Monday, July 28, 2008


UPDATE: Here's the LATEST! I heard Obama doesn't only want to give away $845 BILLION, he is now saying WE need more stimulus packages! Correct me if I'm wrong, but if we didn't give away billions, maybe we wouldn't need stimulus packages? I was never great at math (TRUST me!) but............?? HELP!
Here's the story: Obama's $845 billion U.N. plan forwarded to U.S. Senate floor 'Global Poverty Act' to cost each citizen $2,500 or more. Even liberals have brains enough to know THIS isn't good for America. Except Obama, who proposed it, and his followers. Please, please get the news out that this is happening and contact your senators. And watch the Glenn Beck video..we have to be informed, even if it's of our demise. THIS HAS BEEN A PUBLIC SERVICE MESSAGE. Z


Anonymous said...

Thanks Z. This is important. I'm fed up with Washington voting on life-altering legislation without our knowledge.

When I first heard about this we weren't even told it's passage was imminent.

I have copied the article from WND and will pass it on to all I know. I recommend calling our Representatives and if they voted for it, give 'em hell.


Z said...

what hell can we give, Pris? the damage is probably already done.

This is so astonishing to me...

I feel we're riding the tide...down

shoprat said...

This does need to be exposed.

WomanHonorThyself said...

will anyone truly care Z..I feel all is already lost girl!

Chuck said...

This is wrong on so many levels. Think about giving the money to the UN. What little of it doesn't go to "administrative costs" and out and out pocketed will be spent to send pedophiles (beter known as UN aid workers) to third world countries.

The reality on this though is that it is just grandstanding by Obama. He will propose it, Bush will veto it, Obama will attack Bush and campaign on his attempt to help the poor of the world if we could just get rid of the mean old Republicans.

What's scary though is that it is a sign of things to come. If we let this man win and gain a veto proof majority in Congress, we better hold on to our 'assets'.

Z said...

Chuck, everyone...we'll have nothing else if Obama wins.
I know my own small business won't survive higher taxes. I'm certain of that.

And we are doing NOTHING, you all know that! NOTHING.'s all in Obama's favor these days.
-He talks taking soldiers out and al-Maliki agrees (tho on a different scale and contingent timing, but most Americans don't hear that and the msm's not making sure they do)
-Obama goes to Iraq and today Petraeus is talking about taking troops levels down. (yes, contingent, but I'm sure CNN won't mention that)
-McCain has another mole removed today..if it's bad, then what?
-Obama looks like the BIG HERO because EUROPE LIKES HIM! Most Americans don't even GET that this isn't about Europe...Americans just like to be liked.
-Our kids and other voters aren't even educated enough to understand that even higher spending than what Bush has done will KILL this country and that the LIberals kind of like the sound of that
-Americans see Merkel and Sarkozy apparently sucking up to THE HERO and think "See? they LIKE HIM!" Funny, but the politicians not running couldn't stand him! Did any of you hear any of that, except here? NO. Of COURSE those in office played nice..they'll have to deal with him.
-Iran's stepping up the insurgency in iraq, did you hear? Just yesterday there were quite a bit of blasts? Iran's playing our electorate like a fine toothed comb and Americans fall for it! Sure...they know Americans are now weak and will be saying "let's get the heck out of there" if they can see things aren't totally safe there today!!

Well...we could all go on and on, but what's the point. We bloggers will keep on blogging until we can't anymore.

And that will happen with the Fairness Doctrine, too....just wait.

OY, am I not happy today!! I never thought I'd see liberals ruin our country's potential quite so lethally and quite so happily.

and who's doing anything about it?

We have a senate who mostly thinks THIS BILL is a GREAT ONE!! WHAT???????

Anonymous said...

Thanks Z for letting us know about this one. I had not realized this. And I keep up with Obama to keep my readers informed. I will email the link to my friends to read about this here.


Sorry for the off topic. I mentioned you in a blog post I did over the weekend and I thought I left you a link to it in another post, but maybe I thought I did and didn't - anyways I did not want you to miss out on this!

Z said...

Layla, thanks So much...and thanks very much for honoring me with such great bloggers in your excellent piece! terrific!

Papa Frank said...

If Obama starts driving our country the next stop for America is the THIRD WORLD!!! It's going to be of vital importance to defeat Obama but we must not lose sight of our state elections as it may be the best defense against Obama's agenda if he does get the keys.

Gayle said...

Papa Frank is right - the state elections are extremely important!

Thanks, Z. I heard about this and have forwarded it out to everyone I know. It will go around faster in e-mails than on our blogs and it's important that people get it who don't spend much time reading political blogs.
Good job!

Anonymous said...

hey, I have been telling people this stuff for a good while.

Don't think it will pass, thanks to Sen. Coburn of Oklahoma?

He is holdig up Reid's little bundles of bills..but keep the heat and light on these rats/

Obama has been talking about economic justice...gee, wonder what THAT could be.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

All I can is "US Constitution, Article IV."

If the world wants out money, they gotta join the club.

Incognito said...

yeah I had seen this.. brankrupt us further to aide those who hate us and want our demise. Good going, Obama!

Z said...

Great comments, everybody.

Have you heard this?

Now OBAMA, who wants to give these BILLIONS to the world, has decided WE need a stimulus packages!!!

I mean, you can't make this stuff UP!! We'll give away BILLIONS then struggle to figure out how to help ourselves!?


And, yes...Gayle's right; WE HAVE TO GET THIS OUT THRU EMAILS EVERYONE....get it OUT THERE!! To LIBS AND CONS>>.> this has to cross the aisle, and if a lib can't take it and thinks this is a dandy idea, delete their email from your friendship list!! (HAA!)

I haven't been watching news lately.........HAS THIS BEEN MENTIONED ANYWHERE?

Anonymous said...

z, this is horrifying. I feel as if I'm going to be sick. Everyone needs to know about this. While the Australian PM Kevin Rudd works on a similar plan to destroy Australians, your own Machiavelli is looking to do the same to you. I'm linking to this post.

MathewK said...

Ah so now it makes sense, when he talks about change, this what he means, he'll take your money and leave you with some change, if you're lucky.

No wonder the world loves Obama, he's going to bring them more free money.

nanc said...

this won't matter - at the 'tort the libs are saying everybody's just going to have to suck it up for a year or two and pay this deficit down even if it means raising taxes.


Ducky's here said...

Just in case you want some facts on the bill and don't want to act like a bunch of drama queens being suckered this seems a little at odds with the World Net screed

Z said...

"To require the President to develop and implement a comprehensive strategy to further the United States foreign policy objective of promoting the reduction of global poverty, the elimination of extreme global poverty, and the achievement of the Millennium Development Goal of reducing by one-half the proportion of people worldwide, between 1990 and 2015, who live on less than $1 per day"

Right, Ducky..."if they only aren't starving, they'll LIKE us!" right? wrong. Have you seen that work after all the tsunami relief? NO. Anywhere else?

Do people in the Left honestly believe we haven't done enough? How about in AFRICA? NO??? When does it STOP? When we're bankrupt so badly we can't even help ourselves anymore? Isn't that important?

You trust the UN..most of us don't. The only people who could trust the UN have to be people who'd put the UN over America because they've so rarely sided with us.......

This bill is another "America shouldn't have her riches and we'll bring her down SOME WAY..Kumbaya....won't it be FUN when they LIKE US?" was good to read it and see it's as bad as I'd thought.

John BOlton for President.

cube said...

The Global Poverty Act goes even farther than just costing us money. It will cost us our individuality. Obama wants America to be more like Europe and this will bring us closer to their levels of taxation, their laws, etc. Pardon my French, but this guy is one scary MF*er.

Ducky's here said...

It will cost us our individuality?

What individuality? Global popular culture robbed you of that long ago.

Go watch "The Dark Knight" with everyone else and stop whining.

Papa Frank said...

Of course YOU have absolutely NO individuality duckling. In fact your witless comments are the same boring drivel spewed by the main stream media. Those of us capable of original thought hold our individuality in high regards. If you will notice, nobody here holds McCain as a deity like the leftards view Obama. We realize that McCain is not an ideal conservative but we are also not foolish enough to be blind to the fact that he is 300 times better equipped to run our country than Obama. You leftards think that your candidate must be perfect and refuse to criticize him even as he refuses to admit any of his own errors. (most recently his view of the surge)

Z said...

Pops, isn't it weird how the 'leftards' always need PERFECTION? and if perfection can't come naturally, there has to be a LAW?
Perfect equality, perfect distribution of wealth (economic 'justice' as obama stupidly says as if that doesn't denote socialism?) etc etc.

One person takes a pill and dies and the millions who benefited from that pill have to stop taking it...etc etc.

LAWS LAWS LAWS.........the left LOVES them; it's the difference of FREEDOM vs LAWS which I think fairly well describes conservatives from liberals. We believe in freedom to live our lives, take care of our own, thrive.....the left wants to take what you have to those who don't have will now have and, pretty soon, TRUST ME, there'll be a law for THAT, too!!