Tuesday, September 9, 2008


"YOU CAN PUT LIPSTICK ON A PIG, BUT IT'S STILL A PIG!" Barack Obama, Tuesday, in a speech in Virginia.

FEMINISTS? N.O.W.? HILLARY VOTERS? ....um. .....MICHELLE? ruh roh!! I wouldn't want to be at the Obama house TONIGHT!


Karen Townsend said...

Yeah, all of a sudden out of nowhere he uses this analogy. I'm sure he didn't mean anyone in particular! Right.

Mike said...

Will he have to retract his comments and come out with an apology? Yeah right.
If it's up to the Obamedia, it will be as if he never said it.

Anonymous said...

The GOP keeps demanding apologies, and the DNC continues to ignore the GOP. It isn't that the GOP really expected Obama to apologize.

I think Obama's remark today was an attempt at humor directed at Palin's joke about Pit-bull and Soccer Moms ... but it was mean spirited, unsophisticated, and inappropriate. How would Senator Obama respond to someone who called Michelle a pig?

I wonder … will a very un-presidential Obama alienate foreign governments by insulting them the way he insulted a sovereign governor? Is this what we have to look forward to under an Obama presidency?

Anonymous said...

Z, How politically stupid is this guy? Do you think he can't get Sarah out of his mind?

Has Obama been fantasizing about using this phrase ever since her joke about hockey moms, a pit bull, and lipstick?

Could this woman be the spoiler for Obama? Could be. Time will tell. Who'da thunk it?

Next time Barack try this one, "you can stand in a garage, but it doesn't make you a Buick". Well, I tried.


Z said...

ALL of you are SO right..amazing.

Sure, he probably didn't mean QUITE what he said, but HOW could he have even entertained the idea of using THIS phrase after what Sarah'd said?

Even if it wasn't done intentionally; even if it was just 'inartful', can we TRUST someone who'd gaffe almost as many times as Biden does? What do we do with the amount of gaffes if they're on the international scene (God forbid?)

I'm waiting for feminist groups to complain. It'll be a LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG wait, huh?

Z said...

By the way....I'd love a list of all the things that Obama's said which HE himself has called 'inartful'. And the media lets him get away with it.

Rick Frea said...

LOL. That's all that need be said. It seems that the dems are grasping at straws. Better yet, they are panicking. When you panick you say dumb things.

Chuck said...

They're flailing desperately. He will pay for this politically. It is inconceivable though that he could continue making stupid mistakes like this though. The MSM is providing cover but we are proving right now that he cannot hide from the remarks.

Anonymous said...

He also talked about an old fish and it being wrapped, it would still stink.
I think Obama has some real issues with women , always have wondered about him.
ANyhow, he is having a bad hair day, that is for sure.

The guy is so not ready for the real world. That kind of crap might be funny and slick in the hood in Chicago but it does not play well with Joe Six pack and soccer and hocky moms and grannies and grandpa's..you know, those hicks in fly over country.

Keep talking Obama.
We wait for your next witty remark.

What a guy.


Pasadena Closet Conservative said...

Mr. Smooth Talker sure has been putting his foot in it lately. He's beginning to crack under the weight of his own ego!

Z said...

freadom..great saying...sure does apply.

Everybody's right; this guy's not ready for prime time.

and the media's still fawning over him as if he can say NO WRONG. I've heard of rose colored glasses....what's the term for rose colored hearing implements!!?

Anonymous said...

Can you BELIEVE it?
I swear, if I WERE an Obama supporter, that would have been the nail in the coffin for me.

No way, Jose.

I simply cannot believe his aides allowed him to say that, and you know it was scripted, because that doofus doensn't say anything other than 'uh' without it being written for him.


What a jerk.

Anonymous said...

No, I think he did mean it.

Bloviating Zeppelin said...

Obama has now ASSURED himself of losing. What a petty, DESPICABLE act. So, women, what do YOU think of being called a PIG by Mr. Obama? Humor? So if I pulled out the N-word, THAT would be "humorous" to SOME Americans, eh? And would be roundly EXCUSED as "just humor"? "Hey, no big deal, Obama's just a half-nappy little ______."

Sidesplitting, huh?

Humor?? He meant EVERY WORD.


Anonymous said...

he is going to ger SO slammed over this one
lets see what(if anything) the women's movement does or says.
but whatever, he is going to get burnt over this.
Too bad the bar-b-que season is over. we'll see who is going to be the pig!

Anonymous said...

I wonder … will a very un-presidential Obama alienate foreign governments by insulting them the way he insulted a sovereign governor?

Sounds like another Hugo Chavez in the making...

nanc said...

my new favorite photo of snowjobama!

nanc said...

p.s. - he's getting ready to speak about the remark on fox news in a few.

Ducky's here said...

Come on Barack, you're job is to run against McCheese.

Don't whack the monkey when you can poleaxe the organ grinder.

Anonymous said...

You gotta have something to poleaxe him with, though, ducky.

And when it comes to hitting McCain, Obama's pole only reaches his kneecaps. W/Palin he can at least reach her waist...

Anonymous said...

Certain DNC websites had numerous refrences yesterday to pigs and lipstick so I guess Obama did intend what he said to be taken the way it was.
His true believers sure thought so and ate it up.

It must be scary for Obama right now to realize the rest of America is NOT Chicago.

Maybe Oprah can help Obama reach into his feminine side.


Z said...

You all seen the new McCain ad showing Palin mentioning LIPSTICk then Obama's silly line about LIPSTICK?

Problem with the whole thing is the DATE isn't on the ad video. What's important is the proximity...he said this days after her statement.

The Left's in overdrive saying McCAIN has said this, too...as if it's never been said before!? As if this wasn't almost a campaign SLOGAN for Palin after she said it with the reaction she got?

The promixity is what makes it so obvious that ANY man planning to represent us should THINK TWICE before he speaks. This might not have been about his doing it purposefully, it's about WHAT WERE YOU THINKING WHEN IT DIDN"T COME TO YOU THAT WHAT YOU WERE SAYING WAS REMINISCANT OF SOMETHING YOU SHOULD REMEMBER?"

It SURE came to the audience, we can all agree on that!!

Ducky's here said...

Farmer, how about this ...

“I’m not going to telegraph a lot of the things that I’m going to do because then it might compromise our ability to do so. But, look, I know the area, I have been there, I know wars, I know how to win wars, and I know how to improve our capabilities so that we will capture Osama bin Laden �" or put it this way, bring him to justice…We will do it, I know how to do it.”

The man is freakin' delusional. Stark raving batshiite crazy.

Hey John Boy what war did you win, Grenada?

When was McCheese in western Pakistan? He knows the layout of those mountains? What a maroon.

Meanwhile we are listening to this palaver and some silliness about Gidget Palin really being a pig when Lehman Bros. went down today and Washington Mutual took a huge hit on an accounting problem.

Major financial institutions sinking in quicksand and we spend our time on nonsense.

We are a sorry people, Farmer.

Anonymous said...

No doubt about that, mr. ducky. Meanwhile the Obama camp has dropped a team of 30 lawyers on Wassila, Alaska to dig dirt on Sarah Palin. Shouldn't they have dropped them on Tora Bora, instead? I mean, hand 'em shovels and let the lawyers do something useful for a change... I've a feeling they'd make great tunnel rats.

Papa Frank said...

Or maybe drop them outside Osama's cave. Obama seems to know where it is.