Friday, February 6, 2009

Milton Friedman............on GREED

Not much I can add to this.............can you?



Ducky's here said...

Yeah, why can't a Nobel economist afford a decent tailor? He looks like a damn ragbag.

I.H.S. said...

Ducky, can't agrue against it so you'll throw insults about the man's clothes?


Z said...

Ducky....I.H. S. is right..
I was waiting for you to say Friedman looks gay, like you usually do. That was an improvement!!

Hi, I.H.S...i want your bike!!!!!

Anonymous said...

He agree's w/Donahue, IHS. More Government spending is always the answer. And Since Milston Friedman killed Keynesian economics and the failed ideas behind the current "Porkulus" package, mr. ducky and his socialist minions are looking for payback against all things "monetarist"... even if all they can do is now insult the man's suit.

Ducky's here said...

I.H.S. this would be a tough place to argue monetarism. It get's lonely being the only lefty here.

Suffice it to say that Friedman's monetarism is DEAD and no longer a force in economic circles.

He is still very well respected for his earlier work which earned him the prize.

He is considered an utter ass for his later Libertarian screeds.
But you don't argue with a crowd that thinks his later stuff was anything but the ravings of a man in his dotage.

So what do you do. You've got someone saying Keynesianism is dead (better tell Obama) while we reel from the results of the policies of Alan "Mr. Bubbles" Greenspan's insane monetarism.

The prime mover and shaker of this serious, serious downturn was a serious disciple of Friedman's monetarism. No if you want to see the country continue to go down the toilet follow the right wing.

In this financial crisis it IS NOT going to be blessings. It is going to be our reasoning and our freedom from cant. Greenspan laid out the fallacies of Friedman and the St. Ronnie Raygun conservative follies for anyone to see who approaches it with an open mind.

Friedman FAILED.

... and he looks like a ragpicker in that clip.

Always On Watch said...

I knew this one would light up Duck's board. LOL.

As if Duck isn't greedy. Hehehe.

CJ said...

That's brilliant! It did my heart good to see Donahue momentarily silenced.

Funny, Ducky was told he throws insults because he can't argue against it, so he comes up with a long post as if he's arguing against it, but all he's doing is expanding on his insults, says NOT ONE WORD against the argument itself.

Anonymous said...

Friedman didn't fail. What has failed is the monetarist WILL to raise interest rates. Because whilst Alan Greenspan was lowering rates, the Left was busy handing out 120% multi-hundred thousand loans to unqualified people who could barely afford to pay the monthly 1% interest on their ARMs.

It was a failure of the House and Senate Banking & Housing committees, HUD, and and FANNIE/FREDDIE's debt securitization and mortgage insurance schemes.

All we need to do to get out of this crises is raise interest rates and let the mortgage failures begin...

At least that way, things will be bad, but eventually they'll be able to get better. As it stands, we can let the feds spend trillions until the cows come home, but the economic sword of Damocles is NOT going to go away by itself. The second you raise interest rates, the failures are going to begin REGARDLESS.

Anonymous said...

You know how people say "begs the question" when they mean to say "rasises the question" causing us obsessive-compulsives to go into a diatribe about begging the question? I think Ducky's post is the example we obsessive-compulsives should use when trying to explain what "begging the question" means.

Friedman was wrong. We don't have time to get into the details, but suffice it to say that Friedman was wrong; therefore, Friedman was wrong.

That is begging the question.

Ducky, you seem to be pretty knowledgable. May I ask what you are by education / profession? I'm an engineer, if you care.

I think I'd seen that clip before, but I had forgotten that there was such a thing as Phil Donahue younger than 60. I mean, logic dictates that there was once such a thing, but I sure couldn't visualize it. has Friedman's PBS program "Free to Choose." I've only seen about the first 5% of it. I've been meaning to watch it as soon as I get ten hours of nothing to do.

-Tio Bowser

Anonymous said...

Duckster wrote:
"The prime mover and shaker of this serious, serious downturn was a serious disciple of Friedman's monetarism."

No, Carter was pretty much a socialist.

Milton was one of the greatest men of the last century, and his collections are a TREASURE trove of wisdom. "Free To Choose" comes immediately to mind. He DESTROYED socialist/fascist arguments. You saw him obliterate a leftist in Donahue, and he did it with a smile on his face. :-)


Anonymous said...

Z, sorry I couldn't get to your big radio broadcast today, Too much work.
THANK YOU for the Milton Freidman clip. He was an intellectual titan!


Z said...

My gosh, CJ, you're right...Long comment but no substance. geeeZ, with that much time and nothing to do? That'll be something! can listen on podcast ANY time you want. Once you're at the site it's easy to figure out how to do it. Unless you're ME and somebody has to tell you AGAIN!!!! Honestly, computers befuddle me!!!

Brooke said...

So typical of a leftist to insult without addressing the argument! LOL!

Good clip.

christian soldier said...

Enjoyed listening to the Radio show today-Will be purchasing Col Cuculla's book...he truly has 'eye opening' insight on our War on Terror!...
and- Z-actually 'hearing' your voice giving your take on events brought a smile ...

christian soldier said...

PS-Milton Friedman - always 'nails' the issue of free enterprise and -well- FREEDOM!

Anonymous said...

CJ is so right. What we saw in this clip was an emotional presentation by Donohue against a brilliant logical mind. Friedman was a thinker not a feel good idealogue.

And Ducky, your childish insults are very much akin to "pounding the table".

As for Donohue, did you notice how he became a student right before our eyes?

Great video Z. Clarity is a wonderful thing.


Papa Frank said...

It's funny to watch someone make insults against a bad suit when all they ever wear are feathers and false arguments.

Z said...

Carol (Christian Soldier) sweet, thanks! I'm so glad you listened! I know, it's fun to put a voice to a name, isn't it!

I just WISH that clip was done YESTERDAY, right? I'd love the left to WAKE UP.

I have friends who ARE NOT NUTS and they're asking me and Mr.Z if they should be putting canned food away, get guns, etc....AMERICA? Where the HECK are you?

Rick Allen said...

Hey Tio....
how bout a little less blogging and more time practicing your scales! Your an Engineer and pianist, remember?

Z said...

Rick...did I know tio plays PIANO too?

TIO!? Did you tell me that? I'll bet you're good! I play, too...for more years than I care to admit to me!

Kris said...

where have i been and why didn't i know who this guy was? thanks for enlightening me...

Z said...

BY the way, folks, some of you suggest Donohue seems to look like he's having a learning experience. I think his face says "you are NUTS, just don't get it"

The WordSmith from Nantucket said...


Personally I thought Donahue's eyes were glazed over from having his one or two brain cells fried.

CJ said...

You're probably right, it wouldn't matter how brilliant Friedman was, Donahue couldn't hear it. That's what we run into all the time, isn't it? No matter how logical and clear we are, the left just doesn't have the ears to hear. It's the most frustrating thing about all this. You can't even discuss any of it because that requires some acknowledgment of the rationality of the opponent.

Anonymous said...

Z-I play a little bit, but calling me a pianist would be misleading, for that would suggest that what I do is the same thing that you and Rick do. Nicht wahr. My sister plays pretty well though. You can always come out to Indianapolis, and we'll have a piano recital.

-Tio Bowser

Z said...

Tio...great!! I'm ready!

CJ, I think you hit it.
Donohue's eyes are such a metaphor! In that look there is so much we hear and see in the left. "no, the facts do nothing to dissuade me.....I still think conservatives are evil and why can't they see I AM RIGHT, DARN IT!"

Law and Order Teacher said...

I think we make a mistake in trying to defend greed. It isn't good or bad. It is what it is.

Humans are driven by greed. They want more, after all, why do we have a seven CD changer when one will do? Because we can.

The accumulation of wealth is what drives innovation. That's why free enterprise is the best economic system.

Donahue is a fraud. I will bet that everytime he negotiated his contract he wanted a raise. Why, because of greed. I don't think he would turn down money through some altruistic impulse.

That's why liberalism is a joke. They predicate their meanderings on some fake sense of concern for their fellow man. Then they go out and fight for their piece of the pie.

When Al Gore turns down his obscene speaking fees in order to live as an ascetic in a cave like John the Baptist, I'll give liberals a second look.

Z said...

Hi, L&O...
I am not sure Friedman exactly 'defended' greed per se, though it does sound like that, doesn't it.
I think his point is more that that's what's behind what drives us to open businesses, to buy/sell, keeps capitalism RUNNING... a form of greed is the motor...
Maybe we should call that 'healthy greed'?!!!
The bad greed is what's created our problems today and cast a real pallor over capitalism....
That's why I posted that piece on Capitalism and IF it could WORK without good, altruistic capitalists in charge...

Always On Watch said...

Friedman didn't fail. What has failed is the monetarist WILL to raise interest rates.

I myself made a few poor-risk personal loans when the interest rates dropped at the banks. And I've been stiffed!

Greenspan did our financial system a huge disservice. I know that many won't agree with me. But in my view, he turned American investors and savers into a nation of speculationists. We now have an entire generation who cannot understand the importance of safe savings. And why should they? There's so little interest to be made, and what interest IS made is taxed by both federal and state.

When I was diligently saving safely, those around me were living it up in one big party. **sigh**

The only consolation I have is that I own my house without a mortgage. Even so, I'm hanging on by my fingernails. Hell, we're even skipping one meal a day now so as to pay the COBRA health insurance and the taxes on the property! But at least, when I do cut and run to a cheaper place to live, I have full equity in this home. It's my only -- pardon the expression -- hope for economic survival. I've kissed goodbye to ever traveling in my Golden Years, that's for sure.

Incognito said...

Ha... brilliantly put in his place.

Anonymous said...

I think Friedman was not so much saying greed is good as he was acknowledging that it is part of human nature. I prefer a legal framework that recognizes this fact and allows people to make lots of money by selling goods and services that other people want.

In a perfect world, there would be no airbags in cars since there would never be any crashes. Car crashes being a part of reality, I expect car manufacturers to include safety features. In a perfect world, the law wouldn't have to account for greed. Greed and sinful nature being a part of the human condition, I expect the law to take these things into account.

In a capitalis society you can get rich by serving others and by gaming the system. In a socialist society, you can get rich only by gaming the system.

And we'll close with a little bit of Mises. He claimed that a socialist society would fail even in a society of angels. Free-market economy uses prices to express values of commodities. Even in the absence of greed, socialism has the problem of trying to figure out if people would value a new suit or a ticket to the symphony more.

That's all for now.

-Tio Bowser

Law and Order Teacher said...

I think the connotations of greed are bad. I don't see the problem with wanting a lot of stuff. The problem sets in when we put the accumulation of stuff above everything else. Wanting stuff sets us up to innovate and achieve and all those good things we learn as children. Stuff is merely the reward for achieving. Why do liberals beat themselves to death for achieving?

Z said...

AOW, I'm sorry about the're too good a person to have any problems like that. Good that the house is owned, at

Tio...THAT is exactly what I tried clumsily to say...well put, Tio! Friedman's not saying greed is GOOD but it's definitely human nature, that same human nature the left wants to squelch through disincentives, right?

L&O..I'll never figure that out. They can't STAND to achieve, and you'd better not achieve, either or you'll have to give your achievement remunerations to someone who didn't. GRRR!!!

JMK said...

There's absolutely nothing controversial in that least not from the GREAT Milton Friedman's part.

Friedman's economic policies changed Chile (an economic basketcase under Allende) to "the jewel of South America" in a few short years.

When Reagan took office, many of Friedman's opolicies were adopted here and the result was the Misery Indes was reduced to single digits by 1986, where it remained throughout Reagan's tenure.

Later another Friedman devotee (newton Gingrich) led the first cut in the federal budget in over 100 years! Those federal cuts delivered some of the lowest Misery Indexes in four decades and all those budget surpluses of the late 1990s.

Milton Friedman...along with Friedrich Hayek and Ludwig von Mises, among the greatest economists of all time.