Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Must could this be a MAMMOTH error in somebody's judgment?

Say it ain't SO! Global Warming 12,000 years ago?

Does this mean global warming just MIGHT by CYCLICAL? Oh, Al............???

"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity" Martin Luther King, Jr.


The Merry Widow said...

I thought it was the blue whales flatulence...
As I have said before, my 13 yr. old Tahoe IS NOT causeng warming on Mars!
Good morning, G*D bless and Maranatha!


Anonymous said...

Al Gore's middle name should be HINDENBURG.

If someone lights so much as a match too near him, he'll explode into a billion charred, shrieking fragments.

There's nothing but GAS inside this man–––PPOISON gas at that.

If Flatulence had a face, it would look like Al Gore.

~ FreeThinke

Anonymous said...

Just call me a contrarian, but I personally believe that global climate change is what drives the evolutionary process of life in the universe, as only the fittest survive, and a "static" evironment would lead to a single dominant species....

Nietzsche- "What does not kill me, makes me stronger."

Looking forward to my future life in Waterworld...


Z said...

TWM; Tahoe, huh? that reminds me, the global change guys are saying the lake's in BIG trouble...coldest winters in the region, but the warming is doing something to the algae. go figure.

FT: Have you seen a picture of Gore lately? I haven't. I'm thinking he's holed up in a room at his mansion (which has now been retrofited to be GREEN like Bush's was before he ran for president) getting deliveries from NutriSystem and, if he does lose a lot of weight before the convention, we'll know some of the goofballs who still think he'd make a dandy president might get their way.... or at least he was hoping so.

FJ, talk about Waterworld, in doing the five minutes of intense (!) research for this piece, I noticed several articles alluding to THE FLOOD. Ya, THAT one. One even mentioned Noah, don'tcha know. The guy who invented the term "whatever doesn't drown me makes me stronger", didn't he???

Anonymous said...

You're probably right, Z...