Please give yourself a few minutes to listen to this all the way through. How can anyone win the presidency after having said these things about Americans? Does he have the heart or desire to take all Americans into consideration, or....? it's curiously halting, but he'll continue talking...just wait a minute. Thanks for the video, Norwegian Wood
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2 days ago
A Campaign Anthem for Boosayno Bama
God DAMN America!
Land that I loathe.
Let's deride her
Then "cide" her
With the blight
From the Wright
And his Oath.
From the ghettos
Onto Welfare
Making babies
On the dole
This Great Society's
A stinking hole.
God DAMN America!
This stinking hole!
[Sorry, Irving! Someone had to do it.]
That may be a little raw, but it's the essence of what this toothsome, smooth-talking creep–––and his "ALTAR" EGO–––are saying.
FYI: If anyone is still looking at the wafer-thin, moribund rag, TIME MAGAZINE's latest issue is almost totally devoted to an INFO-MERCIAL promoting B. Hussein Obama.
When you go to the polls, just BOO! SAY NO to "Boosayno" Bama.
~ FreeThinke
"Altar Ego"..excellent play on words, FT. And, your spoof on Irving is excellent....sad, isn't it? How can anyone think Wright wouldn't applaud these verses? And maybe Michelle Obama, too? She seems to absolutely DETEST America; there is no unity-seeking with the Obamas. Seems like it's all EGO GRATIFICATION SEEKING to me.
Would you believe, I was almost excited about him when he first emerged on the scene? Yup. "I'm going to give this Dem a once over" WHAT was I thinking?
Thanks, FT...great contribution, as always.z
'What were you thinking?'
The same thing I was. Barack Obama, when he came on the national scene, showed promise of being the articulate, charismatic politico it would take to momentarily change the Washington crowd into a group of people with rational concerns on their minds.
That promise was not realized: a careful look at his voting record and public statements showed that.
But, at the start, it was not a foolish hope.
Kudos on a short, and informative, post.
I went on at great length, yesterday, about Obama's remarkable 'guns, religion, and foreigners' statement. ("A Xenophobic Remark by a Gun-Toting Religious Small Town Person"
Another War-on-Terror Blog (April 12, 2008))
What's so remarkable, I think, is not just Obama's world-class foot-in-mouth act. It's what the Huffington Post (of all things) had to say about Californians.
Sadly Obama marches to the tune white
leftists expect. If he packaged himself in another manner his own would call him an Uncle Tom.
aka...Huffington is right (gasp!) in suggesting Obama felt safe in the rarified land of The Gold Standard for Elitist Californians; San Francisco rich Democrats. They don't GET more liberal and condescending than that. He felt safe in treating the Pennsylvanians like gun-totin', faith spouting rubes. As I heard this morning on Russert, "too bad we have cameras everywhere we go....used to be someone could say something like this and get away with it". Hmmm
Thanks for coming by, I hope to see you again.
FT: I accidentally deleted your post! (i got 2, by the way, of the same thing) Please post again after accepting my deepest apologies!
Listen carefully, potential voters for Barack Obama . . . you will not hear an articulate man; you will hear a man who is filled with hate for this great country and his fellow countrymen. I am not surprised he never served his country in uniform, and I am not aghast that he attends a black separatist church, which idolizes Louis Farrakhan.
No, what does surprise me is the number of brainless people who think he is somehow the Messiah. His problem goes well beyond hating the country he now seeks to lead. He has not made a single statement that gives any clear-thinking American hope for the future. He has not offered one well-thought-out solution to the challenges that face our country. Indeed, Mr. Obama’s political platform appears based upon erroneous assumptions — including the one that the events on 9/11 were OUR fault. I wouldn't vote for him if he was running for dog catcher.
I don't get all the fuss.
If all you small town religious nuts would just let Democrats take your guns and force your children to learn how to have "safe" gay sex, we could move on to substative issues like making sure Iran has as much nuclear bomb making capability as North Korea.
Vote Obama!
I saw this over at Kevin's.
All McCain has to do is keep airing this. Obama is going to destroy himself while McCain has a glass of bubbly.
Beamish...I'm with you. Let's just do that. :-)
Brooke...let's hope that bubbly gets flowing; did you hear Soros is willing to sink something like $300 M into defeating McCain (and America? he'll go to any lengths) You can rest assured they're busy digging up anything they can possibly find on McCain.
This morning, I saw MSNBC's broadcast of the AP meeting where McCain was asked if he'd found Obasma 'elitist' in their two years together in the Senate.
McCain hesitated and said "He has different opinions than mine.."
MSNBC's recap directly after that was that "McCain did admit Obama is slightly elitist".
it never stops. The lies never stop. On the other hand, maybe MSNBC agrees that McCain isn't
This short poem applies very well to the nation's whirlwind romance with Boosayno Bama.
Obama's not being female has nothing to do with it.
A charm invests a face
Imperfectly beheld.
The lady dare not lift her veil
For fear it be dispelled.
But peers beyond her mesh,
And wishes, and denies,
'Lest interview annul a want
That image satisfies.
~ Emily Dickinson (1830-1886)
In addition two proverbs spring easily to mind:
"Distance lends enchantment."
"Familiarity breeds contempt."
~ Freethinke
1. Bush: End of an Error
2. That's OK, I Wasn't Using My Civil Liberties Anyway
3. Let's Fix Democracy in this Country First
4. If You Want a Nation Ruled By Religion, Move to Iran
5. Bush. Like a Rock. Only Dumber.
6. If You Can Read This, You're Not Our President
7. Of Course It Hurts: You're Getting Screwed by an Elephant!
8. Hey, Bush Supporters: Embarrassed Yet?
9. George Bush: Creating the Terrorists Our Kids Will Have to Fight
10. Impeachment: It's Not Just for Blow Jobs Anymore
11. America: One Nation, Under Surveillance
12. They Call Him "W" So He Can Spell It
14. Jail to the Chief
15. No, Seriously, Why Did We Invade Iraq?
16. We Need a President Who's Fluent In At Least One Language
17. We're Making Enemies Faster Than We Can Kill Them
18. Is It Vietnam Yet?
20. Where Are We Going? And Why Are We In This Handbasket?
21. You Elected Him. You Deserve Him.
22. When Bush Took Office, Gas Was $1.46
23. Pray For Impeachment
24. The Republican Party: Our Bridge to the 11th Century
25. What Part of "Bush Lied" Don't You Understand?
26. One Nation Under Clod
27. 2004: Embarrassed. 2005: Horrified. 2006: Terrified
28. Bush Never Exhaled
29. At Least Nixon Resigned
Z, sometimes the words "YOUR COMMENT HAS BBEN SAVED and will be VISIBLE after BLOG OWNER APPROVAL" do NOT appear after I try to post, and the comment is still in the box.
Therefore, I type in the new set of funny letters and resubmit, till the "YOUR COMMENT HAS BEEN SAVED. . ." sign does appear.
I don't intend to be redundant.
I noticed one of my things got posted twice in succession on another thread.
Whatever I said last night is lost to posterity. But thank you for your compliments on the "Anthem" post. So glad you took that in the spirit with which it was intended.
Humor, satire and sarcasm can be powerful weapons in the fight against dour, witless, literalistic, legalistic GOTCHA! brands of despotism.
~ FreeThinkenxuoentn
FT; that's okay...sometimes I type in the letters incorrectly at different blogs, too. I find it weird, but v's look like u's, etc. Just keep commenting! Thanks!
(I deleted the double post today)
the problem Obama had was that his teleprompter was off
Isn't it funny how all off the leftists arguments can be expressed in bumper sticker form.
EB...REALLY great line...
Brooke..perfect. Anything real, anything pertinent, is complex. Ah, keeps them busy; better than continuing to ruin a great country, huh?
Ah, keeps them busy; better than continuing to ruin a great country, huh? you people ever learn ANYTHING? The country was in great shape til you goofballs got in. I guess you hated all that peace, prosperity and surpluses of the Clinton years. BTW...too bad you've let your fear of opposition make this site so cumbersome and non-spontaneous for everyone...that's what cowardice and knowing you can't defend yourself does.
Isn't it funny how all off the leftists arguments can be expressed in bumper sticker form.
Of course, the real problem is that liberal ideas are complex and can't match the simple minded inanities of the duh support the troops(but make sure you run from the recruiters) ...and librerals hate America(when they really just hate the Bush regime). Then there's the tax and spend thing...when the big deficits all come from the rightists who like to spend and charge it to the grandkids.
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