- As we’ve reported, officials in Boston, Mass., are contemplating a ban on “sugary” beverages from the vending machines of all city municipal buildings in an attempt to whittle down public employees’ waistlines.
- Likewise, San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom used his executive order power to ban sodas and other sugary beverages from public building vending machines, replacing them with diet drinks and soy milk products.
- In a separate executive order, the San Francisco Mayor also single-handedly banned the use of city funds to purchase bottled water. “[Bottled water manufacturers] are making huge amounts of money selling God’s natural resources. Sorry, we’re not going to be part of it,” he said.
- In New York, a Brooklyn Democrat introduced a bill in the state legislature earlier this year to ban the use of salt in restaurant cooking.
- The New York Times dubbed the state of California a “national trendsetter in all matters edible” when Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger signed a bill in July to ban trans fats from the state’s 88,000 restaurants. “Under the new law, trans fats, long linked to health problems, must be excised from restaurant products beginning in 2010, and from all retail baked goods by 2011.” Other places that have banned trans fats include New York City, Philadelphia, Stamford, Conn., and Montgomery County, Md. — a suburb of Washington, D.C.
- In perhaps one of the most outrageous cases of regulations restricting small business, health officials in Oregon shut down 7-year-old Julie Murphy’s roadside lemonade stand in August for failing to secure a $120 “temporary restaurant” license.
- Kids may also be also be getting the shaft in San Francisco where officials are launching a campaign to ban “Happy Meals” or any other meals that come with a toy. The so-called “Healthy Meals Incentive” would ban toys if the food contains too much fat, sugar or salt. It wouldn’t be the first time meal-time toys would be nixed in California; earlier this year, Santa Clara County approved an ordinance “to break the link between unhealthy food and prizes.”
- New York City has banned school bake sale as part of a new wellness policy that also limits options in vending machines and student-run stores. Proceeds from the ventures generally used to help help finance school-related activities like pep rallies and proms.
- Under state laws in Texas, a single piece of candy landed a 10-year-old Brazos Elementary School student in detention for a week in May.
The above information is from THE BLAZE, a new internet site by Glenn Beck.
Please, if you don't like the messenger, nobody cares, no comments necessary, because the points above are irrefutable and that's what I'd like to address our comments to. Thanks..
To the leftists, it is and always will be about power. Keeping it and acquiring more of it by any means necessary. Why do you think the teacher's unions are screaming about that new movie 'Waiting For Superman'? Because it threatens their biggest base of power, the public schools.
Vegas, you do know that the maker of that film is a total lifelong LIBERAL who didn't want to believe what he'd been pitched to make that film..but, once he did research and read more research, he saw it's the unions screwing everything good out of our schools....
Being a teacher yourself, I'm hoping you see it and give us your opinion, okay?
Some liberals actually wake up when they're allowed to see the facts and then digest them; let's hope a lot of that happens before Nov 2's election!
For the left, everything they advocate is all about controlling the individual.
Don't you think that these laws & ordinances aren't part of the Health Care? I do.
More nanny-state...
Under state laws in Texas, a single piece of candy landed a 10-year-old Brazos Elementary School student in detention for a week in May.
I remember when Mr. Scanlon caught me with gum in Chemistry class.
A weeks detention was standard.
"The following people report to Room 214 at 3:00 with study materials ... ... Ducky ...."
Ah, I remember the morning notices as clear as a bell.
"Vegas, you do know that the maker of that film is a total lifelong LIBERAL"
The executive producer was Bill Gates.
In the meantime, Mr President is stuffing his face with burgers and hotdogs.
The left logic: let's make drugs legal and hamburgers illegal.
Today, it's junk food, tomorrow, is it meat? Dairy products? Don't think for a minute groups like Peta, and vegans in general, aren't involved in this "food police" scheme.
In the first place, it's not sugar which makes you fat, it's eating too much that makes you fat.
If you take in more calories than you burn, you'll gain weight.
If you go to MacDonalds once a week and have a cheeseburger, is that going to make you fat? No.
A cheeseburger is bread, a beef patty, a slice of cheese, slice of tomato, and lettuce.
If you eat a ground beef patty, a slice of garlic/parmesan toast, and a small salad with lettuce and tomato, with a spritz of italian dressing, on a plate will that make you fat? No. Think about it.
If you eat three cheeseburgers every day for lunch, you'll probably gain weight. Although Mr. Pris used to do just that. He never gained weight, and today still weighs 165 lbs. His metabolism was efficient enough to burn it off and still is, as is mine. We're lucky I guess.
But that's not the point, the point is, does the govt. have the right to ban food? Is there anything they don't have the right to do? You tell me!
This banning of certain foods is a way to control us. To get us used to the idea of Govt. mandating certain foods, so that when the govt. mandates something else we'll fall for it. For our own good of course.
We have America haters in the Govt. They think we have it too good, and IMO, they have a punitive attitude towards Americans.
They're out to teach us a lesson, and will continue to try and deprive us of the good life we've created for ourselves. Lower our standard of living and our expectations, while they spread our wealth around the world.
They'll use the environment, obesity, or anything as an excuse to accomplish their goal of cutting us down to size. Literally and figuratively. They'll probably tax certain foods, and God knows what else.
And anyone who falls for this isn't thinking. Frankly I'm not interested in what others' eating habits are. We'll be told it'll save us money, and that we're paying for others' bad habits.
Well I don't know anyone whose perfect including myself. I'm not about to tell others how they should live. Just don't tell me how to live and we'll get along just fine.
If anyone thinks the elitists will do without, think again. That's the rest of the story.
I'm associated with a preschool and just lunched with a dear friend who is its director......she tells me the parent handbook now has an additionl "No Cookies" in it for the parents to heed.
She's livid and not even mentioning it to the parents who "SIN" by putting one lousy cookie as a treat in their children's lunch box.....
One child brings mostly pretzels and starchy things and the Administrator isn't for it. I say "Give the parents a head's up on maybe packing a few carrot sticks in with the pretzels and MIND OUR OWN BUSINESS...what the parents pack for THEIR KIDS is NOT the problem of the school"!!
FB...that CRACKS ME UP...Yup...drugs should be legal and hamburgers should be banned; PERFECT lefty logic, !!!!
Pris, I eat fairly healthily but, the other day, I found my car sitting in the drive-thru at the local MacD's ( I DON"T KNOW HOW THAT HAPPENED! Ha!) and thought "I'll treat myself to ONE little cheeseburger." by the time I was at the window, I heard my lips saying "ONe filet of fish and a cheeseburger, please"
I downed them at home in ten minutes and LOVED IT!!! :-) MODERATION, right?
ANd yes, we'll be told:
Tom and AOW...ALL about control is right.
Ducky...ONE CANDY? I swear, those kinds of things can scar us for life, can't they?
I stole the elevator at college once as we were late for a test and the elevator 'driver' wasn't anywhere to be seen (It was in an old bldg in downtown LA)..I said "Everybody in and nobody tell who drove this thing to the third floor!"
The janitor who runs it, of COURSE, was standing at the door with his hands on his hips and horrors on his lips as our door parted and we left the elevator cab...................
he later entered the classroom during the test, whispered to the teacher, and told all the guys who were in there with me to go to the Dean.
I had to get up and tell Mrs. Chow "It was ME who stole the elevator"..."YOU, Z?" SO, off I went to the Dean...to clear the boys!
I still remember that lousy janitor's face :-)
"MODERATION, right?"
Right Z. My grandmother ate everything, until the day she died at the age of 94. She wasn't fat either. At the same time, she lived in my parent's home with second hand smoke, for decades.
I agree Z,the preschool has no business telling parents what to pack in their kid's lunches.
Are the parents mute? Why don't they clue in the administrator?
I swear, people are so timid, and parent's better wise up, before they have nothing to say about what's good or not good for their children. Like sex ed. in first grade for instance.
Ducky, today it's all about zero tolerance for whatever the state deems to be intolerable. Yes, gum chewing in class was a no no. No talking unless spoken to by the teacher, also.
Now, they'll be checking the kid's lunchbags.
After telling them the earth will burn up, there'll be no water to drink, or teaching them how to have sex, or what food they can't eat and not to listen to their parents, maybe they'll even have time to teach the kids to read. That would be a nice addition, don't you think?
What's been banned? Certain municipalities are stating what the contents of vending machines will be, big deal. If there's enough demand you can be sure a convenience store will open up across the street from city hall.
As for telling the little darlings in school that the crap they're eating is blimping them up, well, one of the reasons our education system is having difficulties is that we let the little darlings do as they please. No reason not to think nutrition isn't a legitimate part of education.
As for banning hamburgers. That seems to be a bit of a stretch. Not that the resources that go into raising beef don't make it an incredibly inefficient source of protein but that's a consciousness you have to come to yourselves.
Let's see, the Mayor of San Francisco, who has a legitimate say in the city budget, no, decides that he isn't going to waste money on bottled water and that's a negative.
It is impossible to understand the fringe right.
Ducky, stop with the 'fringe right' it rankles me and is plain stupid. If you think anybody here is 'fringe right', you're paying less attention than I thought...
Anyway, it can only be 'fringe left' who'd actually agree that AMericans can't be trusted on what to eat or what to give their kids; or that it's anybody's right BUT THEM to decided what they'll eat.
My god, man, grow up and take some responsibility for yourself and expect it from others; nobody's much dumber than you or I are........if we can be aware of stupid beef proteins, they can, too.
It's your kind of "they're too dumb to know better...so we'll take care of it for them" that put dictators in charge. And, that's never worked anywhere.
Pris, they are telling our kids how to have sex. When you were 10, did YOU know you might as well have sex with a girl any time you felt like it, too? Who even knew that happened when we were that age? Yet, suddenly, human sexuality has changed somehow so much we are giving permission to ...? WHat the...? !! :-)
"My god, man, grow up and take some responsibility for yourself and expect it from others"
Yea ducky...you don't have to hide the Milk Duds you stuck up your ass in 7th grade anymore.
Anyway, it can only be 'fringe left' who'd actually agree that AMericans can't be trusted on what to eat or what to give their kids
Let's see, we spend over 20% of our GDP on health care and have more health problems and a shorter life span than nations that spend far less.
I'd say that there are some life style issues here. If you are sucking down high fructose corn syrup and joining the ranks of the diabetics or the obese or both then it may be that we aren't making intelligent choices and the data is pretty much in.
Hey, I'm 6' 2'' and 170 lbs. Hardly in the ranks of the obese. I do take responsibility but just look around you or go to a super market and look at rows and rows of soda and chips and tell me there aren't problems. Plus a lot of this crap is subsidized so its pretty cheap and a lot of poor families just pile on the pizza because that's what they can afford.
Sorry, z, but it's been a while before you've visited the center of the political scale.
The beef issue may matter to some when they realize that the world's ability to produce protein due to a lot of agriculture going for cattle feed and overfishing and destruction of fish stock is declining and starving people in parts of the world but ... it's their fault for choosing to be poor, I guess. Living with blinkers is an easy way to go, z.
Well...it's one thing to object to imposing safeguards for adults. But is it not another to do so for children? I wouldn't have wanted to see vending machines stocked with junk food in my kids' schools.
As for adults...yes, liberty can mean the right to imbibe harmful foods. But most of us, even Libertarians, are OK with, say, outlawing the use of cocaine in Coca Cola - an ingredient originally in it. So why then is it not reasonable to ban trans fats?
If we knew in yesteryear how dangerous cigarettes are, would it have been wrong to outlaw them?
Is there a slippery slope? Indeed there is. Just as Z says. But are there not slippery slopes in all manner of things and practises in society? Are we to accept next to everything for fear of going too far?
Canadian Steve
Well...it's one thing to object to imposing safeguards for adults. But is it not another to do so for children? I wouldn't have wanted to see vending machines stocked with junk food in my kids' schools.
As for adults...yes, liberty can mean the right to imbibe harmful foods. But most of us, even Libertarians, are OK with, say, outlawing the use of cocaine in Coca Cola - an ingredient originally in it. So why then is it not reasonable to ban trans fats?
If we knew in yesteryear how dangerous cigarettes are, would it have been wrong to outlaw them?
Is there a slippery slope? Indeed there is. Just as Z says. But are there not slippery slopes in all manner of things and practises in society? Are we to accept next to everything for fear of going too far?
Canadian Steve
Ducky, how is this stuff subsidized, and what all is included on it?
The day they take my Mike & Ike's candies away is the day I nuckin go futs.
Just sayin.
Ducky, don't tell me what I am politically...you know very well the readers here aren't any more fringe than you are.
Unless you mean fringers on the right believe in upholding the constitution, I guess I'd have to agree we're fringers...and proud to be so.
I can't live with blinkers on, Ducky, I am too interested in too many things around me.
Our food's been badly tainted for years now; you can't find a chicken in Germany that's been pumped with chemicals like most of ours are....
And nobody said the poor should be eating fattening crap; educate..the poor are no more dense than anybody else...
I'm surprised you're 6'2 for some reason.
Stop with the excuses, teach people what's good for them and what's not good for them and let them decide. Stop feeling like the left has to teach; it's just silly.
Steve, nobody's suggesting we have to have vending machines full of sugary drinks...of course there are better alternatives; but don't mandate ... it IS a slippery slope and one slope's got us buying car companies and telling companies what they can pay employees......
none of this is good.
Nice to have you here today.
Beamish, tell me what that candy's like..never nuckin heard of it :-)
You've never had Mike and Ike's jelly bean candies, Z?
I may have to put together a care package for you.
I don't think I have, Beamish!
Steve, if we knew yesteryear how dangerous alcohol was would it have been wrong to outlaw it?
Oh whoops, I guess it was!!
In California, legalization of marijuana is going to be on the ballot. Is that ok? How do you feel about that?
I guess folks know it's carcinogenic, but, somehow that doesn't seem to matter.
San Francisco shouldn't waste money on bottled water. Let the employees buy their own. Or do what I do, drink tap water.
And no Ducky, the little darlings shouldn't be allowed to do whatever they want, but their parents have the right to supply whatever food they want to their kids.
Sugar never hurt anyone, only too much sugar does. It isn't what you eat, it's how much you eat.
I have few addictions, Z.
Fast cars, intelligent women, loud music, and Mike and Ike's jelly bean candies.
Not sure I could give up any of them, but think M&I's would have to be torn from my cold dead fingers.
z, let the parents supply what they like. The school is still required to make sound choices in what it makes available.
The right has this curious idea of freedom. Just go ahead and do what you like, since Libertarianism apparently sees this as the greatest goof they'll allow most anything. Other than immediate physical threats, it's all pretty much good.
What if things don't go well, the market will straighten it out. Well in the case of junk food it hasn't happened and in the process a few key requirements of the market get tossed.
Both parties should be equally informed in a transaction but in the case of foods, that ain't happening. You take kids who have been conditioned by high salt and sugar at an early age, parents who are unaware of the dangers and an industry that's pumping out the advertising at enormous levels and you have a pretty good idea why the nation's diet is crap.
Now if government takes a few steps to limit the poor choices of kids and publicize where it stands on issues by making a statement on what gets sold in vending machines in government buildings then it is strengthening the soundness of choice in the market.
So, what we have here is right wing whining on top of the usual lack of understanding of the issue. The right is acting with its emotion rather than reason, not unusual.
Ducky, just STOP.
YOu know very well education about foods, etc., is the key; and that people ARE making better choices, at least everybody I know is...but they STILL HAVE CHOICES, why's that so hard for YOU to swallow?
Hilarious about your emotion v reason; we've got a left who operates on nothing but feelings and you have the nerve to say that!? :-)
Yes, the left feels BADLY that everybody isn't RICH so we all have to be poor.
The left feels badly that illegals can't find jobs in Mexico or other countries so the left wants to give them ours AND pay for them, too
The left feels badly that Blacks can't make it on their own and acts accordingly, the Right knows they CAN (as do most Black Americans)
The left feels badly that one person fell in a store so everybody has to have laws prohibiting whatever it was which caused that person to fall
The ...
oh, man, Ducky...feelings, feelings...it's what's ruining the country.
The Right THINKS out the feelings, thinks our solutions and understands that, pardon the expression SHIT HAPPENS.
LIFE HAPPENS, Ducky..you can't legislate it because of FEELINGS.
Also, this isn't about one aspect, like sugar in soft drinks in vending machines; this is one thing thinking people react negatively to because it's on top of so much OTHER ridiculous leftwinger restriction
Ducky, the school is responsible for the school lunches they supply, which btw have included nachos, hamburgers, dessert, potato chips, you name it.
So, now what's it going to be, rabbit food? You know where those school lunches will end up? In the trash can, that's where. More taxpayer money in the garbage.
The state is not the kids' parents. I know you won't be satisfied until the State controls everything.
Right now the govt. is "suggesting". How long before a child's diet is subject to accusations of child abuse.
Don't tell me that can't happen, because it can, and you know it. So, whose children are they? Who is going to decide what's good or bad for the children? The parents or the state?
Here's the sound decision the schools can make. Teach the children to read, learn math, learn science, geography, history and english.
And maybe, over 50% will graduate. Now that's a goal we all can support. Right now, I'd say that half the time in school is wasted on social engineering, false esteem efforts, and indoctrination.
But, are the kids literate? Ummmm not necessarily. We're 25th in the world. Pretty pathetic for a country which in the past, was way up there in it's academic standards.
But, who cares as long as the children eat carrots and are politically correct!!
I'm so glad I didn't look at this entry or I might not have had that hamburger & 1/2 the order of fries for lunch, & I'm right where the doctor says I should be. Enjoyed 'em, too. But tonight I'll have some Greek yoghurt in penance. In La. the fat ones way outnumber the smaller size folks, & they don't give rat's tail feathers. Stuff, stuff, stuff with heavy.
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