Friday, October 4, 2013

What age............... you wish you were now.  And why?

And I know most of you will say you're perfectly happy at this age, but then tell us what other age was great...or what you're looking forward to when you're a little or a lot older!?



DaBlade said...

I really like that picture Z, as it hints to my answer. I have 3 sons and the two oldest are engaged to be married next year. I pray I am blessed to be around to see my grandchildren (but I don't want to rush things! Time flies as it is)

Z said...

DaBlade...I really hesitated over that picture and another one. I'm so glad I decided on this one and that you shared this really lovely story with us. Congratulations...!
And I pray, too, that you'll grow old surrounded by loving grandchildren.
Thanks for nice to start my day with your comment; I have to be at school at 6:30 this morning.
you made my day.

FreeThinke said...

I loved being FORTY.

At that time I was still young enough to enjoy myself in al the sensual ways, but mature enough to know which end was up.

I reached what was probably my "peak" between FIFTY and SIXTY -- years of unprecedented creativity and solid achievement unblemished by self-conscious fear.

I like to think I have kept GROWING all my life, but as physical limitations set in and energies begin to wane, I realize my "best" days are probably behind me, although I had the most fulfilling experience of my life as a pianist just this past summer when I performed the Beethoven sonata, Opus 81a, better known as "Les Adieux," to my satisfaction several times before invited audiences.

I first learned that sonata 53 years ago, and never felt capable of meeting its many challenges adequately before. I finally did in my 73rd year. The experience was probably the most EXHILARATING of my entire life.

All I can say is this: It was sheer delight to prove the adage PERSISTENCE PAYS OFF.

I never gave up, you see, despite many discouraging setbacks.

If there's a secret to living well, I suppose it could be summed up with these few words:


Silverfiddle said...

My heyday was my 20's.

Marriage and kids in my 30's put a whole new and wonderful spin on life.

Now, I look forward to an old age of dodging Obama's death panels and smoking my medical marijuana to ease the pain.

JonBerg said...


Ducky's here said...

I'd go back to the 60's.
Not for any of the reasons your readers will ascribe.

I've never felt the excitement of an artistic sea change since. There was fantastic innovation and I was just old enough to be aware of it.

It happened in painting, theater, music, film, literature ... it was alive.

I found Paul Goodman's Growing Up Absurd and things fell into place.

Now I think about why it all went so wrong and why we are willing to be led by our collective nose and accept the mediocrity around us.

FreeThinke said...

The Sick-sties were alive, all right, Ducky -- just the way a MALIGNANCY lives and slowly-but-surely devours and kills the once-healthy boy it has invaded.

You confuse childishness, nose-thumbing insolence, grotesque, clownish rebellion, slovenliness, immorality, spiteful contrariness, disorderly conduct, and mulish obstinacy with innovation, artistic integrity, and intellectual vitality.


Did good things happen during the Sick-sties? Of course they did, but people took little or no notice of them.

Pris said...

I think 40 is the perfect age. You're old enough to have gained some wisdom, and you still look pretty good. Plus most of us have children by then. Family to me, means everything.
For me, it would be 51 when our grandson was born! He was a brand new ray of sunshine into our lives.

Sam Huntington said...

Every age is a gift; shame on us if we do not accept His gift in the spirit in which it was given.

I think I began to appreciate God's blessings at age 40.

Ducky's here said...

@FT --- I say PHOOEY


I felt so lowdown deep inside...
I threw my drink across the lawn."

sue hanes said...

Z - I wouldn't mind going back to when I was 50. That was a good time for me.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

I've never felt the excitement of an artistic sea change since. There was fantastic innovation and I was just old enough to be aware of it.

It happened in painting, theater, music, film, literature ... it was alive.

That's what I love about ducky, he believes that "representing" a function (like art) is the same as "exercising" it.

Acting and Being are two ENTIRELY different things.

-FJ the Dangerous and Extreme MAGA Jew said...

Ducky's generation adopted the signifiers of identity:

“Our generation are children, we like wearing uniforms.”

Perhaps the next generation will "put on" more than a external uniform.

Thersites said...


Waylon said...

I think it was age 23 when I picked up a copy of Atlas Shrugged off a coffee table at a friend's house, borrowed it and started reading, since someone had previously asked me if I had read it. It provided an insight into the times, as this was now 1970. I liked what I had found and the feeling that finally someone had provided some clear insight into the Zeitgeist of the 1960's that contrasted with the prevailing wisdom of the "pop cultists" of the day.

Thank God I didn't run across a crack pot like Paul Goodman and think his so-called insights were worth the paper they wasted.

Anonymous said...

GEEEZ: From Z at work:

An interesting story that came to my mind when I read Ducky and FJ's exchange here was how Mr Z and I watched some leftwingers from East Germany about six months after the wall came down. We were watching TV in Munich and here's a panel discussion about the differences in their lives.

TO A MAN, they thought it was better living under socialism because "we had fewer choices then"..." we could sit and talk in pubs about REAL things.."

Mr and Mrs. Z turned to each other and said "They can't do that NOW?"

This is the thinking..the total (you should pardon the expression)BS..of the left.

Sam Huntington said...

You are right, Z. The left hands out “free stuff” like candy. It is the opiate of the masses. Once you get people hooked on it, you have it made. This is the Obama agenda. It is the entire progressive movement. Killing America one citizen at a time, and easier to do than most people think. This is because most people are incapable of thinking. BTW, Nasty Pelosi thinks that “there is no where else to cut” government spending, but amazingly, after the government shut down, the US government handed NPR $445,000,000.00. Honestly, I can’t imagine why Pelosi doesn’t throw herself off the Golden Gate Bridge.

Anonymous said...

27 b/c I was in fantastic shape and spirit. I was new to the US and didn't pay attention to politics. Discovering the country, the people, etc... Pure bliss.

Now I'm still in great shape but the bliss is gone and the feeling of newness has obviously disappeared.

I don't think there's anything better than moving to a different country, observing, visiting places and figuring the culture out.

Jen said...

I love where I am. 39.
My twenties were spent being too responsible, and most of my thirties were sorrow and chaos.

I am learning to be present and not yearn for the past or future.

Z said...

FB, I LOVED living in Paris and Munich for those reasons...they're definitely the best times in my life.


Talk about freebies..a black friend of mine has worked at Macy's for years...two black sales people have both come up to her in just the last week and said "You know, Obama LIED...the AFA is going to cost me MORE than what I pay here at Macy's!"
She wanted to say "DUH, I told you NOT TO VOTE FOR HIM BUT YOU WOULDn'T LISTEN.." But she was polite :-) I think they get it.

Also, another friend told me today that her church's preschool employees got a letter today from Blue Cross saying "you won't have your health plan starting in January but you'll either pay a lot more for our other plan or here's the information to go on Obama care" (I paraphrase, of course).

Ya, nobody's very happy, that is FOR SURE.

Z said...

Jen, come ON! Play along!
I'm glad you're where you are, but I thought this would be fun or interesting.

I have to admit I'm not sure what age I'd rather be but it would definitely be YOUNGER :-)
Maybe not by much...I loved 50 because I had that birthday in Paris with a chef and butler Mr Z hired :-) And ten was FABULOUS.

Ya, I'd have to say my late forties and very early fifties because of PARIS. And all the traveling.
And having Mr. Z still with me.

Waylon; terrific answer; thanks for that!

Sue,'s interesting that a few of us women have said '50'...who'd guess that? But I think we're right. I felt good, I looked good, I was in Paris, I was very happy..

FJ...very interesting distinction

Free Thinke, I REALLY appreciate and admire your practicing so much.....I REALLY need to dust up my classical piano. I just don't play enough AT ALL. DAYS go by and I play nothing. What a waste.

I think it's fabulous you pursue that...

Z said...

Hi, Silverfiddle!
You crack me UP! I hope you don't NEED Med. Marijuana!'re with us...I'm not at the top age you mention but the forties and fifties were FABULOUS!!

Kid said...

35. Because I was still bat dung crazy. And it was 1 year prior to my first marriage, that I should have waited another 36 years... But the 2nd and final time was actually a charm.

Kid said...

Duck, good comment there at 9:21

Yea, what happened to America that it has effectively allowed itself to be placed into a giant child daycare center with evil failed lawyer clowns at the helm.

Kid said...

Z, a thought about your comment re: the wall coming down, my comment and duck's is related.

I've often thought that some people Really don't like having choices. They why's are up for debate. They have to work harder at life? Their psyche simply needs a very structured environment to live in? But they accept their chains and masters. Too damn many of them.

Kid said...

Sam, Good Lord.... I wonder what PBS gets then. The main communist indoctrination station.

I got into the wrong field of work,But I'll die with a clean conscience whatever that does for me.

Reminds me of a Led Zeppelin Lyric from Stairway to Heaven

And it's whispered that soon if we all call the tune
Then the piper will lead us to reason.
And a new day will dawn for those who stand long
And the forests will echo with laughter.

I intend to stand long.

Jen said...

I'm serious, Z! Sometimes I feel like I'm younger now than at 21. I seem to be experiencing life instead of just surviving.

But if I had to pick an age? 19.
So fit and carefree!

Z said...

Jen, I only meant that it's fun to conjecture...
yes, 19 was good. I loved 17, too.
It's good you're experiencing life; as the years pass, you'll realize that's even more important than you feel it is now. :-)

Kid, I was with a Romanian man who had just come to Los Angeles; first time he'd left Romania. His sister is a friend and we went to a large grocery store with him. He saw the 'walls' of bread choices and nearly left. He was baffled.
In Europe, you often just get a BAGUETTE, or LOAF, and you leave.......the grocery stores have more, but the small shops have THE BREAD!
He was like that with about everything. He lives back in Romania, oddly enough, after he made a good living here and decided he wanted to go home.

Thersites said...

Just to throw in a little philosophy... the European "socialists" epitomize the problem of post-Modernism.

In the post-Modern era, there is a social injunction to "ENJOY", and every man is responsible for his OWN pleasures. In the recently past Modern era, the social injunction used to be "sacrifice" for the greater good, and those who did, felt emotionally "rewarded" when they did.

It's very difficult to be told that if you are NOT enjoying yourself, it's YOUR own fault... whereas it was much easier to cope with the disappointments that the injunction to "sacrifice" dealt you (it was largely out of your control). The social "guilt" that people feel, of not enjoying themselves enough, that they need to work HARDER so that they can experience ever more pleasurable enjoyments... is a real problem today.

Thersites said...

...of course, some elements of our society have discovered that NOT working, and simply experiencing the "pleasure" of complete passivity, is not all that emotionally rewarding either. The difference is that they generally escape this prevalent social injunction to "Enjoy" (isn't that what commercials on TV are constantly urging you to do?) through the use of mind altering substances... and demand for these substances requires harder and harder "work" as well, albeit work "outside" of the officially sanctioned "legal" framework.

Jen said...

Just say "stoners", fj. ;-)