny to keep to yourself...
Holy Canoli!
That hair....I must have it.
It's sooo pointy.
This might be the strangest thing I've ever seen. And right before bed. Ugh. Now I must go watch something equally innocent and sweet, so I'll not dream of this wierdness all night long!
Thanks, Z!
At least he's not from Georgia, like some of the band members in that YouTube. ;-)
Pinky...maybe it's better to say "Holy CANOLA OIL!" Looks like the hair's got plenty of it in there, huh!?
I hope you slept okay...!!
I'd like to hear them do a B-52 song...say Quiche Lorain Private Idaho the Love Shack
Personally I think beehives are sexy
Now what would Oedipus say about that?
After all, we can't all wear feathers in our caps as macaroni!
Course, you never know with those Rusky long hairs. Had I been a member of the band, I wouldn't have performed the piece without that little Volga Boat Song clip at the end. If it's one thing that the Slav's recognize, it's slavery when they see it!
"Man is born free, and everywhere he is in chains. One man thinks himself the master of others, but remains more of a slave than they." (JJ Rousseau, "The Social Contract")
Zin, NW;
To answer your Questions about the USA situation in IRAQ and the Future of IRAQ, and the Surge of Sadre, and wether Sadre can influence the level of the violances in IRAQ and what is the reason of these Violances, and who are the players, Shiit, Sunnit, Al-Qaida, Iraqi insurgents, Iraqi Nationalists, and all other Questions, I limit my answer just to one but very important statement.
2 months ago, when Ahmadinejad went to Bagdad, he walked freely in the streets of Bagdad out of the Green ZONE.
Non of your Generals nor your Ambassador is able to walk without being acompanied by your special forces, incognito, and heavilly shielded, and before going out, all the itinerary should be screened and cleaned from the explosives, and the whole itineraries are guarded with the special forces from air and GROUND.
You have heard that in IRAQ, the shiit bomb the Sunnit and Vice Versa and Al-Qaida bomb all,
But Ahmadinejad walks very freely withour Shielded Armors and no airian or ground protection, just like he walks on Beverly Hills Avenue, absolutly no protection!!!
Now, I leave everyone to think twice,
Mayebe this small part of Iraqis history can help you to modify your questions
SAM, I guess what you are implying is that "A" is running the show...running the insurgents, even running the Maliki government, so he's protected?
What are you hearing about 'regime change' you mentioned? Any more information on THAT? We are getting ZERO information on that subject.
Z, I slept fine after cleansing my brain with a little Citizen Cope. I'm into him lately...can't help myself..he's yummy.
ElBro, I think beehives are sexy, too, as long as they don't injure anyone standing within 10 feet. ;-)
When I first saw that guy I thought...Flock of Seagulls. Only bigger and pointier.
And I'd like to hear them do Rock Lobster
Unbelievable and extraordinary!
I cracked up, and will remain so for a while yet…
I think I can explain almond-in-a-jam's security situation. AQI has learned it's lesson and has NO desire to draw Iran's ire. Were he an Iraqi (non-Sadrist) Shi'a, he'd be killed inside of 10 minutes.
The enemy of my enemy is my friend from AQI's perspective. And in Iraq, they NEED to keep it that way. Besides, AQ-Pakistan's supply lines from the Saudi Penninsula run through eastern Iran and western Pakistan. They need BOTH kept open AND need to keep the Iraqi Shi'a from joining forces.
Now what would Oedipus say about that?
you don't think Oedipus knew how to party?
and besides you can hide a lot of stuff in there
That has GOT to be misuse of a pinstripe! I'm sure Dr. Seuss' relatives are already on the phone with their lawyers to try and make some dough!!!
ELBRO.....Oedipus partied with B52? in PINSTRIPES?
I'm SO confused!
Farmer..have you read about SAM's background, where he is, what he's doing?
Yeas, I was born in Alabama. Haven't lived there since 1984 though.
My southern accent comes out when I'm drunk.
Beam, I do a pretty fair rendition of SOUTHERN MAN. People laugh when I mimic Neil Young and I've got the piano chops down just right (which is rare, since I play mostly classical music!)
but, of course, you've probably never heard of the song OR Neil Young, which will immediately inflame my age complex and force me to take to my bed in tears. Blance DuBois, move over.
ELBRO.....Oedipus partied with B52? in PINSTRIPES?
Oedipus wasn't constrained by the social more' of not marrying your mother or conventions...
people who wear beehives and pinstripes are JUST AS SICK.
Nonsense Z! I know who Neil Young is. I think my great-grandfather fought alongside him charging up Little Round Top at Gettysburg.
A little. But I still don't know what side he's on, whether he's my friend or merely the enemy of my enemy.
I support those who are battling against Khmomeini's veleyat al-fiqeh guardianship of the jurist heresy in Iran. But I divide them into two camps, those who oppose it in order to establish a different totalitarian brand of government (communism ala Bathists), and those striving to create a moderate AND secular "representative" government. And I'll admit that I still don't know which of those two camps SAM falls into. For when Khmoeini took over, the religious nuts were lockstep with the communists against the shah... until the communists were proscribed.
I guess I need to watch and wait.
But regardless, almonds-in-a-jam can walk unescorted in the streets of Iraq because he does not FEAR us... and his enemies need him. Hopefully, THAT situation will soon change.
Beamish, THAT's the one! He survived that battle, took tons of vitamins, and lived that hundred years more to become a very cool singer who played a mean piano and guitar.... I was a nurse in that war and also survived. grrr
FJ...I hope SAM writes more and more. I've been reading him for over a year now, I guess. The links he gave are good insight into what they're about, but you're right; you never know.
I do know they're against theocracy.
SAM was dancing to video.
fundamentalist muslims don't dance at anything. Except, maybe, 9/11's success. (which I saw looking out my Paris window at the Arabs who lived directly across the street and on the same floor...I'll never forget the jubilation I watched and how hard I tried to contact the Feds thru a computer in Europe. impossible)..but, that's another story. Also, bin Laden's brother the lawyer lived in my neighborhood, but was apparently a very good guy. Arafat's wife lived around the corner just before we moved in; the florist downstairs said she spent lots of money there.
about the Music, you would see our Music with the Jolie Girls In the Iranian new year with Madame la Presidente MARYAM RAJAVI;
1 -
and the same song in the last June with more than 50,000 of the Resistance supporters in PARIS.
2 -
and Maryam in that meeting;
You can see Professor Ramond Tanter (WH Security Adviser of President Reagan), and more than 75 US and EU Parliamentaries.
3 -
Yes Zin; I dance, and sometimes not alone, when the music is agreable and rythmic and enough places to be able to move, not only me, we all dance, and it's wonderfull.
And we want to bring 70 millions of the IRANIAN to DANCE the day of the Liberation.
For the people like you, one flower is enough, for the others, even with the green GARDENS, they will never believe the SPRING.
I am confounded at this display. I am so completely out of it I can think of nothing to add but:
The after-effects
Of a mother's neglects
Can spoil her boy's orientation to sex
But the converse is worse
If she overprotects
The pattern of Oedipus–––wrecks.
~ Felicia Lamport in "Scrap Ironies."
Felicia Lamport, little known though she may be today, is the only serious rival the late, great Dorothy Parker ever had in my never-humble opinion.
~ FreeThinke
Thank you SAM for your response..let me ask the question that immediately came to my mind:
Why didn't the resistance take him out while he was strutting around like he owned the hen house? Wouldn't that open the door for change in your country?
Mayebe here(below) is the answer of a part of your Question;
Since 2003
Since 2003, the coalition forces have designated the PMOI at Camp Ashraf as protected persons under the Geneva Convention and have protected them against retaliation by the Iraqis and from Iran. They have also received support for their status by the International Committee of the Red Cross which has stated that the "residents of Camp Ashraf must not be deported, expelled or repatriated". During the 2003 invasion of Iraq, coalition forces launched air attacks against Mujahedeen forces. Mujaheddin commanders negotiated a ceasefire on April 22, 2003 in which they were initially allowed to keep their military equipment. In June 2003, US forces took control of Camp Ashraf and the PMOI was consolidated, all their weapons were secured by military police and their munitions and caches destroyed. At that time, 4,000 PMOI members were identified and screened for past terrorist acts. Currently, US Military forces are still overseeing operations at Camp Ashraf, and escorting PMOI members on supply runs to and from Baghdad and LSA Anaconda.
We are not armed in IRAQ, We are all screened by your sevices, and your judicials and intelligences services didn't found any terrorist or illegal charges against any of our members, inspite of all these evidences, our RESISTANCE Organization is listed terrorist in your State Department and we are banned to have even the smallest weapons for our personal protection, and all our movements to outside of Ashraf is escorted by the American Forces.
Your Generals are convinced that our freedom of the terrorist lable will be the end of the Mullahs in IRAN,
In less than two months we can overthrow the Mullahs and we have taken the engagement to bring the free elections under the supervision of the international community, just after 6 months.
Look at the links that I have put on my post about the Music in this thread.
Last year, the June 30 we have Gathered more than 50,000 in Paris to support our Resistance,
This year, we will do more,
I'm comming to PARIS, too.
If you or anybody of your friends pass by paris around the end of JUNE, I'll be I myself thier HOST, and you will see the huge world wide support to our Resistance and the President of the Resistance, MARYAM RAJAVI,
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