Tuesday, April 22, 2008

EARTH DAY and HOW TO HANDLE IT...Priscilla's way!

The checker at the market asked me if I brought my bags. I told her no, and that I wanted paper bags. She told me today is earth day. I said every day is earth day, I'd like paper bags please. She started to give me a spiel about climate change and I started to simmer. I ended up telling her I don't buy into that whole thing.
Do you know she had the nerve to tell me that I'm not worried because I'll die before the climate gets real bad?
So I just said she's going to wake up some day and wonder what happened to America!
Next week I'm going to talk to the manager and ask if the checkers were instructed to give their customers lectures on climate change, and that I go there to buy groceries and not the politically correct cause of the day.
I won't tell him which checker it was though. As angry as I am I don't want her to get into trouble on her job.


Anonymous said...

Fact: it takes and wastes more energy to make paper bags, than it does plastic. Just like with ethanol...the silly tree huggers havem't a clue as to what really works and what doesn't.


WomanHonorThyself said...

good garsh !...was she wearing a green t shirt too and greeeeeeeeeeeen eye shadow?..lol

Z said...

Hi, Imp...WHY can't so many supposedly smart people get this?..you're so right.
Remember, they wouldn't even invite the scientists who don't feel global warming is quite the story the alarmists say it is to their big convention recently.
This is a rough crowd.
hard headed, agenda-at-all-costs!

Karen Townsend said...

Well, you are nicer than me about not exposing the checker to spare her job. When I had a run-in of the political lecturing kind at a Barnes and Noble, the complained about the young man and learned I was not the first one to do so. He didn't last long.

Anonymous said...

"When I had a run-in of the political lecturing kind at a Barnes and Noble"

Yea...the kind with the "Lennon" glasses that think elite, sophisticated and educated means previewing your purchases and pushing books into a PLASTIC BAG (hee hee ). I had one actually hold my latest Ann Coulter book by two fingers. I complained too...loud and long. These are the ones that occupy Maher's audiences and think they're the last word.


Z said...

We had a Barnes & Noble community/school rep saunter into the preschool where I teach music Wed. mornings and BOY, if he wasn't 'thrilled' he had!! He was a good guy, it seemed, and I told him how wrong I thought it was that they had big tables full of leftist books and the best selling Coulter, Hannity, etc., were WAAY in the back on the shelves. At least they were alphabetical!! He gave me his card and asked me to email him. I did, and we had some back-and-forth words, and they added a conservative table. I told him sales people have looked at me with disdain for buying conservative books and that's not American.
But, that's the BIG OPEN MINDED LEFTY, isn't it? "I'm open minded IF you think EXACTLY like I do".
It's like noblesse oblige with the Left, spurred on by their indoctrinators. Oh, I mean PROFESSORS, sorry (not).

Anonymous said...

FreeThinke reports:

Dear Friends,

I've had EXACTLY the same kind of trouble with a snotty, snooty self-righteous clerk at our local Barnes & Noble.

Several years ago, when Clinton still conducted the the affairs of state with his pants down around his ankles in the Oral Office, I was having one sweet son-of-a-b-tch of a time finding Christopher Hitchens' no-holds-barred indictment of The Great Prevaricator and Whoremaster-in-Chief.

The book––– a slim volume called No One Left to Lie To–––was nowhere to be seen.

I asked a wifty-looking clerk in granny glasses swathed in a limp brown jumper and lumpy tan blouse where I might find the Hitchens book. Her pale vacant face innocent of lipstick suddenly took on the look of someone trying very hard not to notice that gas had been passed in a crowded elevator. Her barely audible reply seeped reluctantly through gritted teeth. "It's in the store somewhere, just keep looking."

It was obvious she had no intention of helping me find the book.

Well, I being neither as polite, patient or kind-hearted as Priscilla instantly demanded an interview with the store manager.

I didn't even bother giving the "New Woman" a chance to redeem herself.

It took a good long while to get the manager's attention, because none of the other clerks wanted me in the store either, and hoped I'd get discouraged and just go away.

HAH! Fat chance!

When the confrontation with the manager finally took place, I looked the guy straight in the eye and asked him, "Are you in the business of selling books, or are you in the business of passing judgment on your customers if your Communist Clerks personally dislike the subject matter of the volumes in which your customers show interest?"

He looked like the proverbial deer caught in the headlights, and stammered, but no intelligible words came out of his mouth.

I went on borrowing from an ancient anecdote once reported in The Reader's Digest, "May I remind you, sir, that I represent PROFIT, and you and your insolent, self-absorbed, why-faced clerk represent OVERHEAD? I came here for the express purpose of BUYING a BOOK. It is your duty––and certainly hers––to do everything in your power to facilitate that transaction.

Needless to say, the poor fellow, who looked as though he’d just witnessed The Creation of Man, got right to it, and the book was in my hand within seconds.

“That girl ought to be fired,” I told him, “but perhaps her manner might improve with a little Sensitivity Training? It’s up to you to decide her fate, but if anyone working here ever treats me like that again, I assure you all levels of management from the top right on down will be hearing from me in no uncertain terms, is that clear?”

“Yes sir,” he stammered.

“Good,” I said, “and see that you don’t forget it. I’m a great reader, and I will back just as soon as the next anti-Clinton book comes out, if not before.”

I did go back not long after that just to make good my boast, and picked up the late Barbara Olson’s Hell to Pay without incident. Little Miss Jumper with her pale face and Attitude was nowhere in sight.


The Merry Widow said...

I use the new cloth bags because they are more dependable and hold more than those ridiculous plastic "droppers"(they split and drop their loads), or I get paper(double and load 'em up)for kitty klean-up...
Trees are renewable, plastic is UGLY!


Anonymous said...

"Every day is Earth Day." Bingo! Good for you Pris . . .

We should start a new "green" movement. We could shoot greenies and proclaim, "Saving the Earth One Moron at a Time."

Anonymous said...

Ha! Z, I read this post after your latest post, and I echoed exactly what you said here in your second comment. I like the thinking here on all of the comments. There's nothing wrong with being a little bit of a greenie beanie, but we have to use common sense and not be lemmings. As Dennis Prager says (I paraphrase)..The main difference between conservatives and liberals is that liberals are hysterical on issues, and conservatives are logical.
I've wanted to post on environmentalism for a while...maybe I will now.

You rock, Z.