Tom at STAY A WHILE blog..HERE....answered a comment in my post below and I'm too tired and not quite 'with it' these days to answer completely....could you all take a stab? I know you're up to it: I'd said I was happy with our private insurance and he started with this response (I'm in BOLD):It's a mistake to judge your good results with your insurance company as the usual result most people and doctors have with insurance companies. According to the current bill your plan will NOT change. You can keep what you have.
(Z: this one, I know not to be true because how will my insurance agency stay open if gov't care is so cheap everyone leaves my company not realizing how minimized and bureaucratic their healthcare will be?)"Do you want your doctor leaving the practice of medicine (as 45% of docs have threatened to do) because he has to check into Washington to see if that MRI is REALLY needed for you?"Of course not! You are aware that doctors decisions are being dictated by health insurance companies according to what they will pay to cover. Doctors are sick of being told what they should prescribe to their patients by these insurance companies, and a majority (69%) of doctors want health care reform.
A government program is not useless because it has fraud and abuse. ALL government programs have fraud and abuse. Should we eliminate, or deny the Defense Department to Americans because the Defense Department has some of the biggest waste and abuse of any federal program?
"is it American to INSIST on people buying coverage of be punished?$$"Is it? We already insist on car, property, liability insurance etc. and enforce punishments for not buying that coverage. That is to protect other people from possible harm, not yourself. If all have health insurance, that protects us from the cost of others negligent behavior. Seems that is a proven practice in our society.
Tort reform is great, we need it. But don't kid yourself, it is (according to the CBO) only 2% of the total expense of the medical insurance system. Tort reform will NOT solve the problem, but we should have it.
Competition brings costs down. A non-profit will bring competition.
I do not see strong enough competition within the private health insurance industry to keep costs down. In fact health care costs are sky rocketing far beyond any other industry, so much so, that it is in danger of becoming unaffordable to any one but the rich. That is not good, normal, free market capitalism at work.
If capitalism only serves a minority of its society, then it is a failure. Yes, those hospitals are being closed down, because those people are not insured. So do we allow the hospitals to be closed, or do we figure out a way to insure that segment of society?
If we make a moral decision that no one will be turned away, then we must also make the moral and responsible decision to financially protect the medical (including hospitals) system by saying that all should be insured.
You didn't speak to the morality of this, which is what my comment was about.
You didn't speak to the costs being taken off the backs of our employers, which I said/think is most important for health care reform to do.
You didn't speak to the abuses health insurance companies are putting upon their PAYING customers, which has so many people seeking health care reform.
You didn't speak to the point that a majority of Americans believe, that people should have access to health care.
"(just) FIX THE PROBLEM"What is your answer? Tort reform, what else? Your happy, fine, but 10's of millions are not.
In a Democracy, I have to live with much that I disagree with because the majority has decided otherwise.
I have no kids. Why should I pay school taxes?
If someone does not own a car, why should they pay taxes to build roads and bridges?
We do these things for the betterment of society as a whole.
It is selfish of me to not be responsible to the needs of my fellow citizens, just because I do not personally need those services. The taxes I pay, are not just to provide services to me, but to the whole country.
All Americans communally pay taxes for services needed for the whole society, whether they personally need them or not.
So...what do you guys say to TOM. He's a good guy and has good responses, but I think a lot of them will be well responded to by some of you......go at it!z