I am trying to Google, but can't find anything yet; just heard it on FOX. I suppose FOX was first because they haven't the added burden of adding such astonishing kudos and ravings about Obama's brilliance and wonderfulness in their reportage....FOX is able to just TELL US THE NEWS, as usual. I just made it easy for some "journalist" to get this on line sooner by writing the text in red.....what do you think?:
"Barack Hussein Obama, beleaguered as the race gets tighter and tighter in these last days before the November 6 election, has decided that now is just the time to meet face to face with Ahmedinejad. This president has put aside the fact that Iran stood in our way of really succeeding in Iraq, put aside the horrible names this regime's called America, put aside all those devilish little details which are not optimal and is now, in his WONDERFUL all-understanding way, going to MEET IRAN! Of course, GOPers will call this 'playing politics' but Democrats never do that, only Republicans do. This is pure genius and Obama will now save the world and Israel from nuclear holocaust single-handedly! What a man, what a guy, what a Commander in Chief!"
HA! I'm SO glad this isn't about playing politics, aren't you? :-)
By the way, the more I think about this......couldn't this backfire on Obama? I mean, how many Americans respect or trust AHMEDINEJAD? How many are thinking "is Obama NUTS?" I am.
By the way, this will be up on Monday; let's talk about this in depth, I'm really curious about whether you think this is a good thing for Obama's election hopes or a terrible idea.
" How many are thinking "is Obama NUTS?"
I don't. He doesn't think we're stupid either. He doesn't care.
He thinks he's brilliant.
It's October.
Are we surprised?
Smoke and mirrors.
And desperation to get re-elected.
I think it would be an absolutely perfect conclusion to the Obama presidency to see photographs of Hussein of America bowing and groveling to the Caliph of Tehran.
AOW, how do you think this will play on voters?
Ed, not surprised, but stunned at THIS particular October SUrprise.. if he thinks it's brilliant and we're so stupid we don't see through it, we're in more trouble than even I think we are!!
Have you guys seen the video of college kids and adults at the Ohio University who'd not heard a THING about Benghazi when asked a few days after it happened? They didn't have a CLUE. You could see they didn't know where Benghazi even was! And they all were asked who they were voting for.
guess who
Mustang, that's true...perfect CONCLUSION (please, God!)
"Hussein of America" :-)
A lot of Americans don't give a damn about world news and world events. For some reason, they have the attitude of "It's happening over there and doesn't affect me."
I know few Americans who read the world news to any level of thoroughness.
how do you think this will play on voters?
The mainstream media will hype the story, of course. "Obama as savior of the world and all that."
But having talks with Iran will not impact the vote much, IMO. It's not like the story of the slaying of OBL.
If Obama was really smart, he'd be meeting with Netanyahu, but, Netanyahu could turn him down because he decided to go to Las Vegas!
What goes around, comes around! Got it? I knew that you would.
Oh, Pris, wouldn't it be great news to hear the WH was contacting Bibi and he was turning them down!! LOVE LOVE LOVE!! He'd SO deserve it.
AOW>....the more I think of it, the more I think only REALLY far left NUTS will think it's a good idea to TALK TO IRAN after all they've threatened us with, etc. As if they're going to go along with him!?
Only far left nuts will believe Ahmedinejad will like us more because we like him :-)
Plus, he's REALLY going to tick any self-respecting Jew off. (I know there are PLENTY who do NOT love Israel, so that's why I say 'self-respecting')...
Do you all think Romney will bring up that whispered comment Obama made to the Russian guy about how he can deal with them better in his second term, wink wink?
I don't know what we might see in foreign policy with team Romney. I do know that what we have now is close to if not worse then the Carter years.
The Iranians don't fear Obama or Romney.
Iran has an achiles heel of indigenous people who can be pushed
until the place tumbles. The twerp wants to talk about Palestinians. Arm the Kurds, Azeris and Balloch and let the twerp get his own medicine.
That was the beauty of the Contra policy under Reagan. We need to arm people yearning to be free from Marxist and religious thugs.
Of course the good Jew hating Duck doesn't care about genuine indigenous people. Imposters that exsist solely to stoke Jew hatred are another matter.
Z -- "Have you guys seen the video of college kids and adults at the Ohio University..."
I was just about to hit the rack and read the above (not that it was any great shock; I just hate being reminded of how many idiots there REALLY ARE out there.)
Thanks, Z, you've made my night.Tomorrow, I'll let you know how many doofuses I had to count as they jumped over the national debt, before I finally went to sleep.
Beak, actually the word is that Iran's cooperating at this point with Obama because they know he's a weak jerk and will believe anything they tell him, but mostly because they know very well Romney's pro Israel and they hate that.
This has to be a bad idea.
And that Trading Places movie was pretty good !
DAMAGE CONTROL 101: have you seen this? :-)
I guess this is really important for the Monday debate, right? And, of course, it's Obama's people doing these investigations...
The whole article's aimed at showing this was NOT a planned attack, which the GOP has been trying to show via Stevens' emails for HELP< etc....
But then it has to say the truth at least for a few lines before it goes on trying to show this was NOT A PLANNED ATTACK :-):
"But the official added that "no one is ruling out that some of the attackers may have aspired to attack the U.S. in Benghazi."
Oh, I SEE, says Z...it's not ruled out, but it's very important for Obama's intelligence departments and the media to support Obama before the debate :-)
Thankfully, this won't be read by anybody, either. And nobody really cares about anything beyond Paris Hilton and the newest iPad, anyway.
Kid, I love TRADING PLACES and every time I hear "It's a MIRACLE" I can't help but remember Eddie Murphy could suddenly walk, remember? Hilarious!
My fave line is when Murphy's been taken in by the rich old boys and he has a party of his old hooker/pimp/drug dealer friends who're ruining the expensive home...Murphy suddenly grabs someone's drink off a table as if he was born to money and says "Hey! Have you never heard of a COASTER?" cracks me up every time.
Kid, by the way...you think this is a bad idea, this Obama/Iran thing, but you don't think it's done for politics? Tell me what you think Obama's thinking.
Z, Trading Places. So many good lines.
Since I trade stocks, I like when the old guys explain to Eddie what they do, and a light bulb goes on for Eddie and he says "You guys are Bookies!"
Then at the end where one of the brothers is yelling "Turn those machines back on ! Get those people back in here !" haha (I've done That myself) ahaha
obama: he's playing to his crowd of anti-American losers and morons that think appeasement is always the way to go. Hopefully, there are enough idiots who think talking to iran is a bad idea.
Stalling tactics for Alphabet and Obimbo.
Obimbo gets four more years because Alphabet tell Obimbo whatever Obimbo wants to hear.
Alphabet gets four more years to play with his Tinker Toys rather than have to face Romney because Alphabet knows Romney will side with Israel.
So, pardon the pun and/or play on words, this ain't exactly rocket science.
Iran is reading the polls. They would rather take advantage of Obama than have to deal with adults.
Benghazigate isn't going to go away no matter how many despots Barack bows to.
I think most of America has finally woken up to what Obama really is. He has never cared for this nation and never will.
He is not a stupid man, he was quite clear in his first election on what he had planned for this nation and people act surprised.
Did you also notice, when gas prices were mentioned at the last debate they have been steadily dropping?? I do not believe that is a coincidence just like the time on the first debate the spoke about job and then low and behold a brand new report came out.
He's a fake and liar and so are his MSM lapdogs.
Obama is the type of person who would put us all in harms way just to further his political/personal career. He's a "me, me" type of guy. Just think of all the usages of "I" he's used in his speeches. That's very telling indeed. He didn't want Iraq to succeed and I'm not sure he even wants our operation in Afghanistan to be as successful as it could be. He panders way too much to the Islamic extremists. I'm sure his growing up with Islam has something to do with where his sympathies lie.
Frigging liberTURDS have an answer for every thing. A liberTURDS quasi-friend and I had a discussion and I told her I hated for my tax money being used for birth control. The answer--would you rather pay for the abortion? or to raise the unwanted kid?
NO, I would prefer that the idiots STOP screwing or buy their own GD birth control! I always bought my own rubbers/raincoats/condoms! And then I paid for my own vasectomy, with cash and PAIN!! What IDIOTS those lefterds are! GRRRRR!!! Is there ANYTHING that they feel comfortable buying for themselves? Frigging suckpumps!
Here's some facts to chew on from the TEA Party perspective.
1: Even a "bad" Republican is generally better than any Dem/Lib
2: There is not, in recent history, any such animal as a fiscally conservative Dem.
3: Getting the best deal we can get in moving towards fiscal conservatism means
that in some cases, we have to settle for "bad" Republicans.
4: Over time, we keep replacing the "bad" Republicans with TEA Party minded folks.
5: Eventually, given sufficient time, the Republican Party will have more TEA Party
types in it than not.
6: This will mean that the Republican Party is essentially the TEA Party in all but name.
Liberals didn't take over and control the Dem Party in one single election.
It took them some 40 years of concerted effort.
It will probably take the TEA Party around 20 to do the same to the Repubs.
Patience is a virtue.
Any good hunter knows this.
Nobody died as a result of Watergate.
This administration keeps piling lies on top of bodies on top of more lies on top of more bodies and the idiot Leftwits just keep on changing the "facts" aka LIES!
PS...You don't get your damned "Obammaphone" till I get my 4 years of back mortgage and gasoline checks!
What we know is Romney is better Obama on Israel. He is an unknown at this point we just don't know. There were fears about GW Bush because Casper Weinberger and James Baker were hostile. On their worst day either is better than Obama.
GW Bush likely was the best friend Israel ever had.
Iran talks...
More "hopium" for the gullible.
I expect Romney will do better in the foreign policy debate than he did in the platitude debate and the stupid question debate.
Republicans usually are strongest on foriegn policy.
I expect Romney will do better in the foreign policy debate than he did in the platitude debate and the stupid question debate.
Republicans usually are strongest on foriegn policy.
From the Columbus Dispatch:
"Four years after promising hope and change, and after a deficit-driving $787 billion stimulus program, here is the result:
• 12.1 million unemployed, with an unemployment rate above 8 percent for 43 of the past 44 months.
• 8.6 million working part time because they can’t find full-time work
• 2.5 million who wanted to work, but have stopped looking for jobs.
• In 2009, real median household income was $52,195. By 2011, it had fallen to $50,054
• In 2009, the U.S. poverty rate was 14.3 percent. By 2011, the poverty rate climbed to 15 percent.
• On Obama’s watch, 12 million more Americans joined the food-stamp program, which has reached a record of more than 46 million enrollees.
• Annual federal budget deficits above $1 trillion for the past four years, increasing the national debt to an all-time high of $16 trillion."
The whole article's aimed at showing this was NOT a planned attack
Yes. They accidentally raised Al Qaeda's flag over our embassy while they were ass-raping our dead ambassador.
Here's some facts to chew on from the TEA Party perspective.
1: Even a "bad" Republican is generally better than any Dem/Lib
The Tea Party "movement's" endless supply of "bad" Republicans all have something in common. None of them are conservatives.
2: There is not, in recent history, any such animal as a fiscally conservative Dem.
Republicans haven't been that in almost 20 years.
3: Getting the best deal we can get in moving towards fiscal conservatism means
that in some cases, we have to settle for "bad" Republicans.
No it doesn't, anymore that your struggle to get your shirts clean means that in some cases you have to dunk it in a sewer pipe.
4: Over time, we keep replacing the "bad" Republicans with TEA Party minded folks.
God I hope not. Tea Party "minded" folks are over 70% opposed to any changes to Medicare, America's top debt generator. The absolute last place to look for fiscal conservatives is a Tea Party "event." Since the Tea Party "movement" put Republicans back in charge of the purse strings (the House of Representatives) Obama's spending and debt has increased faster than it did when Pelosi ran the show.
5: Eventually, given sufficient time, the Republican Party will have more TEA Party
types in it than not.
Not if we can stop the far left Tea Party NOW.
6: This will mean that the Republican Party is essentially the TEA Party in all but name.
You're already there. Mitt Romney IS the Tea Party.
"Obama's election hopes ARE a terrible idea."
Even a "bad" Republican is generally better than any Dem/Lib
AMEN to that! When are people going to UNDERSTAND we've all mature adults with very little choice right now? hopefully, before the election.
Beakerkin, Romney's not so 'unknown'...he's been charitable, fixed an Olympics that was probably going to go TOTALLY bust, has grown businesses amazingly well...and he's fairly middle of the road socially.
When some are so stuck insulting ROmney for 'loving gays' as their biggest concern, we know we others are on the right track, let's face it.
Z, You got it.
Anyone taking pot shots at Romney because he isn't perfect (no one is), is a Democrat Party Tool.
Probably one of those girly pink tools they sell near the cash registers on the way out of the Propaganda Dollar Store. ;-)
Kid said...
Z, You got it.
Anyone taking pot shots at Romney because he isn't perfect (no one is), is a Democrat Party Tool."
EXCELLENT POINT, Kid...that's true.
And, the USA fell for it; we are SO SCREWED, FOLKS. Thanks, Liberals...wouldn't you love to hear Ahmedinejad and Putin and Castro and Chavez, etc., all laughing their freakin' HEADS off?
Z, there ya go. Deal with terrorism central.
And they've all been laughing at the USA for 4 years now. It's a wonder they're not suing us for medical problems with split sides. Maybe they are.
Anyone taking pot shots at Romney because he isn't perfect (no one is), is a Democrat Party Tool.
Anyone who happily joined Romney's $2 million a day campaign smearing conservatives during the GOP primaries only to try to shout down people who point out he's more far left than Obama on every issue that matters to conservatives is the whole tool shed.
I can abide some "impefection" in a candidate, but not outright hostility to my beliefs.
Name another Republican Presidential candidate that personally issued 189 gay marriage certificates.
Name another Republican candidate that shut down a coal plant in the name of "global warming."
Name another Republican candidate that halted a deportation trial so an illegal immigrant could keep her state government union job and pension.
Name another Republican candidate that socialized health care in their state.
Name another Republican candidate that set up Planned Parenthood to provide $50 co-pay abortions subsidized by taxpayer money.
I'm sorry you spineless simpletons have no real core principles to uphold and defend. You far leftists are only upset with Obama because he's not a Republican.
Z, thanks for rewriting my comment instead of just deleting it. I think I have guessed which term I used that was taboo. I'll try to come up with a better one from now on.
Romney came in third place behind McCain and Huckabee in 2008 for a reason, after all.
Beamish, I won't be reading any more of your comments and have no problem if you treat mine the same. I'd rather listen to Ducky than you and your constant tirade against not just Romney but all of us too. Good bye.
When some are so stuck insulting ROmney for 'loving gays' as their biggest concern, we know we others are on the right track, let's face it.
Where have I insulted Romney? The founding father of gay marriage himself has claimed to be anti-Reagan and progressive.
You take Romney's word that he's now politically 180 degrees opposed to the way he governed in Massachusetts.
The difference between you and I, Z, is that I'm not imbecilic enough to believe Romney.
Beamish, I won't be reading any more of your comments and have no problem if you treat mine the same.
Fair enough. Do yourself a favor and don't try to pretend you're a conservative anywhere I might read.
Average American, there ya go.
Put that tool on the Good Ship Ignoramous like I did. He doesn't say anything that can be responded to by a rational person. It's called circle jerking. Explode any of his tool-ish points like the bomb going off over Bikini island and he'll just post another set of tool-ish talking points. None of it based on any kind of reality. Just worthless nonsense.
Get him to admit he's a blabbering tool, and he'll just be back within 24 hours with the same lame game. What a shame. :)
Like most libs actually. Children who voters invited to the adult table when they voted in the Kenyan/muslim, and have been sitting there 4 years too long. Time for them to be sent back to the kiddie table where they belong.
It's literally like debating a 2 year old. Nothing I want to spend time on.
He doesn't say anything that can be responded to by a rational person. It's called circle jerking. Explode any of his tool-ish points like the bomb going off over Bikini island and he'll just post another set of tool-ish talking points. None of it based on any kind of reality. Just worthless nonsense.
Really? Romney didn't issue 189 marriage licenses to gay couples when he was not at all obligated to do so?
Romney didn't close down a coal plant in the name of "global warming?"
Romney didn't set up Planned Parenthood in Massachusetts to provide $50 co-pay abortions subsidized by taxpayer money?
Romney didn't socialize health care in his state?
Then WTF, pray tell, are the "imperfections" you cheerfully overlook to vote for the Republican Obama?
Perhaps you can't answer because you are under the misguided assumption that you're a "rational person."
Insult me and other principled conservatives all you want, but at the end of the day, you're still a pro-gay, pro-abortion, global warming cap-and-trade dipshit voter trying to pretend to be fighting the left.
He's desperate to reassure them, just like he did with the Russian president - don't worry, after the election, I'll be your lackey just like I promised.
Is this B.O.'s ditch attempt to emulate Neville Chamberlain?
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