Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fascinating link.......Learn about Iraq and its surroundings in 10 minutes

This video is excellent...especially considering it's msnbc.

I learned more in a few minutes about the region including IRAQ than I have since I first heard the word IRAQ (which, frankly, sometimes I wish I never had).

It explains a lot.............I hope you take the time.



Anonymous said...

Great video, Z!
I did learn a lot.

I've often wondered when and why the Sunnis and Shias sp? split.

I'm still perplexed about who is less trustowrthy / more militant??

Ducky's here said...

As many have observed, and Bobby Woodward even spelled it out on 60 minutes, there will be the 'Dolchstosslegende' trotted out when we leave Iraq. W/o their ever having made the argument about what victory means, or even planning any sort of exit strategy.

And you folks are just deciding that you might want to learn something about Iraq (or Islam)?

Ducky's here said...

I'm terribly troubled, z. I went to the Gardner again to kill a little time until film time at the MFA.

Now I've probably been there a couple hundred times but it's such a funky place that some new item catches your eye ever visit and sure enough, right there in the alcove with Sargent's "El Jaleo" is an Islamic tile with a very recognizable verse from the Koran concerning the magnificence of God's creation.

I'd always thought of her as a very remarkable woman (she really was critical to the development of public museums in the U.S.) but now I see it was just more dhimmitude. Really sad.
... and the script made it very clear the tile was Saudi. They were active in their propaganda even then.

Z said...

then you're stupid, offense.
Nobody's ever said there isn't a shred of something positive in islam. We never (I mean NEVER) see it lately, we only see the cruelty, the ugliness, and it's surprising nominal muslims don't speak out, isn't it? But, no...that's your problem. Funny, the more 'religious' the islamists get, the more they completely overshadow what positive influences they ever contributed, but I know you're a big fan; so, enjoy.

(and trust me, your sarcasm isn't lost to anybody here, I'm just playing your dumb game)

As far as Iraq, most of us know a lot more than we ever wanted to know, but I thought a concise, clear video might help everyone see why what we're doing has been so important. Even msnbc agrees. Go figure.

kevin said...

pinky, this should answer your first question.

To answer your second question, Wahhabism is a branch of Sunni Islam and is favored by the House of Saud.

CJ said...

I thought I had a good-enough idea of the situation over there, but this video was very clarifying. Thanks.

(Really, only massive spiritual warfare -- prayer and evangelism for instance -- can handle that mess).

Brooke said...

Sometimes, I think most Americans don't even realize that Iran borders Iraq.

Ducky's here said...

I swear z, it's rampant.

If you and Mr. z ever visit Boston I'll take you through the museum and show you. I'll even buy everyone lunch at the Cafe (they make a good mimosa).

Ducky's here said...

Sometimes, I think most Americans don't even realize that Iran borders Iraq.


Remember when Jihn McCheese was going on about the Iran/Pakistan border?

Someone ask him if Iraq borders Saudi. See if he can do better.

Anonymous said...

It all comes down in the end to a choice between ANNIHILATION or SUBJUGATION.

Z said...

anonymous...I'm more worried about that HERE in the US than THERE.
scary that liberals look at national security as a political ploy.

Brooke said...

Ducky, I'll ask him that right after I finish up my tour of all 57 states.

CJ said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
CJ said...

(rewritten to correct bad phrasing).

Ducky's comment that many Americans may not even know that Iran borders Iraq unfortunately may be true, but it always strikes me as odd that liberals like to say such things, holding people are personally responsible for what they know about the world. If people don't know such things it has to be the fault of the American education system, and liberals have been in charge of that for decades now. Education has deteriorated quite a bit over that time -- it's evident in everything from general knowledge to bad English to bad handwriting. The nation is in trouble because of it, and in general because of the liberal ideology that the last few generations have grown up with. Sad.

John said...

So we now have standing armies in two countries that flank Iran's eastern and western borders.

Almost looks like a pre-meditated squeeze-play.

It's certainly convenient, under the geopolitical circumstances.

CJ said...

I'd like to understand your point, John, but I'm not seeing it. Could you spell it out for those of us not used to thinking in terms of war strategy?

Z said...

I believe the reason we went into Iraq is 90% about Iran, always have thought that, if that's John's point.

CJ said...

Interesting, thanks.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like a perfect place for the tile, mr. ducky.

A - The 'Mooks' (Seinfeld, Bubble Boy)

Anonymous said...

Think so, mr. ducky?

I thought I saw Joe Biden on tv last Sunday claiming responsibility for developing the original "vision" which lead to our glorious victory in Iraq? After all, it was Joe Biden who developed the strategy that lead to the Anbar Awakening!

Papa Frank said...

By the time we get around to fighting Iran all their equipment will have "Made in Russia" stamped on the ass ends.

Anonymous said...

The Gardner does have an Alhambraesque feel to it...

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


The Sunnis and Shias are mostly divided over who will lead Islam when they kill all the infidels.

Anyway, we're still helping Iraq fight Iran. Saddam Hussein lost out to our new draft pick.

Oh no... it's football season...

Z said...

beamish....can I have just a TINY part of YOUR BRAIN!?

I love that about the infidel...bottom line: you're absolutely right..that's the goal.

Oops...that's football again.


Anonymous said...

Thanks, Kevin. The article was helpful.

Ducky, sorry that admitting that I don't know everything about Islam disturbs you. It's called being transparent...honest.

Look into it.
It's freeing.