Saturday, November 6, 2010

Spain naming alphabetically

Sometimes, I occurs to me that we can't get nuttier in this world, then I see THIS.


Craig and Heather said...

LOL! People can be so silly.

But it's all in the name of gender equality and women's rights, so it's okay....right?


Z said...

In itself, it isn't SO much, but on top of all the other loony things Spain and other countries are doing (us included) regarding gender, to say nothing of the rest of it, it's just SO STUPID!
We can't let MEN's names be FIRST?
Is it SO troubling? WOW

Anonymous said...


So do you think Jose Antonio Alonso understands why Spain is a third-world crap hole?

Z said...

His kids will be Jose Antonio Banderas Carmello Dominques Enrique Favio Geraldo Hector .... Zapato!

Speedy G said...
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Z said...

Speedy, think we ought to skip surnames all together?

The Vegas Art Guy said...

I just surprised that California didn't think of this first! How long before names that have Christian or Jewish significance get banned in favor of more neutral or 'minority' names...

Anonymous said...

Z, it is stupid.

I think it's important for a woman to honor her husband by taking his name. Does it mean he honors her less? Of course not. Neither does it make her unequal.

I think if women are smart, and want to be married, they ought to think this over. Men are more likely not to want marriage in the first place.

Hellooooo, women are supposed to be the nurterers right? So why would they emasculate men any more than they have already?

I can't understand why some folks don't get that men and women are different. That doesn't mean unequal, it means different.


Anonymous said...

Oops, that's nurturers.


Speedy G said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Joe said...

WOW! Shakespear's question, "What's in a name," takes on new meaning, doesn't it?

I'll bet Spain's women feel so much more empowered.

Craig and Heather said...

I think if women are smart, and want to be married, they ought to think this over. Men are more likely not to want marriage in the first place.

This cannot be emphasized enough.

You ought to see what the guys are saying on the "anti-feminist" blogs. And if half the stuff that is said is true, I can't say that I blame them for deciding to reject the notion that there are any women worth marrying.

It's been amazing to me to note how frequently the concept of "equality" is twisted by some to mean "men are worthless". It shouldn't be at all surprising to have them finally respond to repeated disrespect and rejection with "fine, do it yourself".


Z said...

Vegas Guy...I'm waiting to be dubbed WEST LOS ANGELES GODDESS, what do you think? :-)

Heather, what anti-feminist blogs? Could you link one for me?

I had a talk with my stepdaughter last night about this...she is a full blown career woman, divorced, and very successful and hinted that she'd give it all up........"but there are no men who cherish and care for women as Dad did you..."

I told her there ARE men like that (well, there MIGHT be 3 under the age of 55, right?!!) but women have to deserve it, be open to it, THANK men for treating them well, deserve respect and give respect. I was not young when I married and I was a career woman, took me a while to 'relax', 'go with it'...that this man was truly here for me in every way rock, my best friend ever. relax...stop having to be the smart-xxx'd career girl!

I have often thought how wonderful it would be to go into high schools and show PRIDE AND PREJUDICE with Greer Garson and Olivier...or any of the other films where it depicts men treasuring and admiring the lovely women who were smart, feminine and beguiling! Today, you hear of 12 yr old girls 'giving' sex to boys (if you know that I mean) and one can only lament how LOW that little girl must feel and how entitled those jerky little boys feel........why the HECK would they grow into young people of quality who deserve each other, who live lives of character?
Think of the faces on the little girls watching films like that, as it (maybe) sinks in that "Wait, the men loved the ladies because they were kind and lovely and good?" What a RIDICULOUS NOTION, right? (sarcasm there, of course)

end of sermon!

Craig and Heather said...

Heather, what anti-feminist blogs? Could you link one for me?

It's been a while, but I could probably find you the one I've commented on. He's got several links from his place if you want a better idea.

Craig and Heather said...

Here you go, Z.

I do want to say about this particular blogger that in spite of the stuff he posts about women in general, he and I have always had respectful interaction.

Some of his commenters are probably just jerks looking for an outlet, but others appear to have been very badly burned. :(


Z said...

Heather, sometimes I think I'm fairly savvy and lots of times I can't believe how naive I can be...I've never heard of blogs like that and MAN, he's got a long blog list of similar types of blog names (including ALan KEYES!? That cracked me up!)

I think men are actually longing for lovely, good women these days......and I can't really blame them for the way they feel (tho plenty was a little GROSS< let's face it...some are creepy hate-women jerks, but some, I think, are good guys who've been very burned..........and women wonder why there are 'no good men'?!!)
thanks, by the way...a window into a whole new world!

Stanley Kowalski said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Craig and Heather said...

The men-going-their-own-way sites are something else, for sure. And yes, there is a level of gross-ness and rudeness that encourages me to keep my distance even though I know there must be some decent guys in that group that are just really hurting.

I was totally ignorant, too, until being pointed that direction by another blogging friend who I've come to highly respect. She's been on the bandwagon to get people to wake up to the "dark side" of militant, liberal feminism and how it's affected the men in our culture over the past few decades.

I really thought she was exaggerating about the level of animosity at first.


Ducky's here said...

Hey Mustang, I'll give you a choice , you can live in that hole in Florida where ever it is you live or Barcelona.

Guardi or post Walmart, your choice.

~Leslie said...

Sigh. So glad real women's rights issues are being addressed in Spain. What oppression... can you see my dripping sarcasm?

The Vegas Art Guy said...

Z, I have at least one pregnant student in my classes so yes I am aware of girls just giving it away. (she had a 96% last quarter too)

Two years ago two freshmen got caught 'playing doctor' in the elevator...

Need I say more?

Susannah said...

Oh good lord.

Hope you're having a good weekend so far, Z. Been thinking about you!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


Z said...

Ducky, you said "Hey Mustang, I'll give you a choice , you can live in that hole in Florida where ever it is you live or Barcelona."

If you'd traveled at all, you'd know that Spain, too, isn't picture perfect everywhere one goes.....believe it or not, Mustang does not live in a 'hole' and there are definitely 'holes' in Spain.
My gosh, can America do ANYTHING better than what YOU think Europe is?

Heather, I think it's a great idea to study the way feminism has turned men off.......Men deserve better, most of them. Many more would deserve better, had they not become spoiled by the idiotic, unwomanly, unrefined and undignified behavior of so many women today.
Actually, I wish I knew what I know now when I was in my twenties and thirties. Am I making sense here? I hope so.

Leslie, see Joe's're on the same page and are SO RIGHT. THIS is important to women's rights?

Vegas Guy..what a waste, right?

Susannah, thanks, honey. xxx so far, so good. .Just got back from an amazing fundraiser for a CHristian High school in the area. EVERYONE who gets exposed to this school wants to turn their piggy banks over to them and turn our pockets inside out. I wish I had something meaningful to give other than the time and talents I try to give any chance I get. This is one AMAZING school with ABSOLUTELY AMAZING, GODLY Staff.
Thanks for keeping me in your thoughts xxx

Z said...

Beamish, that trailer looks creepy on many levels. Conservative Robt Duvall's in it? interesting.
I forgot to look at the date, if there even WAS it new?

Z said...

MK, what our media's NOT telling us about Germany is how FED UP Germans are getting. But, don't forget, they've got an unenviable paradigm of being unable to really speak up lest the leftwingers there and here accuse them of NAZI tactics again. THink about it.

It's creating a very resentful feeling in Germany among my own stepkids and their friends.....and MANY others, too, obviously.

Good point about muslim names; nobody can make THEM do anything, the courts will decide in their favor, just like obama's healthcare plan will probably let them off the hook too, since it goes against their religion.


Craig and Heather said...

Men deserve better, most of them. Many more would deserve better, had they not become spoiled by the idiotic, unwomanly, unrefined and undignified behavior of so many women today.

I am often reminded of my husband's response to the indignant woman who once asked if he was holding the door for her because she was a lady.

He said "No--it's because I'm a gentleman". I love this attitude in the men who will do what is right regardless of how difficult women make it for them.

I do agree with you, though, that those of us who truly do appreciate genuine masculinity ought not make things any tougher on the guys than they already are.
My notes on "the new gender rules" for our society, suggest that women can do little wrong, and are not expected to behave respectably while men can't get anything right. We dumped our dish years ago, but have you noticed the tone of so much tv programming? Men are often portrayed as either self-absorbed jerks, stupid or gay. If you watch at all, pay attention to the contrast of how women are frequently presented.

In many ways, radical "feminism" has not been about fair and equal treatment of women, but of our supposed superiority. It's subtle, pervasive, and quite damaging to families, churches and society in general.

Actually, I wish I knew what I know now when I was in my twenties and thirties. Am I making sense here? I hope so.

I think we all can look back and see things we wish we'd known when we were younger. That is certainly true for me. I mentioned this to my dad once and he said "No you don't. If you hadn't learned what you did then, you wouldn't be the person you are now." There are times I really hate the person I am now...but I know that he meant that we all have to learn from our mistakes and those who do end up the better for it.

For what it's worth, Z, the little I do know of who you are today, I appreciate very much.

I think the movie trailer was from '04. And you're right, it was creepy. Makes you wonder what we're moving toward as an engineered society, though, doesn't it?


Ducky's here said...

z, I would hardly call Spain a "third world cesspool" which is mustang's description of virtually any place not occupied by English speakers.

I've been to Barcelona and I've been to many areas of Florida, Barcelona in a landslide.

Anonymous said...

The blog that Heather linked to is about as enlightening as Jeanine Garafalo's blog (if she has one). Hatred is hatred.

Regardless of xx or xy.

how silly.

Craig and Heather said...


You're right. Hatred is what it is.

My point was not that the guys on those blogs should be given a pass concerning their disdain for women, but rather that the attitude exists, that there are indeed women who have done little to rise above those (right or wrong) presuppositions, and that there is nothing wrong with making an effort to not fit the "Garafalo" stereotype.
Also, seeing the open hostility made me think twice about how not showing appreciation for others can be hurtful, even if they never say so.

Some people cannot be pleased, regardless. They will focus on extremes or complete lies in order to justify themselves. That IS silly.
But wouldn't you think that someone who wants to be treated with respect by reasonable people ought to be willing to work at it a bit?


Anonymous said...

Beamish, that trailer looks like an updated version of Orwell's 1984. It could easily be a warning, as was his book. At least that's how I took it.

I definitely want to see it, as I do any movie Duvall's in. Btw, does it look to anyone else here as if Duvall has had a facelift?


Z said...

Heather, trust me, of course your father makes sense, we all know that...but no, I definitely DO wish I knew then what I know now, particularly on this subject. Think how far ahead we'd all be now had we grown in areas much earlier.
And, oh, yes...Men can do NO RIGHT anymore....Commercials show fathers being dissed by their kids, looking stupid,...TV Sitcoms, films...all the same. It's almost as if it was a concerted effort but I think it's just too many leftwing "open minded haters" who are writing the material.
Men are being pushed away and boys are doing worse in school, more girls are going to college, etc. This is a REALLY scary state of affairs.
I wish ALL women stayed at home with their children...there, I've said it. I"m tired of having to recant or dilute that sentiment because I know FAR TOO WELL the benefits of mothers actually raising their own children.
Thanks for the kind words, by the way.

Pris, Duval looks young, that's for sure. THink how old he is..Boo Radley in TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD? That's YEARS ago!

Jen, I think a lot of it's hate and I think some of it has been brought on by snarky women, but I wouldn't put all the blame on either side. I think we're a mess and need straightening out and only another generation of well-raised children can do that, so...that's out! :-)

Anonymous said...

what I saw on that blog (I only read four posts, with comments), was whitewashing of women. You're either a slut, or a virgin.
The way I see it, that just about eliminates 99.9% of women on earth.
I can just as easily say that all men are either rats or princes.
I think that's ridiculous.
We're all flawed human beings with the capability for love and hate. We can do anything.
I would never deny that men and women are different, but I will never agree that we are not the same in our humanity, our imperfection.
I simply will not be forced into any category, nor will I attempt to rescue anyone who has given him (or her)self over to that kind of childish thinking. It's so unconscious. So unaware of self.

Yes, I do think it's good to make an effort to reach out, but as much as I have a resoponsibility for bettering myself, so does the other.

I don't know if it's cynical of me or just my honesty, but I don't trust anyone who claims to be "one or the other". Life is a continuum, and that kind of polarization NEVER leads to growth. It's strictly dividing.


My point was not that the guys on those blogs should be given a pass concerning their disdain for women, but rather that the attitude exists, that there are indeed women who have done little to rise above those (right or wrong) presuppositions, and that there is nothing wrong with making an effort to not fit the "Garafalo" stereotype."

I totally agree that there's nothing wrong with rising above the stereotype.

I try to do it everyday.

I'm trying to get over my issue of not being a "hateful feminist" yet not being completely passive, either.
There is a middle ground of intelligent women who value men and all they are, value themselves, and feel no need to degrade men in order to succeed in life. I don't need to call myself a 'nester' or any other such moral ideal in order to know this about myself.

I have my faults, and a man who is secure in himself will love me for who I am, not for the ideal that he wants me to be. And I, him.

If we wait for an ideal to come along, we'll be waiting forever.

(I know you know this, I'm just talking about where I am right now.)

I'm not hostile to you, either. I just found that blog to be particularly disgusting and discouraging, as I would any blog run by women which degrades men in the same way. I see no difference, really.

This gender hating will destroy our families and our society. Blaming feminism may be a start, but why not praise secure men (like your husband?) who can be their masculine selves in the face of that hatred, instead of fighting back with more hatred?

I think that this is where feminism went wrong. Instead of spewing venom (which not all feminists did/do), there should have (and might still be) a group of women who stand on their convictions while not degrading men. Not either/or, but both/and.

It's totally possible.

Craig and Heather said...


We are in agreement as to the lack of balance of the he-man-woman-hater site.

What struck me was not so much the realistic nature of the complaining, but that I need to be personally responsible in the way I interact with others. You appear to agree on that point.

I'm trying to get over my issue of not being a "hateful feminist" yet not being completely passive, either.

I think we all need to be able to find balance in this area. Standing by one's convictions is important. Backing down from what I believe is not something I do easily, but I have a bad habit of not being direct because I don't recover well from being verbally "hit" by those who might respond in anger. It's a personal issue, though, and something I'm working on as I don't expect to be coddled as a result of my own faults.

Really, I don't see much in your comment that I would argue against. We use different terminology in that you can see a positive application of the movement known as "feminism", while I tend to refer to a need for common decency and dignity of behavior.

Truth stands, regardless of what we choose to call it.


Z said...

Jen, we should start a blog honoring the really good men we at geeeZ and at the other blogs in our corner of the blogosphere (for which I'm ever grateful to be a part!) we have tons of men one can tell is just plain GOOD and HONORABLE by their comments about their wives and children, political viewpoints, some have the guts to discuss their faith here..etc.

I think honoring good men might remind all men and women what they're missing.
Of course, in today's Western Society, we'd have to discuss what "GOOD" is and probably never come up with any definition because the leftwingers would consider a gay man who just can't help doing little boys as GOOD, too.."it's not HIS fault he's made like that..who are YOU to judge? And, after all he voted for Obama and has a particularly small carbon footprint! :-) LAWDY DAAA!!" geeez

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


Know your obscure sci-fi history!

THX-1138 was George "Star Wars" Lucas' first film, released in 1971. ;)

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

No face lift, Pris! Robert Duvall was 40 when THX-1138 came out, in 1971.

Z said...

My interest in sci-fi could be fit into a thimble and there'd still be room for an air show :-)
And I got to meet RAY BRADBURY some years ago and he read a poem I wrote about him.....WHY I wrote it, I have NO IDEA :-)

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

That's a shame, Z. Some of the best satires and social commentaries and political rants ever written were told in the form of science fiction stories.

Entertainment for thinkers, eh :)

Z said...

Beamish, I get by.
And I do think WITHOUT Sci Fi!! :-)

Z said...

I don't mean to sound offended or defensive... I have seen some satires, etc., as you describe; I am just not interested in Sci Fi or anything to do with it.

Craig and Heather said...

My interest in sci-fi could be fit into a thimble and there'd still be room for an air show :-)

At least you didn't try to guess a release date from the number at the end of the clip...

Um. I just wanted to thank you for indulging my tendency to rant about this topic (not sci-fi). It is encouraging to encounter believers from more liberal areas of the country who value "traditional" gender and family roles as an important part of our overall societal structure. As Jen pointed out, there is room to move about and be real within healthy relationships, but it can be disheartening to see how far our culture has moved away from "healthy".


(((Thought Criminal))) said...


I'm a sci-fi nerd geek dude. Sue me. :P


One person's "healthy relationship" is another person's "co-dependency syndrome."

My trail mix is "healthy." My relationships are "fulfilling."

Anonymous said...

"No face lift, Pris! Robert Duvall was 40 when THX-1138 came out, in 1971."

Beamish, thanks for clearing that up. I'm a big Duvall fan and would not like to think he was that vain. As you can see I didn't run to see the latest sci fi films.

That's not to say I haven't seen some I like.

I really will watch almost any genre depending on who's in it, or if it's based on a book I enjoyed.

Except, I can't stand disaster films. Couldn't believe Titanic won an Academy Award for instance.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Except, I can't stand disaster films. Couldn't believe Titanic won an Academy Award for instance.

The ending of that one was spoiled for me. Someone told me the boat sank...

ba dump bump...

Anonymous said...

Jen, we should start a blog honoring the really good men we know.......
Count me in! ;-)

Craig and Heather said...


One person's "healthy relationship" is another person's "co-dependency syndrome."

Absolutely--and I do believe there is plenty of room for differences in interests, personality quirks, abilities, etc.

While there are traits that are unique to (or tend to be stronger) in each gender, I know better than to stereotype and I'm not trying to force anyone into a mold based on what's worked for me.

My trail mix is "healthy." My relationships are "fulfilling."


Ok. Maybe I could put my perspective this way...There are a few pretty basic differences when it comes to the distinction between male and female. Agreed?

And, eventually, there comes a point where aggressively masculinizing the feminine role (and simultaneously inverting our general concept of what it means to be "male") in our society can encourage the type of confusion we see in which a fulfilling relationship just might look a little like gay partnership and get shoved in everyone else's face in an attempt to legitimize it as a "healthy" thing.

I've noted that you have argued rather strenuously against any supposed benefits of such unions--

All I'm saying is that it isn't a bad idea to pay attention to, and even encourage, the naturally occurring limits we have to work with.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Ok. Maybe I could put my perspective this way...There are a few pretty basic differences when it comes to the distinction between male and female. Agreed?

I'm following.

And, eventually, there comes a point where aggressively masculinizing the feminine role (and simultaneously inverting our general concept of what it means to be "male") in our society can encourage the type of confusion we see in which a fulfilling relationship just might look a little like gay partnership and get shoved in everyone else's face in an attempt to legitimize it as a "healthy" thing.

Well, I wan't trying to speak about abominations and perversions.

I just don't like the term "healthy" applied to "relationship." It means little, if nothing to me. Maybe I'm making too fine a distinction, being that I am rather extremely hostile to psychology, pop or otherwise. Reading a book someone else wrote about "how to be yourself" and "how to be a better person" and going to therapy and taking happy pills and all that schlock horse shit is no better than joining a cult, in my opinion.

Is or ain't. You either are a decent human being, or you're not.

I guess I'm reacting in a tangent to just the term "healthy relationship" in the same way I define the term "expert" as "someone 5000 miles away and evem further intellectually distant from what's really going on." A nitpick of sorts.

We probably mean the same thing by "healthy relationship" and "fulfilling relationship," I just feel the term "healthy relationship" has too much Dr. Phil dimestore Freud baggage attached.

All I'm saying is that it isn't a bad idea to pay attention to, and even encourage, the naturally occurring limits we have to work with.

Indeed. Find happiness with someone, and be their happiness, or keep looking.

Eleven words. It's not necessary to keep writing new "self-help" books.

Craig and Heather said...

Well, I wan't trying to speak about abominations and perversions.

I prefer to not.
But if we continue to blur the lines to the point that we don't even have a recognized foundational standard of what it is to be "male" or "female", who's to say what is a perversion?

I just feel the term "healthy relationship" has too much Dr. Phil dimestore Freud baggage attached.

Okay. I get it.

Eleven words. It's not necessary to keep writing new "self-help" books.

Oh, I think a good-old fashioned book-burning is in order. Bring a forked stick and we can toast marshmallows.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Maybe just print the Book of Ecclesiastes in its own binding and call it a day. ;)

Craig and Heather said...

Maybe just print the Book of Ecclesiastes in its own binding and call it a day. ;)

Oh, alright. Eating raw s'mores isn't much fun, though.


elmers brother said...

When I was in Spain there were constant protests from the communists and I got kicked out of several establishments just for being an American.