Saturday, September 27, 2008

Bloggers: I got a gift tonight which I want to share with ALL OF YOU...please read the whole post here; you deserve the gift.

Something I often hear from bloggers (including myself) is "We're just PREACHING TO THE CHOIR! We're not making a difference like we'd like to, we're not influencing...we're just typing into a big echo chamber......who cares?"

And then I got an email tonight from a very dear friend and I wanted to share this part of it with you:
"Thanks for helping bind us all together, Z; I wouldn't want to go through this alone. Love you for your heart and passions!"

WE ALL, ALL OF US BLOGGERS, have heart and we have passions, and I felt this wonderful comment was really for ALL OF YOU. And I salute you like my dear friend Ron salutes me.

Here is a friend who reads my blog, never comments, doesn't have his own blog, but he reads it and it helps him to feel less alone in what's happening to America these days, he feels blogs are "helping bind us all together." You ALL have some readers like Ron!
Bloggers, we ARE doing something!...we are NOT just singing to the choir. Chins up, fellow all deserve that sentiment at least as much as I do, you know that.

Smart, passionate, and dedicated. And people read our stuff, people we don't know are there, and they feel bonded, they feel less alone in the process.

I think that's good. I hope you do, too.

Thanks, Ron... from all of us.


Anonymous said...

You know Z, this is so nice, and I know how he feels. When I first went on FPM, it was to share my concerns out of sheer frustration and worry about our country.

I found affirmation and friendship, much to my surprise at the time. And, I was so lucky to find a true friend in you.

Sometimes aloneness is just a feeling but it can be burdensome. We can't drive our loved ones crazy with constant talk about our worries.

Like your friend, sometimes I choose just to read people's opinions without posting. Interesting, smart people with something to say, and many times that's enough.

So I'd like to say to your friend, I for one am glad he feels comfortable and pleased enough to keep coming back. Maybe one of these days he'll join us with a comment. I know he would be most welcome. And thanks to him we find we have more company than we realized. That is a gift.


Average American said...

I hadn't given it much thought Z, but you're right, we do have a lot more traffic than comments. It's nice to think that just maybe something I wrote helped someone else have a brighter day, lessened their load and let them know they're not alone. Thanks for the pick-me-up!


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad that Pris is eloquent, because I SO am not! ;-)
She said just what I was thinking.
Even here in TX where I'm surrounded by conservatism, I feel bombarded by the brainwashing of the MSM, and that begins to feel isolating. So blogging has definitely helped to empower me, politically...and as Pris said, I'm blessed to have made some wonderful friends like Z!


MathewK said...

Thanks for sharing that with us Z. It does sometimes feel like we are screaming into an echo chamber, but it's good to know we are all doing our bit to support each other and those silent folks who are with us in spirit.

Beth said...

I try to leave comments when I visit blogs, to let the author know I have visited. But it's okay, too, if people don't. It is encouraging to think we do make a difference.

I do enjoy blogging around and getting to "know" so many great people across our country.

Anonymous said...

Yup, we're bloggers. If anyone doubts our impact, ask Dan Rather. Not bad for a bunch of folks sitting around in our pjs. Drove that mendacious, over-preening windbag from the scence. Carpe Diem gang and remember, "And the Lord said, Love thy nieghbor unless he's a lib. In that case, kill the bastard''. Well,maybe HE didn't say that...but you get the idea. J'Mac.

Rita Loca said...

we are passionate! I get about 200 hits a day but average 20 comments or so, so someone is reading!!!

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...

What's interesting sometimes, is monitoring just where the traffic is coming from, and what key words in search engines. Some of my posts come up in the strangest places.

Z said...

I had ARMENIA the other day. Imagine?

VERY weird to see the many different countries who see our stuff thru the internet....blows my mind.

I realy DO think it's important because, as a friend who lives in Europe told me, "Here in Europe, you'd think Obama's just going to be annointed because all we hear about here is HIM, not McCain..."

WE have to make sure people hear there ARE two choices and WHY and why Obama's naivitee isn't shared by all Americans.

heidianne jackson said...


Bloviating Zeppelin said...

This is PRECISELY why Rush Limbaugh is where he is today. He gave VOICE to the thoughts of a MASSIVE amount of persons, and people began to actually realize:


There is comfort in two things: unity and being correct.


Chuck said...

Thanks Z, I'm just starting so I have yet to have the impact I want to eventually, but the posters are right, we do get more viewers than responders. If we are showing them another view, they may take it to someone else at work the next day and so on. I have no desire to indoctrinate anyone, I want all who read me to have free will. I have no qualms though of spreading my conservative viewpoint.

Z said...

excellent comments..thanks.

No, Chuck, nobody wants to indoctrinate..

what we are mostly worried about is this:


We can't have's bad enough having a media in the bag for Obama...we have to reach out and readers/voters another way of looking at him; expose the truths we see, or at least the curious things which haven't been addressed...things ANY Republican would have had to address....

we only HOPE we get enough off the internet, Google links, etc., who read our stuff and start to THINK!

Always On Watch said...

Many visitors do not comment. They are reading for information they can't find elsewhere.

A very encouraging post, Z!

Z said...

Thanks, everyone.

When I got that email from my friend, I thought "This is IT..this is what we blog for." And I wanted to share it with you all, who deserve to know this.

So, in the next weeks of blogging, we just have to work HARD at revealing the truth.
We have to remind people Obama is NOT running against Bush; that is KEY. He did an excellent job at trying to make it sound like mcCain WAS Bush during the debate. I know, some of you love Bush, and that's fine...I admire a lot about him, too, but let's face it; HE IS NOT A POPULAR PRESIDENT at THIS POINT.

We have to keep pounding on that mischaracterization, and we have to keep pounding on obama's inexperience, his murky background, and everything else.

Trouble is, certain elements in our society have made it SO PC to DARE to say a THING that might reflect negatively on any part of Obama's life that you're considered mean and reactionary or racist or bigoted or WHATEVER when you're TELLING THE TRUTH about him.

This was all VERY VERY well planned.. I believe Obama's been groomed; or something LIKE him was meant to be groomed and then he got on the scene and they decided "HERE'S OUR GUY"

He got through the corrupt Chicago political guys; he SAYS he had a big publisher approach HIM (WHAT? I write, that is a LIE, a TOTAL LIE) and say "Hey, you went to Harvard, you're 24 (or so), WRITE YOUR MEMOIRS!" What NUT believes that?

I'm done. We can't not fight, folks. We've GOT TO FIGHT>

Righty64 said...

When I started my blog, it was WEEKS before I got the first comment. I did not realize anyone took the time of day to read what I had to say. To this day, Mrs. rightviewfromtheleftcoast will ask why I do it. And, the answere is that I have a lot to say and hope that it has some impact on some one else. And, while I mostly write about current events and politics, I like to stray and write about sports and animal welfare-not rights-and the culture. But, it is not an echo chamber. Sometimes, it is having a diologue with some one from the other side. And, if they are not overly unhinged, it can be fun. But, I think we do have more of an impact than we think. Thanks for the post!