Sarah Palin is what America is all about.
She personifies what our founders had in mind, a citizen government. They did not foresee that royalty or aristocracy or elitists should decide what the people should be or that their representatives' station in life must be upper crust.
To be sure, some of them were upper crust themselves, but their
dream was government of, for, and by the people. They envisioned that the government should represent the common man and respect the rights of the people to be free to live their lives without encumbrance from the government, and that from the well of the common man comes those who love their country enough to serve the people.
They knew leaders must come from a place where the people are understood and who have not become ensconced in a position far removed from the people. Rather, they are of those people, indeed, epitomize them. This is true of Governor Palin of Alaska. It is told that she is accessible to the people of her state, that when she was Mayor, an individual could go to her office and speak with her. This is small town life experience.
She and her husband have five children and they enjoy the activities of their State, like hunting and fishing snowmobiling, etc; they live a rough edged and down to earth life, an American family not unlike millions everywhere in this great nation, a life which encourages common sense and a respect for the individual.
Sarah Palin simply took advantage of opportunities that are available to anyone with the talents and intelligence to do so. She discovered along the way she is a leader. She didn't need a rich benefactor nor did she need connections to the national seat of power. She did not build a political machine. She simply performed an honest, tough minded, common sense duty as Governor and, in so doing, captured the interest of Senator John McCain.
This article would not be complete without crediting the Senator for his wisdom in choosing a woman of integrity. It cannot go unnoticed however, that she is politically advantageous.
I believe Sarah is the kind of woman John McCain admires and can work with. He has known strong women all his life. His mother Roberta McCain, his wife Cindy, and now, Sarah Palin. Good for you Senator.
Sarah Palin is proof that still, today, in America, the common man matters. Or, in this case, the common woman who became an uncommon leader.
z; thanks, Priscilla....for another great piece.
Not only did our forefathers have the insight to create a government by the people and for the people but they also gave us the second amendment to insure that type of government. One more liberal Supreme Court Justice and that protection would have been removed from us. McCain/Palin are not only the right choice but the only choice that gives us hope for our future security -- from without AND from within. Our government needs to be taken back over by the Sarah Palins of our society to make sure that government is by us and for us.
How dare she have the audacity to come on the scene without going through the usual channels. Having a has been 60's radical that bombed some of the very buildings a President is sworn to defend and a convicted felon bankroll her early career. She didn't gain reknown in her community with the assistance of a racist minister in a black sepratist church. No wonder the left thinks she such a wierdo.
Great blog Z.
"...the common woman who became an uncommon leader."
That's a good one.
I know Sarah is studying foreign policy. I hope Sarah is studying the most obscure foreign policy trivia ever because the MSM is going to test her with stuff most folks won't know. You can bet they're going to scrounge around & find the most obscure stuff possible. I pray Sarah is ready & that she demolishes them!
Go Sarah!
Exactly, Pris! WELL SAID!
Thanks for keeping up the good fight. I have added you to my blog roll, and thanks for visting my site.
Pops...I hope conservatives have what it takes to take our gov't over. This morning, we heard how McCain's promising to bring Dems onto his cabinet and my husband said "Now we have to find another conservative for president" or something like that!! BUT, if it's Lierberman, that's fine with me!! Maybe he's being cagey!!
Chuck....imagine? she also didn't go to Harvard with a 'scholarship' from Khalid Al Mansour. Think the media will expose THAT? NOPE.
Cube: I had the same thought. They will make sure she knows EVERY capital, every population, what year Marshall Tito was name it. She'll have to know Sunni/Shia/Kurd like she went to high school with them .... this woman's going to get CREAMED by the leftists. BUT, maybe then the people who have eyes not tainted by the rose colored glasses of the University system in our country MIGHT really see what's happening.
And it is SO UNAMERICAN, this unfairness.
I don't mind toughness: just BE FAIR. Give it to EVERYONE.
Thanks, Pasadena and CJ...Pris wrote a great piece, didn't she.
I LOVE THAT LINE "A common woman who became an uncommon leader".
Only history will tell........I think it will.
great summation there Z! optimistic about her too!
Thanks, Priscille,that is a great ode to Sarah.
Pops, chuck,- You're so right.
cube - I hope she has a photographic memory!
mk, cj, beverly - Thank you.
Unlike some , I think John McCain is secure in his manhood.
He is doing what he should be doing, trying to promote talent for the future of the party.
The fact is McCain has based his campaign on the idea that this is a dangerous world–––and that Barack Obama is too inexperienced to deal with it. He has also acknowledged that his advanced age–––he celebrated his 72nd birthday on August 29th–––makes his choice of vice-president unusually important. Nonetheless he has chosen as his running mate, on the basis of the most cursory vetting, a first-term governor of Alaska lacking experience in national or international policy. His choice raises serious questions about his judgment.
Good points, z about Sarah Palin embodying that an ordinary person can rise. I've always thought it was incredibly undemocratic that only the mega wealthy could possibly make it in politics. Amazingly she has completely bypassed the system. I think she had a divine hand!
psi bond, if we're talking about experience, you're on shaky ground there if you're a supporter of Obama. You realize this, don't you?jz
McCain only looks stronger by choosing a strong woman.
3 Cheers for Pooh
(For Who?)
For Pooh --
(Why what did he do?)
I thought you knew;
He saved his friend from a wetting!
3 Cheers for Bear!
(For where?)
For Bear --
He couldn't swim,
But he rescued him!
(He rescued who?)
Oh, listen, do!
I am talking of Pooh?
(Of who?)
Of Pooh!
(I'm sorry I keep forgetting).
Well. Pooh was a Bear of Enormous Brain --
(Just say it again!)
Of enormous brain --
(Of enormous what?)
Well, he ate a lot,
And I don't know if he could swim or not,
But he managed to float
On a sort of boat
(On a sort of what?)
Well, a sort of pot --
So now let's give him three hearty cheers
(So now let's give him three hearty whitches?)
And hope he'll be with us for years and years,
And grow in health and wisdom and riches!
3 Cheers for Pooh!
(For who?)
For Pooh --
3 Cheers for Bear
(For where?)
For Bear --
3 Cheers for the wonderful Winnie-the-Pooh!
(Just tell me, somebody -- WHAT DID HE DO?)
You folks really are going to vote for Peggy Hill?
Not only that Frank but if we had elected Kerry the U.N. blue helmets would have come to your home to take your guns, convert you to Islam and make you listen to NPR.
psi bond, let's review.
We invaded Iraq for no reason of national defense.
Initially our response to the insurgency was a disaster.
We caught a huge break when the Islamists proved so extreme that the Sunnis rejected them.
This gave us an opportunity to change tactics, pay off the Sunni militias and concentrate on oil revenues.
What's interesting about McCain is that he is so traumatized that all he understands is massive force. His wartime experience was bombing civilians and he was cool with that so you really have to harden your beliefs when you lose your soul like that.
He would have increased our destruction of Iraq and compounded the initial resistance enough that the Islamist/Sunni alliance may have held and made our situation much worse.
He's a fool and "Joel's Army" Palin is a fanatic of the worst order. But vote for them if you like, the working class seems to enjoy having its ass kicked. Your choice.
If she presides over congress will she be strapped? Just curious.
QUACK! quack quack quack quack quack!
QUACK! quack quack quack quack quack!
QUACK! quack quack quack quack quack!
QUACK! quack quack quack quack quack!
QUACK! quack quack quack quack quack!
Just abandon the thread to
QUACK! quack quack quack quack quack!
QUACK! quack quack quack quack quack!
QUACK! quack quack quack quack quack!
QUACK! quack quack quack quack quack!
QUACK! quack quack quack quack quack!
I'm all QUACKED up.
And I'm all QUACKED out.
QUACK! quack quack quack quack quack!
Hautaruna Blogg
hi z! sarah's politics are different than mine. abortion, sex ed, etc. BUT i think she is an EXCELLENT pick for john mccain! i am very impressed with her. she's smart, unafraid of unpopular positions and tough! check out my most recent post about her.
pluckster - i do believe i've figured out your true identity:
joe bin biden
you love the sound of your own fingers on the keyboard!
Not a chance. I'm pretty lukewarm about Biden primarily due to his work on the bankruptcy bill and his being in the pocket of the credit card industry.
I'm also concerned that under the new Republican debate rules he doesn't have a chance in the swimsuit competition.
Aurora, McCain is in quicksand if he thinks Obama should not be elected because he is not experienced enough, but Sarah Palin has adequate experience to be the leader of the most powerful nation on earth after less than two years as governor of a state with less than 700,000 people in it, her prior experience being as a stay-at-home mother, mayor of a rural town of 6000, and winner of a beauty pageant.
psi bond
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