Today, the media is a wonder because not long after the Libyan event, Romney asked common sense questions any engaged citizen might ask, if he or she had half a chance. The death of an American Ambassador didn’t get near the attention that Romney did. Who in the hell does Romney think he is? How dare he ask such questions?
The media is a wonder because during a campaign speech late last week, Mitt Romney said, “There were more questions that came out last night because the Vice President directly contradicted the testimony of State Department officials.” Members of the media never made that statement; it wasn’t media who demanded any answers.
The media is a wonder because immediately after the Vice Presidential debate, no one from the media swarmed Little Joey Biden demanding that he confirm or clarify his bombshell statements during the debate: The President didn’t know; the Vice President didn’t know; the Intelligence community gave erroneous information to the White House; it was a state department function.
Mr. Romney is correct to observe, “American citizens have a right to know just what’s going on.” The problem is, however, American citizens are not likely to learn much of anything from the media, beyond the fact that Mr. Romney is a butinsky who should just shut the hell up. Who in the hell does he think he is?
What a wonder the media is!
As I think about the media's excoriation of Mitt Romney, who is asking the questions that the media used to ask, a certain military acronym comes to mind: FUBAR.
The media went after Richard Nixon. The media will not go after Barack Obama. The media MIGHT go after Hillary Clinton.
Romney is doing a pretty good job so far on fighting back, yes he can do better and i think he will.
Romney needs to needs to hammer Obama with this Libya cover up at every chance he gets, and keep the heat on.
He has to hit on the Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice covering up for Obama also. Obama lied time and again about the murder of our Ambassador in Benghazi for 4 weeks, and Romney can't let Obama or Biden get away with it.
I think that President Mitt Romney is going to do very well.
I think, Mustang, that we should stop referring to them as the media. Media is something they once were many years ago. They are for all practical purposes the propaganda arm of the Democratic Party. These people are journalist in name only.
I certainly hope Romney continues to bare-knuckle pound Obama over this! He's got to; we know the midstream media won't!
Another wonder of the media: Obama's own deputy campaign mgr., Stephanie Cutter is blaming Republicans for making this an issue at all! And the media ignores this irresponsibility and spin!
I agree with Brooke.
It seem as if the Media as well as the Democratic voters does not care if Obama and his administration, especially his high ranking members like Hillary Clinton and Eric Holder lies, deceives and or cheats, but their only care is for them to win the election at all cost! Isn’t that something they have accused the republicans of doing for years? It seems to me that they are better at playing that game than anyone else is.. There are so many unanswered questions and answers that are untrue that remain about the vicious attack (yes ATTACK, not a Protest) in Benghazi two weeks ago) that killed four Americans, including our Ambassador Christopher Stevens, and two former Navy Seals. And Congress has a responsibility to do something about it and may I add that the America Citizens want answers for.
The truth is that the same people who are accusing the Republicans for not providing fund for the security for the American consulate in Benghazi are the ones who have been lying and covering up the whole debacle , a classic liberal tactic. This whole cover up would have made any Republican president resign by now. But not Obama, The Obama campaign has two choices right now, lie his way out of this as he is doing by having the blame shifted to Hillary Clinton and Susan Rice, who was dragging this phoney story around allover TV or they can try to rig the election, something else that I wouldn’t put past them. Hopefully President Mitt Romney will free us from this nightmare we have in the White House now.
The ombudsman for the NYT came out Sunday saying Benghazigate should lead. Not be on page 6.
The editor replied that the story had been too politicized.
Imagine Watergate had been too politicized .
Why would any informed person want four more years of this feckless, discombobulated Administration? I submit that [informed] is the operative word. Although 30% or so will support this insanity, no matter what,a balance of informed and concerned electorate should be putting Romney >10% ahead; this is not happening. Let's face it, once and for all, B.O.'s ethereal promise of "Hope and Change" is, at best, a ruse and its continuation only puts ALL of us into a deeper hole, both foreign and domestically! OK, I'm preaching to the choir.
These predictable moments never cease to stop.
Jesse Jackson Jr.’s campaign finances are the subject of a federal probe after the congressman allegedly improperly used campaign money to decorate his home, according to a new report. The Wall Street Journal reported Sunday night that a federal probe into the congressman centers on whether Jackson improperly used campaign money to decorate his home. The Chicago Sun-Times on Friday first reported that Jackson was under federal investigation, a probe that began before he took a leave from Congress in June to seek medical help. Ultimately, the Jacksons said he suffered from bipolar depression.
The rotten apple doesn't fall far from the tree.
Press cheerleading for Obama is just one more reason why this election is far from over. The press is his most powerful Super PAC.
SF and Conservativesonfire...I have often discussed how it's like the DNC is paying the 'media' these days.........they might as well be.
Brooke..Cutter is a woman of so little character. Almost as dishonest as Axelband.
AOW, they might, but they risk ticking her husband off!!
DEBonair Dude...Poor ROmney has to watch every move as he hammers Libya; the leftwing media will be watching for every breath he takes that they don't like. I wouldn't be Romney tomorrow night for anything.
Ed..excellent point about Watergate...imagine?!!!
Radical...the poor man got sick in the knick of time, didn't he? I suppose he is ill, but man, one wonders about the timing.
Romney will likely [and should] take Obama to the woodshed over the Libya debacle. That should be a home run.
His larger obstacle will be in attempting to set himself apart from Obama in terms of strategic foreign policy. Thus far, he really hasn't.
We have a President who has skipped out on 60% of intelligence briefings, then has the gall to blame the intelligence community for not informing him, thus throwing them under the bus!
I can't remember him taking responsibilty for anything controversial.
This President and vice President have been campaigning since they were elected. For them, everything is political! Even our national security!
Remember how, when Bush was President, the so-called msm insisted it was their job to be adversarial? Well, it's long past time for Americans to throw the state run media under the bus!
So lets talk about Benghazi, I’d love to. I for one have had it with these sick, twisted, brain dead leftist/progressive radicals who are so blinded by their ideology that they don’t even care about the security of this nation, and will do everything say anything including backing up the lies of their beloved leader and then support his re-election. . It is absolutely outrageous how far they will go. Just listen to them here on these blogs and just read the CRAP on their own blogs You would think that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan was running this country and having their Secretary of State and their UN Ambassador parading out in frunt of the TV cameras LYING this ass’s off for the sake of their Messiah. They are extremely dangerous to this country, and must be voted out. Obama told us that he wants to bring the perpetrators to justice. How about bringing his own Administration to Justice?
This is worse than Watergate, no one at Watergate was murdered, and Watergate was not an Act of War! I hope that Romney and Ryan calls these liars out in front of the nation and the world, and lets the world hear the facts in no uncertain terms.
And that Smirking Monkey Biden saying that it was the fault of the Republicans for cutting the funds for security at the embassy. Another lie by that Smirking Jerk.
This bunch of people are so incompetent it’s a wonder that more people haven’t died. If Obama, Hillary and Rice had the love for their country that Nixon did and if they had any class the three of them would step down, and the news media should be harping about this nonstop. It’s time for a statesman like Romney to be put in office and not the Liberal/Progressive gang of hoodlums.
And another thing: They blamed a stupid video for this attack, instead of calling it what it was, a terrorist attack. And by saying that it was the “Video” that cause the other riots all over the Mid-East on our Embassy’s. If you recall, there were about 25 other riots following the ones in Libya and Egypt, because of Obama telling them about the “Film” prior to that these scum-bags didn’t even know that a “Film” even existed. .
I'm with (if not FAR ahead) of what 'conservativesonfire' has said. I gave up on the 'media' with the handling of the JFK thing and CERTAINLY with the 'reporting' of Viet Nam. When I thought 'reporting' couldn't get any more editorialized, or worse, than it already was... it did.
What's even worse is print journalism; they must be getting their writers from a pool of high school drop-outs. When one has to read a sentence more than three times to understand the structure, something is wrong somewhere.
As you were on that. I forgot. These people are nothing more than the product of our educational system.
I Second what conservativesonfire and what Radical Redneck said .
Our dear leader actually watched those caskets come off the plane and went on to Las Vegas to another fund raising party. What a piece of work he is. And hardly a story anywhere about all their lies. So were was the great American Media on that?
Nixon covered up a burglary but Obama staff has covered up a terrorist attack and this is way worse than Nixon. Step up Woodward and the boys and expose these people for the liars they are. America depends on you brave people to put a stop to a lying regime
"This is worse than Watergate, no one at Watergate was murdered..."
How soon we forget about Fast & Furious? Over 300 Mexi's killed and a border agent in order to kill our 2A rights.
And Holder is indeed the "Magic Negro"...imagine the "boss" escaping prosecution? Oh did Waters, Rangel, Dodd, Frank, Bubba Clinton. And now I expect neither Hillary, Lamb, Carney or Rice will not get canned either.
These are things that couldn't be worse for this country when just about every one of the 535 are cheats, liars, thieves, criminals escaping justice, frauds and incompetents.
Multiple Choice Quiz
This is a fun quiz. Listed below are 10 direct quotes. You have to guess which American politician said it.
Your four choices are:
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin
Former V P Dan Quayle
President Barack Obama
Former President George W. Bush
Ready? Here we go!
1) "Let me be absolutely clear. Israel is a strong friend of Israel 's."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush
2) "I've now been in 57 states I think one left to go."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush
3) "On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes, and I see many of them in the audience here today."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush
4) "What they'll say is, 'Well it costs too much money,' but you know what?
It would cost, about. It it it would cost about the same as what we would spend. It. Over the course of 10 years it would cost what it would costs us.
(nervous laugh) All right. Okay. We're going to. It. It would cost us about the same as it would cost for about hold on one second. I can't hear myself.
But I'm glad you're fired up, though. I'm glad."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush
5) "The reforms we seek would bring greater competition, choice, savings and inefficiencies to our health care system."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush
6) "I bowled a 129. It's like - it was like the Special Olympics, or something."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush
7) "Of the many responsibilities granted to a president by our Constitution, few are more serious or more consequential than selecting a Supreme Court justice. The members of our highest court are granted life tenure, often serving long after the presidents who appointed them. And they are charged with the vital task of applying principles put to paper more than 20 centuries ago to some of the most difficult questions of our time."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush
8) "Everybody knows that it makes no sense that you send a kid to the emergency room for a treatable illness like asthma, they end up taking up a hospital bed, it costs, when, if you, they just gave, you gave them treatment early and they got some treatment, and a, a breathalyzer, or inhalator, not a breathalyzer. I haven't had much sleep in the last 48 hours."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush
9) "It was interesting to see that political interaction in Europe is not that different from the United States Senate. There's a lot of... I don't know what the term is in Austrian, wheeling and dealing."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush
10) "I have made good judgments in the past. I have made good judgments in the future."
A. Barack Obama
B. Dan Quayle
C. Sarah Palin
D. George W. Bush
Sorry. This was a trick quiz. All of the correct answers are the same person. Each of these quotes are directly from President Barack Obama.
And now you know why he brings his teleprompter with him everywhere he goes...
even when talking to a 6th grade class.
And some members of the media continue to insist he is "the smartest man ever elected to the Presidency". (The media must think that "Austrian" is a language.)
Yeah, right! Send it to all of your family and friends so they can see how smart he is.
Speaking of Carney, I've often wondered if he took lessons from Baghdad Bob.
"Nixon covered up a burglary but Obama staff has covered up a terrorist attack and this is way worse than Nixon."
Marine4ever, you are so right! This thugocracy makes Nixon look like a babe in the woods.
FROM Z of geeeeZ:
Pris, you're so right...
And the left's still yelling "Bush lied, people died" IMagine?
I sometimes we on the right could be that nasty.
Mustang4...I wouldn't have the Press Sec'y job if you paid me a million dollars! I can't imagine knowing more than you can tell; I'd be at briefings saying "Please, Mr President, JUST tell me what I can share...nothing else!"
Gibbs was loathsome and he's back, sadly, during the campaign..'AxelrodJr'; still withering to anything rightwing.
Carney's in over his head but lying isn't THAT tough to do, I suppose.
The way he responded to that question about Jerusalem was SO amateur, remember? He kept saying "YOU know how the administration views Jerusalem" and even leftwing media yelled back "if we KNEW, we wouldn't ASK YOU!" it was quite something. He never did respong. The truth is scary in this WH.
The whole tamber of the White House has changed for the worst...I wonder if it'll only take one president with dignity to get it back?
I wish you could all have listened to Dennis Prager today ( if he's played in the afternoon or evening where you are, listen to his 3rd hour); I was just in the car listening to a female British columnist talk so informatively about socialism and redistribution and how it's going so badly in Europe because the leftwing can't quite figure out how to pay for all the distributing they want to do and how we're "sleepingwalking into the same mess in America".
She made SO many excellent points and I SWEAR that if Romney had her out stumping for HIM, he'd win by a 30 point spread. Except with those screeching "I want my health care FREE, I want a cell phone, I want ..." (regardless of what it'll do to the country$$$)
If anybody heard the journalist and got her name, I'd love to have it, please.
Blaming the deaths of four Americans on lack of funding for security is a pathetic excuse -- especially when one considers this
Rep. Mike Kelly noted that on May 7, the State Department approved $108,000 for a new electric car charging station to service Chevy Volts in the motor pool at the Vienna embassy. Kelly also revealed that on May 3, the State Department denied a request for use of a DC-3 airplane to a Special Forces group doing embassy security in Libya. Ambassador Chris Stevens, slain in a terrorist attack in Benghazi on September 11, was copied on the email from the State Department.
Constitutional Insurgent,
larger obstacle will be in attempting to set himself apart from Obama in terms of strategic foreign policy. Thus far, he really hasn't.
He has to a certain extent, but not very eloquently.
Besides, I'm not sure that a candidate who doesn't have access to all the necessary data can do much.
But, of course, Romney can certainly slam Obama with this Libya debacle.
Maybe Romney should advocate cyber embassies in unstable Moslem countries.
Obama's own deputy campaign mgr., Stephanie Cutter is blaming Republicans for making this an issue at all!
IMO, a dead U.S. ambassador is a big deal. Cutter is off her rocker.
The United States hasn't lost an ambassador in foreign service since 1979. Now, doesn't THAT date sound so very familiar?
"Besides, I'm not sure that a candidate who doesn't have access to all the necessary data can do much."
As of a month ago, Romney and Ryan were to start receiving regular security briefings. My larger point was that strategic foreign policy and national security goals really haven't changed much since 9/11 - other than elevating the Taliban and Iraq over al Qaeda. I don't see anything beyond subtle nuances that set Romney apart from Obama in this, regarding realistic policy initiatives.
I believe US foreign policy, if not blatantly incompetent, it is at least sophomoric and outright dangerous. I do not believe we have had a capable Secretary of State since Lawrence Eagleburger. With that out of the way, I think that if anyone believes there is not much difference in the foreign policy objectives of Obama and Romney, they aren’t listening hard enough. Their differences are far greater than nuanced. But I do think there is an American perspective of world politics, suggesting that two presidential candidates can agree on some aspects of US FPOs. My problem is, I don’t see Obama as an American candidate. There is very little about this man suggesting that he relates to most of us culturally. Ergo, of the two candidates, I’m supporting the one who’s an American.
"My problem is, I don’t see Obama as an American candidate."
This might be the prevailing reason that you think there are great differences.
It also makes as much sense as me saying that Romney isn't an American candidate.
And by the way while we are on the subject, I’m a little confused, why did Obama Fly off to Vegas for a "Fund-raiser" the night of the Benghazi attack?
Shouldn’t he (Obama) have been meeting with his National Security Staff before flying off to his Las Vegas fund-raiser? How soon after the attack did he meet with the people from State Department, or the Director of National Intelligence, or anyone else to try to sort out what happened in Benghazi? Or was he too busy talking to Hillary making up stories like blaming it all on a little bitty “Film” maker to cover this thing up and then they threw him in Jail. !
And while I’m on the subject of Madam Hillary, where the hell is she and where the hell has she been all this time? And why did she send in that Twerp Charlene Lamb to take the heat and to testify instead of herself? Like sending a Lamb to Slaughter! It doesn’t take a genius to figure that Hillary would “Get out of twon when the heat was on. And to figure that Obama would rush off to Vegas for a fund-raiser and then to appear on the Letterman show. And to leave the American people angry and outraged. And then to top it off, he sends in the!' 'Weird little nitwit, that Smirking Jerk” to spread his BS on that debacle they called a debate. He looked and sounded ridiculous, he didn't disappoint, he was the same entertaining Buffoon that we figured he’s be.
And where is Hillary these days, I heard that she’s in Peru somewhere ducking the heat. Maybe she’s attending a conference on Global Warming
Hey, you guys;
I heard recently that the kind of oil we could get from Canada but AREN'T because Obama doesn't approve the Keystone Pipeline is the very same oil Venezuela us.
I got to thinking the same thing? Don't you find that a huge coincidence? Or....?
"Obama lied, people died.." Why aren't leftwingers singing the same melody, slightly different lyrics that they hurt Bush with?
"I've often wondered if he took lessons from Baghdad Bob..."
Gotta be his illegitimate son from one of those Bag Babes?
Z: on Prager, Janet Daley -- UK Telegraph: Free Markets Can’t Pay for Socialism
@ CI
I was writing about a man whose political and personal ideology is about as un-American as it can possibly be, who was not raised as an American, has not honored American culture in the past four years, and certainly does not appear representative of our values.
I did not intend to embarrass you for supporting such a man. It is a free country, after all. Well, at present, anyway.
From Z..
Ed..thanks so much. Am eager to read her stuff. I really appreciate the help.
Sam...very well said. How, indeed, can anybody support Obama when he's done so much that's of so little character? Even a liberal friend of mine, just last night, said "Ya, taking that Nobel Prize was really weird, wasn't it...he hadn't DONE anything".
Lies about Ayers...his background, midnight Friday appointments, not holding peoples' feet to the fire when they lie for him and are found out...the race baiting..
Man, if I really got started, I coudln't quit adding to this list...who COULD?
Mitt "I spent $2 million a day smearing conservatives for the GOP nomination" is getting badmouthed?
Aw, pooky.
He should lighten up. Billy Graham stopped caling Mormonism a "cult" in his endorsement of the founding father of gay marriage.
"I did not intend to embarrass you for supporting such a man."
I appreciate the kind words, but I support Obama even less than I support Romney.
I judge a politician bu how he governs, and Obama has been found wanting. I simply don't see the utility in manufacturing projected constructs when simple realities would suffice.
if the media were fair they'd be finding all the people who are having a hard time making ends meet under Obama's policies and there are so many ,yet when Bush was presidnet they were able to find them.
OK, you get the interrogative: Are you better off than you were four years ago? How about, are you smarter than you were four years ago?
Are you more gay than you were 4 years ago?
do you remember slamming ducky for not having the guts to have his own blog four years ago?
Do you have the guts to visit my blog?
@ beamish --
I had the guts to go to visit your blog.
I had the guts to go to visit your blog.
Then you left without comment, presumably because you couldn't dispute Romney's record as a far left gay marriage activist.
Which makes you just silently in support of a gay marriage activist.
@ bemush --
I've just decided not to waste any more of my time with idiots like you, Liabilityguy and Ducksoup.
I would say, "Come up for air sometime," but... naaah.
...or vocally in support of a far left gay marriage activist.
At least admit it.
Marine4ever said...
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