Sunday, February 10, 2013

Sunday Faith Post

As happens often with my Sunday Faith Post, I was pondering what to write for it on Saturday afternoon when a friend from Anderson, Indiana called.  He had seven bypasses done about a month ago;  he even called me hours after the surgery!  When I saw his wife's name on my cell phone, I thought he must have died! :-)  But it was Mike, groggy and happy it was over. He called today to tell me how things are going.

Mike's having physical therapy and doing great on the treadmill, etc., and the doctor's positive he's going to be just fine with a few changes to his diet and good exercise.  The doctor, when complimented and thanked by Mike for all he did, said "Mike, I'm like a plumber who just lays the plumbing...then God does the rest."

I've been thinking a lot about healing lately, am reading a book by Dr Francis McNutt on the subject, and so this was the perfect thing to ponder today for me...and, I hope, for you?

Do you have any stories about healing that seemed like a true Godly miracle?  Have you seen prayer work?  Do you wonder why prayer is sometimes answered and sometimes not?

I'd love your input on this.  So many of my friends are suffering with MS, fibromyalgia, painful acid reflux, arthritis, bad knees, etc., and they're good, faithful Christians.   Not one of them blames God; not one of them as stopped believing in God's promises....but what would you as a Christian tell them that might help? 

In his book, HEALING, Dr. McNutt suggests "We do not seek the healing as much as we seek the healer."  He claims that healing has been virtually forgotten in most churches and, as it was such a cornerstone of Jesus's work on earth, he feels that's a big mistake.  His book is very interesting, and while I'm barely 20% into it yet, I highly recommend it.

What are your thoughts about Christianity and healing?

"I have told you these things so that in me you may have peace.  In this world, you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have  overcome the world."  John 16:33



Jan said...

Z, I absolutely do believe in healing through prayer, with all of my heart!

I have seen it happen to others, and I, personally, have experienced divine healing.

Even though I believe it, so strongly, there are still times when I suffer in my body with various afflictions, and sometimes I obtain relief through prayer, and sometimes, not.

Is it a matter of my faith just not being as strong, sometimes, as others?

I don't know the answer to that, and I have wondered, at times, why some are healed, and some are not.

According to the Word, our faith has to be only the size of a mustard seed, which is tiny, so why then are we not always healed when we pray?

Again, I don't know the answer, but one thing I do know, and am thoroughly convinced, and that is that God, Himself, is faithful, and we don't always know, exactly, what it is that He is working out in our lives, or perhaps in the lives of others, through us.

So then, all we can do is pray, and to do all that we can, and having done all, to stand...on the promises He has given us, and in our faith in that word.

I have not only experienced divine healing for myself, and members of my family, but I've been protected from harm in what seemed like a supernatural manner, and also provided for in dire need in what could only be deemed the hand of God.

I firmly believe in the power of prayer.

Always On Watch said...

Not sure that what I'm about to type in qualifies as a healing, but prayer was involved....

My prayer-warrior medical massage therapist cured my bunions. I'm not kidding! Doctors had told me that the only "cure" was drastic surgery.

The massage therapist certainly had a great deal of skill. But she also prayed in advance of every session.

Ed Bonderenka said...

I used to be in the "Full Faith, Name it and Claim it, Ken Copeland, Ken Hagin, etc." camp.
If you didn't get healed, you didn't have enough faith or had a bad confession or some other such silliness.
When I first read your topic, Dr. Ben Carson sprang to mind.
I know two pastors who this summer were diagnosed with stage four cancer. That's usually a death sentence.
I hope that if I ever face something like that, I have as many people praying for me.
One was told they can't find the cancer anymore, but will stay on chemo (which is not causing him any distress) the rest of his life, which will be some time now.
The other (and much younger) is doing well (not dying) and w're praying he can put some weight back on and get back in the pulpit soon.

Silverfiddle said...

Afflictions are a part of this earthly life, and no one is immune.

I do believe in prayers and healing, and I also believe it is mysterious and beyond our comprehension.

God's ways are not necessarily our ways. He has his plans, but he also has given us free will, and all the consequences that go with it.

Good post to get us thinking (and praying!)

Anonymous said...

I believe the body that God gave us has the ability to do magical things and do a lot of healing by itself if we are in the right mindset. That right mindset is not easy to have and relates to faith.

But I also think it is important to do prevention to increase or maintain the healing capability of the body. I for example started going to the chiropractor and it changed my life. Chiropractors, at least mine, is big on healing and ties her work to spirituality and many things I find in the beginning of the new testament.

I think you're right about healing being forgotten. I am far from being a Bible expert but as a Catholic I feel like the words of Jesus about healing, the Kingdom of Heaven, faith have been de-emphasized with a lot of human things like blame, guilt, etc... Basically things that don't help you heal. I was reading Romans one day and, some people here may not like what I say, but I really didn't like some areas I read. I felt like this wasn't what Jesus would say.


Anonymous said...

I know some of you may also not like a reference to what some may consider a new agey book but I read Anita Moorjani's book about her NDE and cancer. It was pretty amazing to read that she healed after coming back and that the tumor that was killing her was gone. This was a miracle.

Book is "Dying to be me."


Anonymous said...

My prayer-warrior medical massage therapist cured my bunions. I'm not kidding! Doctors had told me that the only "cure" was drastic surgery.

My mom had a lung condition that was deemed as incurable by French Western doctors. Not dangerous but something to live with.

Well it is gone and we're persuaded that it had to do with my grandma's death that suffered from lung problems and died from them. It was part of the mourning process for my mom.

The psyche does weird things. Or some souls linger and find a way to get attached to you.


Z said...

I think the only healing that gets done is through God's power via our prayers (other than psychosomatic situations or one like FrogBurger describes, which do happen)...and it's His decision who gets healed and who doesn't and it's not in any way connected to the amount of faith we have.
If people we've prayed so hard for DO die in spite of our prayers, I suppose one way of looking at it could be that dying and going to heaven is better than staying here :-)

Mc Nutt's book is really a wonderful analysis of this post's questions and the terrific comments you've all made...I highly recommend it.

Anonymous said...

If there are men of science, they are given to us as a gift of God. They are no less of a miracle than the actual healing written about, above.

I believe that each of us has task to perform on earth, and when we have completed that task … or when we have had ample opportunity to do God’s will, he will call us home. Whether we ultimately find ourselves in God’s presence, or that of another, may depend on how well we did God’s bidding.

Even though we may ask for God’s intervention, sometimes the answer must be “no.” We must be prepared for that, as well. We must accept our mortality. Each of us has a shelf life …and only God knows the expiration date.

This is a nice blog.

Sue said...

Well, this certainly is a subject that I KNOW I am in the minority on, but here goes...(When I first heard this about 15 years ago, every Baptist fiber in my being recoiled.) I believe the promises made in the Gospels (the first 4 books of the New Testament) were made to the Jews, exclusively. From mid-Acts to Philemon, was written for us today. Even Paul was denied healing...I KNOW this is radical, but it Biblically based. I do believe God CAN heal, but it is not based on how much faith we have or don't have. The Bible makes so much more sense to me now...

sue hanes said...

Z - I believe in prayer and I believe in healing. I do not
believe in blaming God for our

The reason is that if I am going to believe in God then I have to believe with all my heart. And to blame Him for illnesses would put my belief in a negative light.

I believe that if we are patient - the answers will come to us - although not always in this life.

I think we should give God the credit for healing but not the blame if we don't get a positive answers to our prayers. In the end - everything associated with God is positive.

Z said...

Sue, McNutt's excellent book quotes Scripture showing where Jesus told apostles to heal.... many quotes.
I have to run but will try to find them later and site them here. Thanks for your input.

I think everyone here agrees that the amount of faith we have doesn't mean we'll get healed or not.

Sue Hanes, what a wonderful comment. Thanks for that.

Anonymous...thanks so much. During the week, we're about politics and culture but Sundays are reserved for my faith blogs. I"m so glad you like it. I welcome you back.

Gramma 2 Many said...

I believe God does heal, and often. However, I have spent the past 18 months in prayer for my daughter. Nearly begging Him at times. These were not empty prayers either. They were prayers of a committed Christian and Community of her friends. He made the choice to not heal her in the way we prayed for and took her home to him one month ago. I believe I could be faced with the need to pray the same prayers again for someone and He may choose to give us what we ask him for. I look at my 16 and 20 year old grandsons and wonder why they are motherless at such tender ages. It can only be because she had finished her work here on earth and God chose to reward her with heaven. My biggest question is why did he allow her to suffer. The suffering was far worse than the death. She was a beautiful woman who loved Jesus with her heart and soul. One day I was pleading with God about her suffering and he reminded me of how his Son had suffered and her suffering would in no way reach the proportions of the suffering of Jesus. As I watched the agony she was in, that was all I could think of, God said she would not suffer what His Son had suffered.
In the end, He did heal her. She has received the ultimate reward and will no longer be sick or in pain. She did a great job with her sons and they have an amazing father to finish with the guidance and direction they may need.
The short answer is, Yes I believe God does heal. He does not heal in exactly the way we ask or expect though. I will continue to pray the prayer for healing when needed and He will answer it for us.

Bob said...

Really good Sunday Faith blog, Z. I will try to remember to get McNutt's book.

Sometimes we are not satisfied with God's will. People will die even though we pray for healing. Silver Fiddle, I think, articulates it well. We can never know God's will, but I do believe we have free will. Some things we just cannot overcome.

I was talking to a friend some years ago about the idea that God may or may not guide our lives in every detail. I was a doubter, but he reminded me that receiving God's help is optional. It is our choice.

It seems to me that, over the years, those who have made the choice of letting God run their lives will prosper in many ways, not always in material wealth. It is hard to support this quantitatively, but this has been my personal observation.

Right now, my daughter's father-in-law, a Christian and university professor, has been diagnosed with an advanced cancer in the liver, and one year to live is the medical opinion from the staff at M D Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.

We are praying, and we are praying for healing. The man is 64 years old, and planned to retire this summer. His grandchildren will be short one grandfather whenever he dies. We will have lost a friend.

My question to you, Z, and your readers is what do we pray for? Do we pray for healing when a loved one receives a death sentence from the medical community? Or, do we pray for a painless passing into eternity?

Ducky's here said...

We are carbon/oxygen engines and we break down. Our faith is much more relevant in the quality of life leading to hat final breakdown.

I've had my knees reconstructed twice and no signs of arthritis, survived a heart attack but was it God's will or a good orthopedist and good hospital care?

I've never cared much for the idea of eternal life and when I go, I go.
What happens between the coming and the going is all that matters and a belief in the transcendent is critically important to me.

Anonymous said...

I've had my knees reconstructed twice and no signs of arthritis, survived a heart attack but was it God's will or a good orthopedist and good hospital care?

God's will can also be communicated via other human beings through their love for their job and love for their patient.

That's the problem of the Western mind at least to me. We've made God some external entity, almost a person sometimes I feel. God is at work in us and through us. If we are his children, he's in us too. Like my parents' DNA is in my DNA.


Gramma 2 Many said...

I just had another thought. I was reminded of Mr. Z. People prayed and prayed for his healing. It did not come on this earth, but the prayer was answered. Just like my prayer for Kris.
On Friday we attended a dinner party we attend every month with a group of believing friends. As we concluded our evening, we held a time of prayer for healing for some of our friends who are in need. I have to admit that I had a melt down because I did not receive the answer I had prayed for for so long and now we were praying for others who were sick among us. Who would receive the answer we asked for and who would receive the answer I got. It is in his will.

Ed Bonderenka said...

Sue (not Hanes) in all love and with no malice, Paul was a Jew.
So he was entitled to healing in your view. Paul was healed of being stoned to death. Paul's thorn in the flesh was not his eyesight, it was being hounded from city to city by false teachers and pharisees.
The Syro-Phoenician woman was healed by Jesus as a proto-type of the Jews rejecting Jesus and the crumbs coming to the Gentiles.
I believe our faith influences (you won't get what you don't ask for usually) our answer to prayer (healing) but doesn't guarantee it.

Ed Bonderenka said...

FrobBurger: You've got me curious about that Romans reference.
Could you tell me what it is or seemed to say?
I'm not argumentative, but curious.

Z said...

Sue (not Sue Hanes)...Luke 8, I believe, is where Jesus told the Apostles to go and heal..
I just read where you feel the promises made in the Gospels were to the Jews...that's a little stunning and I'd love your back up on that...Jews might have been all who was being spoken of in that day, but the hope of God/Christ was that Jews would come along and believe in Christ. Believers in Christ can stand on those Gospel promises. Kris passed a month ago? I AM SO SORRY. And I'm way more sorry that she suffered so much than she passed into His arms. What a testament you left here with that story; thank you for that.
Thanks for remembering Mr. Z and for praying for him. I am 100% sure that what happened was supposed to happen and was the best thing to happen; I felt that pretty soon after I lost him. I felt sent to Psalms and that really helped, too.

Bob...I'm so sorry about your friend/relative.
I have heard a lot of faithful Christians pray for GOD'S WILL...that HIS WILL BE DONE in the case of an illness like that. That we'll be able to accept His will, that our loved one won't suffer, that all will feel His presence.
I've felt in the last couple of years that asking for healing is good but if it's not His will, should we? We can say, I guess, "it's my wish that you will heal my friend.."

And, as my friend's doctor said (above in one of my comments)..he felt he was the plumber who layed the lines in Mike's heart, but that the rest was up to God; he's done 10000 bypass surgeries and that's his conclusion.

FrogBurger, I believe our actions should show the God within us, don't you?

I'm SO grateful for all your input.


Man, there are so MANY things to pray for these days!

Z said...

FrogBurger, do you remember what was said in Romans that you felt held us from healing, or what you didn't like?
I know you're Catholic and you've said the Bible's rather new to you, and I and ED would like to know; perhaps we can help?
I've found your search for your faith heroic and enlightening to myself.

(some of you know FrogBurger and his wife and I are good friends and we've had some good talks over dinners)

Anonymous said...

FrogBurger, I believe our actions should show the God within us, don't you?

Yes, I agree.

@Ed. I didn't like something about the authorities representing God's will on Earth and therefore the need for humans to obey. I don't think Jesus would've said that. He wouldn't have preached rebellion either but that, to me, was a clear sign of too much human interpretation with ulterior motives. Something regarding homosexuality wasn't to my liking either.


Ducky's here said... can 'belief in the transcendent' be so important to you but you don't believe in eternal life. You DO believe in God, yes?

Eternal life (at least life as we understand it) is not necessary for belief in God the transcendent.

I think Wim Wenders got it right in "Wins of Desire" with angels who were not able to participate in earthly life and in fact surrendered their eternal existence for the privilege.

Anonymous said...

I know you're Catholic and you've said the Bible's rather new to you

I was raised Catholic but have issues with some of the Catholic teachings to be honest. I think there was too much interpretation for purposes that may have been too human.

My searching for an understanding goes beyond the Bible and religion. I'm also looking at a variety of things including science and philosophy.

It may not please some people here but that's me. I never go by the book, hated school and always had a need to look for myself and by myself.

I believe God is everywhere. When I see a tree on my walks, I see God's work in it. That's where I find magnificence. When I hear nature's silence, I sense God. Hence I don't believe God is some kind of person outside us.

That is why I have trouble with prayer as a request to God even though I pray for other people. I think prayer should be understood as a way to guide your godly energy or good thoughts (can't find a better way to express it) toward somebody else. I've heard too many stories of people who were strong believers and when something happened to them, they stopped believing because they thought it was unfair that their requests weren't heard.

I don't want to debate those points by the way because the search isn't over for me. So I could be wrong. But to be fairly honest, I think we'll know the truth when we pass and not before. And even then, we may stiff have to go through another step.


Ducky's here said...

Maybe a perfect scene

Anonymous said...

still, not stiff. Weird that I made this mistake. Must be the 13 mile I ran today.


Z said...

Ducky, it has everything to do with it. It's His promise, it's why we have faith. If you believe in the Bible at all.

I just put that film on my Netflix list...I love the concept of it, particularly in Germany at that time.

FrogBurger, some people believe God is all about LOVE, and only LOVE, too. It's a different way of looking at Him.
I searched so many venues of belief/faith in different things (Yogananda, etc.) until I felt in my heart and in my bones that, since the Scriptures were absolutely THE ONLY WORDS we have from Him on this earth, my opinion of them didn't really matter.

I still, however, look to CS Lewis and other academicians/intelligensia ...and I fault myself for not having more BLIND FAITH. I do like an intellectual input on Jesus, that's for sure!

Ed Bonderenka said...

@ Frog,
Thanks for the reply.
I understand your concern about those passages.

Z said...

BOB...I commented at your excellent post but it wouldn't accept my computer! I give up! :-) DARN!

Ed Bonderenka said...

As to prayer and healing:
I hope I don't sound condescending, but I started out seriously catholic, altar boy, etc.
I fell away because I saw no spiritual power there.
I later became convinced that there was a supernatural power that I had no understanding of.
I was in a hotel in Germany in the middle of the night, and suffered severe abdominal pains, similar to my previous appendicitis.
I then said aloud, "if there is a god out there, if you heal me now, I will do all in my power to find you and serve you."
The pain went away immediately.
I then began my search for him, which led through Eastern Mysticism, Magic, psychedelic drugs, and finally, through the witnessing of people I respected, the Bible.
And now I've seen the veracity of those words. Many of the ones I didn't understand, I've come to understand. Enough to take the balance on faith. Faith that God knows what He's doing and faith that I've barely a clue.

Ducky's here said...

z, if you haven't seen Wings of Desire, you're in for a treat.

Especially if you're a Peter Falk fan.

Anonymous said...

some people believe God is all about LOVE, and only LOVE, too.

I'm not sold about God being only love. But Jesus did preach a lot about Love if I'm not mistaken. And if you look at things, love is the hardest thing to apply. It may be the highest virtue. Forgiveness is love for example. Love of yourself and love of the other person as a faulty human being.

A lot of evil can be described as the opposite as love. I even see the thirst for power that politicians have as the antithesis of love. The fact that some want to rule our lives is a clear sign of a lack of trust in our abilities, hence a lack of love. Yet they preach some kind of morality that could seem similar to what Jesus would preach (multiplication of bread =
redistribution of wealth) just to gain that power.

Interesting conversation today.


Sue said...

@ Ed Bonderenka: You stated "Paul was a Jew.
So he was entitled to healing in your view." Not so. My view is that Jesus gave that gift to his apostles...not to all Jews and not to Paul. Sue, et al...My beliefs (after 15 years) are wrapped up in thusly. Jesus himself told the Canaanite woman in Matthew 15:22-28 and again in Mark 7:25-29 that "I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel." My take is that because the Jews rejected Jesus as Messiah, that prophecy program was halted for awhile, replaced with "the mystery program". (I Corinthians 2:6,7). How could the Jews,or anybody else, be taught of gospel of grace (hidden mystery) until AFTER Jesus was risen? God called Saul/Paul to take the message of salvation to the Gentiles. Otherwise we would have been lost "and without God in the world".(Ephesians 2:11,12) (Acts 13:46-48) Then, in Romans 2:16, the Bible clearly states that God shall judge the secrets of men by Jesus Christ ACCORDING TO MY GOSPEL...In summation, the prophecy program was put on hold until the fullness of the time of the Gentiles comes. (Romans 11:25). I often wondered why the promises Jesus made did not come to pass for me. Now I understand...

Sue said...

Please excuse my poor English...A raging migraine all day and all night yesterday has left me rattled. And also, sometimes I think Paul's thorn in the flesh was not his poor was migraines. (or insert YOUR thorn in the flesh...)

Z said...

Ed, the Bible really IS the only word from and of God, isn't it. It was hard for me to just finally surrender to knowing that I wouldn't understand everything and, frankly, would even not like everything I read.
It's all a journey, and I think FrogBurger's right (I know he's right for most of us)...we won't know till we're there!
Fascinating that that happened to you in with the pain in Germany,

I had a friend who was swimming off the shore in La Jolla, CA and it became so foggy he didn't remember which way was to shore. He wasn't a big believer but, that day as he swam, he told God he'd be his forever if he brought him back..and he did, and he is.

FrogBurger, Jesus would not want everyone poor and needy so that some could survive...Liberals like to make this connection and it isn't quite right, but sounds good.
God IS Love...all LOVE, but he's a jealous God (I love that, myself), he's a demanding God. And lots of those folks who think of him as only LOVE think those parts of Scripture can't be right!

Sue, I'm SO sorry for your migraine...I suffered with them for YEARS. 3 days at a time.
I'm going to have to let others respond to your comment; or maybe I'll come back, Bible in hand, and better understand what you're saying. It's fascinating, for sure!

Z said...

What's it like to be in a blizzard? Can you see anything through your windows? Is it loud?
Can you get really warm inside no matter what heating you've got?

I finally got an email back from my niece in CT and all she said was "Well, I've been in a blizzard, I can scratch that off my list!"

Tell this California girl what it's like!?

Z said...

Sue (Not Hanes)...I Corinthians is the chapter which talks about Gentiles being grafted in because of the Jews' rejection.
We "received mercy for their disobedience"

Ducky's here said...

Well, there are degrees depending on the wind speed and snow fall.

This one was as bad as I've seen. Snow was coming down at three inches a minute for about 5 hours during the peak (then you're just praying the snow blower starts in the morning, thank you Lord for Toro).

Keeping warm is no problem and my crib's windows are pretty tight so you just hunker down (I got the last four pack of Brooklyn Black Chocolate Stout at the packy).

I slipped at one point and landed with my face in a pile of snow. The guy next door preserved that for posterity.

Then we all emerge in the morning and start making a racket. Took us about two hours and it was pretty much over. Built some snow forts for the kids who had a ball.

"When the child was a child
It walked with its arms swinging,
wanted the brook to be a river,
the river to be a torrent,
and this puddle to be the sea.

When the child was a child,
it didn’t know that it was a child,
everything was soulful,
and all souls were one."

--- Wim Wenders

Ducky's here said...

correction: 3 inches an hour.

Jan said...

Some of the comments here have been so touching, and all the diverse perspective is interesting.

I can't help but think of the verse of scripture in the ninth chapter of John, where the man who was born blind, was healed and being questioned by those doubting that Jesus was the healer said that all he knew for sure was that he once was blind, but now could see. That's a paraphrase, of course.

I know that I don't understand everything, and as others have said, I don't believe that we ever will, in this life, but I do know that what I have experienced was real.

My son, at five years of age, experienced a creative miracle. He was admitted to the hospital after collapsing one day at kindergarten, and again the next morning, unable to stand, and in great pain. After x-rays, he was diagnosed with Leggs Perthe's disease and was placed on a slant board, in traction, and we were told to expect many months of hospitalization due to the severity of the disease.

He was to be left in traction, and not taken out for any reason. On the fifth morning, very early, when I went into his room, he was so happy as he exclaimed to me that he was going home, that he didn't have to stay in the hospital, anymore.

I was shocked, and upset to think that perhaps someone had just told him that to appease him, and asked if a nurse had told him that, When he said they hadn't, I asked if the doctor had been in that early to see him, and when he said that he hadn't, I asked why he thought he was going home today, and he said, "Becausee Jesus healed me, last night!"

When the nurse got in touch with a doctor, the doctor who was taking our orthopedic surgeon's calls came in his place. He took him out of traction, and my son hopped off the bed, and began skipping and jumping around the room!

He sent him down for x-rays, and after two or three hours, the doctor came into the room, and began to examine him, and finally said with a puzzled look, "Where is the prosthesis?" I was confused, and asked him what he meant, and he again asked where was the prosthesis.

I said that I didn't understand what he was talking about, that he had no prosthesis. He then slapped the x-rays up, saying that he was the one who didn't understand, because "here, it's gone," pointing to one x-ray, and pointing to the one next to it, saying, "and here it is."

The first x-ray showed the tip of the femur with the round tip deteriorated, completely, and on the second x-ray, it was perfectly normal....which is why the poor doctor was searching for the evidence of a surgical implant.

This is too long, I know, so I will just say that he was discharged the same day, and returned for periodic exams for the next year, but to this day, many, many years later, his hip is still perfectly normal.

It was a creative miracle, and it was verified by the x-rays. The first set taken on the day of admission, and the second set on the fifth day.

Praise God forever!

Z said...

Jan, that is QUITE a story! A real miracle...I'm so glad for you and your son! there a reason for the morning "Racket" or do you just mean getting outside and having fun in the snow?
I'm sorry you fell face down!
I appreciate the must be like being in a cocoon when the blizzard is raging outside and you can't see anything outside. I'm afraid I'd feel a tad claustrophobic.

Ducky's here said... there a reason for the morning "Racket"

Ever hear four two stroke engines?

Anonymous said...

Jan, that's an amazing story. Thanks for sharing.

I believe in miracles like this. That's why I enjoyed reading Anita Moorjani's book.


Jan said...

FrogBurger...thank you so much for acknowledging that! You have no idea how much it means to me.

I, sometimes, hesitate to share these wonderful events in my life, because I know it is hard for many to believe, and no one wants to seem foolish...but I'm glad I overcame my hesitation this time.

Besides, I believe that we should always glorify God by sharing all the wonderful things He does in our lives.

May He give you guidance and direction in your own spiritual journey, my friend.

Jen said...

This is exactly what i needed to read tonight.

I believe that we live in a reality with death and disease, but that there is another reality free of death. I decided to stop asking "why?" a decade ago, as it lead nowhere.

Jan, thank you for sharing the story of your son's miracle. I needed it.

Ducky, i love that movie.!

Z said...

Ducky, I don't even know what a four stroke engine IS!

Jen..I'm SO glad this was important to you! Miss you and happy to see you blogging :-)

Anonymous said...

I loved our discussion. It's much better and healthier than politics.

I'm sure there's no politics involved in Heaven.
