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10 hours ago
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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I would have to know a lot more, but it is an interesting idea.
That's pretty straight talk.
If it's not all talk.
As much as I am interested in what he has to say, I'm also concerned by the fact the guy is a bit of an ego maniac. So I'm not sure if what drives him is the love of the country or the fact he wants to be the king of something.
And he certainly is not a conservative. He will compromise on many issues with the Statists on the Dem or the GOP side.
Yeah, we could exchange a narcissist who has no experience running anything and hates America and capitalism for a narcissist who knows business and loves America and capitalism.
I think we'd be better off with Trump, but really, in comparison, even a smart guinea pig would look good next to Obama.
Let me see......how many times has he declared bankruptcy?? But looking at a lot of the folks that are elected, that is a plus!
The right wing would probably vote for Yogi Bear.
Ducky I think the left wing would too. A lot of lamos watching shows like Dancing with the Stars, the Apprentice love celebrities.
Actually those lamos voted for Obama b/c he was cool, fresh and new. So I think some of the leftards would vote for him too.
When you hear someone start with the "break our dependence on foreign oil" instead of "we need to break our dependence on oil" then you know you're dealing with a right winger.
I'd love to hear these bobos talk about oil pricing. Very complicated but they could manage to break it down into something the right can digest, "It's the Muslims fault".
Palin/Snooki 2012 -- Because We Deserve It
I have in my hand a list of left-wing socialist jihadists who are sending out Tweets to recruit more followers that will help them ban FOX News and put us in gay re-education camps.
I have in my hand a list of left-wing socialist jihadists who are sending out Tweets to recruit more followers that will help them ban FOX News and put us in gay re-education camps.
I know Al Sharpton is one of them, he's suggesting banning right wing radio.
Wear your chastity belt duhkkky, you'll be fine.
Trump might be good for the economy and for our place in the world, which is no small thing, but I'd want a social conservative in the office myself and I don't know about Trump but I'd guess he's not that.
--The Shadow
He's right when he says they have no more respect for us since Obama
Of course, that is not what Trump said. He said America is not respected, so our leader wouldn't be either. He said this after reeling off all the reasons we're getting screwed. "Free trade" deals that are sucking manufacturing out of the country. OPEC and our dependence on foreign oil. Everything he mentioned happened long before Obama and were largely Conservative ideas (although, plenty of Dems went along with them).
There's plenty to be critical about with Obama without making stuff up. Here's one,
North and South Korea's situation now and how WE are sending ships to help S Korea even after they're demanding we sign treaties which give them an advantage.
Not the sending ships part. BTW, a good example of how the Right will criticize Obama, no matter what. You say he's a wimp but criticize his show of force. Maybe you'd prefer a world war, starting on the Korean peninsula.
Here's the part I'll be very critical of this admin. One of the demands S. Korea is making is, the U.S. autos (if not for Obama, we might not have an auto industry) we export to them, must meet their more stringent emissions and mileage standards. Go figure, a Democrat negotiating to send Korea dirtier cars. Of course, there's more to it than that. 40 years of the auto industry, with their Repub allies, fighting against emission controls, CAFE standards, and alternative fuels. And, a public that wanted fat, gas guzzlers. But still, Obama's caving to the Corporatists, again.
Trump also talked about slapping tariffs on China. Wonder how that would go over with the Repubs and their owners at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.
One thing Trump said that is laughably untrue, "Obama is bad for business".
American businesses earned profits at an annual rate of $1.659 trillion in the third quarter, according to a Commerce Department report released Tuesday. That is the highest figure recorded since the government began keeping track over 60 years ago, at least in nominal or noninflation-adjusted terms.
Even though Trump sounds more like a liberal Dem on trade, I wouldn't vote for him. I couldn't keep track of First Ladies and First Exes.
When you hear someone start with the "break our dependence on foreign oil" instead of "we need to break our dependence on oil" then you know you're dealing with a right winger.
That is one dumb comment.
What do you suggest Ducky? Since you're so smart how do we break our dependence on oil? Just like this?
I hope you're showing the example first and stop driving. That's the best one to stop the dependence.
So 16 year old sometimes you are.
oh gosh the appeasement is reaping its horror Z...Have a beautiful Thanksgiving~!:)
No froggy, it's quite reasoned. The fringe right is pushing the idea that we will "end our dependence on foreign oil" simply by a little domestic drilling.
They expect this will continue the days of cheap gas forever. Sheer lunacy.
It's going to be painful and other nations have such a jump on us in so many technologies that we had best jump into the game soon. Instead, we'll have the right following Palin's "Drill, baby, drill".
It's tough, we can't even build a rail tunnel from Jersey to NYC. Pretty much done in as a nation.
Oh, did you hear Sister Sarah on Beck?
CO-HOST: How would you handle a situation like the one that just developed in North Korea? [...]
PALIN: But obviously, we’ve got to stand with our North Korean allies. We’re bound to by treaty –
.... big train in the tunnel.
Craig, you'd vote for Obama....Your not voting for Trump is surprising to anybody?
Ya, he said on TV yesterday morning "the last few years" when dealing with respect for AMerica....he actually included Bush, silly as that is. They might have hated the "Cowboy Bush" but they were a little fearful of him...a good thing.
As Trump was asked yesterday "Why do you think acquiescing to troublesome countries isn't getting us liked like Obama thought it would?" Why, indeed.'
POWER. We still have an idiot CIA which apparently feels being nice is going to win hearts and minds of nuts. Gad.
And you sound so naive discussing emissions..it's like a silly liberal who actually believes Republicans want to dump sewage in the water and screw up our air. There are ways to help clean the environment without crippling our economy; I hope Obama finally finds one.
Ducky...your comments are so surprising :-)
Re leaving a word or two out, Trump uses no teleprompter; maybe that's what ticks you off?
SHadow..."social conservative?" Ya, you could be right. I'm sure he's not that. But, without a country that's succeeding again, it won't really matter, in a way. We need to do uphold that in our private lives and hope it rubs off !!
cube, so well said....
FrogBurger, we can only wait and see what happens, but you're right.
Scotty, he got himself out of bankruptcy pretty darned quickly... And yes, who HASN'T dug us out of the hole the Dem Congress put us into with Bush? WHat we've got NOW.
Ducky, how'd the BIG DIG work for ya?
SOmetimes, DUcky, we need to tighten belts...gee, you approve of the austerity in Socialist countries be we can't do it here? hmmm
Well, it did work out, z. It's built and it's relieved the choke point that would have killed Boston.
Now, if Romney had not given Bechtel regulatory authority over its own work it might have gone a little smoother but we don't want any of those pesky regulations, do we.
The city sure is more walkable than ever with that artery removed.
Oh, wait, Ducky, the pesky regulations like the environmental nuts have imposed on the country? Those which are stopping growth, closing down businesses,part of the reason California's businesses are leaving and a little fish in the Central Valley has caused 30% of American produce to dry up and we now have to go to Israel or Spain now that we can't grow it...because of the liberal regulations to save a tiny fish that flourishes elsewhere in the Pacific NOrthwest? THAT kind of regulations?.
Good that the DIG FINALLY worked out...........nothing like a city you don't have to drive in. Maybe they can get horse/carriages back again, except lefties would say the horse manure isn't fit to breathe and the drivers would complain that the stink bugs them so they'll get liberal lawyers to sue the city......you guys are such fun.
It's quite reasoned?
No it is not. Your reaction is as dumb and shallow as people who say more drilling will solve dependence on foreign oil. See I'm not one of those.
I'm asking utopians like you to first show the example. It's always easy to talk out your rear end and never start with yourself. That's why I cannot stand the left. I'm tired of your lecturing the folks, your pseudo morality you want to impose on the collective. Start with yourself. Stop driving, stop taking the bus, stop using electricity produced by oil or coal to charge your ipod, another capitalistic product you love so much.
Really Ducky you're just a walking contradiction. Do you realize it?
And re your comment about Palin? Everyone slips. That happens. It doesn't mean your IQ is higher than hers.
That's a comment for the puerile man you are.
FB, what would have happened had the left allowed the right to drill ANWAR when it was first discussed? How much could that have helped? It's been proven that the caribou take TO the warm pipes, whatever was drilled there was not at all environment-ruining and couldn't be as ANWAR land is, tho we've all seen the media/Gore LIES, very desolate, cold and un-welcoming to anything BUT drilling, frankly.
Z, I honestly don't know the volumes that can be extracted nationally and if it could replace the imports. So unlike Mr Ducky I can't voice a documented and statistic-based opinion.
All I know is that the left's utopia about not using oil is the dumbest thing ever. They don't even realize the amount of oil that goes into products, and not just cars. Oil has been a wonder to address needs to a growing population not only for energy but also products.
I'm sure there's oil involved in Ducky's ipod.
In this thanksgiving season, I'm thankful God gave me a brain that is not so badly designed. And not a leftist one.
SOmetimes, DUcky, we need to tighten belts...gee, you approve of the austerity in Socialist countries be we can't do it here? hmmm
Do you mean the "austerity" program in Germany?
The program that doesn't kick in 'til 2011?
If only we'd done what Germany did.
A Keynesian Success Story
Germany's New Economic Miracle
The unexpected comeback is the result of an unprecedented large-scale economic experiment. After last year's dramatic economic slump, Chancellor Merkel, after some initial hesitation, decided to support a bailout program modeled on the theories of British economist John Maynard Keynes. When the economy is in decline, the professor concluded based on the experiences of the Great Depression, the government must quickly counteract the trend with massive government spending programs.
Their unemployment remained low a quickly rebounded because,
The second large-scale program that the government devised to assist companies, the so-called short-time working program, also helped bridge the economic slump. The legal framework for the program has existed in German social legislation for decades. When companies experience sharp declines in sales, they are permitted to reduce their employees' working hours, and the government offsets a portion of the costs. The goal is to avoid layoffs and retain employees until the recession is over.
The Repubs answer is to throw the unemployed off unemployment ins.
Z, Fox and the Righty blogs are lying to you. I hope you read the article.
Forgot to mention. The "austerity" that starts next year includes TAX HIKES.
Let's do what Germany does.
I don't know - at this point- if I would vote for Donaly Trump for president, but I do like him, and there have been so many presidents that he could surpass.
Oh another drone on this blog called Craig this time.
That's the lamest point you could make. Too bad b./c the article is interesting and worth reading.
However the impact of gov intervention on the economy has to be measured on a greater timespan whether the influence is good or bad.
As a European, I can tell you stimulus pretty much never worked in France. All they did is create temporary bubbles that later crash because once the gov is not there, the market doesn't necessarily feel the need to maintain the bubble.
Also Germany has a very strong industrial base which is not the case in the US.
The Repubs answer is to throw the unemployed off unemployment ins.
Finally if you think stimulus means paying for more people on welfare or unemployment insurance then you need to go back to school to study economics. I know Pelosi thinks people buying food with food stamps creates jobs. But we ain't dumb b/c it doesn't. Injecting money in industries that generate very low margins and create commodity products doesn't improve the economy. Because it doesn't create productivity gains at all.
The economy's health is based on innovation and the ability of investments to create innovations that lead to higher productivity. That's how you gain jobs.
Not by paying people to sit on their ass at home, even if it's well intended.
and a little fish in the Central Valley has caused 30% of American produce to dry up and we now have to go to Israel or Spain now that we can't grow it...because of the liberal regulations to save a tiny fish that flourishes elsewhere in the Pacific NOrthwest? THAT kind of regulations?.
More lies from Fox.
September 19 Fresno Bee column, Bill McEwen,
Sean Hannity came to the San Joaquin Valley a few days ago and did what he does best. He exaggerated, distorted and turned a complex situation into a hysterical rant.
But I'll give the Fox News right-wing shouter this: citing all the wrong reasons, he unintentionally fingered the right culprit for the economic disaster unfolding on the Valley's west side and in Northern California.
To hear Hannity and his cast of local enablers tell it, farmers and farmworkers in the Westlands Water District are suffering the pain of a water shortage caused by activist federal judges, the delta smelt and President Barack Obama's administration.
Not much of that -- or anything else he said -- is true. But, in fact, the federal government does bear much of the responsibility for the mess entangling the west side, the Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta and the decline of salmon along California's coast.
Decades ago, federal authorities promised more water to farmers than they could deliver. They compounded the mistake by offering subsidies and incentives that encouraged small farmers to become mega-farmers.
Then they turned around and -- again with incentives -- encouraged small fishermen to build bigger boats and bigger fleets, further endangering salmon.
The whole time, few in the federal bureaucracy had either the wisdom or the courage to ask how much water would be needed to sustain California's fish and wildlife, much less the state's population growth.
Hannity, of course, didn't say this. He's incapable of anything but shouting, mugging to his fans and palming off his made-to-fit lies and omissions as facts.
The activist federal judge ruling on many issues affecting the delta, farmers and fishermen is Oliver W. Wanger, a conservative Republican appointed by President George H.W. Bush.
Hannity called the Central Valley "a Dust Bowl." It's not. Millions of acres are being farmed, and most farmers are getting their water deliveries. In a one-hour show alleged to be about water, there wasn't a single second devoted to an explanation of the hierarchy of water rights under California law. Or a single word about the fact that Westlands' farmers have junior water rights, meaning that by law they get what is left after all the other interests have dipped into the state's sprawling water system.
Nor did Hannity bother to explain that Westlands' water comes from the Trinity River 400 miles away and that some Valley farmers sell their water rights to cities and developers.
And somehow Hannity, a fierce opponent of illegal immigration, didn't get around to noting that some of his newfound friends in agriculture rely on illegal immigrants to harvest their crops.
Hannity came here for two things: to tell the nation that a "2-inch minnow" is killing farming in the food basket of America, and to tell Obama to turn on delta pumps that send water to Westlands.
Never mind that the pumps have been on since June 30 -- too late for spring plantings, admittedly, but on nonetheless despite claims otherwise by three local congressmen and comedian Paul Rodriguez.
In a fake attempt at balance, Hannity conned Zeke Grader, executive director of the Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen's Associations, to be on the show. Hannity began the short segment by calling Grader "a wacko environmentalist from San Francisco" and any chance to have a thoughtful discussion about the destruction of the salmon fishing industry was lost.
All this said, the Obama administration's response to the economic hurt on the west side has been disappointing. Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack made it clear during a recent interview at The Bee that the president isn't interested in entering California's water wars.
If heavy rains don't come this winter, a good argument can be made for keeping the pumps on next spring so that Westlands' soil can be planted and watered -- particularly since there is evidence suggesting that pollution and non-native species also are contributing to the decline of fish in the delta.
But the long-term answers aren't that simple. Simple, unfortunately, is the only thing that Hannity understands.
How many times do you have to be lied to before you face reality?
Craig can you make your points by using your own intelligence?
Citing sources that are Liberal or leftist to counteract Fox is not a valid argument?
I could use Hannity to counteract the Huffington Post and it wouldn't be valid either.
So basically avoid the copying and pasting and try to use your own neurons if you can. That'll ease scrolling this page. Thanks
Could I vote for Trump?
(I love Cube's comment.)
I could probably vote for whoever points at Obama in 2012 and says, "I'm NOT that guy."
I could probably vote for whoever points at Obama in 2012 and says, "I'm NOT that guy."
A lot of people voted for Obama b/c he said "I'm not Bush." and we know where it led us.
I think we have to be better citizens and ought to stop voting shallow. One rebound after a bad presidential relationship is enough.
Craig can you make your points by using your own intelligence?
Usually, I link to a source to back up claims of fact. I copied the column from the Fresno Bee because I couldn't find it in their archive. You can object to the source, but can you challenge the content? It's clear from the reading I've done that protecting the smelt in C. Cal. was only a small part of the problem. The 3 year drought and water mismanagement accounted for most of the problem.
It's not enough for me to just say Sean, Glenn, Bill O and Rush pull
facts out of their asses, I back it up with actual information. Did you read the Der Speigel article on the German recovery? 180 degrees from what the right has said Germany had done. If it were just me saying it, why would you believe me? Unlike Fox and the "copy and paste" blogs, I try to back up, not make up, what I say.
My apologies for making you scroll.
Craig, NO. I meant the fact that SOcialism, by nature, tightens peoples' belts because it's the people who suffer from the spread of wealth...they spread it alright, but there isn't much anymore, is there.
WHy in the world would GERMANY come to your mind with SOCIALISM? :-)
Anyway... My stepdaughter is here from Munich...they're thriving. They implimented that 'furlow' plan and it worked, they're all back at work and doing very well....she's a consultant in very high-levels of business and I'll take her word for it! Was that a stimulus? SOrt of. Did it work? you bet. Is it sustainable? No more than ours is, and MUCH less damaging.
The good news is that the FACTS who that the people with days off SPENT and sales are doing great.
But, you probably believe that Germans get free health care, too.. wrong.
Re the Central Valley ...it's partly politics:
And, partly, your story's a lib's take on it; there were hundreds of people at each of the protests in the Central Valley(I have friends there, believe me) ..Home foreclosures are HORRID because people have lost jobs....
And thank goodness for venues like this which tell us another side:
And Craig, you and Ducky constantly bring up FOX as if we Conservatives only watch FOX. The reason we watch FOX (and most of us are far more up to date on CNN and MSNBC hosts, for example, than you could ever name at FOX, because WE WATCH EVERYTHING) is that we get ALL sides of the news/discussions at FOX...not just leftist news.
List of LIBERALS constantly on FOX:
SHEP SMITH (has a news show in the afternoon every day)
MARA What's-her-name from NPR
LISE WIEL...I could go on, why bother?
Name me two on CNN on a regular basis. (Okay, that's too hard, name me 2 who were on this week)
Open your eyes, Craig..there ARE two ways of looking at things, believe it or not. And, guess what...lots of times, the left's DEAD WRONG.
I'd like to hear Obama rattle off those problems and solutions so effectively.
He is in over his head.
I'm trying to understand what was so amusing to those other guests in that studio.
It's amazing how one can actually see condescension isn't it?
As for Trump, I'd like to know more. He makes sense as far as I'm concerned, but I'd like to hear him discuss other issues as well.
Ducky, the left already voted for Yogi Bear. He's in the White House as we speak.
Craig; the did NOT DO A STIMULUS PACKAGE LIKE OBAMA SUGGESTED THEY DO and where the HECK does he get off, anyway?
GLENN BECK? Are you kidding? He's been waiting for rebuttal..it's his DREAM and nobody will! My gosh...pay attention, Craig?
His lawyers check every fact, his producers do weeks of research on every subject. Are you REALLY saying that's not true? REALLY?
And, he's had threats...that's documented. Soros's man called in his producer..cute, huh? :-)
I wasn't a Beck fan until recently...now, I can barely watch because the information he shows connecting this administration with Soros, with communists, etc...man.
Well, he got Van Jones fired. That's something.
Look, Craig! EVERYTHING WE HAVE..GOOGLE, SNOPES< etc...all lean to the left.. It's all we Conservatives can DO to get to the truth..give us a break; we have a country to save.
Pris, it's not condescension..it's sheer FEAR. They shrivel up and die hearing patriots saying they actually prefer this country over China :-)
I noticed that, too..the revulsion of hearing a conservative speak is almost fun to watch.
Check out Joy Behar, she actually TWITCHES when a Conservative's name comes up..if they're actually THERE, her hands start kind of looking like she's trying to click her fingers but can't.. and her elbows start the chicken dance or something AND the mouth....when McCain was on during the campaigning in '08, she and Walters never looked at him. This is the utter class and open-mindedness of the leftwing...it's actually kind of cute!
My posts keep disappearing.
Posts that were there before, or you type and no comment shows, FB?
This happened once a few months ago....and it cleared itself up. I'm sorry, I don't know what causes it.
Submitted again, Z.
And by the way we're on the same page about Beck. It used to be interesting and now it's just way too much.
Yes Craig I read the article.
Here are what really perked my interest:
1. The money injected was mostly used to help banks, very much like TARP (done by Bush by the way, even though I was against it) and companies. Basically corporate socialism.
2. They weakened regulations on the job market side. Great idea but it certainly is not Keynesian or socialist. It's very capitalist. I wish France could do the same and it would save half of their economy.
3. They maintained the risk level and the perception of risks related to investing the same. They didn't send bad messages like the Obama administration is doing about tax levels and other very important economic data.
I keep talking about this on this blog. A stimulus for the sake of the stimulus does not work by itself.
It needs less regulations, market flexibility, less risk, a legal framework enticing risk and investing and an industrial base.
So basically capitalist and not leftwing/socialist things to make it work.
Otherwise all the stimulus plans would have worked in France.
See life is complex. You leftist want to simplify things, take one article and draw conclusions. "Hey I saw the word Keynesian and stimulus in the article and it's working in Germany." Or "Hey people in France don't pay for healthcare because when they go to the hospital they don't write a check."
Simplification leads to poor judgment and the inability to foresee unintended consequences (stimulus => money devaluation => inflation => less purchase power => unemployment for example).
And when simplification leads to failed public policies it leads to tyranny.
Good that the DIG FINALLY worked out...........
Except for the huge cost overruns (the most expensive highway project in American history) and bad cement killing people it was a huge success.
Oh did I leave out all the fraud?
Elbro, it was awful, wasn't it...I remember all of that well.
FB...yes, it's too much. I just with ONE LEFTWINGER would refute, WITH FACTS for a change, what he says...not just attack HIM, try to attack THE FACTS HE CLAIMS. Now THAT would be a show.
ok trying to re-submit for the 5th time in small pieces
Yes Craig I read the article.
Here are what really perked my interest:
1. The money injected was mostly used to help banks, very much like TARP (done by Bush by the way, even though I was against it) and companies. Basically corporate socialism.
2. They weakened regulations on the job market side. Great idea but it certainly is not Keynesian or socialist. It's very capitalist. I wish France could do the same and it would save half of their economy.
3. They maintained the risk level and the perception of risks related to investing the same. They didn't send bad messages like the Obama administration is doing about tax levels and other very important economic data.
I keep talking about this on this blog. A stimulus for the sake of the stimulus does not work by itself.
It needs less regulations, market flexibility, less risk, a legal framework enticing risk and investing and an industrial base.
So basically capitalist and not leftwing/socialist things to make it work.
Otherwise all the stimulus plans would have worked in France.
See life is complex. You leftist want to simplify things, take one article and draw conclusions. "Hey I saw the word Keynesian and stimulus in the article and it's working in Germany." Or "Hey people in France don't pay for healthcare because when they go to the hospital they don't write a check."
Simplification leads to poor judgment and the inability to foresee unintended consequences (stimulus => money devaluation => inflation => less purchase power => unemployment for example).
And when simplification leads to failed public policies it leads to tyranny.
Look, Craig! EVERYTHING WE HAVE..GOOGLE, SNOPES< etc...all lean to the left
I know, Z, it's a massive conspiracy.
I have to go to my night job soon, so y'all have a happy Thanksgiving.
Z, Do you keep up your cooking blog? I looked a while back, it looked neglected. I took the day off to bake bread for tomorrow. A couple loaves of my take on Brioche and two Rosemary/ cheese loaves. Smells great here and there's a light snow falling outside and all is blanketed in white. Enjoy the holiday.
I keep talking about this on this blog. A stimulus for the sake of the stimulus does not work by itself.
It needs less regulations, market flexibility, less risk, a legal framework enticing risk and investing and an industrial base.
So basically capitalist and not leftwing/socialist things to make it work.
Otherwise all the stimulus plans would have worked in France.
See life is complex. You leftist want to simplify things, take one article and draw conclusions. "Hey I saw the word Keynesian and stimulus in the article and it's working in Germany." Or "Hey people in France don't pay for healthcare because when they go to the hospital they don't write a check."
Simplification leads to poor judgment and the inability to foresee unintended consequences (stimulus => money devaluation => inflation => less purchase power => unemployment for example).
And when simplification leads to failed public policies it leads to tyranny.
Craig, YES! My food blog's reactivated by popular demand :-)
Your setting sounds wonderful to a girl in LA...swaying palms, bright blue skies and about 63 degrees...I love the cold (but I guess you don't call that cold)
Still, some snow would be nice (I think?)
Send me a loaf of that rosemary/cheese...man, that sounds great. Do you just crumble rosemary 'leaves' into it and it picks up the essence of it? I always find rosemary a bit tough to work with because it's so spiny...
And, I'm not SURE it's not a conspiracy....I just figure that so many teachers who teach leftist thinking (talk to my nephews and nieces and my friends' kids (not all conservative), I'm not pulling this out of my ...anything) and then a media so angry at FOX though they can't rebuke but slam the personalities, etc......seems like something's up to ME.
But, then........I remember the real AMerica, when we got TAUGHT, not TOLD WHAT TO THINK..Teachers were ashamed to give their opinions and journalists wouldn't dare leave WHY WHAT WHERE WHEN AND WHY because it went against the code of ethics. Oops. .ETHICS...
never mind.
FB....this makes sense "(a stimulus) needs less regulations, market flexibility, less risk, a legal framework enticing risk and investing and an industrial base.
So basically capitalist and not leftwing/socialist things to make it work."
I believe that's what Germany did with the FURLOW PROGRAM. It worked like a charm. They stimulated businesses and got the economy going again and revenues went sky-high because people still had most of their salary and TIME IN WHICH TO SPEND IT!
I could vote for Donald Duck over Howdy Doody! (I didn't say Ducky!)
Interesting article Craig, if the fed screwed it up and it looks like it did, then why would you trust the feds to do anything right? When was the last time the USPS made a profit? How is Fannie and Freddie doing? How about AMTRAK? What we need is LESS government and MORE private industry, what we need are LOWER taxes and COMMON SENSE regulations. What we have now is more closely aligned to the USSR than to the USA and the economy is matching. BTW we have huge shale reserves in the Rocky Mountains that we have not touched. My uncle was a mining engineer and worked on extracting the reserves until the left had a hissy fit and made them stop.
As far as Trump goes, if it's him or Obama? I'll vote for him. I'm not sure I'd support him in a primary though...
Was that Al Sharpton doing the voice-overs?
FB...I've heard that France used to be a communist country that worked and now it's a communist country that won't work.
and the funny part is I heard some leftist author on a liberal San Francisco radio program shouting that France was throwing off Capitalism.
It's going to be painful and other nations have such a jump on us in so many technologies that we had best jump into the game soon. Instead, we'll have the right following Palin's "Drill, baby, drill".
And someday Perfesser Ducky will show us on the map where China is mining its Lego plastics supply from.
Shut up you idiot.
I don't care who it is, what color their skin is, how slim they are, etc. So long as they're a true conservative, that's all i care about.
And someday Perfesser Ducky will show us on the map where China is mining its Lego plastics supply from.
it's the same place where they have no mining accidents because the gubmint is in charge
Wait...I was reading down through the comments (skipping Craig's copy/paste-o-rama) & was doing fine UNTIL...
SHEP SMITH's a LIB??? REALLY? Say it isn't SO!!!!
Ok, my Thanksgiving may have just suffered some...
Shepard Smith...a liberal...
Susannah, watch him for 2 hours!
I'm glad you read the article. My main point in linking to it was to point out how some on the Right have lied to make their argument. Z mentioned the austerity programs in western Europe (I assumed Germany because she is familiar with that country). People like Fred Barnes and Cavuto at Fox, the WSJ Ed. board, Wash. Times, Newsbusters, etc. have all said or written that the recovery in Germany had nothing to do with spending and was the result of cutting. So, how can you and I or the country at large have an intelligent dialogue about the serious problems we face if one side is willing to base their argument on bogus 'facts'?
That's what is so infuriating. So, if we start from the FACT that Germany did initially spend and hasn't yet implemented their cuts and tax hikes, we can have a reasonable discussion about what does and doesn't work. To your points,
1. The money injected was mostly used to help banks, very much like TARP (done by Bush by the way, even though I was against it) and companies. Basically corporate socialism.
We agree on this. My main argument against TARP was that it was given without restrictions and the banksters were allowed to push their crappy loans and toxic derivatives on to the govt., us, and continue with their, what I would call, criminal practices. The Wall St. reforms have had some positive effect, but as long as banks, investment houses and ins. co.s are allowed to co-mingle, they are nothing more than giant casinos, gambling with our money.
While Reagan deserves blame for deregulating the S&L's in the 80's, he deserves credit for his handling, with Congress, of the crisis. Even though the public took a hit, by allowing the S&L's to fail, over 700, and letting the RTC sell off remaining assets, they probably cut our losses.
In short, maybe the infusion of cash was necessary to avert total collapse but why not bust up the huge banks and reinstate Glass-Steagall?
2. They weakened regulations on the job market side. Great idea but it certainly is not Keynesian or socialist. It's very capitalist. I wish France could do the same and it would save half of their economy.
Not exactly sure what you mean here. It could be my turkey hangover. It's my understanding, they encouraged, subsidized, co.s to keep employees on at reduced hours. They avoided mass layoffs and subsidized incomes. The result was drastically reducing unemployment, as compared to us, a populace that continued to consume (limited the drop in demand) and a work force up a running when the recovery started.
3. They maintained the risk level and the perception of risks related to investing the same. They didn't send bad messages like the Obama administration is doing about tax levels and other very important economic data.
If you mean, Germans were assured taxes on certain things are going to be raised, I guess your right. If you think U.S. co.s aren't investing because they're uncertain about taxation, there's zero evidence for that. The only uncertainty is if there is demand. Co.s don't hire because taxes are lower, they hire because more people want to buy their stuff. More people want buy their stuff when more people are working and paid a decent wage. Large multi-nationals don't give a damn about tax rates, they already pay next to nothing to the U.S. treasury, and they don't give a damn about the U.S. They sucked us dry and have moved on to the next "emerging market".
See life is complex. You leftist want to simplify things, take one article and draw conclusions.
Life IS complex. The answer to every problem isn't cut taxes, cut spending and deregulate. Tax cuts have never delivered as promised. I've yet to hear specifics on spending cuts. If you really want to cut spending you have to go at Social Security (currently solvent and will be for the next 25 yrs.), Medicare (can't do it without addressing costs. That means not everyone gets every test they want, when they want it. It also means taking profit out of ins. and either denying Seniors care, death panels, anyone?, or scrapping Medicare.) And defense. Sorry, Righties, no more perpetual war.
It needs less regulations, market flexibility, less risk, a legal framework enticing risk and investing and an industrial base.
It was deregulation of the financial sector that lead to the recession. It was deregulation of trade that lead to the gutting of our industrial/manufacturing base. Be specific, what do you think needs deregulating?
Simplification leads to poor judgment and the inability to foresee unintended consequences (stimulus => money devaluation => inflation => less purchase power => unemployment for example).
Your formula seems over simplified to me. In practice, stimulus has worked. See the New Deal, WWII, Germany and many other examples. It is complex and I don't advocate just throwing money at a problem. Monetary policy (quantitative easing is right out of M. Friedman's playbook), trade policy, collective bargaining, taxation (progressive inc. tax), are all part of the equation.
I'm not anti-capitalist, but the fact is we are a mixed economy. We have some socialist programs and they have proved enormously effective, successful and popular. They may need tweaking every now and then.
It's the Corporatists who are destroying Capitalism. It's laissez-faire Capitalism that has failed. It leads to the tyranny of concentrated wealth and power. Our founders knew this and were just as distrustful of corporate power as they were the Monarchy.
Do you just crumble rosemary 'leaves' into it and it picks up the essence of it? I always find rosemary a bit tough to work with because it's so spiny...
I crumble 'em with my fingers (about 1 tbsp. per loaf) and let them soak in olive oil (not extra virgin, I like my olive oil to have experience) for a couple hours. I spread the dough out after mixing and spread the mixture on with Parm. or Romano (1/2 cup). then I knead it in before fist proofing. Careful not to overproof or it gets a little too dense and chewy.
Susannah, watch him for 2 hours!
Z, Just because Shep commits journalism once in a while, doesn't make him a Lefty.
I haven't watched CNN for a long time but Gamblin' Bill Bennett, Ed Rollins, Eric "Son of Eric" Erickson are on the payroll. I'm sure there's more. MSNBC, has Joe for 2 or 3 hrs. every morning and frequent righty guests on all their shows. I know Rachel invites Righties on all the time. They refuse. It's really hard to argue that Fox isn't the media arm of the Republican party.
before fist proofing.
Oooh. That's a typo, I meant "first". I made it sound disgusting. Sorry.
Craig, sounds like whatever you agree with is fact.
"Z, Just because Shep commits journalism once in a while, doesn't make him a Lefty."
They all 'commit' REAL journalism, if you'd only bother to watch. REAL JOURNALISM is BOTH SIDES of an issue, not ONE SIDE.
Conservatives are stupid to go on Maddow; she's nasty, cunning and mean-spirited. WHy would anybody bother? She cuts them off, she insults..."gee, that's what I'd like to do on an afternoon...get insulted for the 3 viewers they have and have the media crow about it for a week"
" I haven't watched CNN for a long time but Gamblin' Bill Bennett, Ed Rollins, Eric "Son of Eric" Erickson are on the payroll. I'm sure there's more. MSNBC, has Joe for 2 or 3 hrs. every morning and frequent righty guests on all their shows. I know Rachel invites Righties on all the time. They refuse. It's really hard to argue that Fox isn't the media arm of the Republican party."
Those Conservatives are rarely on ....the leftwingers on FOX are constantly on.
joe Scarborough..now there's a Conservative :-) But, he does consider him one; you're right...he is on MSNBC, two or three hours a day. Period. Their whole panel, otherwise, is leftwingers, including avowed socialist Laurence O'Donnell.
You're joking with this, right? Talk to my friends with companies.
"If you think U.S. co.s aren't investing because they're uncertain about taxation, there's zero evidence for that."
Who the HECK would hire anybody with Obamacare looming$$, who'd invest when they don't know what the taxes are going to be? COme ON, Craig
That is exactly what is wrong with "journalism" today. The false equivalency that the talking heads are always trying to push off on us to look balanced or unbiased. Take the German stimulus spending we've been talking about. There's not two sides, they either did it or they didn't. They did. That's demonstrable. There is no, "some say" they didn't.
There's also, often times, more than two sides to a story. But, the bottom line is, on declarative statements of fact, there is only true and not true.
Conservatives are stupid to go on Maddow; she's nasty, cunning and mean-spirited. WHy would anybody bother? She cuts them off, she insults..."gee, that's what I'd like to do on an afternoon...get insulted for the 3 viewers they have and have the media crow about it for a week"
Please, Z, watch this and tell me, honestly, if she does ANY of the things you just described her doing. This was one of her most "contentious" interviews. Tell me how that compares to an O'Riley or Hannity or even loud mouth Matthew's interviewing style.
Craig, I saw no difference with O'Reilly or Hannity, who avowedly are EDITORIAL, as Maddow is...leftwingers mistake them for NEWS, hence the ridiculous FOX IS BIASED claims.
SO what about Maddow? I've seen her probably 3 times a week for about 10 min each time and there's never been a time she's not been very sarcastic, demeaning and smug.
Obviously, she had to 'pay' something for Rand to announce on her show (3 viewers? WHY?!)...maybe she had to play nice? I don't know.
the fish in the Central Valley is a perfect example...people take out and broadcast what THEY want broadcasted, never mind that Hannity, for example, had hundreds of people behind him and Paul Rodriguez, behind him protesting the dry-up of the Valley.
here's information on that:
SO what about Maddow? I've seen her probably 3 times a week for about 10 min each time and there's never been a time she's not been very sarcastic, demeaning and smug.
Maddow doesn't talk over her guests. She's definitely not mean to her guests on either side of politics. She's persistent and pushes her guests to actually answer questions. Sarcastic, demeaning and smug are subjective and I can see where you can conclude that. I don't see her as a hard news program and I know she has a point of view. I also see she has a high regard for facts. More than I can say for Fox.
Which brings me to the Hannity piece with Paul Rodriguez. I also read the link you provided. What Hannity, Rodriguez and DeVore don't tell you is,
Only 15% of San Joaquin Valley was affected by the water shut off.
The water had been turned back on when Sean staged his hit piece.
The Valley had been hit with a 3 year drought. The Cal. Dept. of Water Resources estimated 1/4 to 1/3 of the shortage was due to the shut off.
The Eastland Valley was getting 80 to 90% of their water.
Westlands, where they were, was at the end of the pipeline. They wanted someone elses water.
The water they were complaining about not getting, is siphoned form the N. Cal., Oregon Delta region. The water pumped south has devastated the salmon industry. No word about that.
Run off from farms north of San Joaquin has lead to salty soil, causing more problems than water shut offs.
The farms in the Valley are the most heavily subsidized in the nation.
Hannity's "report" was a carefully designed hit job on Obama and Boxer.
Z, darling~ "Watch him [Shep Smith] for two hours"
That's just it! I don't have 2 hours to watch some newscaster on tv. People like Craig, Jim over @ my blog, Duck (here @ yours) assume that we on the Right have all the time in the world to stay glued to FNC, as if we don't have anything better to do. And therefore, anything we say/think MUST be because we heard it on FNC, or Rush, or Beck.
NO. We aren't brainwashed by the "rightwing media." People like me don't have the time! It's like this: when we hear people occasionally articulate what WE'RE thinking already, we KNOW it/like it. Thus, the ratings...That's just the cold, hard truth.
Craig "I also see she has a high regard for facts. More than I can say for Fox."
More than YOU can say for FOX is true.....sorry, but you couldn't be more wrong. I can't be too surprised you think Maddow has such a high regard for (your) facts!
As for the Valley....no way. I have friends in and around the area..it's a nightmare.
Hannity's "report"...go ahead, ignore my article. NO problem.
Susannah, that's true. And, I can't take more than 10 minutes of Shep anymore.
more on the Valley.
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