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2 days ago
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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if only someone had undermined Carter while he was president...pehaps we could have skipped the malaise
Jimmy Carter should be placed on the terrorism watchlists at every airport.
Beamish....America's airports being the ones which would REALLY have to keep on watch.
Elbro...I'll never forget that scandal with his last book and how he proved himself so anti-Semitic and half his Board of Directors had walked out on him because they said he'd lied so much in his book. When Matt Lauer on the TODAY SHOW interviewed him (even the networks had to admit he was deep trouble by then and they couldn't continue to ignore it), they had him standing in a field in front of a Habitat for Humanity house being erected. Get the message? Made me sick. Talk about BIAS.
Jimmy Carter is a disgrace and should be shunned by our sitting, and former Presidents. He is a private citizen who thinks is above that status. Legally he is not.
This old fool is a loose cannon, who simply never accepted his loss to President Reagan. What is it about former democrat office holders that seem to be prone to public breakdowns?
The worst thing about this spectacle is that they make America a laughing stock for all the world to see.
Watching Carter play President, is like watching children play house. The difference is, the children know they're just playing.
Pris, the left does decompose in front of our eyes when they lose..right after they try to blame the voters for being too stupid, or ballot boxes which can ONLY have been tampered with by the Right, of course (when proof shows quite differently).
How would you like to believe in a party which has to hire buses to bring in those so poor and, sadly, uneducated (but they know they'll vote for THEM$$), that they can't make it to their local precinct to vote? How would you like to believe in a party which Hamas believes in? How would you like to believe in a party whose leaders will scare children out of their wits and even use them in television ads about global warming in the face of so many scientists saying they're wrong? Or a party which won't even invite the naysayers to conventions on global warming because they're afraid of the truth or at least an honest discussion about it? Or a party which looks forward to the demise of this country through exhorbitant tax constructs,the Kyoto Agreement, turning tail from a war, and giving the keys to our city to the United Nations? Oh, ya...must feel wonderful.
And then they have a guy like Carter.
Sadly, we ALL have a guy like Carter; working as hard as anyone to make sure all of the above comes true.
While he builds houses for people (a very good thing, by the way, surprisingly) so his other programs are overshadowed by that one good thing.
logan act material.
the vid's working fine for me, z - these will take forever and a day to load if a person has dial up, if they load at all. (in answer to your email.)
anybody notice how the news has been curiously quiet on this lately? Is Cartduh still there?
Did anybody see much about the trip> I caught very little on cable or network news.
maybe even the lefty media's embarassed and knows better. naaa
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