HERE'S THE ARTICLE. Would I care about this at all, except for you in Iowa who've had to smell that rotten stench, if it didn't remind me of the California Central Valley problem?
Female trees are being cut down and replaced with male trees (WHERE ARE THE TREE HUGGERS? Where is the National Organization for WOMEN?) but the Democrats will not allow a 3" fish to risk extinction so they've turned off all the water to the Valley, causing 40,000 to lose their jobs an
The article suggests that, though it's the female tree which drops pods which stink so badly, MALE trees do that, too, but only 'one in a hundred'.........GAY TREES? Maybe THAT's why they're fighting so hard to keep them? Who cares about 40,000 people, whole industries, and the dying of the great Central Valley, right? Maybe if all the farmers were gay...........?
Actually the male trees are transexuals. A bit too much oxytocin and not enough vasopressin... or their "tree" equivalents. It must be a lack-a-nookie phenomenum. ;-)
Well, the concern here is really a number of fish such as salmon and sturgeon but it is best to remember this. The level of the smelt is indicative of the stability of other fish stocks.
The reason the far right is so antagonistic towards any environmental effort is not simply that their knowledge is limited but because in their gut they know this is a problem that can only be solved with significant government action. As a result they'd rather trash the place.
Never underestimate the ability of a right winger to be short sighted.
I watched the special Sean Hannity had dealing with the California Central Valley water deprivation situation. It was most interesting to see that the man who was one of the leaders standing on the platform had voted for Obama, as I'll bet most of those now-distressed workers did. He had the grace to look a bit crestfallen when he admitted that fact. I can't help but wonder how pleased they are about their 'CHANGE', considering their current conditions. Considering the crops coming from that region you can look for some sharply increased prices, & the Socialist in Chief in D.C. could care less. After all, it's not Chicago.
There has been no explanation that stands up to the fact that the California Central Valley is a desert now.
Feinstein so stumbled over her words in the video I saw of her response it's laughable and frightening.
Yes, there are definitely situations with fishermen (glad you did your homework, we like to make you think and research here) but it's man versus animal..that might be fine for Cass Sunstein, but not for caring Americans.
The significant government action would be to turn the water on.
I never think it's short sighted to consider that California's becoming Zimbabwe, Ducky. Never. What is WITH the leftists? they have to ruin everything they touch.
Salmon and Sturgeon have been running for years.....but, for some reason, the San Francisco leftwingers have been trying to close the valley down for years..why?
" Angered by what he calls a “regulatory-mandated drought,” Rep. Devin Nunes (R-California) believes the ESA has already failed both farmers and fish. “There are 130 animal species in California on the federal endangered list, including five salmon species, five steelhead species, and the North American green sturgeon,” Nunes wrote in the Wall Street Journal (August 15, 2009) “To date, not a single fish within the California water system has been removed from the Endangered Species list over the past 36 years. Despite massive amounts of water diverted to help them, the ‘protected smelt, sturgeon and salmon populations have continued to decline. It is hardly unreasonable to ask why farmers should continue to suffer if diverting water hasn’t even helped the fish.”"
Oh I don't know, Canardo. The world was a much more beautiful, far more serene, friendly and orderly place when fabulously rich white men ran the show. They were called philanthropists by intelligent people, until the Marxists took over.
Just look at the public buildings, parks, churches, cathedrals, libraries, railroad stations, concert halls, opera houses, museums, colleges and universities built with private money, in the late 19th and early 20th century, then look at the functional, style-less, cost-conscious, unadorned, cheerless, joyless, depressing, uninspiring, environmentally-friendly crap government has brought into being.
That alone says enough right there.
You want to live in Orwell's nightmare world? That's exactly where you and your kind are headed.
...this is a problem that can only be solved with significant government action.
...all currently prohibitted by existing environmental movement legislation. Can't let the delta snail darters suffer at the expense of other fish species/ fingerlings or spotted owls, can we? If ever there were an excuse for government inaction, it comes from the Sierra Club.
Which species needs takes precedence? I vote for the human species. Nancy Pelosi is fond of saying, "to govern is to choose." It's a shame she never seems to choose to do anything "unpopular."
It's what Berlin termed "the unavoidability of conflicting ends" or, alternatively, the "incommensurability" of values. He once called this "the only truth which I have ever found out for myself... Some of the Great Goods cannot live together.... We are doomed to choose, and every choice may entail an irreparable loss." In short, it's what Michael Ignatieff summarized as "the tragic nature of choice".
The Democrats have legislated themselves into this environmental disaster in the making, let them legislate themselves out of it. No, they'd rather play regional interests against each other.
Whatever happened to the Hetchhetchy Resevoir? Maybe it's time to damn the Yosemite, folks.
Anybody care to call Diane Feinstein a hypocrite?
Otalp: you said:
"Oh I don't know, Canardo. The world was a much more beautiful, far more serene, friendly and orderly place when fabulously rich white men ran the show. They were called philanthropists by intelligent people, until the Marxists took over."
I don't know if I know who you are (?) but I will ADMIRE you forever for that one remark.
You're a great addition to the voices of reason here, thanks.
FJ..great work on that subject, thanks for the links. Yes, Feinstein is a total hypocrite.
We had a Gingko tree where we used to live. I never noticed any odor. I guess it was a he. Who knew?
FJ - too funny!
Ducky - You call a major food belt in California, not to mention the country, trashing the place?
Do you even know what a smelt is? Are we supposed to believe this is the the only place in the entire country or the world which has this common little fish? It exists very nicely northern seas.
It turns out that this fish was introduced, by man of course, into American fresh water and is landlocked. It is not even indigenous to this area.
The reason given for this phony prohibition of water, is that some of these tiny fish would get caught in the pipe gates where the water flows through to the farms.
Now whether this fish get's caught in the pipes, or eaten by Salmon they're dead either way. Salmon are not so finicky as to only eat smelt. They eat anchovie, sardines or pretty much what they need to survive. That's a phony issue as well.
The article states that even with a plentiful amount of water over the years the salmon and sturgeon population has continued to decline. How about considering these fish are being overfished?
The valley has been purposefully turned into a dustbowl, when it once, not long ago, was a jewel of a major supply of food for the country.
This whole thing sounds political. It smells to high heaven, and It's not the fish I'm talking about.
Since we're facing man made shortages of energy, fuel, and water, how long will it be before we're told we have a food shortage?
And Ducky, you'll probably fall for that one too.
I said to myself, "Self," I said, "Here's one Ducky can't possibly use to incorrectly slam conservatives."
I was wrong again.
control the water and you control everything. ugh!
otalp, you said "...then look at the functional, style-less, cost-conscious, unadorned, cheerless, joyless, depressing, uninspiring, environmentally-friendly crap government has brought into being."
just one point to make on this - the god-awful ugly buildings put up by the government were at much greater expense (even adjusting for inflation) than those beautiful buildings put up by the philanthropists. but remember - government is MUCH more efficient and cost effective than private industry. yep.
Nuke the Whales.
In an old Peanuts cartoon a while ago Linus embodied the whole left with a simple comment.
I do too love mankind. It's people I can't stand..
Actually, Ducky is useful to us for comic relief! His reasoning is laughable, as are his sentiments. Keep on truckin', Duck! But don't lose your crying towel.
Maybe we'll be the first species to go extinct voluntarily.
"Never underestimate the ability of a right winger to be short sighted."
Never underestimate the lack of empathy for humans on the left when making environmental decision.
Never underestimate how pathetic a Ducky is.
You know I may be out of line here but I have gotten to the point to where I believe the Duck is nothing but a blowhard. You really have nothing to add to any of this.
This comment:
The reason the far right is so antagonistic towards any environmental effort is not simply that their knowledge is limited but because in their gut they know this is a problem that can only be solved with significant government action. As a result they'd rather trash the place.
is nothing more than your same old tired trashing of the right with very little in the way of an intelligent response.
You did not address the actual issue (the loss of jobs to save a fish).
Instead you string together a bunch of bullshit and figure if you toss enough words in there, something will make sense.
I used to have a little respect for your willingness to fight your stance, I've gotten over it.
I see you as nothing more than a mean spirited little man who exhibits the same boorish no-nothing behavior the rest of the idiots on the left show.
Z, if you are upset with my little tirade, I apologize to you and you only.
Chuck - I don't think you're out of line, I think you're spot on.
Chuck, I have to admit that sometimes I give Ducky the benefit of the doubt, but I think I'm with you long about now ....thanks for the apology, but none is necessary.
EVERYBODY: HERE is the deal:
I must admit, thought...fried smelt with salt and lemon juice IS one of my favorite things to eat :-)
Perhaps you are unaware that the primary goal of every leftist is to convince as many people as possible that all leftists, without exception, are imbeciles.
Ducky goes the extra step with this and pretends you remain unconvinced.
Beamih if that is the measure than he is a smashing success.
Thanks for the understanding Z, I just have gotten tired of his endless supply of crap
FYI: According to an online "disambiguation" dictionary SMELT may refer to:
A number of small fishes:
Great Lakes Smelts (North American) in the family Osmeridae and genera Allosmerus, Hypomesus, Mallotus, Osmerus, Spirinchus and Thaleichthys.
Whitebait Smelts (North American) in the family Osmeridae and genera: Allosmerus, Elongatus, Hypomesus and Mallotus.
Australian smelt in the family Retropinnidae and species retropinna semoni.
New Zealand smelt in the family Retropinnidae and species retropinna retropinna.
Herring smelts in the family Argentinidae.
Deep-sea smelts in the family Bathylagidae.
Silversides in the family Atherinidae.
Smelt-whitings in the family Sillaginidae.
In other words there are several varieties of these little silver fish found in many different places. Is protecting one of them sufficiently important to deprive people of water or jobs?
Also, it seems to be the nature of life forms on earth to become extinct. It's been happening ever since the world began. Aren't certain people a bit arrogant to think that Man has any real influence over the process?
otalp said "Aren't certain people a bit arrogant to think that Man has any real influence over the process?"
or that they should have any real influence.
i thought those on the left believed in the survival of the fittest - i'm pretty sure, that's not supposed to mean the fittest with the help of evil man...
Great points, Heidianne. Government seems always to cost more and give less in return than the private sector.
Thank you, Ms geeeZ, for your kind remark.
Food shortages, riots and civil unrest coming soon.
The Coming Food Shortages
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