Friday, June 13, 2008


SOME OF YOU are saying you aren't going to vote.
Some of you feel that you can't vote for McCain no matter WHAT. Is this exactly what the Left wants? Some say so. Do the reasons behind not voting give the leftist media a chance to scoff at Conservatives (what else is new?)? Is Matt Lauer right in that interview with Coulter? Is Bob Dole right, that people like Rush Limbaugh have to get together behind McCain? Does he have a point?

How do YOU feel? ARE you probably not going to vote? Are you voting no matter HOW much you dislike most of McCain's platform? Do you agree with Mama McCain?

Which issues are of most importance to you? His faith? Iraq? Taxes? Energy? Global Change? His AGE?

Let's talk about it.............who's not voting, who's voting.................and WHY?


Steve Harkonnen said...

It's not what the left wants.

It's driven by the media. But they are getting paid to keep quiet about a third party that runs against the wishes of the real powers. This isn't black helicopter stuff. It is very real.

If you want to stir up a real hornet's nest, watch the sheeple come and argue against what I am saying here. They will deride this theory of mine and claim that I am speaking false stories and that the rumor about globalization is made up and go home, there's nothing here for you to read about.

Steve Harkonnen said...

They say small things start out small:

I see nothing in here that's leftist, communist, or totally dramatic; but what I do see is major upsets for the two parties that always seem to remain in power.

I cannot think of anyone who can sensibly derail this party's logic.

Karen Townsend said...

You know, to be perfectly honest, I am so tired of this chorus of 'I'll just stay home'. It's insane and utterly selfish. It's like the schoolyard brat taking the ball and going home.

Is McCain perfect? No. Was Bush perfect? No. If anyone had bothered to do the research instead of being all happy about another Bush in the White House, his record as governor of Texas would have shown he is a social conservative and fiscal liberal. It was only the social issues, however, that the party was focused on. It was all about cleansing the Oval Office of the Clinton whoring around.

Some of us are not as conservative as others in the Republican party. Some of us are moderates. I am most offended by those piously claiming only those passing the litmus test of who can out-conservative the others is a 'real' conservative. This produces the ones saying they cannot possibly vote for McCain. And, yes, it'll produce a President Obama. When asked about that outcome, some will even say, good, let Obama take the blame as things fall apart and Republicans will get a 'true' conservative next time. Well, that next time, this time around, will be a long way down the road. Personally, I don't like being in the political wilderness.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

If you want to stir up a real hornet's nest, watch the sheeple come and argue against what I am saying here.

I remember the Kristalnacht-esque window-smashing "anti-globalization" riots during the World Trade Conference in Seattle, 1991.

Can't seem to recall when "conservatives" started running with the George Soros / Michael Moore / Noam Chomsky crowd.

Of course, then again, maybe Che Guevara was conservative.

::rolls eyes::

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Some of us are not as conservative as others in the Republican party. Some of us are moderates. I am most offended by those piously claiming only those passing the litmus test of who can out-conservative the others is a 'real' conservative. This produces the ones saying they cannot possibly vote for McCain.

I'm a conservative that wants and A-plus conservative President tentatively planning to vote for B-plus conservative McCain (been wearing a gasmask for this year's election for quite a while), but I will admit that McCain still has quite an opportunity to piss me off (with his running mate choice). For now, I'm all about the defeat of leftist Obama.

Even if McCain were able to live up to be Bush's third term, it would still be better than the Obamanation.

Anonymous said...

Thank you...I've been saying this for months now

Thanks for your visit

Great Blog

Papa Frank said...

I'll be voting if for no other reason than the age of the Supreme Court. McCain will certainly not be ideal on this but he should at least give better odds of accidently choosing a good conservative.

Anonymous said...

There are three choices:

Vote for McCain/Against Obama
Vote for Obama/Against McCain
Stay home (a plus for Obama)

Like Karen, I am a moderate conservative; government should offer some programs to our citizens who occasionally need a jump-start – but not as many as currently exist. I mostly believe that many social programs need to reside within states and local communities, rather than the federal government. I disagree with McCain on several issues, not the least of which is immigration policy and drilling domestic oil. I respect him for being a political maverick, and he does follow the ideal of country before party. I’ll be voting for McCain . . . even if he isn’t a Ronald Reagan – who was a “one of a kind” president in the mould of Theodore Roosevelt.

I absolutely agree with Karen. I am a moderate conservative because I distrust the far right as much as I do the far left; contrary to what many people are saying, this election does provide the American voter with a clear choice. We can elect a Marxist (Obama), or we can elect a man who seeks to maintain our traditional values, even if we do disagree with a few of his priorities.

Gayle said...

I agree with Karen, Beamish and Mustang. It would be incredibly stupid to sit home or to vote for a third party. If Steve wants to refer to me as a "sheeple" because I don't agree with him then that's hunky-dorry with me too. I do believe the threat of globalization is real, but I don't see how voting for a third party that doesn't have any chance of winning is going to stop it.

Steve says "if you want to stir up a real hornet's nest, watch the sheeple come and argue against what I am saying here." I must ask how is watching what others say in any way going to result in "stirring up a hornet's nest"? Doesn't make any sense whatsoever. Neither am I claiming he is speaking false stories. There's a lot of truth to the effort toward globalization, but throwing away our votes in November is not going to solve it!

I too am sick and tired of those conservatives who whine that McCain isn't conservative enough. They can't get a candidate who agrees with them 100% on all their pet issues, so they will either not vote or vote for a third party. They deride us for "picking the lesser of two evils." Sheesh! I've read that until I'm sick of it! McCain is not "evil". He is a man of good character and he will buck any plan of either party if he doesn't agree with it. No, I don't agree with him on all issues but so what? At least he honestly cares about our troops and the safety of this country.

So to those who choose to stay home I only have this to say: If Obama becomes the President in 09 then you who withhold your vote will be as much to blame for that as will the people who vote for him. Please roll that around in your brains for a few minutes at least, because it's people like Steve who refuse to vote that threw Congress and the Senate to the libs! Thanks a bunch! GRRRR!

Z said...

dd2 Debonair Dude.....thank you for coming by. I didn't realize you were on the restaurant blog with incognito, who's becoming a friend of mine! I just posted at the rest. site that I made that african chicken and it is OUTRAGEOUSLY good! Hope to see you around a lot, and thanks for the kind word!

Papa......That's the PENULTIMATE importance, no matter what else we think of McC....SCOTUS! LIFETIME appointments.

to the rest of you:

I'm on your side. Steve??? Let's hear the arguments again!


cube said...

I'm voting for McCain because I feel the odds are better to have a strong military under his watch.

Obama has the audacity to give a college graduation speech about public sevice without once mentioning the military as one choice. Leftist that he is, he disdains the military as much as Hillary & Bill did.

Then there is the SCOTUS & the appointments that inevitably will be required soon. Although Reagan did appoint Kennedy and Papa Bush did appoing Souter, still the odds are better for McCain appointing a more conservative judge. There is no doubt but that Obama will appoint an activist liberal.

nanc said...

it will depend solely upon his running mate with me.

otherwise i'm doing a write in.

i don't know why on earth conservatives didn't get serious about starting a new party DIRECTLY after "w" was reelected.

it gets rather sickening to have to repeatedly apologize for having voted for the lesser of two evils.

Z said...

cube..I'm with you.

nanc...that's what I said to Steve, either here or at his site; Conservative Write-ins, or the Constitution party, which seems pretty darned cool to me so far, will have to start TOMORROW for 2012 if they're going to hope to have any kind of real traction then! You need tons of money and name recognition...NOBODY has that now but the two we're faced with.
I agree with you..... it ain't gonna happen this time.

But, I disagree with you on the VP selection being so important (except if McC picks "mr. Green"Crist, I MAY rethink my stance, but I doubt it...I'll have to hold my nose AND be ill or something to vote then)....

IT"S THE SCOTUS! That is the MOST important thing now and we DO have a chance with McCain on good judges, honest judges. Let's not kid ourselves into thinking Ginsberg and the other ol' fart were stickin' around because they need the money and prestige; they were sticking around for the next lefty president, so he could replace them with the same agenda-driven NUTS that they are.

Rita Loca said...

I will vote McCain. already have my absentee ballot headed to Paraguay. The alternative is too horrible to imagine.
I watched as people stayed home in Venezuela and did not vote...we got Chavez!!!
Commander in chief Obama??? NOPE!
Supreme Court is my second reason.
Third reason... Obama, Obama, Obama!

Anonymous said...

Nanc, We're now winning in Iraq. Would that be the case if Kerry had won?

We have to stay on offense in the war against the Islamists. It won't wait four years.

Why feel you have to apologize for your vote? It's no one else's business. Besides, the day could come when people may wish Bush were still in office. It could come sooner than we think.


The Merry Widow said...

As an American, and knowing my civic duty, I cannot stay home and not vote(though I am tempted too.)
I will not vote for mccain, I WILL vote against obama...but mccain had better pick a decent vp!
SCOTUS is a good reason, along with Iraq/Afghanistan/Iran.
AND Israel!


Right Truth said...

For us it has never been a question of whether to vote or not, but WHO and WHAT to vote for. We cannot vote for Obama, it will kill us to vote for McCain. We have talked about a 'write in' vote, ...

None of those are good answers. I bet when we walk into the voting booth, we will pull the lever for McCain and get sick afterwards.

Debbie Hamilton
Right Truth

Z said...

Hi, debbie, and welcome...I think you're right...I think even some lib dems are going to go into the voting booth and think "well, Obama's cool, but.........TERROR PROTECTION SAFETY............McCain"

Now, another problem is voter fraud...I firmly believe we'll experience a lot and it could tear us apart for awhile..I hope not.

Tmw......I'm so with you on this.

kevin said...

I going to vote for McCain, but I'm not happy about it. I'm still shocked that he won the nomination. Reagan was the last real conservative president as far as I'm concerned. He was the most popular President in my lifetime, yet the GOP keeps rolling out these moderates who can barely beat the most ridiculous left wingers. Bush I lost to Bill Clinton because he forgot to read his own lips. Bush II was lucky to defeat Gore and Kerry by very narrow margins. All of this is because Republicans act like they should be embarrassed of their own principals, always hedging their bets with liberalism.
Reagan didn't do that, he told everyone how it was going to be and did as much as he could. He was rewarded with massive popularity. Until the GOP figures this out, we're always going to lose or narrowly win.

Anonymous said...

Pulls lever for McCain...

Anonymous said...

...notes that there wasn't a "somebody better" lever and thinks that if there's ever gong to be one, the time to start building it is NOW!

Anonymous said...

Hello Zin, how are you? McCain was attacking "Big Oil'' yesterday. This guys sounding more liberal everyday. If he thinks he's going to win by running as a liberal, he's making a huge mistake. Liberals will vote for the liberal and thats Obama. I wonder just who is telling McCain to do this. Johnnymac.

cube said...

I say we start grooming the next best conservative for the elections in 2012. Meanwhile, we MUST kept Obama out of the white house. This is an imperative. We must'nt relive the election of 2006 which brought us Speaker Pelosi.

Even if you don't love McCain, he is better than Obama.

Z said...

Johnnymac, there are already organizations of Clinton voters forming to vote for McCain..plenty of liberals will be. Even liberals can't vote for the biggest empty teflon suit we've ever had!!

Cube...exactly right. Let's start TOMORROW getting a great conservative established for 2012, it's the only chance we have of returning this country to conservative sanity..EXCEPT, I firmly believe the Marxists have our kids and I hate to think how many MORE university grads will be voting in 2012. They are probably not going to be conservatives and this is why David Horowtiz ( so much in fairness in the schools. We need to support him!

Karen Townsend said...

Good candidates for President come from down ballot. Grassroots efforts in state elections are the key. I am working actively in the Republican party of my state to keep our Republican senators and representatives. Working to elect solid Republicans for future elections. Just waking up and expecting someone to appear doesn't happen. State level work is the key.

Anonymous said...

You bet the stars and stripes I will vote McCain.

To stay home because someone is not conservative enough is so cowardly.

And by the way, Presidnet Reagan gave us Justice Kennedy, didn't he?

But maybe with McCain I won't get another Stevens or Ginsberg.

You see, that is how life is, no such thing as perfection.

Oh, yes, there is a big giant globalization movement afoot, has been for years, and you can rest assured Mr. Obama is all for it.

He has already informed us he will talk to all the bad guys of the world, give em a hug and feel their pain.He will be sure to go after war criminals, sure has a nice ring to it, doesn't it? And after this decision by SCOTUS , I can see who will be helping in this endeavor.

He wants to Change America.

Third parties will simply give us more watered down parties, I think.
The fact is, voting is about civic duty to our country, not our own pet peeves, so I wil be a grown up and vote for a grown up, because it is not about me, it is about the future of AMERICA.

And what Karen and others says, resonates with me.

I am not lock step on every single issue with other Conservative types.


Always On Watch said...

I never sit out an election. Never.

IMO, any who don't vote should not criticize the eletorate or the elected candidates.

No way on this planet that I'll cast my ballot for Obama.

I'll need a gas mask when I push the "vote" button on the machine.

Z said...

WVDOTTR and AOW..thanks, I feel the same way. We had a rinky-dink election here 2 weeks or so ago........I felt terrible I hadn't voted and finally left after dinner to make sure i did.

Anonymous said...

Hey Z,
I'll vote for McCain.
I'd never consider not voting.
I'll vote for him for his stance on the military, abortion, gun ownership, and other social issues. I'm not at all happy with his stance on immigration. I agree with Kevin about Reagan, by the way. I'd personally rather see Romney as our nominee right now. Oh well.

Conservatives better not play the 'stay at home' game....the dems sure won't be!

MathewK said...

Why do conservatives have to reach out to McCain, isn't a candidate supposed to reach out to his supporters. I think McCain will win a lot of votes if he starts leaning the right way on some issues and there is still time for him to do so.

Anonymous said...

All you guys are right in thrack here!
I'm with you on this. It's got to be

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

McCain is a conservative, if you can resist the urge to call the oxymoron known as reactionary populism "conservatism."

To me, that's the problem. Too many reactionary populists think they're "conservatives," and they're not.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I mean, what's the purpose of "conservatives" organizing a party for an election 4 years away?

What's the purpose of not doing so 4 years ago (or in Ron Paul's case, 80 years ago?)

elmers brother said...

I've decided to vote for McCain...Iran is a huge issue for me.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


Reagan also said "Going over a cliff with your flags flying high is still going over a cliff."

He said this in reaction to "conservatives" in 1976 who said "I'm not voting for Gerald Ford."

And so we got Jimmy Carter.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...
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(((Thought Criminal))) said...

"You can't win the Presidency with conservative voters alone. But you can't win the Presidency without them at all." - Richard Nixon.

Z said...

beamish: The difference between a populist and a a few words from you?

Please? We'd like to know.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Populists believe all of a nation's problems can be solved with a bumper sticker.

Anonymous said...

John McCain, flawed though he may be, is our only realistic hope that we might get a non-Marxist-dominated Supreme Court.

For that reason alone all conservative and libertarian people of good conscience must vote for McCain.

Anyone who abstains from voting or tries to support some hopeless third-party or write-in candidate is adding to the problem, and will help hand Obama the victory.