Saturday, February 14, 2009

From a Frustrated German who Loves America

Talk about hypocrisy!

Look at this – they talk about transparency, which was not available before the votes in the slaughter house (sorry, I can’t call it “congress”)….. and now: still nothing. Nobody knows what exactly is in this piece of socialist “Dreck”, and what is even more astonishing, even those who voted for it don’t know!! Didn't Arlen and Barack discuss anything at the Super Bowl party at the White House?

This is almost criminal behavior – these people have been elected to make conscientious decisions. How can you make a decision on behalf of the people if you don’t know the content of what you are voting for? This has nothing to do with democracy – that is dictatorship communist style. I am sorry, but this is disgusting: As a German who loves America and chose this country to live in, I can’t even begin to tell you how I feel about this.

This must be the only country, other than may be a couple of African dictatorships, where it is possible to conceive a law behind closed doors with no possibility for the opposition to participate or influence what is in that law, create a 1100 page document (which in itself is an extraordinary stupidity, that’s what you get when too many lawyers are involved), make it available at midnight, and have the vote the very next day. It's calculated to take about 12 1/2 hours to read the thing, to say nothing of digesting and considering it or coming up with beneficial, constructive changes! I certainly have not heard of such behavior from other civilized countries, certainly not from Germany.

The normal procedure is that somebody writes a proposed piece of legislation (and other than in the U.S., such proposal may also come from the opposition), it is then distributed, discussed, commented on and amended through committee hearings, then it goes to a full discussion in the appropriate chamber before it is finally voted on. And every step of the way, there is enough time for people to read, consider, discuss. With breathtaking and, ultimately, dangerous SPEED, prompted by "CATASTROPHE" and "IF WE DON'T ACT NOW" as if ANY action is better than the best action? Read the link.... Educate'll be ahead of your political 'representatives'...and a lot angrier, probably...

Mr. Z


Average American said...

I will be writing a "letter to the editor" of our states newspapers letting people know how many pages our elected officials DID NOT READ before voting for this poorkzilla bill. I have a feeling that it MIGHT just open a few more eyes. The rush to pass without reading it was BULLSHIT and we ALL KNOW it!

Anonymous said...

Herr W, I'm right there with you pal! My blood's STILL boiling over this pork-filled MONSTROSITY of a Democrat spending bill! These leftist, nutball bast--ds have climbed SMACK on top of my last good nerve! They have really screwed up big time.


Papa Frank said...


Anonymous said...

Dear Sir Z,
In the words, of one very famous American.."I have not yet begun to fight.."

Seriously , I am so glad you took the trouble to write about what you, a man of the world,sees happening right here in America.

I know no one likes to think they can screw up, but baby, a lot of people really screwed up here.
Firstly with the fact a know nothing like Obama could even run for president.

Most people ask more from a baby sitter in the way of qualifications, than what Obama demonstrated to us.

Secondly , this horrible monstrosity , which I call - Stim -u-LESS, is a blasphemy.

My representives do not even look at it?

These senators did not look at it? No one with an R , got to participate? Why not just come out and tell the public what has really happened?

There is nothing but one party rule in this country.

And if words such as these bother folks, all I can say is :

The truth just might set us all free.

Our system which consists of the three branches to act as checks and balances is not here.

Legislative, Executive, and Judicial, are pretty much run by one party.

What I want to know, is who really orchastrated the Economic 9-11 that happened in late summer??

Who all really wrote the Stim U LESS?

How do you write over 1,000 pages and have it ready in just a few days??

Points to something very rotten.


Z said...

WV...I, too, believe the economy crash was contrived...By whom? Who knows. I have my guesses; All I know is some stock brokers say very strange things happened during those days. And we all know Bush and McCain were warning about Fannie and Freddie but only Conservative bloggers have that video/information. That more aren't getting it OUT there, more conservatives, that is, makes me feel the whole darned lot of them are in on this strange American end as we know it...for the One World Order.

When a media is this dishonest and THIS in the bag for a candidate, there's no democracy, no information we can really base voting on. They wanted HIM and THE ONE WON.

StimuLESS is an excellent one...good thinking.

it's devastating...the truth WOULD set us free if our media were into telling the truth again. I think every journalism teacher who's taught the Machiavellian "We know better and you just have to keep the truth from the idiots who 'follow Rush' (AS IF) so America can succeed" should be utterly ashamed. But, they don't seem to know shame ..

Anonymous said...

The so called media, is the first to get sucked in, and manipulated, I think , Z. in a war.

Control the information flow and you have pretty much got things rolling.

Indeed, we shall see what happens.

I have no earthly idea of who did what , besides the usual suspects in congress and their cohorts, but wasn't Paulson awfully chummy with Mr. Obama?

We had gas prices rising almost daily..nutty, stuff.

This type of thing is not natural.


EDGE said...


You ever get the feeling we need a revolution in this country?

Anonymous said...

Herr Z,
Wann ich zu die Seite ging, gab es nichts. Sie sagte "Kommen Sie spaeter zuruck um zu lernen wie Ihr Geld ist ausgegeben."

Did I get some of those words right?

What I find funny (not really funny because it is tragic--maybe 'interesting' is a better word, but then again, not really interesting because liberal double standard is too tiresome) is how much Bush was criticized for acting so impetuously. Why is rash action considered virtue when it comes from liberals?

WV-Don't despair. The Legislative, Executive, and Judicial branches may be controlled by one party, but at least we have an impartial media to keep them honest. And we have the First Ammendment to protect freedom of speech, so the government can't dictate what gets broadcasted, and...I'm not helping things, am I?

Wouldn't it be nice if we got more than just a price tag? Over how man years is this approximately trillion dollars spent? Is this spending on top of all other anticipated governement expenses? And putting all the political pet projects in the linguistic disguise of "Recovery Act"? I should have just written this whole comment in German and not worried about getting the right words, now that words seem to have declared independece from meaning.

Tio Bowser

Law and Order Teacher said...

That was a class A comment "I should have just written the whole comment in German...words have seemed to have declared independence from meaning." Well said.

I don't ever remember such high-handed treatment of the minority in congress. I was very proud of John Boehner when he made his speech decrying the bill in which he threw the 1,000 + pages on the floor. That about sums it up.

Nice job, Mr. Z.

Z said...

Edge; I sure do hope not. I sure do hope something happens that wakes this country up.

L&O, I didn't know Boehner did that. Good for him.

Tio....Mr. Z will respond to you...spaeter!! We're getting ZIP, Tio...we just have to submit and believe STD prevention is going to stimulate the economy. You know how many Americans have heard THAT and STILL think "THERE IS NO PORK" because THE ONE says so!!??~!!!!

WV..the Left has made controlling the media an art, but they went into our schools first to have a fertile field of young people going into journalism...teaching them to hate America, teaching them that the underdog is the only good person around, that the rich are evil, war is bad, America has too much power and never does any good, that Republicans are evil and hate minorities and gays and don't help (when, in reality, Republicans make less than Dems and give more to charity)...'s done. We have to do something. Karl Rove gave a speech last week to some folks in LA, one of whom is a friend...she said he's all over LANGUAGE these days, FINALLY FINALLY the Republicans have realized what we've known for years: YOU HAVE TO USE THE RIGHT LANGUAGE!

Heck, I have screamed at talk show hosts for years when they say "How can that Democrat say that when it's SO not true?" I'm yelling "Hey, it doesn't MATTER if it's TRUE..the public is HEARING it and it's given as gospel so they believe retractions will be heard when the truth's out, and we don't have a media which will reveal the truth anyway...get OVER it..........!"

bizarre. Maybe Rove, coupled with the wonderful and wise and SAVVY Michael Steele will do something effective..

But, with this package? Could be too late for America. The money part is bad enough: the PUSHING this through..the LANGUAGE used "CATASTROPHE" "MUST DO SOMETHING OR THINGS ARE GETTING WORSE" "REPUBLICANS HAVE TO REALIZE THEIR LAST 8 YEARS DIDN"T WORK"..all of that's even MORE dangerous for this one-free country...don't forget how the obama folks came down all over Joe the Plumber, for example (ruin his reputation, GET HIM! that was CHILLING)..don't forget we have the first president who flipped fellow politicians off in public, don't forget we have a president who insults talk show hosts by name whose opinions reflect half of this country (MORE than half now that about 67% of Americans FINALLY woke up after seeing this 'stimulus' bunk)...we've got a guy who's very scary and we have a country full of SUCKERS who believe him. We have a lot to do.

Maybe EDGE is right. God help us.

Anonymous said...

Herr Tio: You got it closely to being correct.

Reading the newspapers from Europe - the confidence level in this Stim-u-Less (good one WV) package is not very high. The EU countries generate packages which are more to the point, well discussed and read, and I have news for you: They do not contain social programs which should normally be subject of separate bills. The U.S. is the only country that I know of where such pet projects are added, and in "Nacht-und-Nebel" (night and fog) actions at that. But I repeat myself.


Anonymous said...

It is ironic when the European papers are now calling out the Obama and his minions on this monster pig they have rammed through our legislative process.

And now there are screams that the senator from Illinois..this Burris , should be investigated for perjury.

This just gets more sad and tragic by the day.

The street thugs of America are running our process.

The cast of players assembled in the Obama cabinet are obviously just there as fronts.

Tio..( Uncle?) speaks very well and has a grasp on what is unfolding.

I think most of us see what is unfolding.

Now , to add insult to injury, Mr. Obama is not signing the stim u less, he is reveling in his big kill.

This man , when he falls ( and he will) , will fall hard.


David Wyatt said...

WVDOTTR said, "This man , when he falls ( and he will) , will fall hard." True, WV, Y& I know you know the bum will take a country with him. God help America, & God Bless.

Z said...

We have to pray he will NOT FALL....because you're right, Average..we'll ALL FALL in very terrible ways; when we can't use the term "War on Terror", that's reason to be pretty darned worried. When a man won't use his middle name while running for pres of the US and then tacks it happily back into the full name for interviews with Al Jazeera, it's very troubling, inDEED.

A lot of this is David "Rasputin" Axelrod...that man is the BRAIN.
George Soros' stooge, I'm sure..and doing an excellent job. I watched a bit (3 minutes was all I could take ) of him on MEET THE PRESS this answers, just rhetoric, campaign stale misinformation........unreal.

Ted said...

Obama’s stealing the census from Congress has suddenly awakened and enraged the Republicans. Maybe this will arouse them as well to challenge Obama for stealing the Presidency itself. They surely know he is not an Article 2 “natural born citizen” (which is more than merely being a 14th Amendment “citizen”) by virtue of either Obama’s birth to a dad of Kenyan/British citizenship or birth in Kenya itself — as manifested by his unwillingness to supply his long form birth certificate now under seal.

Z said...

Hi, Ted...thanks for being here.
In a few hours, I have a piece going up about this subject...led by Alan Keyes. I'm not a huge Keyes fan..yet...but he has a very frightening bunch of information ....I hope you stick around and see it.
I'm glad you're here....good thinking in your comments.

Anonymous said...

Great Post Mr. Z.
I appreciate your anger and frustration.

The fact is, the American people have been given "the bum's rush". Lied to over and over again. This is not about healing the economy, this is about power.

The "stimulus" package is a power grab of the first order. It is a leftist wish list that goes back decades, under the guise of saving the economy.

The hurry is, getting it passed before the people realize they've been sold a "bill of goods".
We are back to LBJ's War on Poverty! We are asked to accept that what didn't work the first time, will work the second time. Same tune, second chorus.

And these people call themselves progressives?

More than that, the left is in power and wastes no time making it clear, that nothing will be allowed to get in their way.

The saddest thing of all is that we don't matter. The people don't matter. Only that power rests in their hands.

Those they deign to help don't matter except to be used as dupes and pawns in their quest for power.

This is a sad day for America, for I fear the worst is yet to come.

I can only say that we have to do everything possible, to "get in their way".


Ducky's here said...

Well, as the far right is fond of reminding us when they get in one of their frequent pedantic moods, we live in a representative democracy.

So we don't take a simple poll of the citizenry. Now, since you far right wingers screwed the pooch so badly for thirty years since St. Ronnie Raygun was elected we had to make a change.

My suggestion is to pace yourself. Eight years is a long time.

Ducky's here said...

The fact is, the American people have been given "the bum's rush".


No Pris, southerns, evangelicals and neocons have been given the bums rush.
You are not "the American people" and part of the exercise of the next eight years will be to teach you just that.

Ducky's here said...

And always remember, Mr. Z. We got ourselves out of the great depression with a massive government spending and jobs program.

It was called World War II, unless you're Russian, then it was the Great Patriotic War.

So it worked. But I think we can do it in a way this time that doesn't require devastating a good part of the world. Right?

Z said... said "And always remember, Mr. Z. We got ourselves out of the great depression with a massive government spending and jobs program.

It was called World War II, unless you're Russian, then it was the Great Patriotic War.

So it worked. But I think we can do it in a way this time that doesn't require devastating a good part of the world. Right?"

You don't see a difference between what it takes to fight a war and massive stupid spending that prolonged the depression the first time we tried it?
Funny, that spending on war sure didn't work this time, eh? more's the pity.


Anonymous said...

"No Pris, southerns, evangelicals and neocons have been given the bums rush.
You are not "the American people" and part of the exercise of the next eight years will be to teach you just that."

Sorry Ducky, you are wrong. The American people have no idea what's in the stimulus bill. The American people WERE given "the bum's rush". Not only that, so was Congress. They didn't know what the hell they were voting for.

And excuse me, but I don't need your or your Comrades' tutelage, I'm way ahead of you, and so is everyone else who's here.


Z said...