...but we're getting RAIN today....and it's very unusual to have weather as cold as in the high forties here......BUT..........I hear it's really cold out there in America.
How is it where YOU ARE? Talk to us!
10 Akun Depo 5k Paling Populer di Indonesia
2 days ago
It's about normal. Temp in the low 40's and we're in a wet period but in Boston it's been rain. No sign of snow yet.
Remind me to get the snowblower fired up, it's coming.
We've got lows around 12° F here in Dallas. It's an ice storm, and we lost power Friday night (for just a few hours). Today the high is going to be in the 20's.
From Z of GEEEZ at work:
Ducky, I'm sure it's coming.. good luck.
Jen, how unusual is that for Dallas?..those really low temps and ice storms?
Snow in Philly tomorrow. 1-3" I'll gladly take that instead of ice.
It's 10:30 AM in Denver and already up to zero (0) F. We might make to ten (10), today.
In the low forties in Baltimore now... with snow/ice forecast for Sunday
BTW Z, We'd probably all be happy to trade forecasts with you since you're mid 60's and sunny starting Monday. Miss snow?
Don't plow the yellow snow Duck. It's not a Renoir or a Rothko!
81 here...going down to 65 tonight...time to put the heat on.
"how unusual is that for Dallas?..those really low temps and ice storms?"
That damn global warming...I'm betting that those who are experiencing some of this "warming"...wish it were so?
Imp, I think of the yellow snow as post modernist drip painting.
"That damn global warming"
Hey would you please send some my way!
Of course....LMAO.
"Hey would you please send some my way!"...
Give me a compass heading.
Initial bearing: 309°07′07″
Final bearing: 295°18′43″
Midpoint: 33°37′19″N 091°35′06″W
Distance: 2744 km (to 4 SF*)
It's 1:15 PM here in Denver and we're up to nine (9) degrees F already. It may even get warmer!
Expecting an inch of ice here in NOVA. Not bad compared to some places, but I've got Kero stocked for the heater and my Goal Zero Yeti charged, in case the power goes out.
47 at the Santa Monica farmer's market this morning at 9 am. Burrr ... my bananas are shivering in their little green jackets and ripening ever so slowly in my front yard.
84 degrees.
It's 2:45 PM here in Denver and it's now down to 7 degrees F. I guess we're not going to hit 10, after all.
Hi, Viburnum!
I never got much snow....only maybe 3 days, lightly, in Paris, IN FOUR YEARS. It used to snow there a lot...and, two of those snowy days were days we were flying back to LA for Christmas :-(
I did have some snow in Munich that actually piled on the ground a few times.
I LOVED IT. Yes, I do miss it.
I still laugh at myself on the cell phone leaning out my windows in Paris telling Mr. Z "it's SNOWING HERE, HONEY!" (he was at the office.) In a meeting..so he wasn't quite as amused as I was :-))
I always think of myself standing there, excited at what's going on outside, as Scrooge after he finally woke up and was yelling down to the boy to BUY A GOOSE! :-)
I swear I do.
I can be very, very weird.
I know. :-)
It's mid fifties now..but Bayside's right..it was REALLY cold here this AM.
I was in the office from 8:30 till 3 here and had to keep turning the heater off because I would get sleepy and I had TONS to do.
I think I did about 50 thank you letters today! HURRAH! It's almost all done and BEHIND ME!
"In Denver and it's now down to 7 degrees F.."
A few years back I was in Denver and it was -17...below. On the radio was a contest.."How cold is it in Denver today"?
The winner: "It's so cold that the lawyers have their hands in their own pockets"!
"I can be very, very weird.
I know. :-).."
We know...but it's charming!
Just another day in Paradise.
About 39 miles away, Hell is freezing over.
We went shopping today. I had a Hawaiian shirt on under a jacket.
Next week is supposed to be cold. Single digits is cold. I may wear a long sleeve and cardigan to work.
I do love the snow though. It motivates all the marginal drivers to stay home. So Peaceful on the roads. Biblical almost.
""It's so cold that the lawyers have their hands in their own pockets"!"
And that's rare around here!
Here in the D.C. area, we're expecting snow tonight, then the dreaded wintry mix tomorrow afternoon. A bit unusual for this time of year -- but we've experienced nasty weather this early before and in my lifetime.
CI mentioned an inch of ice here in NOVA. I hope not! If we get an inch of ice, all the lovely decorations that Decorate A Vet put up today at our house will suffer or be destroyed.
On the other hand, this cold spell is supposed to be short-lived. I hope so! However, if the freezing rain does fall in any significant amount, there will be power outages and traffic paralysis.
BTW, the grocery stores were mobbed today. Sheesh. I waited at least 45 minutes in the just-a-few-items, self-checkout lines. And some of the shelves were stripped too. Panic ensues here in the D.C. area whenever there is a "snow and ice coming" forecast.
The temps were in the 40's today. But it felt much colder than that! A penetrating cold.
AOW..45 minutes in the FAST LINE? Even in the regular line, I'd LEAVE :-) That's AWFUL!
I haven't lived in a snow/sleet city (except the tiny bit of snow I experienced in Paris and Munich when I lived there) but Mr. Z had plenty of bad weather in cities in Germany and he said he'd take snow over sleet ANY day of the year.
I must say I love snow...but, like I said, I've never had to scrape a car or feel that bitter cold, or have pipes freeze, etc.
"It's so cold that the lawyers have their hands in their own pockets"
This statement is full of Winter Win!
Speaking of lawyers. If you need one, that's 1) Ok, you need oen, and 2) too bad, dang.
Generally speaking I didn't know how bad lawyers could be until I ended up getting caught up in the spider web of the jodi arias trial in Phoenix. She brutally murdered her boyfriend.
It was min boggling how slow these arias people could talk, asking the same questions over and over in different ways, defense witnesses who would ramble almost incoherently for tens of minutes going nowhere. Literally, they were worse than obama without a teleprompter and to make this as short as possible, they Clearly were doing nothing but billing as much time as they possibly could. This trial last I heard cost Maricopa County a few million. I wanted to take these lawyers heads off with a baseball bat.
On the other hand, Juan Martinez, the prosecutor was Fantastic to watch. So focused - Nothing got by this man. So much working for the victim's family.
I hate parasitic lawyers with a passion. One could make the case, they are front and center in the destruction of this country, from suing the health care industry back to the stoneage, to paying twice as much for a ladder because manufacturers have to put 19 warning labels on the things.
Delete me if you want Z. Just wanted to put some color to why people hate lawyers.
PS - and most politicians are failed lawyers.
Kid, I think most of us feel that way about lawyers, why would I delete you?
!!! and yes, most politicians were definitely LAWYERS. Scary thought!
The boy who was hit by a car in front of school told me that the guy who hit him (illegal, uninsured, no drivers license), has let his public defender go and has hired a private attorney! He's DIRT POOR! HE was IN THE CAR, the boy was WALKING IN THE CROSSWALK!!!
Meanwhile, the boy's mom's getting doc bills ...what the.......??
"most politicians are failed lawyers."..
Which is what makes them failed pols too...no common sense. We need to follow the suggestion of: "What do you call 5000 lawyers at the bottom of the ocean?
Why don't sharks bite lawyers?
What's the difference between a lawyer and a scum sucking bottom feeder?
Heartbreaking Z. For individuals and for entire socities
IMP, that ALL works for me.
For those who doubt climate change; write a letter to your descendants, sprinkle it heavily with talking points like 'hockey stick, 'algore,' etc. Put it in a safe place like the family bible. I'm thinking you will be thought of as the family fool in a few generations.
No Imp ... I disagree. Their "sense" is all too common. Bummer, eh?
Z, It's like one of those futuristic movies, like the one with Will Smith (I am Legend, Original=Omega Man w/Charlton Heston) where the sane people (Person in the movie case) are working their butts off to try to fix things, but the mutants are constantly squealing like monkeys and trying to tear down the walls and kill the fixers.
In fact it's Exactly like that.
Wow. We have over an inch of ice here! It didn't get above freezing today.
It's rare, Z. We get a wicked ice storm every couple of years, but not this early. We were thirty degrees below average this weekend!
Geez Librealman, I see you’ve switched out your “global warming” meme for the new and improved edition of bullshit: Climate Change.
Well, here’s a clue for you: the earth is all about climate change. It has been going on now for billions of years. In fact, it was going on long before there were any human beings —proving once again that the supposition that climate change is caused by human activity is rediculous. And why would you be concerned about future generations? According to your myth, there won’t be any future generations.
Only a liberal fool could possibly think that humans can tax their way out of the inevitability of "Climate Change". The solution to all problems (real or imagined) for Liberals, Democrats, Communists, etc. is tax, tax and more tax; enough already!
I'm glad to see Lester's computer skills are improving. He's up to copy and paste. He left that same comment with us over at Western Hero. I wonder who wrote it?
Liberdouche, you're obviously not sentient enough to know that NOAA/GISS has been "cooking the books" (Read: "adjusting temps like little monkeys trying to fuck a football") in order to get their vaunted Glow Bull Worming to show up through the 20th century. When you're freezing your ass off in a few years, as the Sun goes into a New & Improved Maunder Minimum, we'll be laughing our asses off and pointing at you as you scratch on our warm, snuggly doors, begging to be let in out of the cold.
Now, don't you have some bald and/or golden eagles to go murder in the name of Progress?
Liberdouche, you're obviously not sentient enough to know that NOAA/GISS has been "cooking the books" (Read: "adjusting temps like little monkeys trying to fuck a football") in order to get their vaunted Glow Bull Worming to show up through the 20th century. When you're freezing your ass off in a few years, as the Sun goes into a New & Improved Maunder Minimum, we'll be laughing our asses off and pointing at you as you scratch on our warm, snuggly doors, begging to be let in out of the cold.
Now, don't you have some bald and/or golden eagles to go murder in the name of Progress?
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