Tuesday, June 3, 2008

WHAT TO POST about Obama getting the nod today, I wondered.........

..........and then I received this email and it about echoes my sentiment about half of America.

Snow White & The Seven Dwarfs

The seven dwarfs always left to go work in the mine
early each morning.
As always, Snow White stayed home doing her
domestic chores.

As lunchtime approached, she would prepare their
lunch and carry it to the mine.

One day as she arrived at the mine with the lunch,
she saw that there had been a terrible cave-in.
Tearfully, and fearing the worst, Snow White began
calling out, hoping against hope that the dwarfs had
somehow survived.

'Hello!...Hello!' she shouted. 'Can anyone hear me? Hello!'

For a long while, there was no answer.
Losing hope, Snow White again shouted,
'Hello! Is anyone down there?'

Just as she was about to give up all hope,
she heard a faint voice from deep within the mine singing.....
'Vote for Barack Obama! - Vote for Barack Obama!'
Snow White fell to her knees, crossed herself and prayed,
'Oh, thank you, God! At least Dopey is still alive...

An UPDATE: now there's this.....and THIS! Hi Ho....Hi Ho........

Here's ANOTHER UPDATE: I am SO confused..and really scared. The DREAM TEAM? WHY do I suddenly feel like I'M down in that cave-in with the rest of the dwarfs. Now, I will make like Snow White and go cross myself and fall to my knees. You'll excuse me, please...........


kevin said...

Given Obama's admitted drug use, I'd say the Dopey parallel works on many levels.

Anonymous said...

There is no question Obama is a dwarf . . . he certainly qualifies to be Dopey, albeit not a lovable. Now, why would we want a dopey dwarf as president?

Z said...

I'm more worried about more than half of the American public being DOPEY....
When he wins, I'll worry about HIS dopiness, too (and doping, Kevin!)

Z said...

by the way.....talk about DOPEY.

I can't stand to watch Hannity answer ineptly when Colmes starts talking about "who cares about Obama's past?"

WHY doesn't Hannity remind him how MUCH the left cared when Bush was accused of doping, drinking, getting out early from military service, having a silver spoon in his mouth, running a ball team into the ground? HELLO, ALLAN?????? GET IT!?

I wish HANNITY would GET IT.

MathewK said...

LOL, good one Z.

Anonymous said...

Good, Zee . . . you can send Hannity an email; just keep it simple for him.

Back to Obama, if you were in his shoes (knowing all you know about Vince Foster), would YOU want HC as your "next in line?"

Hey, just asking . . .

Z said...

mustang..maybe I should send him an email!! Thanks!

And re: HC, Foster and Obama? I don't know, from the looks of it, if I were Obama, I'd be scared that Bill could get just a TAD angry and explode!! And, I think HC is the only person on the planet who COULD pull off doing in Obama and nobody'd know. Heck, she probably did JFK in! How old was she then, 10? Ya, SHE could have.........

heh heh

Anonymous said...

Golly geez we have Dopey - Obama and Alice - Hillary in wonderland.

What a pair! I guess McCain is like Jack and bean stalk. Better run from Dopey and Alice, Jack! LOL!

Anonymous said...

That was funny! Thanks for giving me something to laugh about tonight Z. I just finished watching Hillary sound better than McCain. Someone hand me a barfbag. Hurry!


Karen Townsend said...

Dear Lord, the Dream Team. I could barf myself. I don't think I can take that much sanctimonious based speechifying through the summer and into autumn.

Z said...

Morgan, I heard the media say how pathetic McCain sounded and "he was on teleprompeter" which KILLED me because I've never seen Obama off teleprompter. I thought McCain (and I'm no fan) sounded very sincere and sweet..for a change. "They" say he needs to brush up, that he's not had to do this kind of speech in some months now.

IF we could ONLY convince America that "speechifyin'" isn't as important as having experience and loving this country, huh?

karen..I'm with you.

and now I'm going to post something I found very amusing which happened to me just now when I was voting for judges and Controller (or something!)

beakerkin said...

Obama is all packaging and an empty box.

Anonymous said...

The barfbag wasn't needed for delivery or technique, it was needed for content...He threw the President under the bus LOOOONG before moving on to the Dems. I just hate his disloyal ways and how he uses Dem talking points to go after Bush.


Always On Watch said...

Will Oprah broker the reconciliation media event between Barack and Hillary?

Z said...

OH, AOW...what do you want to bet? Shudder.

Morgan. It's true. Except we're STUCK. If he picks Crist, even I will decide our country's lost and why the heck vote, anyway?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I love political manuevering almost as much as I love football and war. I can step away from the fact that I disagree with a candidate and gauge his political skills on a tactical level.

If this election were a football game analogy, Obama is your local junior high school team's 3rd string squad challenging the New England Patriots. Obama is just that awful of a politician.

McCain is going to trounce Obama.

It's really not fair to McCain. He wanted a challenge.

Z said...

beamish..how do ya figure?