Saturday, October 10, 2009

UCLA....bedlam in the Chem Lab....did you hear?

Some crazy UCLA chemistry student attacked a female chemistry student in the lab....cutting her throat and killing her had instructors not rushed to hold pressure against her neck and saved her life that way. She's in the hospital expected to recover. THIS is why I blogged this story:

"The session was part of an organic chemistry class led by lecturer Alfred D. Bacher, who said Friday that the class can be demanding but doubted the stress was responsible for the attack."

Are we to the point that we think kids kill other kids because a class is tough? What would possess a lecturer to even consider that? He CUT HER THROAT.........


beebs said...

They aren't publicizing that the attempted murderer was an affirmative action type student.


Steve Harkonnen said...

He needs to be expelled from college, period. Drum him out of town and directly into prison.

Beth said...

I blogged about this sort of thing recently, how it seems people always need to find a excuses for bad behavior, what about personal responsibility? Like it can never be their fault they went crazy??

Susannah said...

I heard that was the first line of defense in the O.J. trial, but Johnnie Cochran decided it wouldn't fly...

Chuck said...

This is the new society, always looking for an excuse. There has to be a reason for him acting like this. Can't be that he's a little psycho.

Without having any other info, I'm thinking it's Bush's fault. Still trying to work out why. Too bad I'm not a liberal, I wouldn't need a reason.

Brooke said...

Dayam! I don't know which one is crazier.

I.H.S. said...

Anonymous said:"Known throat cutters should have their throats cut immediately. Savages don't belong in Civilization, and should not be protected by its laws. Wanna make a bet it was either a Muzzie or a Ghetto dweller?"

As hard as it is to believe the statement of the lecturer; I also know the student snapping because of the course work isn't beyond the realm of possiblity either...People have been shot, stabbed and beat to death for a lot less in this country for years I might add.

But, I do not agree with the statement of calling persons who live in this country of ours 'Savages' either...criminals, menaces to society; yes but not savages. Nor, do I find that the laws of this country protecting them... the law as I see it is a two-fold entity; which one side of it protects the law abiding and the other side is for the punishing of the lawless.

And, if the person is a student of UCLA and a chemistry student at that; I'm almost willing to wager the person isn't a 'Ghetto dweller' whatever the heck that means anyway. Does coming from Belize count as a 'Ghetto dweller'?

Everyone of the comments I have read save one is talking about the ridiculousness of making excuses for the behaviour of people and one who is more concerned about their religion or where they grew-up...I'm amazed to say the least.

Blessings, Z.

psi bond said...

.... Cyril Baida, a teaching assistant who was working in a lab across the hall, said he did not know the victim or the suspect but was told that they were lab partners or had worked together in a small group on projects in their lab section.

Microbiology major Sandeep Gill, 20, said the lab is the hardest part of the organic chemistry class.

"Every week you have to go to lab and finish it," he said. "You're always on a time constraint. You're always on edge."

The session was part of an organic chemistry class led by lecturer Alfred D. Bacher, who said Friday that the class can be demanding but doubted the stress was responsible for the attack.

"I've been teaching this class for eight years, and I've never had this type of problem before," he said.

Witnesses said the attack left the blood-drenched woman dazed and near fainting

shoprat said...

Every excuse is offered except for personal responsibility.

DaBlade said...

LOL Chuck! Has to be Bush's fault. Obama needs to throw a beer summit with the crazy UCLA chemistry student in order to see if he was discriminated against.

psi bond said...

The police are searching for a motive. Silly them----they should ask the righwing folks here, who evidently know better.

Ducky's here said...

Well the AP is reporting on this story. Not that some of you would bother to take a look before jumping on your "personal responsibility" hobby horse.

The guy had been displaying paranoid behavior for some time and there had been complaints. His personality issues seem similar to the Virginia Tech shooter.

Let's be glad he didn't choose to exercise his second amendment rights.