Editorial: Elect Mitt Romney president
Z: This is the editorial headline from LOS ANGELES' SECOND LARGEST NEWSPAPER, THE DAILY NEWS.......Yes, Los Angeles. I'm breaking my rule of posting anything about California in the hopes that you'll be respectful to the home state I love and focus on the fact that an admittedly very liberal state's large paper has endorsed the Republican...THIS IS HUGE...ENORMOUS...a TIDAL WAVE. Here's the editorial piece:organization embraced the need for bold change to a different brand of leadership and endorsed Barack Obama for president.
That assessment of the depth of the nation's problems and the most promising solution was correct in 2008. Regrettably, it applies no less in 2012, after nearly a full term of Obama's
administration. This is why the editorial board urges voters to choose Mitt Romney for president in the Nov. 6 election. He is the leader this country needs for the future.
The election is likely to be very close, the Electoral College tally to be tipped one way or another by the results in just a few states. Alas, California again will not be among the difference-makers.
The mere fact that Obama finds himself in a neck-and-neck race speaks to the disappointment he has inspired in many one-time believers. Even if he ekes out a victory, as the public-opinion polls suggest, he will be the first president in 180 years to be elected to a second term with a lower percentage of the popular vote than he received the first time around.
That Democrats and Republicans are so evenly and stubbornly split also speaks to the political state of a nation beset by corrosive partisanship. An unhealthy number of supporters of the Democratic ticket, President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden, and the Republican standard bearers, Romney and running mate Paul Ryan, cannot imagine what the other side is thinking.
Sad to say, the reservations our editorial board expressed about Obama in 2008 have been borne out. His inexperience in an executive position has been exposed. His naivete about his chances of getting much of his program through a deeply partisan Congress has been cured the hard way. Instead of taking charge in Washington, Obama has shown unwillingness to take even the most basic step in presidential leadership: picking up the Oval Office phone to bring his influence to bear on reluctant representatives and senators.
Obama's signature domestic achievement, the Affordable Care Act, is symbolic of his term for another reason: It passed entirely because of Democratic support.
The economy is making an all-too-slow recovery. The nation's budget problems remain unsolved, portending a new financial crisis ahead. In the ending of the Iraq War and the killing of Osama bin Laden, there is a sense that we've already seen the high points of an Obama administration.And Americans hoping for better from a prospective second term are frustrated by Obama's failure to explain how four more years would be different. Meanwhile, Romney is not merely an acceptable alternative to Obama.He is an honorable, trustworthy and steady leader who, had he been the Republican Party's nominee four years ago, would have given Obama a tougher challenge than the reckless duo of John McCain and Sarah Palin.
Romney has proven his leadership qualities as a business success, as the trouble-shooting head of the Salt Lake City Olympics, and as the governor of Democratic Party-dominated Massachusetts.
And, at a time when leading Republicans and Democrats fly the flag of inflexibility, the worst thing that many critics say about Romney is that he is too flexible, that he bends his policies to the situations in front of him.
As president, Romney would not be restrained by foolish consistency. He would be expected to do the right thing no matter where the solutions originate. This is the most precious trait an officeholder can have in this era of corrosive hyperpartisanship.
The best first move a President Romney could make would be to claim ownership of the nation's problems from the minute he is sworn in. Little has shaken Americans' faith in Obama as his - and his most ardent supporters' - habit of reminding us of the problems he inherited from President George W. Bush.
Instead of following through on his hope-and-change message, Obama keeps telling us the limits of hope and change.
Mitt Romney is that seasoned leader.
Z: HOLY COW is all I have to say. How about you? If an LA Paper is endorsing Romney, how many more are across our land? How about your town papers?
I'm sure the leftists at the St. Louis Most Detached, er, Post Dispatch will endorse Obama.
But not before highlighting Romney's bringing taxpayer funded abortions and gay marriage to Massachusetts, in a sort of "he's a leftist we can live with" sort of endorsement.
The Obama fail is hard to ignore, even by the Left.
By Col. Ken Allard.
Barely 10 days before the election, the persistent whiff of scandal surrounding Barack Obama exploded into the banner headlines of a cover-up – at least among certain press outlets. Everything changed Friday afternoon with the stunning revelations by Fox News that CIA operatives defending the embattled consulate in Benghazi, Libya, called three times for emergency assistance while the attack was in progress. Each time, they were shamefully turned down. One of those defenders, Navy SEAL Tyrone Woods, was apparently able to use a laser designator to pin-point the location of the mortar that eventually killed him. It would have been an easy shot for American pilots had any been ordered to respond. Another new and critical detail: An American drone was overhead transmitting live video of the battle scene below.
Only days before, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton airily dismissed new revelations of incriminating emails, also uncovered by Fox. Yet those messages provided startling proof of how Washington decision-makers – from the Pentagon to the White House Situation Room – must have known within minutes or hours that the incident in Benghazi was 9/11.2, the second successful al Qaeda attack on American soil. They also would have known that this well-coordinated assault killed the American ambassador to Libya, as well as three other Americans who fought valiantly to save him.
With all this information – from frantic messages sent by operators on the ground to highly detailed overhead battle-scene video – who invented the asinine idea that the attack was collateral damage from a flash-mob reacting to a provocative video? The record there is incriminating. For weeks afterward, the administration party-line was that the video, not al Qaeda, was responsible for the disaster, a major point of President Obama’s September speech to the United Nations. But when that story had morphed into an indefensible fiction, the party line shifted again, memorably summarized by Vice President Joseph R. Biden, Jr. during his debate with Congressman Paul Ryan: “We didn’t know” because the intelligence establishment was still beavering away.
With all due respect, Mr. Vice President and Madam Secretary: You did know, and so did the horse-holders you rode in on. You also knew that the night-time battle in far-off Benghazi made mincemeat out of the prevailing Obama campaign narrative, “Osama is dead and General Motors is alive!” You realized too late that inconvenient questions were certain to be raised about embassy security in Libya. After all, hadn’t the Library of Congress raised just those questions in an unclassified study only a month before? Worse yet, you also recognized that, wanting to keep a low profile on the anniversary of September 11, no American forces had been placed on alert, despite the Libyan power vacuum.
So you concocted the next best and the most politically correct cover story: the flash-mob video. With unrest everywhere in the aftermath of the Arab Spring, the flash-mob story must have been seized upon with all the fervor of a drowning man grasping at oars – or straws. You could make all the right noises about deploring mob violence and anything critical of Islam. We’re the good guys, remember? To make sure everyone understood, you even sent out U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to spread the cover story on the usual TV talk shows. An ambassador is classically thought of as an honest man sent abroad to lie for his country. In her assigned role, Ms. Rice reached a new gender frontier right here at home
It is so distressing and pathetic part that the lapdog MSM are ignoring this and are part of the Obama cover-up. They are not on Americans side, they don't care anymore about the Benghaze massacres than Obama & his Administration do. They are all conspirators in this crime. Are they all part of selling out our freedom, our integrity, our Constitution, their own integrity? For what? I just don't get it!
Most disturbing of all is that multiple millions in the Country would not know what you were talking about if you mentioned the slaughter in Benghazi. The same multiple millions may know but they just do not care. They worship at the altar of Obama and the Democrats who, count on their ignorance, and hand out a pittance to keep them in their place.
Many members of Mr. AOW's family live in California -- in Southern California. They tell me that there are many active circles of conservatism there.
The same can be said of Northern Virginia. However, for the most part here, we are surrounded by leftwing loons, most of them federal government or local government employees. The leftwing loons here frequent the Whole Foods stores. No kidding! So many of them make me think of the Stepford Wives.
Regardless of Romney's ideology (I don't agree with you in many respects, but that's not my point with this comment), Benghazi-gate has left a huge stain on the Obama administration. And the stain is spreading. The mainstream media aren't harping on the Benghazi story, but those people who are aware of what happened there are fed up with Obama and his minions. The incompetence and corruption are becoming apparent to many all along the political spectrum.
The other factor about Obama that is pissing off a lot of people is the man's attitude and his ramped up screeching.
How people decide for whom to vote is a mystery in many respects and defies reason. Hell, a lot of voters never even look at the candidates' platforms.
Hallelujah...I can't believe it...
Z, I am so concerned, I can hardly watch the news anymore. Especially w/ the Benghazi situation & the newsmedia being complicit in the cover up. Then, I worry about voter fraud in the next week, or what may have already taken place: stuffing ballots, machine that don't register Romney votes but default to Obama (yes, this happened sev. times in my home county), etc. We the People must arise.
In other news, I hope you're doing well! I've been writing fiction lately (& getting some published!), so my blog has taken a back seat. Glad to see you're still at it!!
This is a surprise!
California is a beautiful state, Z, and when I criticize its government, I hope you don't take it personally.
I also hope you take no offense when I complain of Californians invading Colorado and bringing their state-wrecking liberalism with them, but they are trying to turn my state into California with their proposed policies.
When I point to your state's failures, I do not do it gleefully. I pray that you can avoid disaster and restore sanity to Sacramento.
I don't read the local newspaper, The Fort Myers NewsPress, as it contains little news, has no command of the English language and steps all over itself supporting liberal causes.
This endorsement is significant because of what it represents: a growing unsettledness over the "job" President BO (the amateur president) is doing.
For me, the Taliban is on the inside of the White-house.
Our state of KS is still a conservative, Republican state, but you know, we are 'just a 'fly over' state', so we don't count for much! We were pleased to see that the Des Moines Register is backing Mr. Romney. We are praying for a land slide for him! Get out and vote. We will be doing 'early voting' on Tues, when the doors open!
It's, indeed, good to hear that the Daily News endorses Romney. Sadly, our Denver [Com]Post endorses B.O.. Silverfiddle makes a salient point!
Willie and Ricksmom, welcome to GeeeZ... Someone told me yesterday it's that Americans don't seem to be quite as smart as we've thought...I said it's not that they're not smart, it's that they're not being informed.
The Benghazi story DOES NOT MATTER TO DEMOCRATS...meaning IT DOES NOT MATTER TO MOST OF THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA. Americans don't KNOW ABOUT IT. THAT's what's killing our country; we have PRAVDA now in charge and we all know what happens then.
And, we all know what would have happened (and has) to any Republican president who'd have done anything remotely this awful.
ten inch headlines against him.
The media's getting scary in its ignoring of really important information.
AOW...I can't tell you what strong conservatives there are in LA.
Most AMericans don't realize how VERY close our elections are.
SF...I am offended when people criticize the people, not the government. As I said above to AOW, our elections are VERY close and, also, we have fantastic Republican senators in our state, too. But, the big ticket positions go liberal.
We also have more conservative talk show channels than probably most of the country, believe it or not.
And yes, it is a GORGEOUS state..we have everything here.
Joe...is that right? Even your paper you disdain is unsettled about Obama? Hurrah!
Linda! Hurrah for the Register! Thanks for letting us know!
I hear Cincinnati is deluged with
Romney TV ads; is that going to turn people off?
JonBerg..so you think it's Californians who've moved to COlorado who's caused your paper to endorse Obama? :-)
I've never known Colorado's big cities to be conservative...have you?!!
"JonBerg..so you think it's Californians who've moved to COlorado who's caused your paper to endorse Obama? :-)"
Not exclusively; we've had a broad range of in-migration from many parts of the Country. No, I wouldn't say that "Californians" are responsible for the Post's endorsment;it has always been a liberal rag. I will say, however, that our conservative paper, The Rocky Mountain News, which was one of the oldest newspapers (1859-2009) in the area is now out of business. It reflected a balance which no longer exists. I can say, unequivocally, that in the past 40 years our "Front Range" has become decidedly more liberal while its growth has exploded. Colorado Springs, our 2nd largest city, once a bastion of conservatism, seems to be showing signs of liberal deterioration. Boulder, of course, is and always has been a basket case. I in no way intended to besmirch California, per se, when I remarked about SF's comment which, in its entire context, does not seem derogatory. In addition, I laud the insight and fortitude of the Daily News.
Just something to think about. Obama didn't leave 4 people to die at the consulate. He left approximately THIRTY people to die!!!
Because the brave ex-Seals came to the rescue, many escaped and only 4 people died. Let's keep in mind the scale of what Obama was willing to risk for his reelection.
There are still so many questions waiting for answers. but will we ever get to hear the truth!
Maybe the November vote is our only chance at fixing this terrible problem we have in the white house right now..
May the truth come out in the next few days
Why were General Ham and Admiral G. Fired by Panetta? Why did Hillary lie with the bodies of her dead lying in front of her? Do you think our country is safe in the hands of this Acorn Communist Organizer?
Last time around, the Orlando Sentinel endorsed President Obama. They now have endorsed Mitt Romney.
Several newspapers have endorsed Romney over Obama. He's that much of an epic fail.
to answer your question, our local South Bay paper The Daily Breeze, also endorsed Romney, and has a full page article of his qualifications. Very positive!
It goes without saying, I'm so pleased about this.
SF and Jon, here's my theory about Liberal Dems moving to other states:
They vote for the same idiots for years until a state is suffering from fiscal failure, high taxes, driving businesses out of the state, then, they move to a successful state where they can do well, but continue their Liberal ways, votes, until years later, that state too, is in trouble!
It's a little like constantly throwing litter out of their car window, and never looking in their rear view mirror to see the mess they leave behind!!
Make no mistake about it, it's that incompetent George Bush's fault.
Now wheres that new Cellphone Obama promised me!
JonBerg, that's okay! No offense taken but I have a hunch other libs are coming to your beautiful state, too, not just from California!?
Willie....I could literally weep every time I think about it. I just know those brave Americans thought we'd be coming to their rescue; and I mean WE...it's ALL OUR FAULT that we have a president in there who's only interested in himself.
I also want to mention this:
A friend just approached me and told me that he read the LA Times Sunday looking for mention of the Benghazi situation and the Pentagon/CIA involvement information, etc.
That OUR White House sent out a UN Ambassador who has nothing to DO with it (by the way) to five different Sunday shows and she didn't just say "We don't know....we're looking into it but LIED?"
I told my friend that I suppose there's nothing flattering to Obama in the story so they're not running with it.
They're all too busy right now questioning why Mitt Romney won't go on Letterman. My answer to that is "he's got too much dignity and he knows he'd be mocked".. Brilliant move on his part, but I'm sure he'll be doing something because he can cave at times.
Pris said......
"SF and Jon, here's my theory about Liberal Dems moving to other states:...............!"
Very insightful and well stated-Thank You!
"I have a hunch other libs are coming to your beautiful state, too, not just from California!?"
Absolutely, I attempted to say the same thing:
"we've had a broad range of in-migration from many parts of the Country"
I'm back from France and I hope everyone on the East Coast stays safe. This hurricane seems really scary.
"Little has shaken Americans' faith in Obama as his - and his most ardent supporters' - habit of reminding us of the problems he inherited from President George W. Bush."
And just what do those frigging morons call what NOMObama is leaving his successors? Bozo didn't inherit any where near the MESS he is leaving!!! Who in the media is talking about that!!!???
Z, GREAT news to hear about that endorsement! California has in fact gone red in a couple of Presidential elections. Wouldn't it be the cats ass if that happened this time!!!??? Not going to happen, but I can still dream can't I, or is that no longer my right either?
Obama, Clinton, and Penetta knew exactly what transpired and that it was a terrorist attack that very night. Yet, they lied for days and days about it being caused by some video. They have lied to the American people about the deaths of our own citizens and no one has called them on it. This is outrageous and one of the biggest coverups in recent history. This should be headline story on every news channel. Obama wants all the credit for Bin Laden but none of the blame for Benghazi. Odd don't you think... or isn't it!…
Was there ever any doubt that this was a coverup from the beginning. The only people who seemed to believe it the media and the hard core liberals. It is horrific how this administration has divided this country.
What I would like to know is why did we impeach Clinton for lying about his sex life yet do nothing about Obama lying about a terrorist act on Americans that left 4 dead?
Are these Progressive Idiots that influential?
Want to know how corrupt the media is?
Read this please...it's worth a glance.
Since our last dog died, we have no need for a newspaper. For years, the only reason to subscribe to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution was for doggy paper, and I told them so.
Glad somebody in California might be coming to their senses. The interesting thing is that George W Bush was a better President than Big O by any measure. Sorry, I should have said, by ALL measures.
What shallow-minded people like the board members of your newspaper couldn't understand four years ago was that sometimes Presidents have to make those unpopular and unselfish choices in spite of the politics or their personal popularity. G W Bush is one of these brave and moral men. With Obama, it is all about him.
Our consulate was attacked with heavy weaponry and then burned to the ground. The American public knew from day one it was a terrorist attack. But we were told that it was just a protest that got out of hand. That’s what the President told us the morning after. And he sent his Secretary of State Ms Hillary Clinton another one who couldn’t lie with a straight face. And for some odd reason he also sent our the UN Ambassador and had her appear on 5 different Sunday News Talk Shows where she also lied like a rug Everyone knew it except the President that it was really a Terrorist Attack ala September the 11th. .
He also said the people who did it would be tracked down and brought to justice. Dear Leader has been caught in a historic lie that will certainly have very large consequences if there is still any good left in this country of ours. . This whole attack was blamed on a ridiculous, elementary school style video uploaded to Youtube in July. The administration LIED TO ALL OF US that this was the reason for the attack. Our free speech was assailed as the reason that our ambassador and three others were killed. You need to come out of your kool aid induced stupor and wake up. This IS Obama’s undoing…as it should be. He has blood dripping from his dirty filthy hands.
Obama didn’t protect them, plain and simple. Four Americans died because of his incompetence. He claims it was all because of a video because it fits his narrative that everything is fine in the Middle East. Our economy sucks and we look weaker now than at any point in history. You notice how he claimed the Fort Hood shootings were “workplace violence” even though there was intelligence he was in contact with radical Muslims? The administration wanted to be able to say there were never any acts of terrorism on Obama’s watch but that hope has withered away.
That IS big news.
Compared to Romney/Ryan, McCain/Palin now seems credible. The R/R team would destroy the economy and the middle class. Not to mention start another war in Iran.
For what it's worth,in Pueblo Colorado, once the second largest city in this state and a Democrat strong hold, the local news paper, The Pueblo Cheiftain, has endorsed Romney.
Liberalmann how can you live with yourself?
z, if you'd read anything from pravda lately, you'd know they're more accurately reporting the news of our country than our own media outlets. truly amazing - but not in a good way.
today, the chicago daily herald has come out with an endorsement for romney, too (http://www.dailyherald.com/article/20121028/discuss/710289939/). it is the newspaper most widely read in the suburbs of chicago. and today, in ohio, the polls (not that i put much stock in pollaganza) show romney with a slight lead. yes, still within the margin of error, but this is HUGE!!!
sarah, i imagine liberalman is able to live with himself just fine. those who are willfully ignorant or just plain stupid, are blissfully unaware of that which they speak.
The Boston Herald endorsed Romney, no big deal.
Vote Romney: He made the bobsleds run on time.
"He made the bobsleds run on time..."
And your cocoa messiah, did what? Did he calm the seas, heal the planet and fix race relations? Did he give us Solandra and clean green energy for you asswipe tofu eaters?
BTW...here's hoping you Brahmans can swim without government aid....Boston under water looks very appealing to me. And if we're lucky...maybe the compound in Hyannis will float out to sea too.
ENDING a generation of stupidity that should have ended with Teddy the swimmers demise.
Did he keep energy prices in check by promoting independence...or did he vow to cripple our country by dismantling our access to our abundant, natural resources?
Did he not know that solar power costs about $700 per gigawatt hour...and coal / gas / oil...costs .$64...that 64 cents for the same amount of energy.
STFU you creepy ass licking toady. Keep patting yourself on the back for electing a lowlife, lying, traitorous, yellow ( cocoa ) coward who makes the dope Jimmah Carter look like Albert Einstein.
Z, I've read a very prominent paper in Florida is endorsing Romney.
You know I said today, that the voting should really only go on in the swing states - Ohio, Florida, Virginia and Pennsylvania, but maybe there is some hope a big blue spot will actually go red this time. Wouldn't that be great?
And California! Yahooo! Hey, things Can change when the money gets tight.
I was reading today that the people in France are starting to think they've elected an "amateur". Imagine that, socialism in a country with many fewer rich and working to feed on. Shocka.
Anyway, I'd sure love to see obama get Kicked in the ass on the way out - with a landslide and some turning of blue state(s).
We may get Gay Marriage after All ! Yahooooooooooooooooooooooo !
SO! The DemonRATS are deserting the sinking ship at last!
Reminds me of an old song made famous by Janet Gaynor in the original version of A Star is Born:
Wahoo, Wahoo, WaHOO!
Way out west where men are men and women are very sweet,
That's where I wanna be...
That's where I'm gonna be.
Way out west just once again where happiness is complete,
There's just one thing I miss...
And it is this:
OH! gimme a horse, a great big horse, and gimme a buckaroo
And let me Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
OH! gimme a ranch, a big pair of pants, and gimme a stetson too,
And let me Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
Give me the wide o-pen spaces...
For I'm just like a prairie flower,
Growing wilder by the hour.
OH! gimme a moon, a prairie moon, and gimme a gal what's true,
And let me Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
OH! I never could sing a high class thing, good music I never knew,
But I can Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
OH! I never could dance, 'cause when I dance I ruin the lady's shoe,
But I can Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
It's just a gift from the prairie...
You shout it when a bad man jigs,
And it's very good for calling pigs.
I never could speak a word of Greek, I never could poop-poop-a-do,
But I can Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
OH! you open your mouth two feet wide, and take a big breath or two,
And then you Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
OH! you wiggle your toes and grit your teeth
Like Dangerous Dan McGrew
And then you Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
Be careful not to sing soprano;
And never Hi-de-hi-de-ho,
'Cause that don't go out in Idaho.
OH! buckle your belt and fix your hat,
And spit her out (noise) ka-chew!
And then you Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
Oh, what did Miss Cleopatra say to Antony when they met?
She hollered Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
Oh, what did that roaming Romeo yell to Miss Juliet?
He hollered Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
It started way back in Eden
And Eve was the cause, and it's no fib,
She wahooed Adam for a rib.
Oh, what did Miss Pocahontas yell the minute she saw John Smith?
She hollered Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
Oh, gimme the plains, the western plains, and a bottle of apple jack
And let me Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
Oh gimme a saloon, an old spittoon, and a package of chaw tobacc
And let me Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
Give me a gal from dear old Dallas,
And play a Texas Tommy dance
And I'll cut loose with a wild romance;
Oh, gimme a gat, a cowboy hat, a handkerchief red and blue,
And let me Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
Oh, gimme the plains, a pair of reins, and my boots and saddle too,
And let me Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
Oh, lemme get at...a lariat, as a steer comes into view,
And let me Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
Give me the wide open spaces,
Each time I see a sawdust bar,
I wanna be away out thar...
Oh, show me the pal who'll steal my gal, and hand me my .32
And let me Wah-Hoo! Wah-Hoo! WAH-HOO!
~ Words & Music by Cliff Friend
@impertinent --- STFU you creepy ass licking toady. Keep patting yourself on the back for electing a lowlife, lying, traitorous, yellow ( cocoa ) coward who makes the dope Jimmah Carter look like Albert Einstein.
my my the toy soldier is acting butch again.
cocoa? Just get out of a White Citizen's Council meeting?
Shut up or I'll hit you with my portfolio.
Keep patting yourself on the back for electing a lowlife, lying, traitorous, yellow ( cocoa ) coward who makes the dope Jimmah Carter look like Albert Einstein.
IMP, True and accurate analysis of obama. How many of these S* for brains BJ's voted for obammy because they didn't want to Appear racist or totally dependent like little children.. Which means they are racist btw. How many will vote for the imbecile again so they don't "offend" someone. A bunch of someones that actually need to be offended btw.
How about the majority of Americans still alive who are offended every minute of every day by having the world's laughing stock of an imbecile that never worked a day in his life in the White House. Surrounded by incompetent buffons, communists, and lesbians as head of DHS and two SC judges. Good God.
How about that lying POS over this Lybia event. Indescrible evil. I listened to the father of a SEAL that was ordered to stay away and went anyway to save 30 people now in the USA who testify that they'd be dead otherwise.
Calmly went through the situation where his son went 7 hours repeatedly calling for help, with live feed camera at the embassy, available in the White House, Pentagon, and State Dept, and AC-130 gunships an hour away in Italy. Indescrible.
Then how they lied about it and continue to lie.
And these pathetic loser libtards support the imbecile like their life and livelyhood depend on it and it probably does.
How will it feel to these losers going to the grave one day, knowing they were so pathetic they had to support a racist, muslim activist, theiving, lying, marxist POS to get their daily bread.
I won't be in that club. For any reason. I'll work 3 jobs if I have to.
Or how about, they vote for obammy because Romney "knows rich people".
Gee, who bought the 40 million mansion in Hawaii for the obamas?
or that issues such as gay marriage that have nothing to do with the White House eat at them as they sleep and Golly Gosh, Anything would be better than having something like THAT happen in the USA wouldn't it. Lol.
What a fricken place.
I can't add one more thing to that.
But just what did we expect from an ass kissing coward who refuses to take his military commanders advice? Or take 3 to 4 months to make a decision on a troop surge? Or makes a respected General wait on a plane for the his majic messiah ass to appear and respect a man with 30 years of service to his country?
A "man" ( boy ) who refuses to even acknowledge that his homies are responsible for thousands of murders in his own..Shit-cago?
A boy who surrounds himself with lap dog toadies who tell him 24/7 what a saint he is....rather than the corrupt racist failure he really is?
He's a serial liar...and has stolen our country's prosperity for SEIU or ACORN or the scumbags and low life's that now make up his so called.."party". A party of losers, frauds, grifters, thieves, welfare frauds, socialists, commies, greedy scumbags who'll gladly cast a fraudulent vote for an incompetent fraud....and then call us "racist" for wanting to rid ourselves of the stain he's placed on our White House.
Tyrone Woods father about his hero son....( and Duckshit he's not being "butch" you asshole creep )
"“I was contacted by military personnel yesterday, who told me an interesting fact. And that is any consulate anywhere in the world is American soil,” Woods said. “Any attack on an American consulate is an attack on American soil. There were American citizens that were attacked for seven hours on American soil a couple thousand miles away from Washington, D.C.”
“My question of the president would be this: Your Honor, I respect your office as president. But if this attack on American citizens, on American soil, happened 2,000 miles away from Washington, D.C. — say in Los Angeles or in Seattle — would you have waited seven hours before you sent the first airplane? Would you have waited seven hours until the attack was over? Would you have waited a couple of days until you had all of the videos and all the information before you responded in a responsible military way?” …
“This is about honor, courage and about love for America. And remember this, Mr. President: My son and the others died heroes and it’s better to die the death of a hero than it is to live the life of a coward. If you are responsible for the death of my son, I forgive you, I love you. I also love America.”
Obullshit...the man needs an answer...you coward.
Wahoo, Wahoo, WaHOO!!!
Ducky's here said...
The Boston Herald endorsed Romney, no big deal."
No big deal :-) Hilarious. That is HUGE, thanks for the info!
OOH, Ducky...seems that every time you feel a little dissed you bring up your IMMENSE PORTFOLIO.
Republicans know money isn't everything, Ducky..in fact, it's nothing. I'm sorry you feel the way you do; insecurity's painful.
I'd love to see all the links you've all sent but I just got home and have a meeting to go to ...
see you later!
The POS in chief...has had SIX weeks...SIX WEEKS to come to a conclusion.
After LIVE video feeds.....after repeated calls for HELP...after KNOWING what was happening...and the POS still couldn't make a decision to save Americans and an AMBASSADOR from being murdered.
Obama...is a lying coward....and a yellow scumbag that deemed a meeting with Jz or Beyonce was more important than responding to this attack.
Let me hear your excuses duckcrap....I can't wait.
IMP, All true. The only thing I'll add, is this.
I surely believe him to have a certifiable personality disorder. Similar to osammi, who's mother was a concubine, and father was more or less unidentified, obamma also had a S for brains white women whore who's father was married to around 5 women at the same time, and quickly became a dead beat dad. A Kenyan.
It's clear from actions like obama sending Churchill's bust back to the UK in a box with gordy brown, and a country that was/is one of our Traditional Allies that obamma promised to repair relations with, that he hates the UL because of their history with Kenya.
Anyway, similar to osammi, obammy has taken his mental problems and both identified with the losers of the world and blamed all those problems on the successful of the world. The main target being the USA.
He hates the USA. Hates Whites, Hates Blacks, hates Americans. Hates us all.
Has taken every action domestically to do the most damage to the USA as possible.
Economically, Militarily, Intelligence Community. Just like clinton btw, but clinton was only a communist. This guy has got it much worse than that.
They say clinton moved to the center. He did to an extent. He had the good fortune of presiding over a hyper-ventilated Reagan economy, that gave birth to the internet, the PC explosion and Y2K and everything associated with all that. Clinton couldn't have destroyed the economy if he used Nukes.
Guess I could write a novel here. Sorry.
Main point is that obama has a serious hate/mother/parents problem.
He was selected at an early age for the run for the White House, and his entire life has been a ride down a greased slide.
It's why he gets so Pissed when he has to ad-lib a situation where he's being challenged or attacked and is stripped of his teleprompter and his 'mommy' handlers.
That's what incompetent boobs do, they get pissed when they have to try to perform. Ad in his mental/personality challenges and it's a disaster.
But, he's our very cool president right? Has a basketball court in the White House and a wife who can't pretend she has a brain even with a constantly turning over staff of 23 or so personal assistants.
Ok I'll stop here. Good God. That ANYONE sees value in this felonious bastid...
Z, "Ducky..in fact, it's nothing. I'm sorry you feel the way you do; insecurity's painful."
Exactly !
IMP, Exactly on the father of the SEAL. You now, I wouldn't put more than 25 cents on the idea that obama (or his braindead loser followers) even Know that embassies around the world ARE American Soil.
If the brown doesn't sling off the fan blades on this at some point in the future, With Serious Consequences, I'm going to be at the point of giving up on this countries future.
Which in practical terms means - Let the losers have the place.
They'll be like France in no time, with a socialist president, and no rich or working people to tax and support their parasitic system. It will be falling apart around them and they won't have the slightest idea what went wrong.
and obammy also went Months trying to decide whether to take osama out. Months of dithering and internal polls to try to discern how various outcomes of an osama mission might affect the election.
Given that the First responsibility of the federal government is national defense, obama shouldn't have a single moron willing to vote for him.
I swear....we used to know how to deal with traitors to this country...didn't we? This is what we get when we're cowards to confront real vetting of a candidate...especially blacks ( who we obviously exempt from the same process all others have to go through ) lest...lest we get assholes like Al Charltan or Jesse JO ( who's son has now cracked up and is officially a mental case ) who have a "right" to call and label us as racists.
F that pal. Obullshit has single handedly guranteed that there will never be another Black CIC...at least not from the demrat village.
A Herman Cain....a Thomas Sowell...or goddamn.....a hero like Alan West would be my pick.
A couple months ago I contacted Alan Wests office about a Veterans issue....medical benefits for my Mother...before I finally talked to him...I had waited 15 months for a resolution.
I talked to him personally...on the damn phone...and sent him the info he needed.
10 days later West called me on my cell and said.."check your email Imp"...he...in 10 days...got my mom the help she needed as a widow of a vet from WW2.
Plus...the benefits were retroactive from 15 months.
Anytime I call his office....I get an aide who puts me into his voice mail....This man...this hero....is a true patriot. And it matters not to him whether I'm white or black...he saw my DD214 ( that's my service record Duck you POS...wheres yours? )
Yet...I'm a "racist"? So far I've donated $1000 to this man. From my
"portfolio" Duckcrap. The guy is my hero and I'd trade him for the fraud Obullshit who never served a day in his life for a man like West.
I really am shocked with this endorsement. I am fearful of being too big of an optimist, but I honestly believe we have a tidal wave that the skewed polls are good at hiding, much like 2010.
We are hearing more and more of the general population not buying the propaganda now. Hell, Madonna was booed at her own concert for telling the crowd to vote for Obama.
Of course, I could care less if Madonna would be struck deaf and dumb tomorrow, but if those bots who attend her concert walk out when she spouts her ignorance, there is some deep seated resentment about what Obama has done to this country.
Any reasoning American should give pause as to why Obama felt he needed to be taking care of the country when a force of nature which he has absolutely no control over and waltzed off to Vegas when the Commander in Chief should have been directing how to save those brave Americans who defied orders because they knew we had a coward in the White House.
IMP, Now -I- can't add anything. :-)
Allen West. Thanks you for telling us.
I knew he is the real deal. Yes, I'd love to see him in the WH.
Not many others I'd say that about.
IMP, I do believe there is going to be violence. You know, from our Tolerant libtard community.
What will White folks do if he wins?
I'll tell you all what they'll do. They'll hunker down, protect their assets, and watch as the loser community gets raped Again, smiling to themselves, knowing that only the most rabid MORON will give obama a pass after 8 - EIGHT years of everything getting worse, and having gone through that - in order to Get Through That. We can rest assured, the POS commies are going to need another 50 freakin years before This crop of Americans will ever put another POS like obama or carter in power again.
That'll surely take me to the big ride, and frankly would be worth it.
Lord, I'd have so much fun looking at losers on the street, asking them if they voted for obama - Twice- and when they said yes, laughing so hard I split a gut.
Plus you'd have the added benefit of NEVER having to endure a hilrod clinton cackling like the wicked witch of the west from the White House.
It actually might be worth it.
"Allen West. Thanks you for telling us."
Kid...I'm forever devoted to this guy. He's the real damn deal. And as a vet...I think we have a very special place in his heart. This man spent 22 years in uniform. I spent 8...he rose to Light Bull....me...fuggadabout it...LOL. He's an O5....
He cares less about that...when I talked to him and I told him where I was stationed and what my AFSCE was....we bonded, Period.
As all vets do....we have everything...in common. Not that dipshits and cowards like Duck and his coward cocoa hero would ever know. Queers back then didn't have to serve....now...they think they can. We'll see.
Bottom line Kid....he's a comrade....a brother in arms like we all are who have been in uniform.
The Clinton mob...crooks....liars and the Arkansas bimbo mafia...need to die. Hopefully old age will reap their guaranteed illnesses upon them.
Along with the Kennedy's....lets hope they all croak.
Rita, the whole madonna thing says to me -
These moron celebrities, to actually spend their patron's time telling them to vote for obama, must surely think their patrons/fans are knuckle draggin butt scratching Morons. Like they need ME (madonna) to tell them how to vote.
And in America. Land of the free. That someone calling themselves American would have the Fascist-ness to Tell People How To Vote.
Hey madonna, move to N Korea. Ditto Cher, Paul McCartney, Serrandon, Robbins, Clooney, Strisand and her slob moron husband Brolin, and all the rest of the "American Value" people who have less respect for Americans that are a 1000 times smarter than they are, than they do for a dead fish.
We don't need ya. Nobody needs ya. You can be replaced in 1 shake.
And you should be replaced - you've had your time in the limelight and you all blew it by thinking you're better than Anyone. You're fortunate to be 'entertainers'. Stick to reading scripts and making various noises with your pie holes. It's about all your good for.
I'd trade every stinking one of you for This Guy
You're kidding right? You're not serious right? I mean...WTF is wrong with you? You're a jingoist....radical....extremist....nut job right? A threat to the security, harmony and above all....racial harmony in America. You need to be chastised, jailed, re-educated.
Turn yourself in NOW. You silly patriot. You need water boarding...you need reprogramming.
Radical- Check
Extremist - Check!
Nutjob - GUILTY!!
Jingoist- Naw I never could play the organ. And I don't trust monkeys.
Well, I've already done all that re-education stuff to myself. It didn't help.
Hep! Hep! Somebody hep me!
IMP, Where's duckboy?
Back behind the baseboards with his/her other libtard trolls..
They have no reply, but rather than admit that, or reinforce the fact that they're pathetic losers, they just go away.
They'll come back tomorrow like nothing happened spewing their brain vomit like nothing happened. It's all they can do if they want to continue supporting an imbecile. No way to directly respond to clear rational critique, other than threaten to use their "Portfolio" (of worthless REIT investments) to beat you into submission eh?
Regardless of Romney's ideology (I don't agree with you in many respects, but that's not my point with this comment), Benghazi-gate has left a huge stain on the Obama administration. And the stain is spreading. The mainstream media aren't harping on the Benghazi story, but those people who are aware of what happened there are fed up with Obama and his minions. The incompetence and corruption are becoming apparent to many all along the political spectrum.
We already had that before Benghazi. Right now, there are some 800,000 militarized thugs roaming the streets of America pretending to be law enforcement officers while the US Attorney General is in contempt of Congress. These people, by the way, escort your ballots to wherever they're counted.
My problem with Romney, aside from his more-left-than-Obama political career, was the extremely slimy way he smeared his way to victory in the GOP primaries. This, I think, is the most nauseating aspect of what would be involved in throwing away my principles and pretending doing so furthers conservatism. Yes, I want Obama to go, but not at the price of replacing him with the guy he cribbed most of his leftist agenda from "just because he's a Republican." I can't help y'all with that. I couldn't live myself to know I squandered the opportunity to not vote for a leftist regardless of their party affiliation. The very idea of going "oh, never mind he's pro-gay marriage and pro-abortion (in deeds, not words) we've absolutely got to make sure the left's agenda is forwarded by a Republican" makes my skin crawl. No thanks.
No, I'd rather the Republican Party get pasted this election than give them the idea and mandate that conservatives and libertarians can be dismissed and smeared and ignored for 8 to twelve more years.
Whoa! I missed out on all the fun going on here in the second half of this comments thread.
@ Kid:
You said: having the world's laughing stock of an imbecile that never worked a day in his life in the White House. Surrounded by incompetent buffons, communists, and lesbians as head of DHS and two SC judges. Good God.
Ten years ago, if somebody had written a novel with those elements -- along with a lot of the rest that you said here in this thread -- the novel would have been ridiculed as "Too implausible!" Yet, here we are today and living in an implausible universe. It's surreal!
I'd rather the Republican Party get pasted this election than give them the idea and mandate that conservatives and libertarians can be dismissed and smeared and ignored for 8 to twelve more years.
I understand what you're saying.
However, it might not turn out that way.
Many Presidents govern quite differently from their previous political record. Thomas Jefferson is a case in point; the small-government guy didn't exactly turn out that way once he got into the White House.
I could also draw a similar analogy for LBJ. A racist to the core, he supported the Civil Rights Act.
I also recall how a lot of conservatives refused to support Ronald Reagan. They didn't trust him at all! In the case of Reagan, the situation with the Iranian hostages was a significant game changer.
My big stopper for voting for Obama -- using your reason, I mean -- is the SCOTUS. A President actually controls policy for decades after he leaves office, and, if re-elected, Obama will do so via his appointments to the SCOTUS. Another term with Obama will bring at least two appointments to the SCOTUS, IMO.
Ah, well. I have been so disappointed in public servants for whom I've worked and whom I have supported that I don't work for or fully support anyone anymore.
Oh, and one more thing....The POTUS is important, but Congress can trump his power. Overall, I think that we focus way too much on electing a POTUS than on what we should be concerned about -- Congress!
AOW, after all you know about Obama and how badly America's fared since he took office, the SCOTUS is the "stopper"? Are you sure you meant that? :-)
Don't get me wrong; the SCOTUS is HUGE because that could be 3 new justices and then America's lost FOREVER, but I was surprised to read that!
The stopper I was referring to was in answer to Beamish.
Regardless of Romney's flaws -- and I don't totally discount some of Beamish's concerns -- the SCOTUS would ultimately change America forever even if "real conservatives" were to be in control down the line.
In my view, the power of the SCOTUS is the most dangerous part of our Constitution.
AOW... I agree about the SCOTUS; but I never had this feeling before...maybe I was naive but I've always trusted in the goodness of man and the character of man.
I even believed in Democrats like O'Neil and Moynihan from the past; I don't anymore, though there are a few Dems I suppose love this country enough to realize one MUST stick to the constitution when one serves on a post as important as the SCOTUS.
Well, maybe not.
And I'm frankly not so sure many Republicans are any better.
zzzz at work.
If there are any Democrats who love this Country THEY WILL STAY HOME ON NOVEMBER THE 6th!
"If there are any Democrats who love this Country THEY WILL STAY HOME ON NOVEMBER THE 6th!"
Not quite true!
They will go to the polls and vote for Romney/Ryan and then commence to vote for whomever they want at the bottom of the ticket. I don't give a shit who the selectman is in Oshkosk!
AOW, Surreal. I couldn't possibly agree more.
It's been like that Every Day for me for the last 4 years.
In my view, the power of the SCOTUS is the most dangerous part of our Constitution.
Ask my Cherokee ancestors about the "power" of the US Supreme Court. Seems they had to go to Oklahoma at gunpoint anyway.
Supreme Court justices have the most manageable of term limits - lifetime appointments. Jus' sayin.
One of my great-grandfathers, not a Cherokee, tried to help the Cherokees during that march. He was appalled at what was being done!
He got in quite a bit of trouble for trying to provide food and water to the Cherokees during the march. I also think that he helped to hide some of the Cherokees so that they could remain in the hills of East Tennessee.
As a result of what my great-grandfather did, my family's relationship with the remaining Cherokees was quite close. In fact, my mother used to tutor Cherokee children so as to help them with their schoolwork.
My mother's father, a farmer, once discovered a Cherokee burial mound and refused to loot it or to use it for farming. This step cost him his life as his brother was determined to loot that burial mound. The resulting family feud drove my family out of Tennessee.
All the above blabbing to say this: my mother's family DESPISED the SCOTUS because of the Cherokee issue -- and other issues as well.
Well any Supreme Court judge could potentially slip and fall out of a tree while trying on an angry mob's noose. They sided with the Cherokee and Prez Andrew Jackson ethnically cleansed them out of what people call Georgia and Tennessee anyway.
But on that note, check out Mitt Romney's judicial appointments in Massachusetts and you'll find leftists and gay activists, but no conservatives. It's not going to matter which far leftist is in the Oval Office for the next four years. Especially since the Tea Party "movement" has worked so hard since 2010 to keep the Senate under Harry Reid's control.
Well any Supreme Court judge could potentially slip and fall out of a tree while trying on an angry mob's noose. They sided with the Cherokee and Prez Andrew Jackson ethnically cleansed them out of what people call Georgia and Tennessee anyway.
But on that note, check out Mitt Romney's judicial appointments in Massachusetts and you'll find leftists and gay activists, but no conservatives. It's not going to matter which far leftist is in the Oval Office for the next four years. Especially since the Tea Party "movement" has worked so hard since 2010 to keep the Senate under Harry Reid's control.
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