Monday morning, Carol Costello of CNN was almost smiling as broadly as on Inaugural Day, when leftwinger news-readers could show their blissful glee at the coronation of their hero without seeming TOO biased...after all, it IS an inauguration; it would be unpatriotic not to be thrilled, right?
This time, Ms Costello was smiling at the
"intolerance" and
"extremism" of the Republican party and, particularly, the Tea Party, which seems to have a joke attached to its name as she could barely contain her mocking smug leer every time she said the words.
(I'm glad it's FOX that's biased, right? :-)
Most geeeZ readers know that I can't STAND Sarah Palin. I was a fan when she first came out on the scene because she was right in what she said, she was energetic, and she was exciting to the crowds. But, I've been over her for a long while now. Did the media have a big part to do with my disinclination to continue liking her? Possibly. But less than my buying into their nasty trash-picking annihilation of "everything Palin" was
my realizing that this had happened; They had managed to make her look like a fool. AND they managed to make her be the face of Conservatism. Now, most people know she's no fool. Let's put it this way; all of my commenters except a couple of libs are really bright people and nobody knows their names, but everybody knows Sarah Palin's, right? No, she's no fool. But, she was labeled and mocked and ridiculed from the time the leftwingers saw her power and that was that. She is gone, except to REALLY rabid Conservatives who could still listen to her speaking twang ("you betcha!" wink wink).
Carol Costello's question she wanted Tweeted in to her was "What's killed the Tea Party?" Along with that question across the screen was video of the fattest, most ridiculous red/white/blue members of the Party that they could find, of course.
What's particularly hilarious is that Costello, if she was remotely honest, would realize the answer to her question is HER. She referred to Palin as someone who gives "homespun lectures" and was absolutely rejoicing over her break up with FOX News. She equated the Tea Party with Palin and her hatred for both was palpable.
We all know that the MEDIA killed the Tea Party with their insults, their mocking. And either Costello really doesn't see it, or she's laughing all the way to the bank over it and acting coy. You see, as most of you know,
there is no room for free thought here in America, the "land of the free," anymore; free thought is insulted. Anybody who disagrees with the left is insulted, and they paint it as if anybody who:
-doesn't like Obama is a
-believes women are truly equal and can pay for their own damned birth control wants to
-believes that plenty of scientists feel the left's GREEN thing is WAY overblown and all about GRANT MONEY is a MORON and
-believes we just plain can't afford to treat illegals to more goodies than most of us get
-who works on Wall Street is a Republican (absolutely the other way around)
etc etc. (I won't bore you with a list you could do much better on with your points...adding way more than I could think of).
Heck, I have liberals here at geeeZ who think I'm anti woman when I AM A WOMAN. And, did you know we also hate the middle class though I presume most of us are middle class? OH, and even though some of you have told me your dear wives are Black, and my new nephew is Black and we all have Black friends, we hate Blacks. They honestly think that way.
WHERE IS THE LOGIC? Oh, and if you like a Black person
and they're Conservative, that's because they're not REALLY BLACK, right? Or they'd THINK LEFT! :-) BIG minds, the left's got, huh? :-)
Then CNN Monday morning then moved to
IMMIGRATION, and the new bill Lindsay Graham apparently called for right after the election. (By the way, I'm only using CNN as an example here in this post of all leftwing media because what I saw yesterday SO affected me, and I'd say they're a pretty good example of it all). The implication was that the Right never EVER gave a thought to immigration. Did you read that correctly? Yes, you did. CNN said that the Right never gave a thought to the huge amount of people coming in illegally, the huge amount of hospitals closing under the strain, ...etc etc...and, of course, the Right NEVER gives a damn about hard working immigrants who came here years ago and are still illegal. Now, I'm on the Right, and I care very much for those people. My hairdresser's sister has been in America for thirty years and Immigration is deporting her because she didn't keep her papers in good order! She let something lapse.
ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME? We have no more problems than a woman of about 40 who's raised 2 fine American children here, who works hard and pays a lot in taxes, and her papers are a little off? She's never taken a DIME of our money in her life and our government's going after her instead of all the poster children we see coming over the border with their big fat palms open for FREEBIES? Un Freaking BELIEVABLE. And, yes, we DO care about immigrants who have contributed to our country. I've been told I hate immigrants here and I'm first and second generation!? And those who confronted me with my supposed hatred know that!
But CNN's take on why the Republicans are acting now on an immigration bill is because they need votes; it's ONLY about the election. According to CNN, the Right NEVER EVER spoke about immigration until now!! (smile). They showed Bush got 44% of the Hispanic vote, Romney apparently got 17%. Think that was ROMNEY'S FAULT? It's the way the Obama thugs SPUN what Romney was saying. Marco RUBIO from CUBA agreed with much of Romney's rhetoric; Does CUBAN RUBIO HATE HISPANICS, TOO!? :-)If you don't throw the doors open and give food stamps, free healthcare, drivers' licenses and everything else, you're RACIST? WHAT??
ANYTHING the Right does re most subjects now is painted as only
"to win votes again" if immigration was ignored in their platform? As if they don't want women and babies protected from abortion but only to get pro life votes? As if they're not interested in better segregation for Black American than we have now (except it was pretty damned good until Obama came in and started the ball rolling down hill with that Harvard Professor BEER SUMMIT crap, remember?) Suddenly, we all know that RACE was going to be an issue again, though we thought America was pretty much past it.
If you're not a LIBERAL EXTREMIST who can't understand SPENDING HAS TO STOP and immigration is a big part of that, you're a HOMESPUN YOKEL who hates immigrants, hates blacks, hates EVERYTHING but MONEY, right?
THAT is the picture many Americans are getting.........and they will not even LISTEN anymore to sanity. They're afraid their goodies will stop if they don't vote Democrat.
Costello went on to talk about the 'Fiscal Cliff' and laughed at the very idea that Republicans aren't too happy about the huge debt. SHE
IS HAPPY ABOUT IT? Where do these people get their information? Does she not realize we're in BIG TROUBLE?
Costello...who cares about her? Not me. But, all these, and so many other, thoughts came to me while I watched and kept wanting to turn her OFF.....turn her off, because I knew that she is the future of journalism and, therefore, the future of AMERICA; hateful, mocking, Right-bashing....smug. THAT is the future. And our kids are learning that same thinking in schools. Abraham Lincoln said
"The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next." Think THAT isn't TRUE?
We weren't watching and the Left won. No, it's not 'winning', it's WON. They simply don't care about true equality, honesty, an open exchange of ideas. They HATE and they DIVIDE. And WE are the benefactors of the hate, but America is the sad benefactor of the hate and misinformation and dishonesty.
Can we turn it around?
NO. I don't see that happening.
do you? I just read my rant again to edit it and I want to add (in a way any writing teacher would be proud of since it really ties this whole mish-mosh of thoughts better together) something about Palin; I am just realizing that I resent her mostly because of the face she gave for the media to SMEAR. She was made by the media to be the face of Republicanism for a while and brother, did the media rag on her............ergo, US. Am I right? You betcha (wink wink!)
end of rant. But, I have
SO MUCH MORE TO SAY................So...CAN we turn this around, folks?