Muslims have lived here in Los Angeles for years and nobody considered them anything else but nice people with a different faith. I had never noticed mosques but they're starting to build a few larger, more conspicuous ones now. We NEVER saw Muslim head scarves but we're starting to see them now........Were the women less religious before 9/11?? Muslims (and NEWSWEEK) say we're intolerant now, but we weren't then, why didn't they wear their headscarves THEN? (not a bad question, eh?)
Suddenly, there are places in France like THIS, which Brooke posted about at her blog (her video gave me the impetus for this post) which stun me. That kind of thing never (NEVER, TRUST ME) happened in France before 9/11 (and I lived in Paris for 4 years and went into Muslim neighborhoods for delicious coucous).
And, in the conservative media, we see signs like those in the image above in many cities in Europe (where these people collect financial aid from their host countries), and things like Muslims passing out information on their faith here in Minnesota just to "repair a tattered image" as they say. (by the we believe that? Or is that a great way to pass out information on their faith without facing recrimination?)
Suddenly, Muslim cab drivers won't take 'unclean' dogs in their cabs.....And, suddenly, Muslims are demanding KFC goes 'Halal', Muslims won't cut or scan pork in stores anymore, etc etc. There are so many new mosques in neighborhoods which don't even demographically support them (even in New York, most people say the neighborhood for that 'center' doesn't warrant a prayer r
We are considered racist or nasty when we speak up and demand information on who's paying for the mosques, or complain about OUR sensitivities being ignored, or wonder about special treatment for muslims in the workplace, etc (as discussed above regarding cutting pork, etc.)..Can't we ask questions in our own country without being labeled racist or islamophobic?
Does it seem to YOU that it's only since 9/11 that all of this demanding and pushing and complaining by muslims started? Were muslim students able to study with DIRTY FEET before 9/11? I think so..........but NOT anymore! That's another new demand to think about.
Does all of this fall under my question you've heard here if you've been reading my blog: "What do you have to do around here to get respect, kill 3000 innocent people?" Obviously, that's a bit strident and flippant, but.................what IS the reason that muslims have only made such demands SINCE 9/11?
What are your thoughts on this? And, wouldn't they be better served NOT doing that? Wouldn't there be more respect without the pushiness and demands? I don't remember ANY problems with the muslims who lived here before 9/11........suddenly, there's such an odd push, a kind of demanding presence from so many of them.......... Is that OUR FAULT?
What do YOU THINK?
(I'm going away this morning and will be looking forward to reading your comments when I get back...have a GREAT couple of days! Elmer's Bro will be watching the blog...(thanks, EB))
Islam and Muslims are more emboldened now because they have quietly multiplied their numbers to the point they are a real force to be reconned with... Islam is not a religion of peace, they want to put the entire planet under Sharia Law...
Take 8 plus minutes and watch "Three things about Islam" it's under a blog post of mine...
have Muslims become FAR far more vocal since 9/11?
Not immediately after 9/11, which many Moslems viewed as too much too soon, but certainly in the past three years.
They feel they have waited a decent interval following our bereavement, and now feel entitled to rape our sensibilities.
"What do you have to do around here to get respect, kill 3000 innocent people?"
Hold a "Burn the Qoran" party.
You can probably show respect for the troops and get a few killed at the same time.
Why isn't this hate group being denounced by the right?
Why isn't this hate group being denounced by the right?
lol! Don't you know they have a right to burn Koran's, mr. ducky? We're not arguing the wisdom of it... ;-)
Born Again, they haven't the numbers to get THIS way, not yet, anyway!
I have watched that important video, thanks. No, there's something I said, when muslims didn't see Americans as 'islamophobic', they were NOT wearing headscarves.......why only NOW? all kind of changed after that FLYING IMAMS thing where Americans on that plane spoke out saying the imams looked like they were planning something...remember the imams almost took their "outrage at their treatment" to court and maybe some of this nightmare today would have been averted: If ordinary Americans had seen a trial where American passengers told their stories about what had made them fearful of the Imam's actions that day and seen the Imams attacking THEM for having acted on their fears, America might have awakened to this problem; As it is, the Imams dropped the case in the nick of time. They got excellent advice.
Opus...we have certainly emboldened them with out silly PC.
Ducky, YOU suggest I study MY HISTORY? Did you read my post where I said I used to go into Algerians quarters in Paris for coucous? NEVER SAW ACTIONS AS SHOWN IN BROOKE"S VIDEO. MY POST IS CLEAR... I keep asking you to not respond unless you see read post and see the videos. Yes, Ducky, I KNOW the history. I LIVED there and studied it, it was a huge mistake for France to bring them in and not send them back after the work was done, that's the history. They have destroyed cities the French have built for them..time after time.
Also, Ducky, it's odd, isn't it...They'll build a MOSQUE most of this country abhors (while all know it's perfectly legal) mostly for the sheer insensitivity and pushiness of it.........and, according to your ilk, we're to keep quiet and you approve..sshhh, be nice.
But, let someone burn a KOran, which is also perfectly legal, and you're outraged?
Maybe muslims in countries we're fighting ought to be on guard against our soldiers who might feel emboldened with their anger at the construction of that mosque? Instead our BIG GENERAL says "Oooh, 'our biggest job is protecting the people of Afghanistan'..this will make it difficult'" (really, Gen P, that's the job there?)
Maybe we ought to be showing pictures of Danny Pearl's beheading as the Muslims show indignation at the koran burning?
I honestly don't know how i feel about it, by the way.....mostly I think it's not a great idea, but it IS covered by the first amendment. It's only 'sensitivity' shown by US that makes the leftwingers nervous...
Let muslims build a mosque in total insensitivity, and WE'RE wrong. I get it. right.
I only allowed your sarcasm to stay because you needed to be brought up to snuff on the truth.
Elmer's Bro will be deleting you if you do it again. Just argue facts, figures, STOP the belittling. By the way, I am no fan of Pamela Geller.
It's a classic example of 'we push you, you don't push back, you back up'. Very similar to many thuggish groups actions, but there are just more of them. After all the 'peaceful religion' mantra we've heard they think they have us in a corner. They know that most people are afraid of retribution, legal or otherwise, so they get their way. Any prejudice they feel they brought on themselves largely by their own actions.
'Thuggee Cult India Thugs Thug Religious Muslim Delhi Hindu
Thuggee Cult India Thugs Thug Religious Muslim Delhi Hindu Economy. - Cached'
Interesting article.
A bully will keep pushing you until you push back. As long as they get PC concessions, the moslems will keep pushing.
Another big disadvantage of a welfare state. In France Muslim men have several kids with several women who because are not married collect welfare.
People do it here as well. I find it amazing that liberals with all their pro-regulations don't advocate regulation for that or call you a racist for wanting it.
Yep definitely a mental disorder.
Why isn't this hate group being denounced by the right?
Just like we haven't heard anything from Imam Rauf against 9/11, except that we helped cause it, who IMO should put a tribute to it in his lobby and I don't mean a victory to it.
Why is the left against this yet nothing from them on Fort Hood,the Virgin Mary picture with elephant dung on it or a crucifix dipped in urine?
silvrlady, what's the point?
The Thuggee's were Hindu and worshiped Kali.
Linda are you also as upset about Hasidic communities like Kiryas Joel where 60% of the population is on food stamps and taxpayers spend enormous sums on education because of the retardation being generated by a small community inbreeding?
They also have their own religious courts which don't seem to have caused any difficulties and the law is very similar to sharia.
Thanks Speedy and thanks Ducky for your comparison of apples to oranges. By the way the name is "Lisa" not Linda.
IT is getting worse. And you're right to mention France. I would never see burkas as a kid/teen and only what we call "tchador." They're asking burger places to be halal in France too.
I think we're on the brink of war between civilizations within the civil society and not just countries vs terrorists.
As usual, the Duck missed it. The heading stated 'MUSLIM' twice! That's 2 times. ONE & TWO. NOT JUST HINDU.
I hadn't heard about modern Hasidic Jews chopping off heads, noses, hands, or other body parts. And I hadn't heard of any Hasidic stonings lately. And Jews of any stripe aren't much into proselytizing, either, as they aren't rying to force what they believe on the rest of mankind by violence.
Islam has a population control problem that it exports to the rest of the world. It's time to cut off their Viagra supply and replace it with oral contraceptives.
The Left claims to be concerned about over-population, but they'll never let their "aesthetic" concerns get in the way of spreading international socialism and promoting transnational workers rights.
The ideological blindness of the duck.
Here's the BIG problem: Americans are far too touchy feely when it comes to Muslims. I know, I hear it all the time, we can't blame all of them, but you know what? I can certainly blame their insipid religion. This is a war of cultures. I say let it happen. Half the damn bloggers I know are afraid to speak their free minds. Say it! I hate Islam and the ----suckers who follow it. Why are people so damn afraid to speak their minds anymore?
Speedy, Duck is communist. Communism is internationalist by nature. Socialism too but it has nationalistic variations like nazism, even though Hitler wanted to spread nazism to at least Europe.
It's related to their inability to comprehend human nature and their willingness to oversimplify it.
They think they're smart but they're fooling themselves. Unfortunately we're ruled by those idiots. And that includes some neo-cons and statist republicans.
z, do you have any trouble purchasing pork? So a few Muslims in the past have asked to be allowed not to handle pork. I suspect some accommodation was made but it had little effect on the business or its customers.
Now, a woman needs to fill a birth control prescription and runs into a pharmacist who refuses to sell it. In rural areas where you have few pharmacies this can be a real issue, but the right doesn't make much of a noise about that. They were largely in support.
Surely you can see that a lot of your objections represent double standards. You weren't consulted about the mosque, well a lot of us aren't consulted on a variety of issues. That's the way it works.
But in your heart of hearts you know this is about a deep fear of "the other".
But in your heart of hearts you know this is about a deep fear of "the other".
Go f--- yourself Ducky. It's not a fear of the other. I've worked for muslims and have had a couple of muslim friends. It's the fear of extreme ideas that are against freedom and western values.
We're tired of your little pean brain oversimplifying what we think.
Go do that with your highschool kids, not us.
But in your heart of hearts you know this is about a deep fear of "the other".
Funny...isn't that precisely why ducky's here constantly lecturing us? Out of a "fear of the other"? lol!
FB: Ducky has not yet learned how to actually apply what he learned in high school to real life.
Ducky: "Why isn't this hate group being denounced by the right?"
For the same reason "moderate" Muslims don't condemn "radical "Muslims' terrorism?
For the record, I'm a right winger, and I condemn the decision to burn the Koran. But, like the burning of the American flag, which action I abhor, I recognize their right to do so.
A very, very few Americans (50 or so) do something that Islam does not like, and they react way, way disproportionately.
If they can react that way, why shouldn't we react strongly to their murdering of 3,000 Americans?
Few Americans realize how energetic George Soros has been working to instill communist ideology in America. Recently, we learned Soros is funding a Tea Party Tracking website, where the NAACP and other communist interests can post distortions about the so-called Tea Party movement. They simply cannot let go of that tired old shoe: racism. I mention this because efforts like this empower special interests, particularly those who rely on victimology to advance their cause.
For a long time, Americans were completely unaware of what was going on behind the scenes respecting the Wahhabist movement; half the Islamic mosques in this country profess “death to infidels, death to Israel.” I guess that’s okay with most people. After all, they have a right to religious belief. The question we have failed to answer, however, is this: when does ideology cease being religious and begin to be political? We may conveniently ignore the fact that there is no separation in Islam between religion and political ideology—but we do so at our own peril.
Since 9/11 —the cat is out of the bag. Undeterred, however, we now have “in your face” confrontations about the right of religion and this has been quite successful because most Americans remain unaware that Islam is not simply religious. Shar’ia law works to undermine the United States Constitution. If this no longer matters to the American people, they deserve what ultimately will happen. It is people like Ducky, shills of the Soros and Podesta movements, who hope to shame you into silence. Remember: Soros and others are devout adherents of communism, and Ducky is a complete idiot.
Let's see, cabs and guide dogs. That went the way of the refusal to transport alcohol, the hack bureau said comply or lose your license.
Haven't heard of anything like that happening in years. If you've found a hot bed of militant Islam in America that's made any inroads you should let us know, z. Hasn't happened.
What's so shocking about the Paris scene, people praying? They don't pray in your church? It's not an unusual activity. So after years of discrimination in France they've taken to their Muslim identity instead, easy to understand, unless you think they should just stick to serving the mame sahib couscous.
The NAACP is communist?
You're John Birch, aren't you Mustang. How 50's.
they are all immigrating and emboldened Z! Thank u for fighting the fight and God bless you this Sept 11 and always my fellow patriot!! :)
To address Z's question, why do muslims, after 9-11, come out in their customary muslim garb now?
Why the demands and more aggressive actions?
I think it's part of their Jihad, and following directions from their Imams in their mosques.
In other words, this is what they do as their numbers grow, and American "leaders" appease them in the hopes it will satisfy them, which emboldens them further.
IMO, the Islamists won't be satisfied until they have control and dominate the world. That's their goal, and they're committed to it. One step at a time, or as quickly as they can depending on their success at having their demands met.
Ducky, why doesn't the left denounce the ACLU, who never saw a cross it didn't want removed and was perfectly comfortable suing small towns, or big cities to do so?
Why doesn't the left denounce acceptance of Islamic religious customs being allowed in public schools?
What happened to "separation of church and state" when it comes to Islam? Do you lefties denounce that double standard?
Does the left denounce groups who burn the American flag?
And don't tell me it's constitutional, so is burning the Koran.
Having pointed this out, I think burning a Koran is stupid, and accomplishes nothing.
Furthermore, I don't believe in separate courts or laws for any group, or segment of society. No exceptions!
You want tolerance? Let the Islamists try it. You try it, there's plenty of criticism to go around, and you and your comrades are no exception.
Ducky, why doesn't the left denounce the ACLU, who never saw a cross it didn't want removed and was perfectly comfortable suing small towns, or big cities to do so?
Myself, I would prefer to maintain a separation of Church and state.
No most of the suits have been brought by atheist Libertarians, not necessarily leftists so you tip your hand there Pris and deserve to be dismissed out of hand.
However, I will say that the idea of compelling prayer is vile and not pleasing to God so you can chew on that if you like but please do not go on with this idea that allowing you to control religious practice is something American patriots are going to allow.
By the way, when was the last time you saw a flag burning in America, Pris. It's pretty darn rare and in fact the left reflects the flag.
I will admit we have pretty much lost respect for the right wing but burn the flag. Hundreds of thousands gathered to protest the start of the Iraq fiasco and there were no flags burned. This is just a tale that the far right chants among themselves so often that they believe it.
As for your assertion that Islamic religious customs are allowed in school ... I honestly have no idea what you are talking about. It could be true and wouldn't survive a suit but the right strays so far from fact that you just can't assume any longer that it isn't some crazy rumor started by rabies radio and gone viral among the far right.
Actually no, I’m not a Bircher. I wonder, though, what is wrong with advocating traditional American values? That would naturally include anti-Marxist ideology, championing small government, expanding human liberty. Oh wait … you are a communist. Okay, now I get it.
"I honestly have no idea what you are talking about."
Well Ducky, that's probably the only honest, direct answer you've ever given. I'll settle for that. Any more of your nonsense would bore me.
Besides, you dismissed me out of hand and I'll happily take you up on that!
I wonder, though, what is wrong with advocating traditional American values?
Who's tradition? I want nothing to do with yours.
Look, mustang, anyone who muses about why there's a day to honor MLK or calls the NAACP communist needs to consider their own position because they have nothing to do with basic human rights or "traditional values" unless you mean slavery.
American values don't mean evangelical Protestant values and never will.
American values don't mean evangelical Protestant values and never will.
They certainly don't mean socialism or social democracy, Ducky. I'm telling you, the best place for you is North Korea. And I'm sure you could bring your iPod Nano, Touch, Pad whatever Apple toy you need there.
Are you intolerant? Are you an Islamophobe?
If you're like me.....I fear them I hate their 7th century cave dwelling guts?
You bet I do.
And I hope not only does that pastor burn those korans...I hope he pisses on them to put the fire out.
There are NO "moderate"'re a muslim...or your not. If you're "moderate" muslime...then you ain't a muslim.
These same elitist bastards that are OK with the burning of the American flag as freedom of expression...and piss christ and Mary in elephant dung...
These same bastards that ask us for tolerance....expect nothing of tolerance from these goat fooking mutts...that would kill you with abandon and glee.
We're dealing with 3rd, 4th world barbarians who practice a cult...a preposterous political entity that seeks domination over the world.
Will you tolerate that?
While they ask us for tolerance and understanding over the 911 mosque....they have no tolerance for a citizen expressing his 1st amendment rights to burn that filthy islamist "mein kampf"? Nor do they respect the wishes of the families of the victims they're "religion" killed.
This is the gut check for freedom of speech. Now we're proving that we're gutless.
Liberal scum have no qualms over desecrating our most sacred symbols...we're supposed to accept it.
Swatizkas can fly...Che tea shirts and flags can fly....fornicating godless homos can march naked in the streets...and we accept it?
Piss Christ can fly....madonna in shit can fly....but we can't burn a stinking book?
What's next? This is a moment that we must stand firm. What will they demand of us next?
Hey jerkoff Tim Robbins and your hottie....Susan....the dog muslims do smell fear.
There is a chill wind blowing against our freedoms, folks.
" would prefer to maintain a separation of Church and state."
Where in the Constitution...did you find that? Which article? Where is it?
Who's tradition? I want nothing to do with yours.
Don't let the door hit you in the ass, you communist slug. Send us a postcard from Siberia. On second thought, don't.
FACT: You don't deserve the privilege of living in America.
"You don't deserve the privilege of living in America."
It...the duck doesn't...he lives in (m)assachusetts.
Ducky is a political whore. The only one who he doesn't get in bed with is anyone who loves this country.
Hold a "Burn the Qoran" party.
You can probably show respect for the troops and get a few killed at the same time.
Ah, I see. If a Quran burns, normally respectable, rational, mild-mannered Muslims will lose absolute control and personal responsibility over the urge to strap TATP bombs to their children.
Who's the "Islamophobe," you imbecilic leftist dipshit?
Really Ducky. Have someone drill eyeholes in your abdomen so you can see past your colon walls.
Why isn't this hate group being denounced by the right?
They aren't? Could have sworn denouncing those yokels have been the buzz on talk radio for the past week.
American values don't mean evangelical Protestant values and never will.
Perhaps not, but they certainly don't mean the Catholic pedophilic values of polytheistic Mary-worshipping Papalists either.
So tell us, Ducky. Define what "American values" means to you.
Perhaps we should see what Ann Coulter has to say. From this week's column:
The reason not to burn Qurans is that it's unkind -- not to jihadists, but to Muslims who mean us no harm. The same goes for building a mosque at ground zero -- in both cases, it's not a question of anyone's "rights," it's just a nasty thing to do.
Z - It will be good to have you back.
I'm hoping that there is no trouble this weekend. There's nothing to gain from it.
It's not just you Z. I've noticed it too. Am I the only one who's noticed a strange thing with the uproar over the Koran burning?
Have you noticed that the SAME lefty crowd condemning this act of free speech don't mind burning American flags on 1st Amendment grounds? They also don't mind the GHASTLY insult of building that "victory dance" at Ground Zero in NYC. Hmmmm.
Have you heard that the 'traveling imam' threatens trouble if the site of the victory mosque is changed? Heard that on the news this morning. Such a nice 'peaceful' imam of such a 'peaceful religion'! He & Web-foot should do well together.
Jingoist: Have you noticed that the SAME lefty crowd condemning this act of free speech don't mind burning American flags on 1st Amendment grounds?
Of course, expecting any kind of consistency from the left is a non-starter.
Why isn't this hate group being denounced by the right?
Beamish is right duhkkky, every right wing pundit is condemning him. But we also recognize the hypocrisy of the 'it's perfectly legal' but now wise crowd as Z mentioned.
and Ramadamadingdong started off with a bang by the murder of medical missionaries in Afghanistan, wondering how it's going to end?
You always have a good point to make Z.
The "moderate" Imam now says that if we don't build a mosque at Ground Zero, we'll be attacked by the "radical" Islamicists...
Doesn't that sound to everybody else like a threat that if you don't appease the "moderate" element, the "radical" element is justified in attacking you?
It sure does to me. Burn the damn Korans!
what the Imam needs to do is to have Islam hire a new PR man...he should've been fired about 90 years ago.
Slightly off topic, if a brain dead communist seeing the light of the real world is off topic — Fidel Castro finally recognizes that the "Cuban model is broken" and Soviet-style socialism doesn't work ... and he's "giving up on communism". Maybe he thinks with President Obama elected that paradise is near, who knows?
At least a generation or two too late, but better late than never, I suppose.
I wonder why General Petreus didn't object to the Bagram Bible burnings...
...evidently some religions are MORE equal than others.
Castro is strapped for cash Waylon, he's playing the media like a fiddle so that lefties here will try to get us to empathize and lift the embargo before he's enacted any real democratic policies
the lefties are playing us when we all know it's the embargo that's helping forcing Castro's hand in the first place
Separation of church and state should mean exactly that if the government is going to play the game. But no, it only applies when against Christianity. Read my post here, and the comments.
There's a twitter screen name that I follow called "Creeping Sharia." THAT's what this is, dear Z, creeping sharia.
Merciful God in heaven, forbid it. It means that we're going to have to stand against it...get ready friends.
Been missing you, Z! I've been laying low this summer - hard to keep up a blog w/ kids in the house all day, every day!
Oh, & Duck, I just left a comment @ James' blog about the stupid, ridiculous, sophomoric, DANGEROUS publicity stunt being pulled by that Rev. dude in FL. So, don't go all, "why isn't the Right denouncing this guy?" on us. Lame...
"By the way, I am no fan of Pamela Geller."
Maybe you're not, dear one, but I am...Woman could chew nails for breakfast, imo. More power to her!
"Burn the damn Korans!"
Yup...and if he needs help to put the fire out...I'll be there with a full bladder and a couple quarts of Bud.
What does it say about us as a nation when a pastor of a church of 50 can dominate the news cycle and cause a world crisis? My answer, not much. Of coarse this pastor will be named the "reason" for every event thus as if up until he came along it was nothing but holding hands and singing.
Also, what does it say about Christianity that, given the boiling cauldron in which we find ourselves, and given the power that this blown out of proportion crisis gives thousands of little Churches all across this land, that such is not a regular occurrence.
Lincoln told a story about a man being robbed by a bandit on the open road. The robber informed the victim that it would be his fault if, by not yielding to his demands, he forced the thief to become a murderer as well.
By the way...I have another thought on this clusterfark.
"Where does anyone get off imposing this thing in this area. How the hell do you impose dialogue? I have heard a lot of descriptions of what is happening with this mosque but the one that seems to me to fit best is “imposition”.
Nothing that begins with an imposition can have a positive outcome no matter how "well intentioned".
But, if you ask me, this is where Islam has always missed the boat. It has always imposed itself on others, claiming good intentions or good ends. They have always imposed themselves claiming that it was necessary to acheive some good end that only Islam could bring.
Never for a minute realizing that the impostion itself poisons all such attempts.
Dialouge and healing can simply not be imposed! ( Unless you're ready and willing to accept and accomodate shira law? )
Thousands of people do not want the mosque built so close to Ground Zero.
We do not want Ground Zero to be used for ANY CAUSE other than to remember the dead.
Ground Zero is not the place to redeem the name of Islam or to counter-program the horror of what happened there because that has nothintg to do with remembering the dead. The Corodba Initiative wants to impose a cause that does not belong there.
There is no room, nor should any room be found for any other cause but memory and honoring the dead.
If the mosque is built it will be nothing more than an attempt to impose religious dialouge where none is wanted or asked for.
If this mosque is built it will be just another hijaking committed in the name of Islam, a hijaking of the only cause this sacred ground should be used for in order to use the site to improve the name of Islam.
We have to say no to the hijacking of Ground Zero for the cause of Islam.
I also have to wonder, like Krauthammer, how long it will take for extremists to hijack the mosque.
It will have a huge target on it. Mosques are taken over by extremists all the time. I can all to easily imagine that one day there will be people in control of it that will celebrate the Islamic “victory” of that infamous day.
For this and all the above reasons it must be stopped.
B R A V O, Major! very well said. I dig your passion. We need more of folks like you...
And MK, I believe you're exactly right..."Tolerance" will be plowed over by 'zeal' & 'pushiness', a la Z's original point in this post...
Wake up, indeed.
Speedy, that's FABULOUS!! and exactly what I was trying to say...only much better! ;)
Thanks SO much!
Tout le plaisir est pour moi!
Did you guys see this video.
Off topic but god I wish we had more people like this.
In politics, in corporations, anywhere.
Come to think of it, you are right about it being more visible.
They seem to demand more accommodations, they have become quite forceful if they do not get what they want.
We should have been more diligent.
FB, I did watch the video and thought, how refreshing. No smoke and mirrors, just honest, straight talk.
Yes, we could use many more politicians who know what they're doing and have a no nonsense approach. Few and far between, unfortunately.
The hazards of judging the Rev. Terry Jones...
"Really Ducky. Have someone drill eyeholes in your abdomen so you can see past your colon walls."
I'm laughing so hard I'm in tears!
Ducky would have to actually turn on talk radio once in awhile to know what's said there. Condemnation is all I've been hearing. Of course, the Kos' talking points don't tell Ducky that so he would have no idea.
Why is it that right wingers come out and say that of course this asshat so-called preacher has the right to burn a Koran, but he SHOULDN'T because it's insulting and disrespectful... Yet when Islamists with questionable funding wish to build a triumphalist mosque at Ground Zero leftists like Obama can't say the same thing?
Hm. Oh, and just out of curiosity, does it really take three hours to burn a Koran? I bet I could get one to go up far faster than that.
Ducky: re my "fears", FrogBurger's answer to you pretty much sums up my feelings, too.
Yes, ALL Americans should be fearful of many Muslims. I have NO FEARS about Hassidic Jews, VERY VERY few have tried to kill me or my family/friends.
As for pork? You must focus a little better and see my point, which I know was quite clear:
WHY DID THEY NOT COMPLAIN BEFORE 9/11? is it too much for you to grasp?
I just flew back from a couple of days in Salt Lake City, had a very good experience and loved that town, it has some of the nicest people you can imagine........I'm tired and can't catch up yet here with all your terrific comments but I would like to say thanks for and I'd like add :
How can it be that when one NUTTY Pastor wants to burn the Koran the WHOLE DAMNED MUSLIM WORLD and all our leftwing CREEPS are SO OUTRAGED!?
That's only ONE PASTOR....!!And Ducky thinks we need to march against him to show we disagree? How rich!
Ducky, how's about MODERATE muslims marching about TERRORISTS IN THEIR FAITH~!? (I'm waiting...)
Why don't WE display pictures of Nick Berg and Daniel Pearl and remind the world how THEIR BEHEADINGS OUTRAGED US, too?
Heck, that's only a couple of beheaders, but let ONE Christian NUT do something like burn a koran and there's HELL TO PAY and ALL AMERICANS have to fear(according to that conniving double-speaking IMAM RAUF) attacks because WE incited THEM?
Ducky; Muslims take to the streets and KILL of the slightest 'slight' you GET THAT?
Wake the hell up, pal.
"Muslims take to the streets and KILL of the slightest 'slight' you GET THAT?
Wake the hell up, pal."
Amen, Z. (You're in rare form, sister.)
Susannah...lousy English there and I almost fixed it, but I'm too pooped from my flight today...I feel very passionately about what I wrote in this post, thanks for the confirmation!
Major, I hate PC more than you do.
I call him NUTTY because what he's doing is pointless and silly.
"I call him NUTTY because what he's doing is pointless and silly."
On the contrary. He's shown just what islam is all about. Murder, chaos, mayhem and intolerance.
He has shown the world just what islamists are al savage and intolerant, intractable their politics are.
He's a very brave man.
Major, he is brave, no doubt about it. But, this is helping nothing. What does the world know about islam it didn't know before? it's only made the savages more outrageous and more threatening. I was ALL on this pastor's side when I first heard of it because I knew it was his constitutional right to do that and I stood by him, but this isn't going to help a THING.
i'll be writing again tomorrow, trip wiped me out and I'm tired.
See you then!
Ducky: you said "Haven't heard of anything like that happening in years. If you've found a hot bed of militant Islam in America that's made any inroads you should let us know, z. Hasn't happened."
Z" We have new mosques springing up into areas whose demographics which don't remotely properly describe the neighborhood and I'd have to ask you to prove to US they're not a 'hot bed of militants'..seems to me it's OUR COUNTRY and its up those who threaten this great land, not US
Ducky asks:
"What's so shocking about the Paris scene, people praying? They don't pray in your church? It's not an unusual activity. So after years of discrimination in France they've taken to their Muslim identity instead,
Ducky, the definition of shocking or surprising shouldn't be lose to you. I clearly said that this wasn't NEVER happening in the muslim quarters until 9/11........
You'd better learn about what CAUSD that DISCRIMINATION in France; I know you'll be disillusioned, but disillusioned is better than uninformed, don't you agree?
Ducky said:
Now, a woman needs to fill a birth control prescription and runs into a pharmacist who refuses to sell it. In rural areas where you have few pharmacies this can be a real issue, but the right doesn't make much of a noise about that. They were largely in support.
Z: The RIGHT doesn't support breaking laws. If the law says a pharmacist must dispense those drugs which will kill an innocent unborn child, the pharmacist must comply. Since he might be Catholic, he might have to do somnething else for that patient as those questions arise.
Ducky said:
"American values don't mean evangelical Protestant values and never will."
Oh, I think that's a tad naive Ducky. I've never though exactly of what you said so succinctly and I enjoyed reading it...yes, American values just might mean evangelical Protestant values ...and soon. Jews are among that number as well ...they might not go to Jesus (though many more than you think are, in Israel particularly) but they have those values American Christians hold dear ...We need to tithe more...we neeed to have the money to help parish families when the Dems ruin our economy and they can't get help anywhere else BUT the church, as was the case for years in this country.
To Woman Honor Thyself:
Z:Woman, being considered in your blogging league (as was said to me via phone last night by defiant Infidel's male cohort,H) is a thrill and I love when you come by
and feels SO good to have you on our team xxx
Susannah, I can only take about 3 periods of 'no Susannah', so you'd better start blogging!! Yours, I know, are part of a larger group of prayers and it will never EVER cease to be one of the greatest honors in MY or Mr. Z's lives,.,...strangers loved or appreciated who we were enough to send up prayers for US when we were in is that sense Mr. Z got which made him an even stronger man of faith...I bless and thank you ALL so MUCH for that, as you can imagine!..
Z~ reading your comment brought tears to my eyes. Prayers for you & Mr. Z were a privilege, & prayers for you continue to be.
Periods of 'no Susannah' ?? Who knew there was such a category? Ha!! And since you say, "you'd better start blogging," you bet your sweet patutie I will!! ;)
(posted about Otis just today!)
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