Their young daughter made a mistake, a bad choice; Mr. and Mrs. Obama seem to have NEVER said anything glowing about this country, BUT, THAT's OKAY, according to our media because they're pro choice, want leftist justices, want to redistribute the wealth and MIGHT be proud of America IF a Black man wins................... Think about it.
NOW, can SOMEBODY tell me where Fred Thompson was during HIS campaign for the presidency? WHAT a speech he gave tonight, huh?! I used to say to the TV screen "Hey, I know you LOOK like Fred, but what happened to your fire and humor and brains? Where've you hidden FRED?" What alien forces had his innards when he was running? Man, was he fantastic tonight. By the way, do yourselves a favor and do watch a little of the CNN coverage, then compare how FOX covered the Dems. Quite a difference. QUITE.
I just went and watched the RNC convention tonight at C-Span.
First I took a look at news stations that were carrying the convention, saw the narration from the talking pin heads and said, no thanks.
And I am so glad I chose differently.
Fred Thompson was awesome, President Bush, Laura were too.
The POWS who were imprisoned in Viet Nam...all were so incredible.
I liked Joe Liebermann's speech too.
Loved how Fred talked about taking DC by the scruff of the neck..in that old Tennessee way of speaking.
I think he is feeling better now days, than back during those primaries.
Liked what Joe L said about having a president that allies could trust and enemies would fear.
Why is it that the family of Obama is completely forbidden, but the family of Palin is fair game? Anyone know?
Also, anyone have access to Fred's speech or a transcript? I missed it completely.
I think Lucianne has some links to transcipts of Fred's speech, from tonight.
Also read that Newt ripped a reporter a new one regarding the lack of experience of Sarah Palin.
Funny when you ask anyone what Obama has actually done, they can't say.
Am a bit miffed that bill O'Reilly is interviewing the Obama on Thursday night ,,yes , the night of McCain's acceptance.
What a jerk . Well, two bores together.
I'm stuck with network TV, Katy Couric and company, and she is unbelievably obnoxious covering this convention. But she did have a couple of commentators on with her who were VERY good at parrying her digs and defending Sarah Palin. She seemed to me to be clearly unhappy with how well they answered her.
I didn't get to hear all of Fred Thompson's speech but liked what I heard.
Was a little shocked that Lieberman boosted Clinton, and even more shocked that the cheers and applause didn't die out when he did. Otherwise thought his speech was fine too.
I hope Palin will be in absolutely peak form for her speech tomorrow. Couric and one of her reporters made much of Palin's being "in seclusion" for a couple of days, with snide overtones insinuating something wrong. It did get me slightly worried. Does it seem unusual that she would disappear for a couple of days? Or DID she disappear? I hope it doesn't mean the nasty lefties are getting to her too much. Maybe she just needs a rest from the public exposure? Maybe she's putting together the speech of the century?
Thanks for info for BZ, WV...(I sound like GET SMART!..AGENT whatever!?)
cj...it is troubling: Laura Ingraham had to step in and deliver a speech that was to be given by Palen today to pro-life people, I believe. But, maybe she just wants to take time on Wed PM's speech and it's not like she doesn't have family problems, too!!
REALLY TROUBLING was my best friend who called tonight, very troubled. She's pro choice and has only become a conservative on other issues since I got her started listening to Dennis Prager. She now says things Mr and Mrs Z just have to CHOKE from not saying "ARE YOU KIDDING? YOU BELIEVE THAT NOW?" All conservative..but we remain quiet so's not to shock her too much in seeing how much she's changed!
ANYWAY: She called and said she'd hoped LIeberman might mention abortion...he's pro choice, too, and she's REALLY conflicted about voting for McCain because he and Palin are "dedicated to overturning Roe Wade"...I said I thought national security was THE most important issue and killing babies should be secondary (Smile).......but, then it got to "who cares about a zygote?" and I reminded her that a zygote was LIFE> She said a chicken was life, too, and I said I refused to liken a human to a chicken! Then I said it's a HUMAN...and she said "with a spirit, but then that's not fair to put Christianity on non Christians(of which she is one)"
I LOVE THIS WOMAN and it's so hard to discuss these issues...
SO...I finally suggested she write to Dennis Prager and tell him exactly what she told me...she's for McCain but conflicted about his abortion stance. Should be interesting. I'll let y'all know what he says because he does usually answer emails!
I say this is troubling because my dear darling girlfriend is NOT ALONE! There must be MANY who're conflicted on this issue....she sounded like she'd actually vote for Obama tho she's SO against almost everything he says. This is stunning and worrisome.
CNN keeps putting James Carville on the screen, a man that makes bricks seem like geniuses.
I hope the McCain-Palin campaign sends him a thank you note after their inauguration next January.
tell your friend that presidents cannot over turn anything ,like Roe vs. Wade.
Sorry..if she believes this then she is not understanding how the law works.
As for Laura Ingraham..
Yes, Palin was doing her speech..which is to be delivered tomorrow.
Usually candidates do not campaign during their convention and I would suggest with the hurricane and things being pushed back a day, things might be hectic for the candidates.
Also note..the daddy of the baby in this little saga is to be at the convention tomorrow.
I can only watch CNN International. Not much coverage. The amount of Obama coverage right now would make me think it is still the Dems convention!
Those of us who are pro-choice need to remember that also means the right to have the baby. Sarah Palin exercised her right to choose by having Trig. Pro-choice does not mean abortion only. And yes Z, keep reminding all that the President is not able to overturn Roe vs Wade. I have never understood why this is such a big election issue.
I think Fred Thompson talks a good game but I think he's lazy. He's a true conservative and a great speaker but I think he just doesn't have the fire in his belly for the 12 - 16 hour days for a year that it takes to campaign.
This speaks to the old saw that the best people don't always run for president because there are easier ways to make more money. I know this sounds cynical, and don't read this to say that I don't think the presidency isn't an honor to hold, but I think there is some truth to it.
This is war and unfortunately no target is off limits. That is sad but I think Sarah is strong enough to take it.
Fred and Joe gave John Mccain/Sarah Palin atleast a 5 point bounce on their speeches alone.
The way they've attacked the Palin's is disgusting. It's not surprising, though. They're terrified, and they'll do anything to make her look weaker and smaller than she really is.
Their daughter made a mistake alright and the daddy dropped out of school.
Now you have a shotgun marriage. Of course they'll live off Caribou Barbie's slush fund from big oil but you have to admit this is not the type of behavior we wish to encourage.
I think Michelle Obama is going to raise her children with better values.
I hope Dennis Prager answers your friend perfectly, Z.
I had to become a Christian to become pro-life, so I know how blind we can be. Now it seems crazy to me that I was once able to deny that a zygote is as much a human being as a human child, just in an earlier stage of development. You'd think the simple biological facts would be convincing enough, that it will inevitably grow into a human being if you don't interfere with it, the same way a child will grow into an adult, but denial runs deep. NonChristians don't like the idea of killing human beings either; they've just managed to dehumanize the unborn.
I understand Palin's desire to talk supportively for her daughter's sake but I have been thinking she really does need to express SOME disappointment somehow or other in this situation. As Z says it gives the wrong message to teenagers to say nothing but how proud they are and so on. And a Christian of course has to be disappointed. Bothers me too. There must be some way to get this said well.
This is the worst AMWAY Convention Ever!
Beamish...his own wife calls him 'serpent head'...what a jerk, huh?
WV...it can be overturned if the new pres appoints lib justices...but that's what I told her "never happen...not these days"
Jungle Mom! I had to live with CNN Int'l for almost FOUR YEARS...YOu have my sympathies!!
Hi, Granny ANnie! It's an election issue because most Americans don't look into the truth. I'm looking into this...I, too, thought I heard MCCain say he wants to overturn Roe V Wade.
Chuck..always wise; I believe you're right. I think Thompson didn't have the fire in his belly. He looks relieved now...glib, funny...passionate. NOW. And yes, we don't get the best guys very often, do we!
Shoprat, I think so, too. I thought that the minute I saw her...not to appear so shallow that I took one look and thought "This woman can DO it!" (but I DID!)
Pinkster..they're scared WITLESS. and very, very ugly.
Ducky...Mrs. Obama's raising her children to believe Black children need entitlements to succeed, apparently .. I don't call that a good upbringing.
cj...I'm looking into this R v W overturning thing.
Right now, Mustang's emailed saying that FOX is saying the DNC stole Palin's SS# in an attempt to discredit her; I want to see what's going on..???
Ducky, they don't need too much of convention excitement (it does look like an Amway convention)...the Obama convention was the best, most expensive ad McCain could have asked for
Now, I'm off checking into the story that the Dem's stole Palin's SS#....I remember something like this happened with Michael Steele...Dems can be filthy people and I want to see what's going on. Why can't libs fight fair?
The McCain site says McCain wants the Roe V Wade situation returned to the States.....
then to work in those states to encourage people to help young pregnanct women and support them in every way in their decision to keep the baby.
Chuck: you are SPOT ON about Thompson, as it turns out.
In theaters soon
ducky. stop.
You know that if ANYBODY did anything like this with Obama we'd all be accused of racism.
That doesn't occur to you? Shouldn't it bother any liberal that a woman's being so maligned for being a woman?
You don't really think ugly posters and lies are going to influence thinking people not to vote for her, do you?!!!!!
It's a personal decision on Sarah's part, she should not have to discuss it if she don't want to.
Did Hillary ever discuss her private life.
No! Anything about dear little Chelsea was off limits.
How'd be the first talking Shoprat, if the Obamas had a 17 year-old daughter who was unmarried and pregnant by a tough-talking black kid, my guess is if that they all appeared onstage at a Democratic convention and the delegates were cheering wildly, a number of conservatives might be discussing the issue of dysfunctional black families.
Ducky, that kid would have been killed in utero before any Dem would go on a platform.
It's not the troubles you have, it's how you handle them.
Do all black kids have to be 'tough talking'? What??
Some very good points have been made here, The convention speakers were great and told the Palin story in a way that made the dems look bad and afraid.
Why are there still so many conservatives that can't see it that way?
Are our values SO strict that we can not find forgiveness in our hearts?
laura, some conservatives are not forgiving but they're not true conservatives then, in my humble opinion. I believe most of us feel it's how you handle your troubles which defines your character not the problems themselves. But, of course, we believe in making good choices if we can!!
it's almost painful to me to see the Democrat media in such overdrive to hurt someone so badly. The 'open minded' party is so busy slamming a successful mother it takes my breath away.
Plus, I just remembered I have a meeting I can't get out of tonight. ARGH! (i'm going to try)
OOps. am listening to Prager, whose caller just said she's called several times in the past and fought with him because she's always been a Democrat.
She called, very upset, saying she's rethinking a party like hers which could so horribly malign anybody, especially a smart successful woman. She said after what happened to Hillary, and now with Palin, she's seeing things in her party she's considering leaving it for..."i'm rethinking so much lately....i hate to think you've been right, Dennis"
Anybody hear her? I hope so.
Sally Quinn's saying Sarah's a bad mother.."her children need her".
Man, these people are giving up their OPEN MINDED (ignore the kids, career is everything) principles for AGENDA. Again. Maybe they're just ticked she didn't kill her baby so she could be a career woman?
Soldier Moms (and Dads) leave their families behind, too. I happen not to agree with that, but they do. They put their country first. Go figure.
Sally QUINN!!!!? Is she still ALIVE?
Everyone in Washington, DC openly acknowledges that "Sally Quinn slept her way to the top."
Seriously, we should all take comfort in seeing the enemedia expose themselves for what they truly are.
Not all Americans are indecent hedonistic, socialistic bigots by a long shot. The trouble is most of them are too busy trying to make ends meet to have any time or energy to pay much attention to what's going on.
The enemedia BLANKETS and SATURATES the atmosphere we breathe with incessant LEFTIST AGITPROP. Most people absorb it by OSMOSIS, because it's virtually ALL there is.
Our voices may be saying worthwhile things, but VERY VERY few ever get to see or hear any of it.
I'm just DYING to hear Sarah Palin tonight. I just hope that no "handlers" or RNC gurus have gotten to her, It is the freshness and originality that appeals. If she just mouths words she's been INSTRUCTED to say, we're DOOMED.
~ FreeThinke
FT..would you believe I have to wait til the rerun tonight to see Palin speak?! ARGH..i have to go to a meeeting!!!! Drat
I think the public's getting what's going on; all you have to do is see the two US Magazine covers "Why Obama loves her (arms around Michelle)" and "Palin; sex, lies scandals"
Ya...a HUGE OBama $$$ SUpporter owns US Magazine.
This could sink their stinking boat..I swear
"Mr. and Mrs. Obama seem to have NEVER said anything glowing about this country, BUT, THAT's OKAY, according to our media because they're pro choice, want leftist justices, want to redistribute the wealth and MIGHT be proud of America IF a Black man wins....."
It's more OKAY to the media because privately they share that opinion about America. Only when America has been reduced to just another useless whiny socialist country with no real freedom for it's citizens, will they be satisfied.
MK....it's starting to get to me, I swear.
I just heard the National Enquirer's saying Mrs. Palin had an extramarital affair.
I want anybody here to imagine a woman would accept the VP Nomination if that had happened.
Think about it. I am literally FED UP.
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