HERE is the rest of the article from which I quoted above: "Miss Mogahed, who was born in Egypt and moved to America at the age of five, is the first veiled Muslim woman to serve in the White House." More from the article:
"The White House adviser made the remarks on a London-based TV discussion programme hosted by Ibtihal Bsis, a member of the extremist Hizb ut Tahrir party. ....The group believes in the non-violent destruction of Western democracy and the creation of an Islamic state under Sharia Law across the world.....Miss Mogahed appeared alongside Hizb ut Tahrir's national women's officer, Nazreen Nawaz."
What really bugs me is that I can't find the announcement of her position that was filled on a Friday afternoon (by the way, typical of this White House..that is when it's not leaking information on Saturday night, like Van Jones' resignation and other things). ....Because, her announcement picture WAS WITHOUT THE HEAD SCARF. Yes, believe me................interesting that she is a veiled woman but the picture they released did not include the veil.
typical White House...........At least they didn't give her a white coat.
(if anybody has that picture of her unveiled, in glasses, please let me know...thanks) z
Well, on the bright side, at least Obama's being informed about "WHAT MUSLIMS WANT". Isn't that a comfort to YOU? I'd love to tell him what Christians want, wouldn't you? What might you tell him, by the way?
In the meantime, he can't say hi to the Dalai Lama because that would piss off the people who finance our deficit.
Well it's in line with his thought process about the Western civilization and how bad it's been for the world.
I hope this gets big b/c people like this should not work for an administration, D or R. They advocate things that are against the constitution.
So they should go to hell.
God I'm pissed.
I didn't want to believe that but now I'm starting to think he is a closet muslim.
I'd tell him that I want him to stop lying.
about anything and everything.
He needs to set a better example for our children.
Let's see...the economy is failing, Afghanistan is falling apart and health care is consuming 98% of Obama's time...and this is a priority?!
Yes Jungle Mom, better go get a veil while we, men, stop shaving.
Sadly, nothing shocking here.
Check this out though
"...The group believes in the non-violent destruction of Western democracy and the creation of an Islamic state under Sharia Law across the world..." and we're allowing them to have a voice?
as i said to mr. z, "she’s a proponent of sharia law. sharia law says that a woman must always be separate from a man unless that man is her husband or her family. sharia law says that a woman can never be over a man – and thus a woman cannot advise a man. sharia law says that a woman cannot occupy a position as a leader (adviser) in government."
how does she reconcile her advocacy of sharia law with her position? how do we?
On a side note, remember the thread about Polanski, when I said that people defending him may have the same behavior.
Well, looks like the French culture minister does .
At the very least...the Traitor in Chief is being consistent. Today...he has essentially, surrendered to the Taliban in Afghanistan.
He's betrayed our troops...minimized their sacrifices, their deaths and mocked their families and our history as a nation of liberators. In my mind...there's no doubt that this lying bastard has to go...and I don't think it'll get any better by 2012.
The ACLU has decimated our moral and religious convictions. From the Mojave desert, to school prayer, the national anthem, our coins and paper money. Homosexuality is considered a norm for our school kids. Politicization of our classrooms and the brainwashing of our children is now the lefts mandate.
Christianity is under attack around the world and now right here in America. One out of 4 in the world is a muslim. Since 911, their ascendancy is threatening the very fabric of our country. It's acceptable to vow another holocaust and call for the death of all the Jews...once again we see our "allies" bending over as they did in the '30's. Europe is lost...and the islamists have set their sights on America.
I can see no passive or peaceful resolution when our country is faced with extinction. The muslims now say..."the future is ours".
Our days are numbered...unless we wake up...wage our own "holy" war...and get the guts to fight back. However...the political scum in washington...must first go. I pray for a Petraeus type of man to rise up, declare war on the death forces that want us dead and gone. Maybe there's still a few patriots out there...that remember what America was....and what it still can be. Remember what made us great and is unwilling to surrender to our homes and familes to the yellow commie in chief, his muslim brothers ( as it should be clear now who his true convictions lie with ) and the rabid radical scum he has elevated to positions of power and influence...IN OUR WHITE HOUSE! running out. Barry Sotero...must be stopped. The Jews will be first followed all of us...once we remain silent about those...who will be first to go. But...they just don't get it....once again.
We were warned once, long ago by men of character and conviction.
Will we ignore the obvious threats and peril we face...once again? If we do...there is no turning back or salvation for the US.
The White House is infested with flies and smells like a turd factory, par for the course for illegal immigrant residents in government housing. The cleaning staff already complains of urine stained carpets in the hallways.
Obama is doing everything he can to make the White House smell like Cairo. What further advice does he need?
This is really troubling,'Z'. Her views on Sharia law is even more so.
She said,"I think the reason so many women support Sharia is because they have a very different understanding of sharia than the common perception in Western media.
"The majority of women around the world associate gender justice, or justice for women, with sharia compliance.
"The portrayal of Sharia has been oversimplified in many cases."
Unless one lives in religion clouded bubble, how could anyone associate 'sharia law' with justice for women! Can you say 'oxymoron'?
I think the frustrations which 'Anonymous' expressed are felt by us all, Obama is putting together something, and the more pieces that we see, the more troubling the image looks.
Great news! Barack Obama has won the 2009 Nobel Peace Prize.
Obama's adviser on Muslim affairs, Dalia Mogahed, may not be as radical as rightwingers wish to make her seem.
"Dalia Mogahed is a Senior Analyst and Executive Director of the Gallup Center for Muslim Studies, a nonpartisan research center dedicated to providing data-driven analysis on the views of Muslim populations around the world. With John L. Esposito, Ph.D., she is coauthor of the book Who Speaks for Islam?: What a Billion Muslims Really Think. Her analysis has appeared in The Wall Street Journal, Foreign Policy magazine, the Harvard International Review, the Middle East Policy journal, and many other academic and popular journals.
Mogahed leads the analysis of Gallup's unprecedented survey representing the opinions of more than 1 billion Muslims worldwide, including Muslims in the West. She also directs the Muslim-West Facts Initiative (, through which Gallup, in collaboration with the Coexist Foundation, is disseminating the findings of the Gallup World Poll to key opinion leaders in the Muslim World and the West."
psiko bond, did you read the articles and the quotes. It's not because she's writing for newspapers we can't be super cautious. As far as I'm concerned she's wearing a veil. There's no modern Islam here.
She may not be radical but the way she describes Sharia can be of a concern. And if the goal is to transform Western civilization to be more Sharia compliant, then we ought to be concerned.
You leftist are just so naive. It's incredible.
Go to France and see how some muslim women are treated in the suburbs.
Beamish: The White House is infested with flies and smells like a turd factory...
No doubt.
In a way, I'm glad that I'm somewhat out of touch with the news right now. Otherwise, I wouldn't sleep a single wink every night.
I won't be buying a White House Christmas ornament this year. Might stink up my Christmas tree.
Shoprat calls it exactly right once again -- and in the simplest, clearest, most direct terms.
Personally, I can't afford to allow myself to express what I feel anymore. It does no good. No one in power listens. No one cares.
It's pretty obvious "The New World Order" is now firmly in place. Orwell's nightmare vision is fulfilled. E.M. Forster saw it coming exactly 100 years ago. Huxley and Orwell got most of their ideas from Forster [read The Machine Stops, published 1909 - It's all there]
What you hear from the remnants of the right are the last gasps of a breed soon to become extinct.
The "in" joke behind all these machinations is that both parties have only been PRETENDING to oppose one another since George H.W. Bush took over. It's a SHOW they put on to keep most of us busy squabbling and vainly imagining that there is still a chance, that it ISN'T done deal, but it IS -- has been for a very long time.
"Under the spreading chestnut tree, where I sold you and you sold me ..."
~ Orwell, 1984
The Oligarchy of which George Soros and Barack Obama are but twin figureheads RULES, whether "we" like it or not. People no longer count -- only POWER. And that power is achieved and held by manipulating PERCEPTION -- by representing Truth as a Lie and vice versa.
Everyone but the oligarchs will be very very sorry they've traded freedom for the illusion of peace, safety and "equality," but, apparently, there is no way for humanity to learn but the hard way.
At the end of World War Two they said, "NEVER AGAIN!"
They might as well have said, "ALWAYS!"
The essence of earthly mortal existence is Eternal Struggle between Darkness and Light -- Truth and Falsehood. Presently Darkness appears to be winning, because it has successfully passed itself off as "ENLIGHTENMENT."
When you dance with the Devil, you will always get your feet crushed and wind up crippled and in pain for the rest of your life.
Our only hope is in Christ (God) who is the living embodiment and perfect expression of Truth, Love, Intelligence, Principle, Spirit, Soul, and Life, itself.
May God bless those of us who love and pray for the best by opening our eyes to the almighty, everlasting power of Truth and Love.
~ FreeThinke
I am thankful to God that my prayers have been answered.
For several months I have asked that the backers and enablers of Mr. Obama reveal themselves to the world.
Well,by cracky, they have started to unmask.
For those who said , Oh, Obama is not this or not that, I say , OH , REALLY??
When it is openly admitted that there are those who back my destruction and my country's and that they are calling the shots in a stinking farce called the Nobel PIECE Prize, I think it is time to assess the situation we are in.
Mr. O is definitely part of the Great Left Wing Conspiracy , this is not to be confused with the Great Right Wing Conspiracy.
Well, Hubris shall be The One's undoing.
Because, her announcement picture WAS WITHOUT THE HEAD SCARF. Yes, believe me................interesting that she is a veiled woman but the picture they released did not include the veil.
Lot of pictures of her available. None vieled, unless you confuse the scarf with being veiled, a distinct possibility
Mogahed travels the globe engaging diverse groups on what Muslims around the world really think. Her audiences have included the High-Level Group of the United Nations Alliance of Civilizations, the Community of West and Islam Dialogue (C-100) group of the World Economic Forum, the Brookings Institution's U.S.-Islamic World Forum, British parliamentarians, American senators, and religious leaders from every faith. She has discussed Gallup findings with a wide range of opinion leaders, including Madeleine Albright, Deepak Chopra, Stephen R., Covey, Quincy Jones, and Jeffrey Sachs; Nobel laureate Daniel Kahneman; evangelical leader Richard Land; bestselling author Karen Armstrong; U.S. Senator Chuck Hagel; Muslim activist and teacher Amr Khaled; and Sheikh Habib Ali al-Jifri, Sheikh Hamza Yusuf, Her Majesty Queen Rania al Abdullah of Jordan, as well as two of the highest authorities of Sunni Islam, the Grand Muftis of Egypt and Bosnia, their Excellencies Dr. Ali Gomaa and Dr. Mustafa Ceric.
As sure as I write this I am sure Obama needs no advice on Islam or muslim influence. This is a tiny minority in America, yet represents the only religious position in his administration.
We have yet to see photos of he and his family leaving a church. He himself said in his book, "if things get ugly, I will stand with the muslims". That's all we need to know.
Dalia Mogahed to my way of thinking exemplifies this President's true loyalties, and is a signal to Islamists of the very same.
Hmmmmmm, whatever happened to separation of church and state?
There is nothing muslim which is rooted in American history, yet it is honored with an advisory position to the President.
I can't wait to see if the Obamas
participate in the lighting of the traditional Christmas tree ceremony in Washington. Maybe they can ride in on camels to placate those Islamists out there.
Go to You Tube & type in 'Obama's Muslim Religion', part of an interview with Geo. Stefanopoulis. Stef. corrects him & says, 'You mean your Christian religion', so then O. follows suit. Yeah, you bet Red Ryder!. No closet about it.
I’m sure rightwingers in America were understandably disappointed when the U.S. lost being chosen for the Olympics. The award of the Nobel Peace Prize to Obama should more than compensate for that to raise their spirits.
Hi Imp, too bad SNL is in the tank for Obama. There's enough material from this administration to keep us laughing for years.
But, no guts no glory, right?
psiko bond, did you read the articles and the quotes. It's not because she's writing for newspapers we can't be super cautious. As far as I'm concerned she's wearing a veil. There's no modern Islam here.
Froggy, the article states that she is an advisor on Muslim affairs. It should be clear that she is not advising Obama on her personal opinions, but on what Muslims around the world think on various issues, as determined by numerous polls conducted through her connection with Gallup in many countries.
It should be clear that she is not advising Obama on her personal opinions, but on what Muslims around the world think on various issues, as determined by numerous polls conducted through her connection with Gallup in many countries.
Having known for quite some time that leftists are incapable of rational thought, I'm not surprised at all that Barack Hussein Obama would outsource his foriegn policy thinking to opinion surveys conducted in nations where little to no democratic representation exists.
That leftists are incapable of rational thought is likely the reason you unwittingly stressed how farcical Obama's appointment of this Muslim is.
KICK the G*d damned Muzzies OUT of the USA.
Five decades ago, I remember reading in the Don Bell Report, that the next World War would be a fight between the Christians and the Muslims.
It stuck in my mind all these many years since. Someone way back then could see the signs of what was to come. Slowly, bit by bit I have watched the rise of the power of the Muslim world.
Now, everyone is aware. Now it is too late to slow down the fire storm fast approaching all of us. The numbers of people alone are overwhelming. We will vote into power, our enemies. It has started with Obama. This fight, I believe, will be to the death.
Having known for quite some time that leftists are incapable of rational thought, I'm not surprised at all that Barack Hussein Obama would outsource his foriegn policy thinking to opinion surveys conducted in nations where little to no democratic representation exists.
beamish, staying informed by means of professional polling of what Muslim people are thinking in other parts of the world and in the U.S. is not outsourcing Barack Hussein Obama’s foriegn policy thinking to opinion surveys. By blandly making that unwarranted equation, you do not show yourself capable of rational thought.
That leftists are incapable of rational thought is likely the reason you unwittingly stressed how farcical Obama's appointment of this Muslim is.
The demonstrated tendency of rightwingers not to be capable of rational thought regarding Barack Hussein Obama is likely what accounts for their passionate denunciation of the appointment of a Muslim with polling experience and rapport with the Muslim community to inform him of trends in the thinking of ordinary Muslims, or what many on the right prefer to call Muzzies.
When your parentage is rotten, your background filled entirely with bizarre, alien, subversive, destructive, hateful influences, when everyone who has taught you or acted as a mentor to you is loaded with resentment and categorically rejects everything the majority holds dear, when everything about you is abnormal and against the grain, it's a pretty safe bet that you are not going to turn out to be a wholesome, trustworthy individual.
Does this apply to anyone you can think of who is prominent in public life today?
"A man is known by the company he keeps."
"Birds of a feather flock together."
When your parentage is rotten, your background filled entirely with bizarre, alien, subversive, destructive, hateful influences, when everyone who has taught you or acted as a mentor to you is loaded with resentment and categorically rejects everything the majority holds dear, when everything about you is abnormal and against the grain, it's a pretty safe bet that you are not going to turn out to be a wholesome, trustworthy individual.
Does this apply to anyone you can think of who is prominent in public life today?
"A man is known by the company he keeps."
"Birds of a feather flock together."
Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you!
-- Luke 6:26
If you were not leftist (and therefore subsequently actually capable of rational thought) you would recognize the folly of conducting opinion polls in nations where free press and media does not exist and the people themselves have no tangible voice in their governments.
You would then recognize the folly of seeking the opinions of people that average a 10 to 15% approval rating of terrorism in general and very high marks for Osama Bin Laden and other religious leaders.
And given that Barack Hussein Obama has at all turns poo-poohed the effort to bring democracy and a voice to Iraq and Afghanistan's 50 million people, you would recognize that Obama seeking the state-sponsored opinions of people politically constrained upon what they can say about their own governments is wholesale irrational.
You can be rational, or you can be leftist. You can't be both.
So, keep defending the guided-by-polls "leadership" of Obama. And do tell us how "smart" and "rational" that is, it's friggin' hilarious out of you.
If you were not leftist (and therefore subsequently actually capable of rational thought) you would recognize the folly of conducting opinion polls in nations where free press and media does not exist and the people themselves have no tangible voice in their governments.
If you were capable, beamish, of rational thought, you would recognize that instead of saying “and therefore subsequently actually capable of rational thought”, you should have said, in the interests of making a modicum of dubious polemical sense, “and consequently actually capable of rational thought”, or “and therefore actually capable of rational thought”.
Also, if you were capable of rational thought, beamish, you would recognize that people in oppressed countries have their own opinions nonetheless. A free press is unnecessary for people to think independently about issues affecting them. If a free press were essential, the tyrannical Soviet Union would be alive and well to this day.
Moreover, if you were capable of rational thought, beamish, you would understand, as Obama clearly does, that detailed information of the real world and the perspectives of its peoples, not stereotypes (like, “they will greet us as liberators, throwing flowers, not shoes”), is indispensable to effective foreign policy-making.
Rational thought is not a consequence of discarding leftism, even though discarding leftism would be a undeniably rational act. For you, rational thought would subsequently follow a rejection of leftism, as leftism precludes and excludes rationality.
You are bound and determined to remain a laughingstock, defending a poll watcher as a "leader."
I can not help you. You enjoy being an imbecile too much.
beamish: Rational thought is not a consequence of discarding leftism, even though discarding leftism would be a undeniably rational act. For you, rational thought would subsequently follow a rejection of leftism, as leftism precludes and excludes rationality.
It was liberals like Thomas Jefferson, rebelling against the established tradition of the British Crown, who founded this nation and gave us a constitution based on reason not divine power. Einstein was a liberal; his powers of reasoning exceeded that of most men. Liberalism is a straightforward consequence of rational thought about human rights.
You are bound and determined to remain a laughingstock, defending a poll watcher as a "leader."
Forget the polls, eh? We will invade their country and they will greet us as liberators, throwing flowers not shoes. Ha!
I can not help you. You enjoy being an imbecile too much.
You have inadvertently helped me already to see that your rightwing extremism precludes rational thought.
beamish: Obama isn't going to invade anything except your health care decisions, you imbecile.
Do you think most Americans prefer unsympathetic, inflexible insurance company restrictions that pervade their health care decisions, rather than reform?
There is scarcely a primetime program on Fox that doesn’t cite public opinion polls to promote rightwing points, conduct its own instant unscientific polls of its listeners, or bring on Dick Morris, most of whose advice and comments are derived from polls, you beamish.
Good thing Fox News pollsters are setting the foreign policy of Saudi Arabia.
::rolls eyes::
PsiBond, an honest discussion begins with you admitting you're an imbecile.
beamish: Good thing Fox News pollsters are setting the foreign policy of Saudi Arabia.
Fox’s strategy in selectively citing polls is more oblique; it aims at inflaming the viewership with strong anti-Obama advocacy.
Had he relied on public opinion polls, Obama could have decided in no time whether to send additional troops to Afghanistan. But pursuing an ill-considered strategy in Afghanistan that alienates public opinion there will put U.S. troops at greater risk.
::rolls eyes::
::suggest you stay off the hard stuff::
PsiBond, an honest discussion begins with you admitting you're an imbecile.
A discussion of ideas with you is really of no interest to me, for, if it were to be an honest discussion, you would have to admit you're a fanatical ideologue whose driving obsession is to vilify and smear opponents of your rightwing extremism.
In all honesty, I admit that an imbecile is what you seem to be, beamish, since only an imbecile would persistently seek to open or restart a discussion with a person that he supposes is an imbecile.
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