How is it possible this “American made film” that no one has ever seen is able to create such a disturbance from North Africa, all the way to Bangkok? And it only took a week—which does speak volumes about the diminished size of our planet in the modern era —even if we discount the advent of cell phones and text messaging. Intellectually, we know that most of the people rioting do not have cell phones and text messaging; we know they are merely the playthings of people who do.
And there is some good news (Z would call this spectacular news as she's hoped for this from the muslim world for years, as most of you remember): citizens of Benghazi are threatening more violence directed at al-Qaeda groups if they do not immediately cease their anti-American rhetoric and demonstrations.
Now is the time for objectivity. Most Muslims could care less what some obscure filmmaker does with his time. We feel certain that most Muslims shake their head in wonderment of such immature behavior as making a film that will assault the sensitivities of people devoted to their religion. They, like most of us, think that life is far too short to get our knickers in a bunch over trivial things. And they know, as we do, that if it is blasphemous to make films about Mohammed, then in all likelihood, that person will burn in hell for ten thousand lifetime, anyway.
Nevertheless, reality tells us that whatever extremists are doing through the Middle East has very little impact on our lives here in the good old USA.
What does concern us, however, is the expansive ineptitude of our government. What a disgrace Barack Obama is to give lip service to the Americans who gave up their lives in the service of their country, and then rush off to do a jowl by jowl with Beyonce (Obama calls her 'Bey'), and then having the gall to equate his campaign workers to those dead Americans [
Source]. And we are not happy with the feigned rage of Hillary Clinton, who as we previously mentioned, placed these State Department employees in harm’s way by hiring the Muslim Brotherhood to provide security for the Consulate in Benghazi [
Source]. ( Though Z must admit she begrudingly respects Hillary for meeting with so many leaders because Obama was too busy at THE VIEW).
We are not happy that our government spent $70,000 on an advertised apology to Middle Eastern extremists who don't care if we say we're sorry or not[Source]. We are not pleased that our government agrees to provide $1.6 billion to Cairo after they violated sovereign US territory. And finally, who in the hell does Martin Dempsey think he is to call a private citizen and suggest that he “stifle” his right of free speech?
We may not be able to suppress the maniacal behaviors of not very bright people in the Middle East, any more than we can control idiotic behaviors here at home, but we can stifle the incompetence of government officials who disgrace our country each and every time they step up to a microphone.
We grow so weary of these cretins. We wish our countrymen were as angry about this as we are. We wish there would be a light at the end of the tunnel on 7 November 2012. Our votes are the only 'stifle' we've got.
The film had nothing to do with the riots, killings and protests.
Those who incited and took part in the riots are barbarians of the first order, and are not civilized in any sense of the word.
Those who are of the same "faith" who do not rise against them are no better than they are.
Were they no so dangerous, they would be nothing more than a bad joke.
Those who are of the same "faith" who do not rise against them are no better than they are.
People who stay home and mind their own business, who choose not to subject themselves or families to the violence of jihadi retribution as as bad as the people who riot and murder Americans?
How do you figure this, Joe?
So now we hear that r he Film tat upset the poor Muzzies may have been made by Terrorists themselves. And that Obama bought right into to the whole scam. Well. oh well, isn't that the cats pajamas.
Now we have to see what our dear Secretary of State will say, if anything!
Go, Sami!
At least with regard to much of what he stated.
Good work here on this blog, excellent post. Lets hope that the lefty nut-jobs read it and wake up to whats going on in the world other then the Moocher telling our kids what to eat.
Lets get rid of this Empty suit in a empty chair!
This morning, I heard on FNC praise for Obama's speech at the United Nations.
Are they not paying attention or something?
BHO said: The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam.
Check the transcript for yourselves -- the full transcript. It's there!
"Slander" has legal meaning. It also has an Islamic meaning.
Note this comment from another blogger over at IBA:
The Reliance of the Traveller (or ‘Umdat al-Salik’) maintains that slander (ghiba) includes the mention of anything concerning a person [i.e., a Muslim] “that he would dislike.” This discussion also cites a canonical hadith which contains the following account:
“Do you know what slander is?” They answered, “Allah and His Messenger know best.” He said, “It is to mention of your brother that which he would dislike.” Someone asked, “What if he is as I say?” And he replied, “If he is as you say, you have slandered him, and
if not, you have calumniated him.”
From AOW’s link:
//One scene, for example, shows him authorizing the looting of cities, the raping of women, the taking of slaves, and the sexual assault of children. Another shows his wife, Hafsa Bint Omar (daughter of the second Muslim Caliph), beating him with a shoe because she found him in bed with another woman. He runs around the room in circles, and says that if she stops hitting him, "I will make your father Caliph."//
Hold it.
Mo had a 9-year old wife for crying out loud. Mo set into motion one of the most significant conquests of all time —if not in scope, then in its consequence. They looted cities, raped women, and took slaves.
Why is this offensive to Muslims?
Mr. Silverfiddle, I saw this comment and I am appalled,. you meant to tell me that you have so much hatred in you that you can disrespect the President of the United States by saying that?
P;ease tell me that I am wrong!
Silverfiddle said...
Obama is a Muslim anger enabler. He is the battered wife to Islam's abusive husband.
He has disgraced America.
Obama, Hillary, Rice, and Gen. Dempsy are all a disgrace to this great country.
'We wish our countrymen were as angry about this as we are.'
Obama uses his Get Out of Jail Free Card as often as the left uses their race card and then as heard on Howard Stern's interviews,how can a clueless idiot with their head in the sand or other places,be angry at anything ?
Just look how easily the ME is able to rile up their idiots? Our government makes our idiots complacent.
So if you see someone robbing a bank and shooting the guards and customers, does your standing behind a concrete wall protecting yourself from gunfire and mayhem make you as bad as the bank robbers/murderers?
When Our Dear Leader, Barrack Hussein Obama was on The View, the other day, I’m sure you remember the day when Obama had no time on his pressing schedule to meet with the prime Minister of Israel Benjamin Netanyah he was asked by Barbara Walters and Joy Behar of “The View” if the deadly assault on the US consulate in Benghazi was a “terrorist attack.” Our Dear Leader responded by saying, “We are still investigating the attack that killed four Americans, including US Ambassador Chris Stevens, but based on what they knew so far, the assault was linked to broader protests fueled by an anti-Islam movie.”
So tell me Mr. President, why is it that everyone else in the world is say that it is very clear that the Mohammed movie was never anything but a distraction used by the Islamists to set the stage and by the Obama administration to avoid admitting that the attacks were not spontaneous protests, but a planned assault by Al Qaeda on September 11th.
Why was it that everyone at the consulate from Christopher Stevens on down seemed to know that some kind of an attack was coming. And even the Libyan security officials said that they gave three days warning to the United States. And yet there was a complete lack of security given to the Embassy, or to Ambassador Stevens?
The truth is that this whole mess happened on Obama’s watch, and he knows it, Hillary Clinton knows it. And yes Susan Rice knew it, and everybody knows it, but yet Obama continues to put up this front and even stood in front of the United Nations and told the world that those riots were caused by outrage from a 14-minute "film" that had been made by a private citizen and seen only by a handful of people on YouTube. And then issued his APOLOGY by saying that America had nothing to do with is.
Yes, Obama himself knew the attack was coming. But this was the first attack by Al Qaeda on a American Consulate since 9-11 and it’s only 2 months before the election so the Liar in Chief has to play it out as it may have been the film. And where is the media on this dirty little secret? They seem to be nowhere to be found.
Four American's were brutally murdered in cold blood, and our President won’t even come clean on it. With all the information that was provided to them, how could they not have see this coming? Unless they are a bunch of fools, and i have no doubt about that.
@ Joe ... I wonder who poses the greatest danger. Islamic fanatics who live in a sand box, or the Muslim in Chief who lives in the White House.
Aries, do you have additional information to share? According to my understanding, the filmmaker is Nakoula Basseley Nakoula who has Coptic Christian origins. It is possible al-Qaeda was behind this film? Sure, but I’d love to see your sources. Thanks!
@ Sam
Why are you always injecting logic into your arguments?
@ Conservatives on Fire ... yes they are; they truly are.
@ DD
Proof of Obama's narcissism was his statement about being "eye candy" for the ladies on The View.
We really do need a break, don't we?
Hey...who put you in charge??? LOL
I did :-)
That "Eye candy" line really got me, too, particularly since most women I know can't look at the man. Of course, they say that the insides are a reflection of the outside.
You'll all hate this, but I have to admit Obama has a very engaging smile...SO friendly! SO sweet! So COOL!:)
Should it matter? ABSOLUTELY NOT.
Will it have an impact on the election with the populace our left has educated? You bet your patooty.
THE VIEW instead of matters of state? And Hillary graciously got stuck meeting with all the bigwigs presidents normally do. The irony due to the 2008 election can't be escaped.
"Obama has a very engaging smile.."
Does that get him votes from women? Is that the criteria for dem votes?
I think he looks like a cheetah ready to pounce.
THE VIEW instead of matters of state? And Hillary graciously got stuck meeting with all the bigwigs presidents normally do.
That sounds like some macho behavior. The war against women!
"Obama has a very engaging smile ..."
Does that get him votes from women? Is that the criteria for dem votes?
This is the primary reason why women should NEVER have been given the vote.
What do you think got JFK elected over Nixon? It wasn't JUST the Cemetery Vote in cook County, Illinois. JFK was "attractive to women."
"CHARISMA" came into the vocabulary at the time JFK rose to power.
And what is "charisma" but a fancy name for SEX APPEAL?
And that is why WIlliam Jefferson Klintoon would be elected today by a LANDSLIDE if he were able to run.
No matter what they may say to the contrary MOST women are attracted to "rogues," "boors" and "bad bois." They just refuse to admit it anywhere but inside the ballot box.
~ FreeThinke
Obama is president in name only. He is totally clueless when it comes to foreign policy.
What’s happening now in the Middle East could easily have been predicted in fact, was predicted by many people. Weakness, even the appearance of weakness, invites aggression by actual and potential enemies. It is no more complex or abstruse than that. This film was a diversion and Obama, and Hillary knows it as well as anyone else. Or they should!
Terrorists don't need an excuse to kill, vandalize and destruct. Most people know this instinctively. It has been documented throughout all of human history. But dwellers in liberal cloud-cuckoo-land refuse to comprehend it. They choose ideology over reality and suffer the consequences without ever learning from experience.
As they say, “Good judgment comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgment.”
Since B.O. has no redeeming qualities, whatsoever, I view his "engaging smile" as nothing more than a "red flag"! The "engaging smile" is an essential attribute for any successful con-man.
Since B.O. has no redeeming qualities, whatsoever, I view his "engaging smile" as nothing more than a "red flag"! The "engaging smile" is an essential attribute for any successful con-man.
I don't think Obama is clueless, I think he's part of a sinister agenda, in which the far left will use whoever they think serves their purpose. And the Islamists serve their purpose.
I'd love to know the names and organizations who are behind the chaos in the ME, and to my mind, those people aren't all muslims.
It's a plan, part of the far left agenda. Plain and simple!
This shake up in the ME, has overcome the discussion on our economy.
We can hope it will backfire, but nonetheless, it creates chaos, and in the far left world, that's what they rely on.
As for Obama's smile? I look into his eyes, and see coldness. His smile is something he uses to throw folks off guard.
Btw, we all heard him say, after our four Americans were murdered, "it's a bumpy road". Does he care? It doesn't look like it to me.
Does anyone here believe our President didn't know that the security provided to guard those four men, were chosen by the Muslim Brotherhood?
There's more to this story than meets the eye. As usual, the Devil's in the details!
"Like me, the majority of Americans are Christian, and yet we do not ban blasphemy against our most sacred beliefs
As President of our country and Commander-in-Chief of our military, I accept that people are going to call me awful things every day -- (laughter) -- and I will always defend their right to do so."
~An excerpt from Obama's Speech to the United Nations General Assembly~
Maybe it's just me..but, can you believe this guy?
It's almost like he's saying that people commit blasphemy against him every day, but then, maybe it's just his narcissism showing.
I found his entire UN speech to be nothing but sheer hypocrisy. Yeah, right, he defends the right to free speech...which must be the reason the Secret Service keeps showing up on the doorsteps of those who say the slightest thing about him that the Administration doesn't like.
And the reason they arrested the guy who made the film that they keep blaming for the murders of our citizens, even though they know that it was a planned attack, carried out on the anniversary of 9-11.
Why can't he, and the rest of his administration even bring themselves to say the words, "Islamic terrorists" I wonder?
They're pretty quick to utter the words, "Homeland terrorists" over here, aren't they?
I daresay that just about everyone who comments here, fits the criteria found on Homeland Security's list.
Don't even get me started on the despicable behavior of Obama, he cares more about being a celebrity than a president.
The deaths of those precious Americans are dead because it was pre-meditated. That has already been proven.
Z, I'm fed up with Obama.
This rioting last week? That's been going on for centuries. These people are always pissed about something and will riot at the drop of hat. They are, quite frankly, uncivilized and always will be. We are not going to change them.
What matters is our response and it would be one thing if the response were nothing.
Unfortunately though, Obama does worse than nothing. He appeases, apologizes, and generally polishes the ass of everyone in Islamistan that hates us. This just serves to embolden them.
We need to get him out of office. Barring this, we need to get used to it because these riots and murders will be a part of our lives for the next four years.
Joe said..."The film had nothing to do with the riots, killings and protests."
Right on cue, lapdog wingnuts line up behind Fox's latest bullshit.
Liberalmann, even the Administration admits it wasn't tie video.
Hey Libboy, this from the ultra conservative NYT:;jsessionid=9F33FC9BBB9EC76C97E6E9FC30516F39?f=19
Hey Libman, I just discovered my toilet brush's brand is "libman."
Funny, uh?
Elmers Brother said..."Liberalmann, even the Administration admits it wasn't tie video."
Is that why Obama mentioned it in his speech? Get a clue.
Didn't read the link Eh? Intellectually dishonest much? No surprise there.
How about thus?
BTW who knows why the Drug Addict in Chief does anything. My guess is hes deflecting blame from himself to somebody he can inexplicably tie to the right wing and therefore Romney. You gotta guess? I didn't think so.
Innocence of Muslims Film Was Made by Terrorist by Walid Shoebat.
I hope that the above is what you were looking for.
Well then let's hear what the Ambassador has to say...TO FOX NEWS!
US Ambassador Susan Rice Maintains That Anti-American Protests Are a Direct Result of Anti-Islamic Film
Always On Watch said..."BHO said: The future must not belong to those who slander the Prophet of Islam."
Aw really? You deleted my post becasue I discredited your out of context remark? Lets try this again and see how much you are a denier:
Obama went on to stipulate that “to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied. Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims, and Shiite pilgrims. It is time to heed the words of Gandhi: ‘Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.’ Together, we must work towards a world where we are strengthened by our differences, and not defined by them. That is what America embodies, and that is the vision we will support.”
He denounced oppressive dictatorships in Iran and Syria, which is well enough, but he’s missing the central truth of the crisis at hand: an effort, not entirely controlled by specific dictatorial governments, to demand concessions from Western notions of free speech and religious tolerance. Obama is ready to offer them.
Liberalmannn I found those links on liberal news sites ....savvy? Even they're agreeing with Sec. Clinton who now says this was a preplanned Al Queda attack that had nothing to do with tie you can defend Obama all you want but does it make sense for him to say one thing and his administration say another? Better leave the circle jerk soon LB.
Did you also notice the date on your link? Eleven days ago....long before the gubmintcoughed up to the attack being a planned attack by all Queda. Get with it man.
Newsflash libboy, Obama can't offer them free speech (he doesn't dictate to them) while at the same time remove our right to free speech...savvy?
BTW Susan Rice must feel awfully embarrassed to new used by Obama like that..
...slightly misogynistic.
Elbro, if there weren't so many of those, I'd ask you to delete all of Lib's dopy stuff.
You are SO right, Elbro...that information's timing is the key but Lib doesn't quite understand it.
I love him using FOX for information :-)
Ya, Rice is humiliated for having been so badly used by this White House...Hillary must be steamed she had to meet with the bigwigs normal presidents meet with when there are UN meetings...
By the way, libboy, we don't think religious tolerance to murderers is a very good idea. Get a clue.
Of course, since it's Americans dying, you probably don't give a damn.
"to new used by Obama like that..
...slightly misogynistic..."
Spot a pimp with his saturday nite hooker.....she got screwed. And they remain loyal? It must be the drugs.
"Hillary must be steamed she had to meet with the bigwigs normal presidents meet with when there are UN meetings..."
I don't think so Z...this will be tacked onto her resume in 2016 when she runs again...she can show how tough and diplomatic she was while Barry had his tail between his legs.
Imp, she might be intending to use it, but she's ticked. Most people say she still hates the man; they're all whores (not only the "Country Wreckers" but the Republicans, too) and doing what they need for power and even more money.
I'm going to try not to say DEMOCRATS's COUNTRY WRECKERS. WHy beat around the bush?
The Admin. went into about a week of IT WAS THE VIDEO...finally, they knew they couldn't hide the truth anymore, and they came out and admitted it wasn't.
For Obama to bring the video up again at the UN was cheap, nauseating and even dangerous, the @#($*&@#(*&$#&*($ard.
Even when the dopes in the WH finally threw Rice under the bus and admitted it wasn't the video, he had to go to the UN and whine about the video because he couldn't talk about WORLD TERROR the Islamists are causing.....
"it's COUNTRY WRECKERS. WHy beat around the bush?..."
Hell yeah....I'm all for that. Should have thought of it much as I despise the...COUNTRY WRECKERS!
Man..that felt good.
You remind me of that character, ( a wiseguy ) in Goodfellas...remember the bar scene in the beginning where he say's this is "Eddie two times"?
He says everything...two times..."gotta get the paper...gotta get the paper"..LOL
Breaking news.....Court ( a black robed asshole ) orders the state of Mass to do "gender reassignment" to a scumbag on death row...and it's "his" civil right...and the state should pay for it.
COUNTRY WRECKERS...Wait.....maybe Barney will choose it....wouldn't you want to see him in heels?
Why not offer it to libturd too? He can be transformed into Spidey Man.
Imp...can you IMAGINE if one of us wanted gender reassignment and got turned down by the government?
WHy should an INMATE get it free? Just because he broke the law?
And I'm applying COUNTRY WRECKERS to all liberal Dems...why the high heels? :-)
@ Imp
No worries, my friend; the citizens of [M]Assachusetts will pay for it. As far as I am concerned, everyone in a Mass prison should get a sex change operation and it doesn’t bother me if it is a taxpayer obligation. I couldn't see this happening to a more deserving bunch of leftists, can you? Maybe one day they’ll wake up.
But thanks for the news. I didn't even know Ducky was in prison.
"Just because he broke the law?"...
Freaking amazing, isn't it? He has NO GD civil rights...he's a condemned murderer on death row. Now I can see them paying for a live cow to eat as his last wish...or have sex with a goat....but a sex change before they kill the guy? But this is he'll claim they can't execute him..cause he's a "woman"?
Holy Crap...good job COUNTRY WRECKERS.
"Maybe one day they’ll wake up...."
LMAO....hopefully with one of the sex reassignments??? With a bag on his head and says...hey baby...I used to be Bubba... didn't know about Ducky? Where the hell do you think he gets his IP from?
No sec8'r pays for a thing.
I believe 'the film' was made by the muslims. It's that cartoonish and meaningless.
ezzzee is another one who does not need to see the doctor to obtain a colonoscopy result.
"I didn't even know Ducky was in prison."
You guys are BAD. THAT is funny! ;_)
Pris I m afraid that I agree with your comment about this being some kind of sinister plot. I was actually thinking the same thing. Actually I said it out loud the other day to my husband.
I also think Obama is a plant but I am sure we all do,well of course except the useful idiot
Pris and Lisa...wait till you see Thursday's blog post.
And the left will squirm themselves into a red herring suit again. Watch for it! xx
Even when the dopes in the WH finally threw Rice under the bus and admitted it wasn't the video, he had to go to the UN and whine about the video because he couldn't talk about WORLD TERROR the Islamists are causing.....
As a result, the speech that Obama gave at the UN has zero credibility. He soiled any possibility of credibility for any of those pretty words with the lie about the video.
So, why the blame the video? It gives irate Muslims an excuse to keep on keeping on.
Criminalizing blasphemy will take us back to the a terrible period in history.
Liberalmann has crossed me once too often.
I don't even read his comments now. Neither do the other administrators at my site. We delete his comments the moment that we see them.
I am a patient person. But I'm done with Liberalmann's BS. Period.
Aw really? You deleted my post because I discredited your out of context remark? Lets try this again and see how much you are a denier:
Obama went on to stipulate that “to be credible, those who condemn that slander must also condemn the hate we see when the image of Jesus Christ is desecrated, churches are destroyed, or the Holocaust is denied. Let us condemn incitement against Sufi Muslims, and Shiite pilgrims. It is time to heed the words of Gandhi: ‘Intolerance is itself a form of violence and an obstacle to the growth of a true democratic spirit.’ Together, we must work towards a world where we are strengthened by our differences, and not defined by them. That is what America embodies, and that is the vision we will support.”
He denounced oppressive dictatorships in Iran and Syria, which is well enough, but he’s missing the central truth of the crisis at hand: an effort, not entirely controlled by specific dictatorial governments, to demand concessions from Western notions of free speech and religious tolerance. Obama is ready to offer them.
I don't even read his comments now. Neither do the other administrators at my site. We delete his comments the moment that we see them.
You don't have to worry about missing anything, he copies the same comment everywhere.
This not only shows a lack of intellectual capacity or originality but also that he does not even read and respond to the blog he is posting on, he just blathers.
Well said, make sure you remember this and the other failures all the way to november.
You must exile this disgraceful gasbag from the white house, never to return.
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