Tuesday, January 29, 2013

The Right CAN never be right...no matter how right they are

Monday morning, Carol Costello of CNN was almost smiling as broadly as on Inaugural Day, when leftwinger news-readers could show their blissful glee at the coronation of their hero without seeming TOO biased...after all, it IS an inauguration;  it would be unpatriotic not to be thrilled, right?

This time, Ms Costello was smiling at the "intolerance" and "extremism" of the Republican party and, particularly, the Tea Party, which seems to have a joke attached to its name as she could barely contain her mocking smug leer every time she said the words. (I'm glad it's FOX that's biased, right? :-)

Most geeeZ readers know that I can't STAND Sarah Palin.  I was a fan when she first came out on the scene because she was right in what she said, she was energetic, and she was exciting to the crowds.  But, I've been over her for a long while now.  Did the media have a big part to do with my disinclination to continue liking her? Possibly.  But less than my buying into their nasty trash-picking annihilation of "everything Palin" was my realizing that this had happened;  They had managed to make her look like a fool.  AND they managed to make her be the face of Conservatism.  Now, most people know she's no fool.  Let's put it this way;  all of my commenters except a couple of libs are really bright people and nobody knows their names, but everybody knows Sarah Palin's, right?   No, she's no fool.   But, she was labeled and mocked and ridiculed from the time the leftwingers saw her power and that was that.  She is gone, except to REALLY rabid Conservatives who could still listen to her speaking twang ("you betcha!" wink wink).

Carol Costello's question she wanted Tweeted in to her was "What's killed the Tea Party?" Along with that question across the screen was video of the fattest, most ridiculous red/white/blue members of the Party that they could find, of course.

What's particularly hilarious is that Costello, if she was remotely honest, would realize the answer to her question is HER.  She referred to Palin as someone who gives "homespun lectures" and was absolutely rejoicing over her break up with FOX News.  She equated the Tea Party with Palin and her hatred for both was palpable.
We all know that the MEDIA killed the Tea Party with their insults, their mocking. And either Costello really doesn't see it, or she's laughing all the way to the bank over it and acting coy.  You see, as most of you know, there is no room for free thought here in America, the "land of the free,"  anymore; free thought is insulted.  Anybody who disagrees with the left is insulted, and they paint it as if anybody who:

-doesn't like Obama is a RACIST
-believes women are truly equal and can pay for their own damned birth control wants to HURT WOMEN'S HEALTH ISSUES
-believes that plenty of scientists feel the left's GREEN thing is WAY overblown and all about GRANT MONEY is a MORON and THE RIGHT HATES HATE CLEAN WATER!!!
-believes we just plain can't afford to treat illegals to more goodies than most of us get HATES IMMIGRATION
-who works on Wall Street is a Republican (absolutely the other way around)

etc etc. (I won't bore you with a list you could do much better on with your points...adding way more than I could think of).

Heck, I have liberals here at geeeZ who think I'm anti woman when I AM A WOMAN.  And, did you know we also hate the middle class though I presume most of us are middle class?  OH, and even though some of you have told me your dear wives are Black, and my new nephew is Black and we all have Black friends, we hate Blacks.  They honestly think that way.  WHERE IS THE LOGIC?  Oh, and if you like a Black person and they're Conservative, that's because they're not  REALLY BLACK, right?  Or they'd THINK LEFT!  :-)  BIG minds, the left's got, huh? :-)

Then CNN Monday morning then moved to IMMIGRATION, and the new bill Lindsay Graham apparently called for right after the election.   (By the way, I'm only using CNN as an example here in this post of all leftwing media because what I saw yesterday SO affected me, and I'd say they're a pretty good example of it all). The implication was that the Right never EVER gave a thought to immigration.  Did you read that correctly?  Yes, you did.  CNN said that the Right never gave a thought to the huge amount of people coming in illegally, the huge amount of hospitals closing under the strain, ...etc etc...and, of course, the Right NEVER gives a damn about hard working immigrants who came here years ago and are still illegal.  Now, I'm on the Right, and I care very much for those people.  My hairdresser's sister has been in America for thirty years and Immigration is deporting her  because she didn't keep her papers in good order!  She let something lapse.  ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME?  We have no more problems than a woman of about 40 who's raised 2 fine American children here, who works hard and pays a lot in taxes, and her papers are a little off?   She's never taken a DIME of our money in her life and our government's going after her instead of all the poster children we see coming over the border with their big fat palms open for FREEBIES?   Un Freaking BELIEVABLE.  And, yes, we DO care about immigrants who have contributed to our country.  I've been told I hate immigrants here and I'm first and second generation!?  And those who confronted me with my supposed hatred know that!

But CNN's take on why the Republicans are acting now on an immigration bill is because they need votes;  it's ONLY about the election.  According to CNN, the Right NEVER EVER spoke about immigration until now!! (smile).  They showed Bush got 44% of the Hispanic vote, Romney apparently got 17%.  Think that was ROMNEY'S FAULT?   It's the way the Obama thugs SPUN what Romney was saying.  Marco RUBIO from CUBA agreed with much of Romney's rhetoric;  Does CUBAN RUBIO HATE HISPANICS, TOO!? :-)If you don't throw the doors open and give food stamps, free healthcare, drivers' licenses and everything else, you're RACIST? WHAT??

ANYTHING the Right does re most subjects now is painted as only "to win votes again"..as if immigration was ignored in their platform?  As if they don't want women and babies protected from abortion but only to get pro life votes?  As if they're not interested in better segregation for Black American than we have now (except it was pretty damned good until Obama came in and started the ball rolling down hill with that Harvard Professor BEER SUMMIT crap, remember?)  Suddenly, we all know that RACE was going to be an issue again, though we thought America was pretty much past it.

If you're not a LIBERAL EXTREMIST who can't understand SPENDING HAS TO STOP and immigration is a big part of that, you're a HOMESPUN YOKEL who hates immigrants, hates blacks, hates EVERYTHING but MONEY, right?   THAT is the picture many Americans are getting.........and they will not even LISTEN anymore to sanity.  They're afraid their goodies will stop if they don't vote Democrat.

Costello went on to talk about the 'Fiscal Cliff' and laughed at the very idea that Republicans aren't too happy about the huge debt.   SHE IS HAPPY ABOUT IT?   Where do these people get their information?  Does she not realize we're in BIG TROUBLE?

Costello...who cares about her?  Not me.  But, all these, and so many other, thoughts came to me while I watched and kept wanting to turn her OFF.....turn her off, because I knew that she is the future of journalism and, therefore, the future of AMERICA;  hateful, mocking, Right-bashing....smug.   THAT is the future.   And our kids are learning that same thinking in schools.  Abraham Lincoln said "The philosophy of the school room in one generation will be the philosophy of the government in the next."  Think THAT isn't TRUE? 

We weren't watching and the Left won.  No, it's not 'winning', it's WON.  They simply don't care about true equality, honesty, an open exchange of ideas.   They HATE and they DIVIDE.  And WE are the benefactors of the hate, but America is the sad benefactor of the hate and misinformation and dishonesty.

Can we turn it around?


NO.  I don't see that happening.

do you?  I just read my rant again to edit it and I want to add (in a way any writing teacher would be proud of since it really ties this whole mish-mosh of thoughts better together) something about Palin;  I am just realizing that I resent her mostly because of the face she gave for the media to SMEAR.  She was made by the media to be the face of Republicanism for a while and brother, did the media rag on her............ergo, US.  Am I right?  You betcha (wink wink!)

end of rant.    But, I have SO MUCH MORE TO SAY................So...CAN we turn this around, folks?



Average American said...

Of course we can still turn it around Z, although it may very well take a revolution to do it. I would prefer a revolution at the ballot box if that's at all possible, but only time will answer that one for us. In the mean time, we have to keep fighting and loading up on precious metals.

Man, I hate these "prove you're not a robot" thingies we have to duplicate when they aren't even readable. GGRRRRRR!!

The Debonair Dudes World said...

When the Democrats lie and the main stream media backs them up and contributes to their cover ups, what is there to do?

Or as Hillary would say "What difference does it make"?

The "difference" is that we have a bunch of croupy,lying incompetent amateurs running this country. And a meek bunch of Senators and Congressmen pandering to them. As well as half of the country who are only interested in handouts or giving the country away to these socialist bastards.

Jarhead said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

The Left controls the main stream media and the mainstream media controls the narrative. Until the Koch brothers or some conservative organization raises money to buy out MSNBC and, thereby, bring some balance to the narrative, nothing will change.

Z said...

what the heck? Since I wrote this yesterday late afternoon, I've had FOX on a little, and this morning, and they're NOW in some depth on exactly what I've talked about here; Republicans have every RIGHT in Congress to put forth their thoughts...

As I type, I hear a woman talking about how every time the Republicans bring anything up it can never be about their principals, according to the Left, it's all about agenda.
fascinating stuff..

this happens a lot to me!

Z said...

"stop denigrating the opposition" is what they're saying.

Think that will ever happen again or did this White House/media stop that forever by lowering the bar SO LOW?

Ducky's here said...

Well look at it this way, you still have the House. Although you lost the popular vote there and redistricting was the only means to maintain a majority.
But cheer up, z, you've got David Mamet and he's certainly brought something new to the tired Tea Party mantra that has been thoroughly defeated, right?
You need to come in from the cold. The agenda is dead.

Average American, if this coming unemployment number drops (highly likely), gold is NOT the place to be.

Z said...

You cheer up, Ducky. You've won everything. And, trust me, the point of my piece is we cannot hold on to the House with the media having become Obama's mouthpiece. No way.
Why do you have trouble grasping these things?

You apparently didn't grasp my point for having posted about Mamet, either.

I saw a lefty on FOX last night who takes from your guidebook on how to obfuscate, Ducky...I had to laugh. They were talking about how many Bloomberg armed guards there are while he's trying to unarm New York, and she was asked "That guy who shouted to Bloomberg 'why can YOUR guys have guns and innocent Americans can't?' was right..why didn't he get an answer instead of being stocked by Bloomberg's thugs the rest of the day?"
Her response was "that guy who asked is a bomb thrower and he got fired once!"

That was her way of ignoring the QUESTION ...shoot the messenger as if that had ANYTHING to do with it..And no, she never did respond to anything they asked her. but she had comebacks completely off the question. so funny.

Re an agenda that's dead...oops. According to all the State governments which are led by Republicans, the agenda is not dead. It's easier to fight the obfuscation in states than when Obama's magic lips are mischaracterizing it nationally.

Looks like Sandy Hook's 50 billion will finally be released now that the adults in the room got the pork off of it. The Republicans did succeed in that, at least...but there goes almost the exact amount that raising taxes on the rich would have brought in ...about 35 billion. oops.

Anonymous said...

No, the right will never be right. Or it takes 2 or 3 decades for the leftist to have a mea culpa. Only around 2000 did some socialist ministers under Mitterrand recognized the errors of their way.

Plus they won't recognize their errors as long as they have control. All they want is power of the people. When that's your motivation, and not the good of the people (they haven't realized that the good of the people is sometimes the good of 90% of them and not 100% of them), you don't want to recognize your mistakes. You always think something is getting in the way of your utopia, that thing being human nature.

They're dreamers but worse they're idiots unable to look at what constitutes a human being and psyche. And that's because they have no ability to be introspective and do some self assessment. Hence not recognizing their mistakes and the love of victimhood.

You need to come in from the cold. The agenda is dead.

I am getting bored. You had nothing to things. Nothing. You're vapid. And you have no understanding of economics. Like TV commentators these days.


Anonymous said...

Terrible spelling.

"You ADD nothing to things."


Z said...

FB, we should ALL be as literate at English as you are when it's your second language. No apologies necessary!

As for the utopian dream; that's exactly what i try to emphasize here at geeez: if the left sees ONE person burned by coffee at MacDonald's (remember?), ALL MacD's coffee drinkers now have to drink it a tad less hot than before the spill (she had it between her legs in the car, by the way...)

It's scary and rather stupid to think legislation can EVER make for a utopia where everyone stays safe ...sadly, this translates also into "Everyone makes the same amount of money, lest someone suffer in any way."

It's an impossible goal; adults know this, the poor know this but they can't let on or vote for Republicans because they have to keep hoping the Dems will keep providing..

on and ON and on...

UTOPIA; what a silly Democrat dream.

By the way, I understand Obama called the press (Steve Croft on 60 Min Sunday night) they are "incorrigible"....that really cracked me up. No president's ever HAD it so easy and they're incorrigible because Croft asked about 2016's election?
"I was just inaugurated a few days ago.."

I wonder if any other president's actually ever said those words.

Anonymous said...

Obama is now even worried about football.

We need to live in a risk free and therefore freedom free world. Freedom is too dangerous.

But that's what you get when you attack God or faith. Only god or faith or the notion of something greater than you allow you to tolerate risks and difficulties in life. If you're so materialistically driven like the left is, then risk is intolerable.

Obama, Bloomberg, and the likes the global elite that knows our life better than we do.


Ducky's here said...

Poor little Sarah. You make her sound like Edie Sedgwick, z.

Hmm, on second thought ...

JonBerg said...

Palin disappointed me when she gave up the Governorship to become some sort of "colorful character". I haden't thought about her lately.

elmers brother said...

The first amnesty didn't help Bush Sr he lost over 7% points with Hispanics. If we have principled leadership instead of polis who cave to the PC crowd we might actually win an election

Z said...

Don't insult SEdgewick. Her bio is amazing

Scotty said...

"Elmers Brother said...
The first amnesty didn't help Bush Sr he lost over 7% points with Hispanics. If we have principled leadership instead of polis who cave to the PC crowd we might actually win an election"

Sadly, I don't think the Republicans will figure that out. Yet another reason why I left the party.

Bob said...

Facts don't matter to the electorate, especially to the news media. It facts were important Barack Obama would have never been elected, and that should be a clue to everyone as to what is going on.

It is all about the narrative. For example, Obama could not be elected to a PTA post given his wretched performance, but the libs manufactured issues (war on women, green jobs, etc) that no rational person would have supported.

The reality is that it has never been about the nation, equality, race,or any other straight forward idea or issue. It has always been about who runs things, and what people do with their money.

Forget logic. Forget facts. Forget morality. None of these matter to Democrats. It is their belief that what you have is available for their use, and they know better than you how to run your life and how to spend your money.

Now that we have had four years of brain-dead fiscal performance and random foreign policy, the nation is measurably poorer, less safe, and less respected than at any time in our history.

Z said...

Bob...oh, man, you are SO RIGHT.
there are SO many things this president's got wrong.
Just the selling of those F-16s to Muslim Brotherhood thugs is enough for any thinking American to be worried. WHAT ARE THEY THINKING? And I don't care WHICH administration started this..it's WRONG. UNDO it. Oops, too late.
And what a message it sends the world.

But, we could all make a list a mile long of those instances.

Until our media tells the TRUTH and ALL the truth/viewpoints of BOTH SIDES, we're done as a free country. Anybody who doesn't see that is just plain STUPID.

Man, the left's played it SO CUNNINGLY....they were bashing FOX before they went on the air, I remember that so distinctly! They set us up and demean before we open our MOUTHS...the public's already gunning for us.


If Rubio, Ryan, and the rest of the great younger R's don't start speaking up and putting America first again, I see no hope.

Sure, some of us are mad at the R's, but that's the only game in town anymore if you want adults running the asylum.

Bob said...

"Average American, if this coming unemployment number drops (highly likely), gold is NOT the place to be."

That is one of the few rational things Ducky has managed to write. The unemployment numbers will continue to go down, not because of a useless Trillion$ government stimulus, but because not even Barack Obama's brain-dead fiscal policies can always hold back the strongest economy in the world. Well, that is at least the case before he installs his complete version of socialism.

The economy would have healed itself much more quickly without Barack Obama's brain-dead (and historically rejected) fiscal policies. He is the poster child for ideology gone bad. Karl Marx would love the creature.

As for the price of gold, it will depend on the confidence of populations world-wide in their currencies and economies, and that outlook does not bode well. The EU, with its Obama like policies threaten the stability of the world's financial systems. It is not looking good.

So, the price of gold can go up or down. If you do buy gold, be prepared to take losses. Gold is not an investment, it is a speculation.

Ducky's here said...

@Bob - The economy would have healed itself much more quickly without Barack Obama's brain-dead (and historically rejected) fiscal policies. He is the poster child for ideology gone bad. Karl Marx would love the creature.

Oh boy, here comes the Obama is a Marxist nonsense.

Yes sir Bob, if he had let the entire financial structure collapse it would have healed much faster.

Damn, I need a highball.

Always On Watch said...

Control the media and the education system, control the way that people think.

It's an effective methodology.

I see that schools are moving away from teaching Euclidean geometry. There goes one method of teaching logical thinking!

PS to Z: Glad to see that word verification is gone. I couldn't comment earlier today (before I had to leave for work).

Liberalmann said...

Yes, wingnuts are sooo understanding;

Gun-Rights Supporters Heckle Newtown Shooting Victim's Father At Hearing


Z said...

AOW...I saw your email and got rid of it..thanks.

Z said...

I guess one could say people were "heckling" when all they were doing was saying the 2nd Amendment is there for a reason, Libdope.
Good try.
The thing is that ASSAULT WEAPON is such a loaded term, pardon the unintended pun, and so wrong. I'll never forget when Hannity had a gun expert showing the damage that an 'assault weapon' will make..a tiny hole..versus a HUGE blowout of a hole that a NON assault weapon makes and yet our Obama thugs want to ban the tiny hole-makers...you do the math.

Ya, we are very understanding....it's the idiot leftwing media and people like you painting the Republicans as if they feel every nut should have a gun, with no checks, etc....there ARE LAWS that should be adhered to. We support those laws. But, noooo, we are told in essence that we LOVE GUNS and want EVERYBODY TO HAVE ONE.
If libs would only think with common sense.

WE have children in schools, too; NO REPUBLICAN IS EAGER FOR SANDY HOOK TO HAPPEN TO THEIR CHILD, believe me.

As I am a woman , yet you tell me I don't support women!
Or I don't support the middle class when I AM middle class.

Libs just can't THINK somehow...odd

Z said...

Ducky, you're the only one who mentioned Palin in a comment; I want to thank you for reading the whole thing. I'm a little stunned. Or at least as far as Palin. ;-)
This is way longer a post than I usually like to write for geeeeZ, and I'm so sorry the commenters from yesterday haven't come over because they were so excited to get their teeth into my rant!

Having said that, I SO appreciate everyone who's here..and so appreciate the excellent comments/information.

Average American; what is a REVOLUTION AT THE BALLOT BOX??

DEB DUDE...What CAN we do?

ConsOn Fire...I don't even want the Koch brothers to buy MSNBC...FOX hasn't changed the scheme of things and they have MUCH higher viewer numbers than MSNBC and CNN together!
By the way, excellent that you brought up the Kochs...the left constantly rags on them for their money and it always makes me laugh; as if the Dems don't have very rich people backing them? Yes, but let a Republican... :-)

They demonized the Kochs, too, and they're apparently two of the nicest guys you can want to meet...and I know that from someone who did meet them and spent some time talking to them..or at least one of them, I think.

JonBerg..that's another thing! Palin was RIGHT in giving up the governorship and gave excellent reasons for it but the leftwing media spun it that she was deserting, lazy, etc......it was absolutely NUTS.
Then we were supposed to believe that writer who moved in next door to her and was doing a book on her just moved there because the house was available. THIS is liberal junk thinking.

Kid said...

Meanwhile, obama claims to "do skeet shooting" with a couple corpse men on quattro de mayo day every other month and hey, he's nothing but our 'very cool president'. Right?

It's "We Shoot Skeet"
It's "Corpsmen" [Core-men]
It's Cinco De Mayo
Whatever obama says, it's the "other thing".

What was the question again, can it be fixed. No. It's not the evil loser racist, anti-American, muslim activist imbecile president - it's the voters who put him and his merry band of homosexual tax cheaters in power. Twice.
Nope, not fixable.

Sarah Palin? She'd make a damn fine neighbor but I don't want her in the White House either. As far as representing conservatives, I don't see anyone in the 'visible spectrum' who is doing that.

Y'all are going to have to put me and Imp, or Imp and I into that role. I'd do it myself but I can't afford it.

Ducky's here said...

Ducky, you're the only one who mentioned Palin in a comment; I want to thank you for reading the whole thing. I'm a little stunned. Or at least as far as Palin. ;-)
Well, Palin is interesting. I think the comparison to Edie Sedgwick is apt also and not at all tongue in cheek.

Who was the critical pop culture figure in the last 60 years? If you answer anyone but Andy Warhol, you're wrong. And what was a critical aspect of Warhol's and The Factory's persona? Celebrity.

The celebrity game was perfected and Palin was playing the game of celebrity. She was a lot closer to Paris Hilton than she was to Margaret Thatcher.
It was never about political ideas. She was only interested in policy if it could elevate her celebrity.

Then Nasty Katie asked her what she read and it was downhill.

Well, my suggestion would be to focus more on what the right believes and not what you imagine the left thinks you believe. From there you might be able to figure out why the Tea Party is being abandoned like road kill.

Kid said...

duckboy. The Tea Party is being abandoned by mindless morons stuck in political limbo because a moronic democrat media has demonized them with incredible lies that the idiots believe.

Anyone with a brain still LOVES the Tea Party but realize it has no chance because we are forced to share this country with some Stunningly Stupid Dumbasses. SSDs

Dig? yea, I know, reality is just SOOO hard for you folks. I dunno. Keep trying I guess.

Anonymous said...

From Slate for the lying scumbag in drag.....libturd

"Now it's worth pointing out that the audience members aren't supposed to interrupt a witness—a lawmaker running the hearing can be heard asking for the crowd to be quiet—and it's possible that Heslin's question was a rhetorical one, and his pause was simply for dramatic effect.

But regardless, it's fairly clear that those gun-rights advocates who spoke up were doing so in response to what they heard as a question.

Even if such actions represent an interruption they nonetheless appear to fall well short of heckling, an act that most often comes with an air of harassment associated with it.

If the exchange between Heslin and the pro-gun audience members was noteworthy at all, it's likely because of how relatively civil the whole thing was. The gun-rights advocates quickly quiet down after their short responses; Heslin appears largely unfazed by the shouts."

"Mr. Heslin has every right to his grief and anger, and he has every right to ask that question.

And those other people have every right to answer it, when an answer is demanded of them.

None of them are well served by MSNBC deceptively editing the video to create an event that didn’t happen. It serves nothing but NBC’s own political ends. It’s absolutely disgusting."

Once again the lying POS commies at NBC and MSNBC get it wrong. So that the turds like the little worm here can post their lies.

Shove it rat face libturd.

Anonymous said...

The last Gun grab and ban...ended with a Revolution!

The British government was not, in a purely formal sense, attempting to abolish the Americans’ common law right of self-defense.

Yet in practice, that was precisely what the British were attempting. First, by disarming the Americans, the British were attempting to make the practical exercise of the right of personal self-defense much more difficult.

Second, and more fundamentally, the Americans made no distinction between self-defense against a lone criminal or against a criminal government.

To the Americans, and to their British Whig ancestors, the right of self-defense necessarily implied the right of armed self-defense against tyranny.”

Read more: http://freedomoutpost.com/2013/01/the-british-banned-guns-on-our-fathers-it-brought-about-a-revolution/#ixzz2JQ62n8w0

Ducky's here said...

@kid --- Dig? yea, I know, reality is just SOOO hard for you folks.

The right seems to be struggling with the reality of their decline.
The decline is real and I will maintain that you are better served understanding why than resorting to the normal complaints about the "MSM" as the reason you are in decline.

"The fault, dear righty, is not in your stars,
But in yourselves, that you are underlings."
If I may badly paraphrase the bard.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

I've been no fan of the Tea Party "movement" (aka Mitt Romney's Free and Strong America PAC) since they took over the House of Representives and proved (in relative comparison) that Nancy Pelosi is a budget hawk. Federal spending and the national debt started growing faster and continues to grow even faster that Republicans control the purse strings. Something is very wrong with that.

I feel sorry for people who claim conservatism who were suckered into Mitt Romney's Tea Party "movement." Polls in their name reflected that they were over 70% opposed to any entitlement reform whatsoever. The Presidential contenders their "movement" produced were cheerleaders and apologists for everything that they (as people claiming conservatism) ought to have been standing in opposition to: Hillarycare (Rick Perry), the TARP bailouts (Rick Perry, Herman Cain), tax increases (Donald Trump), acquiescing to terrorists (Ron Paul), and not to mention gay marriage, open immigration, and taxpayer funded abortions (Mitt Romney).

Had people known early on joining the Tea Party "movement" would entail tossing support to Presidential candidate who was a Rainbow PUSH coalition associate pastor with a history of paying out on sexual harassment lawsuit settlements and knows more about the theme song to the Pokemon 2000 movie than the fact that China has had nuclear weapons capability since 1964... well, enough about Herman Cain. Were it not for this Mitt Romney-funded cast of cartoons, in retrospect Rick Santorum might have appeared batshit crazy earlier than he did. Throw on top of that none of Romney's "Tea Party" stalking horses EVER attacked Romney or Romneycare in the primary debates all the while the drunken dumbass Glenn Beck was swearing to Kolob that the author of Reagan's 1980 and 1984 anti-communist election platforms, Newt Gingrich, was a "progressive leftist."

Who killed the Tea Party "movement?" I'm thinking it bled to death from all the times it shot itself in the feet.

Kid said...


the democrat politicians lie to incredible levels. They literally say whatever pops into their little heads as supporting their chit and the democrat propaganda media back them to the hilt.

They put operatives into place to run as republicans who say the most incredible stupid shit like 'rape is God's plan' right before election so they can draw in a huge group of women voters.

They organize and fund events like OWS to rail on the 1% when they finger their likely opponent as Romney, a member of the 1%

Their media slaves cast conservatives and "Evangelical Conservatives", "Religious Right", and every manner of caricature that haul in another load of voters by creating the impression that 'the right' will force everyone to join a Christian religion and go to church every Sunday instead of hanging at home smoking weed and breeding more democrat voters.

They and the media work every single angle to discredit and mis-characterize anyone and everything on 'the right'.

I will give them that they've Seriously got their act together since 2000 and 2004, but that's all I'll give them.

If this is what you idolize then make your bed and lay in it. As far as I'm concerned, FO. I have less than zero respect for them and even less for you for being duped by such worthless POS's.

Just simple math here. You elicit no other reaction other than I find it depressing I have to share a country and a planet with such dumbasses.

Anonymous said...


"I have less than zero respect for them and even less for you for being duped by such worthless POS's.

Just simple math here. You elicit no other reaction other than I find it depressing I have to share a country and a planet with such dumb asses."

Man...I wish I said that. BRAVO. I say let them have it. Let them tear it all down and suffer the consequences. It's like what Rubio said today...there is no other America on the planet...there is no alternative....No replacement.

Let them change it....into the shit hole they desire. Let morals die and immorality prevail.

I see a very real contraction of states that would willing participate into the abyss they'll create under their "god"....Obama.

It's already starting. Give them the NE and the republic of California. Theres dozens of states that aren't buying into this.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Speaking of people who plink off their toes in the name of
"conservatism" every day, how ya doin' Kiddo?

Did you hear another cause dear to Mitt Romney just achieved a major goal? That's right, the Boy Scouts of America will now welcome openly homosexual people into their ranks.

Kid said...

Imp, Thanks so much.....

And Funny You Should Mention That !


Yea... There is No other America on the planet. You were maybe thinking of Ronald Reagan's quote? "America is mankind's last best hope for freedom."

It's getting serious.

Z said...

Ducky, your comments are so loaded with only your own opinions, I won't bother to respond.
ANDY WARHOL is the Sixties? you weren't paying attention. He was a big part of it, but the poster boy? NO WAY.

As for Sedgewick..not even close.
Sedgewick was a drugged out sycophant who the debauched thought was SO GOOD because she was really SO LOW, SO SAD, so scarred by her terribly rich childhood which made her SO SAD :-)....she was more Marilyn Monroe than Palin.
Palin is not pathetic..>Edie was. I loved reading about Edie because her life was dynamite and debauched and wild and she had some influence on Warhol, but mostly he influenced her. She died at only 28.
She was NO survivor, that's for sure..Palin's all about survival in every way.

I can't listen to for even shorter a time than your hero Obama, but she was not the debauched and foggy Edie.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Does anyone think the Boy Scouts of America would have ever caved to pressure from homosexualists and dropped their ban against gays in the Scouts if the chief advocate for the homosexualization of America, Mitt Romney, had not made it to the top of a Presidential campaign ticket?

Z said...

Beamish, so what? Doesn't every parent want to know his 8 year old's hanging with kids who might be groping him in the wilderness?
That's got nothing to do with Romney and everything to do with a REALLY bad idea.
There have always been gays in the Boy Scouts, to think otherwise is to think unaware. To have them come out because they're not man enough to keep their homosexuality to themselves while they're supposedly trying to get badges and be a GOOD PERSON is UTTERLY RIDICULOUS. Who CARES to know who's gay? BE A PERSON. Leave our KIDS ALONE. What's having sanctioned OPEN MINDED sex with another little 11 yr old have to do with Boy Scouts, anyway?

And, please...stop with your stupid, scared of homosexuality comments... your Romney hate's stupid and getting REALLY stale here. Do it at your place...have a blast.

Kid and Imp....the end of the America as we admired it is the end of the world as we knew it.
When we were fearsome, countries behaved. when they needed help, we gave.
We are no longer fearsome; we are an untrustable laughing stock and we are no longer in the position to help ourselves financially anymore, let alone save people from a tsunami.

Thank the Left...

Which reminds me, Ducky...the agenda of the Right is NOT what is ushering in its (and America's) demise; it IS the media and the lying nightmare in the White House today.
The agenda of the Right is true equality for everyone, protecting our shores from those who come with their hands out, getting a handle on an out-of-control fiscal "policy", and preserving patriotism. A country cannot survive with pride without it.

The media's the problem and so is the Right, I'll admit that, for not expressing their beliefs and core values better.

Hispanics just may vote Republican when Marco Rubio can express his thoughts...they will listen..

and then won't your shmuck be stunned that the 11 million hispanics he was sure would vote Democrat (why the HELL else do you think he's suddenly focusing on THEM instead of the economy?!!!!) ARE NOT.

I can't WAIT.

Z said...

beamish, I think you've lost it.
God bless you and keep you.


Romney may not hate gay people as much as you do, but he seems to at one time; then he might have awakened to the fact that they ARE people and do deserve to have some respect.
While you go on hating.

Kid said...

Z, On what America has become and why. Yes, yes, yes, and yes. Beautifully said, concise and accurate.

The rest of it too is right on point.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Beamish, so what? Doesn't every parent want to know his 8 year old's hanging with kids who might be groping him in the wilderness?
That's got nothing to do with Romney and everything to do with a REALLY bad idea.
There have always been gays in the Boy Scouts, to think otherwise is to think unaware. To have them come out because they're not man enough to keep their homosexuality to themselves while they're supposedly trying to get badges and be a GOOD PERSON is UTTERLY RIDICULOUS. Who CARES to know who's gay? BE A PERSON. Leave our KIDS ALONE. What's having sanctioned OPEN MINDED sex with another little 11 yr old have to do with Boy Scouts, anyway?

Ask Mittens. He's been advocating for integrating homosexuality into the Boy Scouts since 1994. The way I see it, when you goo-goos and Tea Party leftists hijacked the Republican Party primaries and made him a major party Presidential candidate in spite of and over the objections of actual conservatives, you gave the homosexualist agenda rocket fuel. Why wouldn't the BSA cave? Who wants to be the last conservative or conservative organization against creating exotic disease vectors in children, after all. Pathetic.

And, please...stop with your stupid, scared of homosexuality comments... your Romney hate's stupid and getting REALLY stale here. Do it at your place...have a blast.

The election's over. The Republican Party is a sick joke.


(((Thought Criminal))) said...

Romney may not hate gay people as much as you do, but he seems to at one time; then he might have awakened to the fact that they ARE people and do deserve to have some respect.
While you go on hating.

Wow. I can smell the patchouli and moldy, unshaved armpits from here. Political correctness now, Z?

Ducky's here said...

Beamish, have you been granted an audience with LaRouche or do you just read the monthly briefing wire?

Z said...

I'm with Ducky on this one.

Beamish, your hate is thick and, if you want to know the truth, unwelcome here.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...


LaRouche is one of your fellow fringe left Democrats. Is he even active anymore?

(((Thought Criminal))) said...
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(((Thought Criminal))) said...


I only hate it when leftists smear their opponents as "haters" for not wanting to remove the stigmas associated with epidemic disease vectoring behaviors.

Know anyone like that?

TS/WS said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
TS/WS said...


It was the Weathermen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dylan said, it don't take a Weatherman to know which way the wind blows----What a World Wide Humiliation Blow to Obama's Trainer. But Obama still let's him into the White House--he is just another guy in the neighborhood; so says the Indonesian Stepchild.

Always On Watch said...

Duck said: The right seems to be struggling with the reality of their decline.
The decline is real...

In urban areas and in metropolises, that is true.

It is also true that the urban areas and the metropolises hold a huge percentage of the leftwing and left-leaning votes. Many government employees (federal, state, and local) also are leftwing or left-leaning.

For the above reasons, I have serious doubts that there will be turnaround that Z referred to toward the end of the blog post.

Bob said...

Wisdom from Ducky reveals:
"Oh boy, here comes the Obama is a Marxist nonsense."

Here's your intro to Marxism:
Income re-distribution.
Government run health care system.
Government takes control of GM and screws bond holders giving stock to unions.

We know that Obama is at least Fascist,a cousin of Marxism. He is just working his way up the ladder.

It goes on from there. Go ahead and have a highball. That way you can still avoid reality. Maybe you can read "The Communist Manifesto" while you are at it.

Ducky continues:
" he had let the entire financial structure collapse it would have healed much faster.
Obama didn't save the financial structure. Bush saved the US financial system from collapse with TARP. Obama continued that program because he had no choice, and then proceeded to trash the economy, first, with an almost Trillion$, needless expenditure that created almost zero jobs.

Z said...

AOW, I hinted at a TURNAROUND? It's a 1 in a million chance! I might have alluded to how some people are waking up, particularly to the media bias, but no...

My word "No" meant "No" at the end of my post:-)

Without an honest media, only one party CAN win; that's how we got socialism and dictators, don't forget.

Bob...great response; thanks for that!

highboy said...

Undisputable facts:

1. Obama blamed and still blames Bush for the economic collapse yet twice now has forced Congress into extending his tax cuts.
2. Obama's deficit in 4 years is greater than not only that of Bush but of every president in U.S. history combined.
3. Obama while a Senator said raising the debt ceiling was a sign of "leadership failure". He then went on to raise it himself while President and is about to battle to do it again.

Liberalmann said...

Z said...

I guess one could say people were "heckling" when all they were doing was saying the 2nd Amendment is there for a reason, Libdope.


Wow! You must be spinning like a top over that one, LOL!!

Liberalmann said...

A must watch for wingnuts:


DaBlade said...

Wow Z, you're on fire here! Wish I still had half as much passion left, but sadly the last election pretty much burned it away. You do make me happy that I've never heard of this Costello gal though. Sounds like just another grain of sand trying to be a big "beach" in this liberal wasteland.