Saturday, April 12, 2008

Hug a Child....suffer the consequences

Free Thinker sent me this Mark Steyn article today. I read it, thought about it, felt disgusted, and considered not posting it. Then, I realized I had to because we all need to wake up.

Not to be too terribly indelicate, but, as a volunteer preschool music teacher every Wednesday morning, I've had all kinds of fondling from 3 and 4 yr olds. They absentmindedly run their fingers down my forearm, or pat my hair, or throw themselves around my knees in happiness!

Promise not to tell anyone, but I've even had more than one 4 yr old boy bury his face in my chest. According to the way things are going these days, I should be screaming "Sexual Harassment!" and having the cops haul these little sex-starved maniacs to the paddy wagon, huh? Except Knut, the little boy who fell into my arms only this last week, loves Miss Z and her music and hugged me extra tightly after class because his mom's in jail and his dad's too busy to give him much attention. Some sexual activity, huh? We have to hug and love the kids. One bad apple pervert teacher can't stop ALL CHILDREN from being affectionate with their teachers, CAN she? And how did a little kid smacking another little kid's backside ever constitute anything sexual?

America, please wake up. We're so far overboard we can't even see the ship. Hug a kid today.
thanks, Free Thinker


Anonymous said...

Thank you SO MUCH for posting Mark Steyn's piece.

There's nothing "indelicate" about you, dear Z, OR your little pupils. And there is nothing prurient or unsavory about the subject matter of Steyn's article either. It's not about SEX, it's about the way officially-mandated insanity is systematically destroying our way of life.

What you describe has always been considered NORMAL, RIGHT and GOOD, till the Leftist Control Freaks sued their way to dominance and poisoned a once wholesome and benign culture.

As I wrote in my note to you containing Steyn's article:

"The Insanity of a Sex-Obsessed Society of Would-Be Control Freaks Advances Relentlessly towards its Ultimate Goal of Freedom for None and Totalitarianism for All."

My opinions may seem extreme, but I assure you with the mentality Mark Steyn chronicles running rampant our God-given rights and freedoms will soon vanish.

THAT'S why I made such a fuss about the perverted "art" of Alfred Hrdlicka and about the raid on the Texas Mormon Fundamentalist compound.

Leftist thinking has made us all suspicious and fearful of one another. We see "bogeymen" EVERYWHERE now thanks to their damnable anti-family, anti-autonomy, anti-individualist, anti-independence agenda.

From what Mark Steyn and others are showing us, it's obvious that we are a nation in the process of losing its MIND.

~ FreeThinke

Z said...

Well, holy smoke, FT...that line about lefties making us all suspicious of each other and how you relate that to the Mormon situation and the Austrian artwork kind of opened my eyes. I SORT of see better where you were going with those feelings and thoughts now. Ya, you're right about that, really. SO hypersensitized that we overreact.
By the way, I saw Yahoo had a headline about the mormon situation and I was busy doing something and didn't check out the article on the latest. I believe I heard they have found the girl who blew the whistle. What else is up with that, have you heard?

Anonymous said...

Heard no more about the situation in Texas, I thought the articles I referenced about Mormonism and the article I partially quoted from The Salt Lake City paper, written by Mormon woman who was firmly against polygamy but genuinely concerned about the mammoth violation of the Civil Rights of 500 people (as am I) was pretty balanced.

There's nothing any of us can do about the situation now. "What's done is done and cannot be undone," as Lady Macbeth said, but AWARENESS of the way government is gaining strength and USURPING our God-given rights in the names of "fairness," "decency," "justice" and "propriety" is VITAL if we are ever to regain a more accurate perspective, a healthy sense of proportion, and a less hysterical, accusatory mental climate.

~ FreeThinke

nanc said...


we've been so aware of this strange phenomenon in the past few years - we're a lovey-dovey, huggy-kissy family and ours have had children overnight in the past and they'll say to their friends, "give my mom and pop a hug goodnight!" some do so with great affection and others are a bit overwhelmed by our affection for each other.

we finally had to tell ours that some children aren't used to this type of behavior and they might feel a little out of place so rather than make them uneasy, we'll just let them make the first move on a hug.

it's dangerous - you never know when one will turn it around on you and claim something entirely seemly over a hug.

then, on the other hand there are those children who are just starving for a hug.

we all miss out when we cannot show our love to a child.

when i had a group of 7-12 year olds at wednesday night church a couple of years ago - THEY ALL WANTED HUGS! i had to put some in the bank for later!

The Merry Widow said...

We like hugs too! And there are several of my 2's friends that want a hug when they enter and leave.
FT-I see and understand exactly what you are saying, and agree...but unlike the leftistas, I look at each situation, not a whole group.
The situation in Texas was precipitated by one girl having the courage to call for help. Apparently her 15 yr. old sister was being sent to that compound to be "married" too. She wanted to save her sister.
That is what I'm looking at.

I'm the mother of a 17 yr. old young woman, and what was going on was an abomination.

Anonymous said...

Caught in passing:

I am a dictionary addict, and enjoy looking the same word up in at least eight or ten different online sources.

Here's a little gem picked from a survey of the word ANATHEMA:

••• "“Essentialism—a belief in natural, immutable sex differences—is anathema to postmodernists, for whom sexuality itself, along with gender, is a ‘social construct’” (Wendy Kaminer, Atlantic October 1993)." •••

Notice please how "they" (the compilers of modern reference materials) manage to sneak leftist politics into the most unlikely places.

If it were MY dictionary, I'd probably say "Marxist, Feminist, Post-Modernist thinking is ANATHEMA to anyone who adheres to the dictates of common sense."

~ FreeThinke

WomanHonorThyself said...

during my years as a teacher I was able to touch students too but nowadays ? way girl..they'd cart us all off!..blech!

Anonymous said...

I don't it really about sexuality? Or is it about avoiding a law suit? I know they're intertwined, but public schools will go to these lengths on tons of issues to avoid being sued.
A dear friend of mine (teacher) recently got three weeks of paid vacation 'disciplinary action' b/c she held a boy by the wrist who was trying to slap her and kick her.

The father threatened to sue.
I think they'd rather outlaw all common sense than take any chances.
Just my .02

The Merry Widow said...

Long live modernism!
Well, leftistas and other 'u'topians refuse to believe in Absolutes, so Absolute Truth evades them...and that leads them to thinking and acting in ways that are anathema to HE WHO IS Absolute Truth.
That is a stone wall they are still trying to butt their heads through.
As for hugging children, that is one of the INNOCENT pleasures in life, but then, the leftistas are trying to destroy INNOCENCE!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!

And they are doing a darn good job of it, too!

elmers brother said...

I know of a postal worker, (mail carrier who received a Christmas gift from a little one when he delivered their mail. A neighbor saw the little boy give him a hug. The carrier gave the little boy a polite little hug, thanked him and left. The neighbor called police. The carrier spent months trying to clear it up.

Z said...

WOMANHONORTHYSELF: This is not a public school, it's a small Christian preschool and the parents there adore how much we love their kids, so it's not an issue. Oftentimes, I've been chatting with a parent when a child's run over for a hug, and I've looked up at the parent as I've hugged the kid and said, sarcastically,laughing.. "is this still LEGAL?" and they've laughed and said things like "I sure hope so.." I think most parents are on that side, don't you? It's those rare times when a huge stink's been raised, like ELBRO'S INCREDIBLE STORY that makes everyone run for the hills and take cover. (and I don't mean to be naive here, I'm sure some parent could raise a stink in a private religious school situation...but, none of our staff lets that bother us...I hope we're not being plain stupid$$)'s ALL about lawsuits, that IS my whole point. We can't hug them because of a lawsuit informed by sexuality, right? "YOU hug my child and I will consider that you are hitting on the kid and YOU will be sued for inappropriate behavior" It's ALL about legality, you're absolutely right. THAT is why we're so afraid.

TMW mentions INNOCENCE! YES! Isn't Pinky's suggestion about COMMON SENSE about that? Isn't it common sense to know that children grow better, feel more confident, if the people around them show affection and encouragement and (dare I say this goofy psychobabble phrase?) self accceptance/self confidence? Heck, I know my family loves me, but when a friend hugs me, I feel acceptance, affection, I FEEL GOOD! Why rob our kids of that, right? And I'm NO KID, but I need that, too!

YES! They are trying to grow our children up far too fast, steal their innocence, remove affection from their lives.....why?

ELBRO! What an amazing story and it so well illustrates my point....and I wish it wasn't even in our consciousness; the very idea that someone would see a mailman hug a child for a gift and have problems? It's like when a woman wears a nice dress to work and the boss says "Hey, Sally, nice dress!" She can SUE about THAT, TOO!

MY point here is WHAT IS GOING ON? WHY do we allow ONE stupid incident where a boss WAS a harasser or a teacher DID something untoward to a child to RUIN EVERYTHING FOR ALL OF US?

LAWSUITS. LEFTIST PSYCHOLOGIST IDIOCY. it's REAL cool to read to four year olds "Billy has Two Mommies" but don't hug that four yr old, right?

Anonymous said...

From a Recent Mass Emailing:

OFF TOPIC, but FUNNY–––and so terribly terribly true:

The tribal wisdom of the Dakota Indians, passed on from generation to generation, says that when you discover that you are riding a dead horse, the best strategy is to dismount.

In the realms of post-modern education and ever-expanding government, however, a whole range of far more advanced strategies are often employed, such as:

1. Buying a stronger whip.

2. Changing riders.

3. Threatening the horse with termination.

4. Appointing a committee to study the horse.

5. Arranging to visit other countries to see how others ride dead horses.

6. Lowering the standards so that dead horses can be included.

7. Re-classifying the dead horse as "living-impaired."

8. Hiring outside contractors to ride the dead horse.

9. Harnessing several dead horses together to increase the speed.

10. Providing additional funding and/or training to increase the dead horse's performance.

11. Doing a productivity study to see if lighter riders would improve the dead horse's performance.

12. Declaring that as the dead horse does not have to be fed, it is less costly, carries lower overhead, and therefore contributes substantially more to the bottom line of the economy than do other horses.

13. Rewriting the expected performance requirements for all horses.

14. Promoting the dead horse to a supervisory position.

15. As a last resort, sell it on E-Bay.

~ Freethinke

Z said...

FT, that's fantastic!

But, my last point would be "Make it a Dem talking point against the Rep who allowed the horse to die!"

What do you think?!! HA!!

Anonymous said...

TMW, of course leftists believe in absolutes. They believe in ceding absolute power to an almighty Nanny State whom they want believe has the wisdom, intelligence, discernment and inherent kindness necessary to make all our decisions FOR us, because individuals can NEVER be trusted to make the proper choices for themselves.

Leftists and zealots of every stripe absolutely believe that THEIR particular brand of totalitarianism is the ONLY way human beings should be made to go.

And Pinky, NONE of this was EVER about "sex." It has ALWAYS been about using morbidly exaggerated claims of "widespread" abuse, intolerance and injustice to gain ABSOLUTE POWER and CONTROL.

Those of us who get carried away by a sad, infuriating or frightening story here and there are acting as the unwitting TOOLS of the Cultural Marxist Revolution.

Remember Tawana Brawley. Remember The McMartin Case. Remember the Salem Witch Trials. Remember The Holocaust.

ALL these things and many others too numerous to mention have one thing in common: MASS HYSTERIA followed by PERSECUTION was engendered either by unprincipled or deluded children seeking unwarranted attention, or by wicked unprincipled power-addicted adult manipulators of public opinion seeking God-like powers for themselves.

Should the word of ONE girl or even TEN girls be enough to deprive FIVE-HUNDRED people of the liberty, their homes and the only life they've ever known?

What was happening in the Texas commune may be an "abomination" in the eyes of many, but so are co-habitation without being married, bearing children out of wedlock, oral sex between married partners, having homosexual relations between consenting adults in private, smoking, drinking, over-eating, swearing, wearing thongs on the beach, nudity, immodesty, December-May romances, playing cards, gambling, dancing, mooning, wearing clothes of the opposite sex, pushing one's way to the head of a line, picking one's nose, spitting in the sidewalk, sneezing without covering one's mouth, not bathing properly, not brushing one's teeth, etc. etc. etc. ad infinitum.

Where does it end when we try to legislate, regulate and then SUPERVISE every aspect of human behavior? It ends all the way at the very bottom of a very slippery slope in the middle of a dungheap–––a place no one in his right mind would want to be.

It ends the way Orwell's Animal Farm and 1984 end. It ends in TRAGEDY.

~ FreeThinke

Anonymous said...

the problem comes about because of the endless list of GOPerverts plying our schools, little leagues and church groups. Elimiate Republicanism and the problem is solved...well, all problems are solved. Giordano to you all...

Anonymous said...

Z I like your attitude! In our family we are VERY affectionate towards our children-my kids AND my brother's. We give them LOTS of hugs and kisses and send them out to face the world with all the love they can handle. My brother's wife wasn't raised that way, but I suspect she's getting used to it.


Z said...

PLEASE see PERVBASHER's post, everyone. I'm in moderating mode because they can't add anything with which to educate or enlighten and usually stoop to profanities, too, but this was just too much fun and I had to publish it.

According to him, it's because of REPUBLICANS we have perverts, folks. He might have a point; Republicans have such good values that any discretion shines brighter and louder than a Dem's.

But, let's face it, for Ted Kennedy to talk about waterboarding is almost too much to take, huh?..consider what he did with water and Mary Jo Kopechne? Sure. We have Spitzer, we have the gay gov of New Jersey stepping down, and plenty more; Ya, they got plenty of flack from the media, but anywhere near what Packwood got for doing 1/8th of what Clinton had done? And how about Boy Scouts and allowing gays to lead a troop. Pervbasher probably finds that a great idea but Republicans are perverts.

Sure. We don't expect fine, decent Republicans to have sickness, perversion... so we slam ALL REPUBLICANS and blame them for infiltrating our schools and churches with PERVERTS! It's like let one Christian evangelist do the slightest thing wrong and ALL CHRISTIANITY is wrong!!! As if the Bible told him to commit an indiscretion?

Sure, it's FINE to read "Billy has Two Mommies"...THAT's not perversion, right? But, let an 'open minded' Democrat see a child being hugged and the police need to be called in.

Thanks, Jeffersonville, Ohio....this helps! Vote Obama, by the way. It's good for any Republicans who possibly have the notion of doing the same to see what kind of people they'll be voting with...and they'll change. I promise. Good post.

Z said...

Morgan...I'm So not surprised you're a hugger and kisser. Everyone benefits! Keep it going!
...and how is your sister feeling? (you didn't hug HER, too, did you? Not when an enlightened liberal was around to think you're looking for some incest in the exchange!?) xx

Freedomnow said...


Thanks for your kind words.

cheers to you...

Anonymous said...

We have to remember that children are being taught at younger and younger ages about sex, and it's proclivities. The curriculums in schools across the country demand it.

Sex education is provocative, and raises a young child's level of curiosity beyond the natural curiosity of a child.

While he may not comprehend it the way a young adult would, he may just the same, want to see what it is, or just out of curiosity touch another child inappropriately.

So basically what I'm saying is first they teach it, and then punish innocent children for acting upon it.

Furthermore, it's natural for children to be curious, or for a little child to kiss another on the cheek.

To a child, a kiss on the cheek is just that, and has nothing to do with sex. The child knows it's a way of showing another he likes her, or she, he, as the case may be.

What's going on in elementary classrooms today, is child abuse. The criminals are not the children, they are the adults who insist that children are merely small people.

The person that interprets a slap on the bottom by a six year old, as a sexual act, is the one with a problem. The child just figured, it's a slap on the bottom.

Simply teaching good manners, and an admonishment would have been sufficient.

Let the school administrators worry about being sued by parents who see their children as suffering abuse by those who would rob them of their innocence.

Let school boards worry about being sued for criminalizing, and sexualizing childhood behavior.

It's time parents take back their children. They do not belong to the state, they are yours. You love them. Don't sit by wringing your hands. Take action.

If you can, take your children out of public school, and put them in private or religious schools.

For God's sake, If they can't count on their parents, who can children count on?


Anonymous said...

Eliot Spitzer and Jim McGreevey are DEMOCRATS, Z.

So are Teddy Kennedy, Bill Clinton, Gerry Studds, Barney Frank, and that one-time presidential hopeful from Colorado who got caught with his pants down one too many times, GARY HART, who still musters enough pomposity in his stilted rhetoric to give a good imitation of Winchester Cathedral at 3:00 AM.

The D'Rats will quickly tell us about the sexcapades of Bob Packwood, Henry Hyde, Helen Chenoweth, Bob Livingston and Newt Gingrich, but none of these sinners ever MURDERED a paramour or RAPED an unwilling partner either, and as far as I know, none of them is Gay, Lesbian, Transgendered of Bisexual either. Although a few years back "they" almost desperately pushed the notion that J. Edgar Hoover was not only gay but a drag queen as well.

SURE! And I'm the Ghost of Christmas Present.

~ FreeThinke

Anonymous said...

A news flash for you, Republicanism has been eliminated from our schools. Looks like you'll have to rethink your solution, now that you know what the problem is.

That's right! It's your folks who are in charge. Who else would call a six year old slap on another child's bottom, sexual harassment?

Surely you don't think a six year old should be criminalized as a sex offender.

That should be an easy answer for you, after all I'm sure you have no trouble thinking like a six year old.

Yep, your folks. The ones during the sixties that were so comfortable with their sit-ins in college, they decided to stay and get paid for it.

In effect, their whole lives have been a sit-in. They even spread it down to the lower grades, so they could screw up the little ones as well.

Today we call your folks progressives, and boy, have they progressed. Today, you're making sure those evil six year olds are handcuffed and hauled off.

Just think, when conservatives were in charge, that six year old may have had to sit in the corner or be scolded. Horrors!

Not today, no, you progressives know what's best. Treat that child like the hardened criminal he is. Yes, make sure he knows how terrible he is. Who cares if he doesn't understand what sexual harassment is?

The only thing missing is re-education camps to teach the innocents the wonders of sex, and the punishment for acting like a six year old.

I'm sure you'll get around to that soon enough. Ain't progress grand?


Z said...

Pris and FT, thanks. How can anyone read your posts and not see the truth in it? Only people who hate kids or hate good values could.
This 'Tyranny of the minority' thing where EVERYBODY has to suffer because one lousy lawyer sued someone for something has to STOP. I'm reminded of McDonalds being sued by a woman who spilled coffee in her lap and blamed it on the coffee being too hot. I was waiting for some temperature laws to be enacted. .."Coffee cannot exceed a temperature of..."

wait for it. We've gone insane.

Anonymous said... guys are funny little's not because of GOPs that we have's that GOPs are the pervs...there's a difference and the list is you want me to supply it? Everytime you find someone molesting a child or taking a wide stance at the stall dance, it's a GOPerv or a priest. Be splanin that all you li'l huggers and kissers...and euphemisers. As you know, of course, a man never stands so tall as when he stoops to help a chile...I bet every little GOPiggy who ever went to market had that printed in his shorts.

Anonymous said...

There's a new one everyday...UPDATE:

Bush's promoter in PA charged with male rape

This man has strong connections to Rick Santorum and President Bush.

Bruce Barclay

CARLISLE, Pa. -- A police search warrant document details lurid allegations of male prostitution
and secret sex tapings at a former Cumberland County commissioner's home. Bruce Barclay resigned
last week after officials confirmed that a male had accused him of rape.

Police said Bruce Barclay told them he recorded as many as 500 sexual encounters and that subjects
were not aware they were being taped. Cameras were secreted inside radios, motion detectors and
intercom speakers, according to a search warrant affidavit.

uh yah...see his ideals they was jus so high uh he like had to come down dats rite

Z said...

ALERT TO THE RIGHT: According to the Left, ANYONE who's caught in a gay scandal (the Left likes this the best because outing people is their thing, let's face it), or pedophilia or whatever can blame it ON HIS REPUBLICANISM!
Honestly? I'm not quite sure what they blame the perverts among the Dems on? But, after all, this is a party which excused T Kennedy and champions him till today. You can't make this stuff up! STOP LAUGHING!!!

Thanks, Jeffersonville,'re getting cute with all the different screen names, too!

Anonymous said...

At least you're smart enough to feel the insecurity in your position that keeps you hiding behind that "moderation." hahahaha

Freedomnow said...

Z, my last comment was in regards to your gratitude for making contact with a group of bloggers that you find to be friendly and warm.

I missed the bizarro comment by Giordano and I'd like to talk about it...

His comment is a prime example of leftwing propaganda techniques that have no basis in reality.

He claims that eliminating Republicans would stop the problem and that Republicans are the cause for pedophile perversion in our society.

Yet Pro-pedophile activism is almost exclusively the domain of leftwing extremists. Take NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association) for instance. It grew out of the early Gay Power movement. Frank Kameny, a Gay Rights Pioneer even spoke at a NAMBLA event.

At the same event Melvin Boozer, a Democratic Party candidate for VP, also spoke.

The ardent Communist and Gay Rights Pioneer, Harry Hay, was controversial for advocating NAMBLA inclusion in Gay Pride Parades.

NAMBLA pushes a radical leftwing ideology called, "Ageism". Their website says, "Youth liberation is no different in this respect from Women's Liberation, Gay Liberation, Third World Liberation, or any liberation movement."

When you hold up the truth to the ignorant lies of commentators like Giordano, their house of cards falls quickly.

Brooke said...

Just ridiculous.

Would that the 'system' would focus on helping kids who are REALLY in trouble instead of creating faux victims.

And of course, the kid is now a sex offender and likely has no clue as to the mechanics of sex and the urges that drive people to seek it. Sheesh!

Z said...

"Anxiety"'ll notice I published you before your ridiculous taunt, huh? Your lack of profanity helps you get published here (thanks for wanting in so badly, I'm kinda proud of the site, myself!, glad you agree) and also gives honorable people something to read from the dishonorable amongst us in this country; your kind of thinking, the nastiness behind which you hide to disguise your fear and lack of truth, is a good thing to expose. I thank you for helping me to fulfill this pursuit.

Brooke said...

As long as the troll can mind his manners, keep on publishing those comments, Z.

I can use a few good laughs!

Z said...

freedomnow..."friendly and warm", yes...and OH, so SMART!....

AS exhibited in your thinking reveal the debauchery of the Left like this. No nastiness, no sarcasm, just the FACTS. I wonder if the lefties here will take notice? I sure did and I thank you very much for the good information. It's incredible groups like this even exist. (thanks to the Left)

Anonymous said...

I, personally, think it's unwise to put too much stock in "manners." The mere avoidance of vulgarity accords no genuine protection from malignant thinking.

Z, sorry to say it, but you've been attacked by "Dubya's Disease," a a nasty virus that derails and then destroys meaningful dialogue on blogs, because it takes away from ironing out subtle disagreements and fine points of difference among like-minded people, and reduces conversation to an exchange of thinly-veiled insults at best.

There is an ENORMOUS difference between having an honest difference of opinion and merely trolling for attention or deliberately acting as a nuisance.

I see no value whatsoever in the latter. Confronting and dealing with it–––as we were forced to do at FPM for so many years–––is a waste of time in my honest opinion.

The Enemedia and the Entertainment industry and figures such as Jacksion, Sharpton, Farrakhan, Wright, Kennedy, Pelosi, and the Obamas keep us amply supplied with telling examples of leftist imbecility.

I hope we don't get to see too much of it published here for WHATEVER reason.

"Avoid loud and aggressive persons; they are a vexation to the spirit."

~ from "Desiderata"


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Personally, I find the belief that leftists are actually capable of rational thought to be patently, preposterously absurd.

Believing a leftist could contribute to an intellectual exchange is much like believing a bowling ball can play harmonica.

It's just a ridiculous idea.

Anonymous said...

FT, I must disagree with you about manners. You said,

"The mere avoidance of vulgarity accords no genuine protection from malignant thinking."

IMO, the acceptance of vulgarity accords no genuine protection from malignant thinking either.

In fact, the verbal expression you allude to is an assault on the civility of a society.

When a child is taught manners, he is learning that respect for others is important in life. Good manners create an environment of consideration, and tend to diminish narcissism and selfishness.

Just the idea that a child must be aware that he has to mind his manners is a discipline. The child develops a sense of others, and that how they are treated matters.

Today we're stuck with sexual harassment laws and hate speech laws. Laws and regulation have replaced simple courtesy and voluntary compliance with civil behavior.

Looking at the crass, crude behavior which is accepted in our society today, we can't expect more from our children.

I, personally, think this is a sad commentary, and is by no means conducive to harmony.


Anonymous said...


I certainly don't REJECT civility in discourse, but know full well that people are capable of exquisite cruelty and great insolence while avoiding four-letter words, and direct insults.

Cleverly using the rules that define "politeness" as a cover for insults, hectoring, badgering and perpetual harassment–––the way "Dubya" and "Psi Bond" and "SusieQ" do at FPM–––is one of the most objectionable forms of behavior I know.

I'd much rather see an occasional four-letter word in print and take a direct insult now and then than put up with snide innuendoes, sneering derogation and caustic disdain that merely avoids "vulgarity" while exhibiting viciousness in ways that appear sober, thoughtful and refined at first glance.

In my personal value system substance is far more important than form.

That's really the only point I was trying to make.

Best regards,

~ FreeThinke