Friday, September 5, 2008


My mail man is an amazing specimen of a union member; He's a conservative! We talk politics from time to time and today he brought me the letter below. PLEASE read it and send it to your friends. This is sent to hundreds of thousands of people and we have to know what we're fighting; Not only 95% of the media is leftist, but every network, all but 2 cable channels, most magazines and newspapers, the news clips during radio shows show their bias, etc etc. (By the way, would you call AARP ads agenda-driven? I would!) It's legal for a union to be campaigning , I suppose, but don't be surprised why working friends and family hold their views. They don't look into facts and they're being indoctrinated on a minute-by-minute basis. (wait till you see that you CAN use union dues to campaign...down below this that, too!)

Here's the letter from the American Postal Workers Union:

Dear APWU Member:

The paycheck you receive on Sept. 19 will include a Cost-of-Living Adjustment totalling $1,477 per year. This wage increase will be the largest raise in the history of postal bargaining, and one of the largest COLA increases in our nation's history.

Raises like this one have made our jobs among the most sought-after in our communities. Our healthcare coverage, retirement benefits, and protection against layoffs provide security is shared by very few workers.

However, the Postal Service is planning "network realignment," and there are challenges to six-day mail delivery, threatss to universal sevice, and attacks on the Postal Service's exclusive right to deliver to mailboxes. These challenges threaten our jobs - your job - and the future of the USPS as we know it.

And we are not alone: Working families across the country are facing high gas prices, a mortgage crisis, an economy in shambles, and lingering wars in Iraq and Afghanistan.

The November election will be the most important one in decades. Our nation is at a crossroads; the differences between the presidential candidates are clear, and we have a real chance to elect a true advocate of working people. And electing more worker-friendly members of Congress will make a fundamental difference in our lives.

To help elect candidates who will support us; to protect our COLA raises and other benefits; and to amplify our voice in Congress, we must have a strong political action fund. The union is not permitted to use dues money to support candidates; we rely on voluntary contributions to our Committee on Political Action (COPA). Please help by giving generously. You can complete the enclosed form and write a check, or sign up to make a modest, recurring contribution through PostalEASE.

Thank you, and thank you for being a member of the American Postal Workers Union.

In solidarity,

William Burris

Here's MORE: Dues CAN be used to campaign. Doesn't this give the appearance of getting around our laws?


You can use local dues or treasury money as “seed money” to help raise COPA contributions provided that your costs do not exceed 33 cents for every dollar raised.

You can spend union dues money to print and distribute literature that educates your membership on the candidates’ positions on the issues.

You can loan paid union staff to work in a campaign.

You can use dues money for non-partisan voter registration and “Get Out The Vote” drives aimed at APWU members and their families.

You can have APWU Auxiliary members and retirees as well as active APWU members conduct phone banks to raise contributions and/or pledges for COPA.
z: Please send this around......we have to do all we can. At least awaken people to what's going on. Obama should be sending money for all of this because he can't get better exposure. And, the media's made "a true advocate for working people" to be synonymous with OBAMA alone.


elmers brother said...

COPA is just proxy group that can push whatever candidate they want

even if it isn't against the law it's rotten that unions can do this

You can loan paid union staff to work in a campaign.

Anonymous said...

we are going to have to live with out them. Boo freaken hoo

Anonymous said...

Of course, these dimwits seem not to understand that substantial increases in wages drives corollary increases in the cost of goods and services. Do we really wonder why the cost of postage has increased so dramatically? How long will it be before a postage stamp costs a dollar? This is the reason why I participate in on-line banking and paying my bills on line.

Increases in the cost of goods and services drive renewed demands for increased wages. It is not an accident that Marxist politicians (like Obama) champion unions, nor coincidental that increased taxes result in a demand for higher wages. Sadly, it is a never-ending cycle; we must conclude that unionists, along with 40% of the American electorate, lack the ability to understand the likely consequences of high-cost socialist programs. Advocates for working people? Hardly! Dimwit is the proper classification.

Thank you for posting this, Z.

Nikki said...

talk about going postal...;)N

Always On Watch said...

And many of the postal workers will believe this crap.

shoprat said...

I have had troubles dealing with the UAW before and this group gave me assistance in protecting me from the union. Working class conservatives need to be aware of this group as it will protect them from their (ahem) "protectors" when their politics and beliefs run afoul of the union.

I remember sitting in the break room reading UAW propaganda when the 94 election was going on and there was this little booklet called Ammo which had this gem of a line (going on memory here.) The average worker does not have the time or resources to adequately study and understand the issues so you must trust us to tell you how you should vote. In other words, we're too stupid to figure it ourselves.

Z said...

Bro..especially because all the union members aren't represented..their money is going to causes they disagree with. THAT should be illegal.

What's that new law McCain wants to implement...secret ballot union voting or something? You know any details on this? Obama didn't want that, or something? I'm not sure on this. ANYBODY KNOW? without...??

Mustang: thanks. I think it's SO important people hear what's really going on; how obama could win through things like this. I personally feel the ballot stuffing's going to push him over; the LEFT WILL NOT LOSE LEGALLY THIS YEAR, I ASSURE YOU.
They're calling for murder of Palin on some sites, from what friends are telling me.
Ever seen a Republican site advocate death or anybody?
Nikki..clever, but too true to be really funny!!!right?

AOW..that is what's so scary.
Heard an AARP ad lately? And THEY are on public and cable television!
It's like a soft ad for Obama...unreal.

It's like NPR.."OUR tax dollars at work!" I once complained to a liberal's daughter about this; She said "well, it's public TV" I said "YOU want to pay for SEAN HANNITY?:" She blanced. Apparently, it's okay for ME to pay for the liberal NPR crap, but don't let any of the left pay for HANNITY!

Shoprat.."AMMO", huh? Fascinating.

WHY does the Left think Americans who won't go Marxist are so stupid?


MathewK said...
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MathewK said...

I'm starting to hear this 'working families' phrase more and more doing the rounds in your politics. We in Australia also heard it before our elections last year and all i can say is learn from our mistake America.

Z said...

MK..fascinating; thanks, great piece there on your blog (everybody, check it's a MUST).
it is a wake up call and we're sleeping...

BUT, I think Americans have seen the attacks on Sarah Palin and are finally waking up to the leftist media and even the leftist Marxist pablum of hypocrisy among the lefty women (she's not REALLY a woman because she's not a Lefty), etc......something's happening, MK....I'm thinking we're being blessed for the first time in YEARS.

I hope that for Australia (i think I was as bereft as you and Aurora when Howard was out of actually SCARED me)

big hugs from your American neighbor!!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

So a government worker's union supports the Democrat candidate because growing the government creates more unionized government workers to support the Democrat candidates?

What's next, a post on how water makes stuff wet?

Anonymous said...

Here is the Ideal Liberal Vision for the World:

EVERYONE should be GIVEN ten-thousand dollars a month by an almighty World Government AND all their healthcare should be paid for by the same almighty Super-State.

Now if that should happen, no one would ever NEED to go to work, right?

CONSEQUENTLY, nothing would get manufactured, grown, harvested, delivered, displayed or made available. Nothing would be maintained. No one would ever have anything new. The lights and water would go off. There would be no police, dire-department or schools. No travel would be possible.

Everyone would be living large in the lap of NOTHINGNESS.

THAT is where Socialism HAS to lead ultimately, because it's completely against human nature and the laws of logic and common sense.

Socialism is Destructionism. PERIOD!

Who would bother to do all of the miserable jobs that MUST be done, if everyone were treated equally and paid the same?

Answer: NO ONE!

"What fools these mortals be!"

~ FreeThinke

cube said...

Getting around our laws in order to push a liberal agenda is one duty of a community activist, dontcha know?

Z said... still gets to me; how fair is THIS to guys who get muscled into joining when they don't want to, then see their dollars support a candidate they hate?

FT..what the Left won't see is the feeling of ACCOMPLISHMENT that's important to the human spirit. They just do not see it and never will. Get the mao jackets out, folks; individualism, integrity, inspiration, don't BOTHER us. Horrid. Maybe that's why so many leftists, the hard leftists, are secular; they don't believe in any spirit. And, if you show any spirit, you're a gun totin', bible thumpin' dope.

Cube...perfectly said!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


I consider unions to be de facto terrorist organizations, so it's probably not a good idea to have me out front ranting about them.

But I just look at how the #1 source of contributions to the Democratic Party are the people who make government inefficient in the first place. It sickens me.