Sunday, September 28, 2008

OBAMA and FANNIE MAE...This video is so damning.. The media is ignoring THIS? PLEASE WATCH


Anonymous said...

Z, thanks for posting this. As many people as possible should see this. Let's get it rolling.


Average American said...

Blogging will not get this seen by enough people. It needs to be emailed to millions. You KNOW MSM will not do their job, we have to pick up their slack. Make that clip You-Tubes busiest ever. Great find Z!

Anonymous said...

WOW! This is gonna make the rounds Z. Thanks.


Obob said...

great find, can't wait to drop this little bomb.
allah forbid he take special interest money. allah forbid he got back on his word like campaign funding.

MathewK said...

Good find Z, i'll spread the word. The media may ignore this, but we'll do our best not to.

Anonymous said...

Dodd and Frank are the ones that are the most at fault and all they complaine about is McCain

Anonymous said...

Yep, saw this one, Z.

shoprat said...

This is so important. I will be E-mailing this to others. I hope they watch it.

Anonymous said...

I just put this up with a hat tip to Z ... Pris is right. Let's roll.

Brooke said...

The Media won't lift a finger to inform us of any real facts. What CAN'T Obama get away with when he has friend like them?

An aside: The Congressional Black Caucus should be disbanded as a racist organization.

Pat Jenkins said...

media, i didn't know we had an honest media in this country, only another obama advocacy group... yours truly the first amendment... z when will accountablitly come for the left!!!

Ducky's here said...

You folks are missing all the fun by just focusing on Fannie and Freddie.

Wachovia went down the hole today.
Fortis, one of the five largest banks in Europe was nationalized.

Come on, place your bets and watch your 401K's tank. I say National City and Royal Bank of Scotland are next.

Any takers?

Z said...

Ducky, congratulations!

I have to admit you are the only person I've heard from who actually seems to be enjoying this.

Sure! Take bets..maybe the whole country will collapse and you won't be able to STAND the joy?
Look, I know this socialist solution is right up your alley, but, really, to IGNORE the Dem's ridiculous and dangerous liberal nonsense of "giving homes to those who can't afford them", and then to have so many Dems benefit from that, and now deny it, is insufferable.

Rejoice, Ducky! Good for you.

Anonymous said...

The Ministry of Truth will declare this FRAUDULENT. The Ministry of Communications will BURY it, and The Ministry of Justice will have those who persist in referencing it declared declared traitorous or mentally incompetent. In either case they will be "put away" if not actually put to death. THAT will come later ---- after Obummer's victory is assured.




cube said...

Up until now, I had only read the transcript of this lovefest to the CBC. The video is even more unbelievable... did you catch how proudly Michelle clapped?

This economic mess needs to be dissected by forensic accountants to insure that it will never happen again. And penalties paid by those found guilty of crimes.

Anonymous said...

Ducky, It's pretty sad that in order to win your side needs the country to fail or to lose a war, with the help of the very people you support.

Today, people like you are cheering. As long as you can win an election you don't give a damn how many have to suffer. Hell, you don't care if the country goes down.

You've been hoping for failure for eight years, and your side has done everything they could to bring it about.

Unfortunately, that's all they know how to do. Even if you win you lose. How ironic.


Z said...

Pris, isn't it sad. I very often find myself wondering lately "Where did these Americans grow UP!?"
The guy across the street's preaching communism now...he has show dogs and trains them in the front yard so the dogs get used to the distraction of other dog walkers, cars, etc....Yup, he's giving anybody who'll listen Liberal radio stations, etc.
He's for open borders and war at no cost. And he was born and raised in this country.

Of course, the fellow who told me Glenn was up to this stupidity again (he's tried it on us but I thought he'd stopped preaching) says he told ol' Glenn "Look, I'm from Hungary, and I KNOW what socialism is like..if Obama gets in office, I'm going to have to escape BACK to Hungary now!"

Ya, Eastern Europeans all hate our left. They're more scared of it than WE are because they escaped what our Left's proposing. Sickening.

Unknown said...


Where did they grow up? In academia informed schools. I spoke with a foreign exchange Korean at NYU after the last debate. They had convinced her we were the evil empire!

Just saw the House vote on C-SPAN. Think folks will notice that the Democrats are more for the bailout than the Republicans?