Whereas it is the duty of nations as well as of men to own their dependence upon the overruling power of God, to confess their sins and transgressions in humble sorrow, yet with assured hope that genuine repentance will lead to mercy and pardon, and to recognize the sublime truth, announced in the Holy Scriptures and proven by all history, that those nations only are blessed whose God is the Lord......
...We have been the recipients of the choicest bounties of Heaven; we have been preserved these many years in peace and prosperity; we have grown in numbers, wealth, and power as no other nation has ever grown. But we have forgotten God. We have forgotten the gracious hand which preserved us in peace and multiplied and enriched and strengthened us, and we have vainly imagined, in the deceitfulness of our hearts, that all these blessings were produced by some superior wisdom and virtue of our own. Intoxicated with unbroken success, we have become too self-sufficient to feel the necessity of redeeming and preserving grace, too proud to pray to the God that made us.
It behooves us, then, to humble ourselves before the offended Power, to confess our national sins, and to pray for clemency and forgiveness."
Have a thoughtful, enjoyable Independence Day............
If you'd like a most succinct, informative explanation of The Star Spangled Banner and what brought on its composition, please see KID'S BLOG...it's terrific.
Wonder why scientists waited till July 4th to announce they've found the Higgs.
It's CERN. They're European. It's just another day.
The intoxication has only gotten worse since Lincoln's time, **sigh**
Music for the day...
Geez, you might be interested:
I pretty much read my 4th post on the air and it generated a discussion.
And this following segment talks about the importance of what we do on the internet:
Maybe Chief Justice Roberts like our Dear Leader Barack Hussein Obama has never read the Declaration or the Constitution. I am so upset at what is going on I'm at a loss for words!
The levels of corruptions, thuggery, and lawlessness are unimaginable.
Perhaps on this Independence Day,Our Dear Leader as well as Chief Justice Roberts needs to re-read, and think about, our Declaration of Independence..
I wonder if these people that voted for the Dog Eater are happy now that they gave us We got to the bottom of the barrel..
Happy Independence Day, to my fellow Conservative Americans! The rest of you, I hope you are satisfied with what you have done to this Country.
When you talk to a Progressive like "Ducky here" get in their face and tell them that you don’t want them taxing us and taking our freedoms away. Let them know that we will confront their power grab even if they lie, cheat, and steal! And see if they care! They don't!
Happy Independence Day!!!
America has never been in greater need of our prayers.
Have a great day, Z!
Best wishes for a great day. Happy Indepencdence Day for America. May the coming year return her to her Greatness.
Could you imagine such humility coming from a politician today?
We've lost our way.
FJ, that is terrific...I wonder who produced that, it's so good. Truly makes it easier to understand and has a great beat, too! Thanks!
VERY interesting stuff, isn't it!!
SF....I know there are still people out there like that. Not politicians, no!
More self-evident truth: God did not turn His back on America; America turned its back on Him. We need to fix this problem.
it's facts like these that are getting me down today...
thanks, Elbro; this presidency is getting away with a LOT that Americans don't know about, aren't they.
This Maddening World: Roberts has shaken my confidence in the highest court in the land; I guess I always felt that at least that court would stay away from caring what the leftwing media might say, or the reputation in general of the court, that they'd put the constitution first. but, alas...
Bunkerville...I hope so.
Sam, amen to that.
ConFire...that's for sure.
I urge everyone to read all the excellent posts on the 4th at all the blogs of my commenter friends...enjoy!
I see my somber-toned post is not unusual as I look around. This year's been tough and there's a feeling of amazement at what's being pulled on us.
I wonder who produced that, it's so good. Truly makes it easier to understand and has a great beat, too!
Glad you asked.
...and yes, it is very interesting stuff!
FJ...quite a woman! Left brain/right brain!
She's definitely got a nucliEAR!
FJ..I suppose that, today, with dumbed down kids, they need rap to capture their interest; I couldn't help but wonder if teachers use these videos.
Lincoln is my favorite President. He was a man of honesty and integrity. It is too bad we don't have one of those in the White House, today.
By the way, according to reports CERN has not really "discovered" the Higgs boson. Their confidence is at the 4.3 sigma level, and for a sure 'nuff discovery it needs to be confirmed at the 5 sigma level. At the 4.3 level, they just think they have observed it. I don't know all that means, either, but I have an idea.
The Large Hadron Collider was so expensive, and has been such a disappointment that they had to show some results. Today's announcement will serve to buy them some time.
Geez! This sounds like more politics than it does about science. What a world.
Thank you Z,
For this most deep and thoughtful post. It is amazing isn't it, that even in Lincoln's time, there was apathy and a taking for granted this nation's bounty, and freedom.
We all have to be reminded at times, the blessings we've been given here in America.
Happy Independence Day to you all!
God Bless America
FJ..I suppose that, today, with dumbed down kids, they need rap to capture their interest; I couldn't help but wonder if teachers use these videos.
I don't know if teachers use them, I only know that you can't push with a rope...
I put on TV before I joined friends out for lunch and Little House on the Prairie was on the channel I turned it on to.
I sat down and saw a foreigner had built a flag pole for their town...he talked about how this country is the greatest ever...
later, they all joined around the flag and the guy with the Swedish accent who lives in town thanked the other foreigner for the flag pole and all the native born, and not native-born Americans looked around the flag, all so glad to be around it, all so glad to be American. Fictional? Of course, it's television. Did people really ever feel about America like that? Absolutely...and not too many years ago. Do some of us now? of course.
But, I thought of how times have changed and how we allowed it and have let those people down.
God bless immigration to this country when they come to be part of America, appreciate AMerica...like my grandparents did and my own mother does now... more than many Americans I know. MANY.
I just saw a soldier named Gonzalez on FOX who is missing limbs from the Afghanistan war....he said he couldn't wait to fight for this country; that he loved America and was so grateful to her. That's a true immigrant, the kind we want and need.
"Their confidence is at the 4.3 sigma "
Sorry. Now the reports are that the 5 sigma level is met in most of the experiments. It looks like they have it. The Higgs, that is. Now, if I could figure out what to do with that information...
"I just saw a soldier named Gonzalez on FOX who is missing limbs from the Afghanistan war....he said he couldn't wait to fight for this country; that he loved America and was so grateful to her. That's a true immigrant, the kind we want and need."
I saw that, too, Z, and it brought tears to my eyes. That, and the guy with the tattoo on his side that said that for his family no sacrifice was too great.
I liked your post so much, and couldn't help but think that if things were that bad in Lincoln's day, what would he think, NOW?
That episode on Fox, with the wounded warriors, reminds me of this quote by John Adams to his wife, speaking of signing the Declaration of Independence:
"You will think me transported with enthusiasm, but I am not. I am well aware of the toil and blood and treasure that it will cost us to maintain this Declaration, and support and defend these States. Yet through all the gloom I can see the rays of ravishing light and glory; I can see that the end is more than worth all the means, that posterity will triumph in that day's transaction, even though we should rue it, which I trust in God we shall not."
Happy Independence Day to you, Z, and to all the others here who still believe in our country, and are keeping the faith!
Bob, I'm not sure, either :-)
thanks, Jan...We'll never 'rue it' but it's hard to see Americans today SO SO SO off the beat of our founding fathers who thought country came first, war was worth it if we were protecting ourselves, we should protect our borders, and be self sufficient, with as small government as possible.
That show today was really hard to watch, wasn't it.
At the end, when Kelly asked for applause, the cameras panned onto the soldiers with so many lost limbs and it REALLY struck home...they cannot even applaud. That was kind of a metaphor for SO MUCH.
And still these heroes with no legs or no legs and no arm, or no legs and no arms, said they didn't regret a thing.
Leftwingers won't understand that (it'd be hard for ME to were I in their place) and I think therein lies a very dangerous problem for our country. Those guys were THERE, whatever we're being told, they felt it important enough to go and fight and even in their horrible losses now, they know they did the right thing.
"later, they all joined around the flag".
I just remembered that I was listening the other day to discussion of the Obamadon'tcare fiasco and when I got the truck parked, I walked over to my flagpole.
The flag now flies upside down, signalling distress.
At least until November.
Hopefully not after.
you may find this amusing duhkkky
Ed, didn't it reveal itself? I thought that was what the big announcement of today was!?
Ed, by the way, I like your idea of flying the flag upside down for distress; if it's ever been in distress, this is the time, isn't it.
Happy 4th, Z!
I would never, ever, rap in class. My students would laugh if I did. I teach the good old-fashioned way. Give them the information and impose discipline in class on the students by requiring that they respond and do their job as a student. Pretty simple.
We need to require of our students that they be disciplined in and out of class, be citizens that contribute to society. We were required to do our jobs and students will respond to discipline today. They just don't like it. Too bad
L&O, I agree...what I wondered is if teachers use that video of rap explaining physics to maybe create some interest!
Ya, don't rap in class :-)
Mr AOW..thanks, same to you! xxx
Thanks for the mention Z.
I believe there were many more good men in those days because Life was Hard. You had to pay attention just to survive.
I hope you are having a wonderful 4th.
Hi, Kid...thanks. It was a nice day. I hope yours was good, too.
I think you're right about good men coming from tougher times; Today, when "life is hard", it's ritalin that's the order of the day.
When Life is Hard, the kids don't have to have scores so nobody feels badly...when Life is Hard, they pass them up to the next grade, anyway....when Life is Hard, the gov't will bail you out..
etc etc.
But, I'm trying to be positive and this isn't helping :-)
Tomorrow's post is positive, greatly positive and I'm looking forward to it!
Lincoln also said this, which is relevant considering the SCOTUS 'Citizen's United' decision allowing corporations to buy our Democracy, anonymously and with foreign interests.:
"...I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war,corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed...."
for the context of your quote from Lincoln Libdude you should read this:
Lincoln was a corporate lawyer.
you see libman he was referring to the results of the war, not some future faux Marxist class warfare,
We may congratulate ourselves that this cruel war is nearing its end.
It has cost a vast amount of treasure and blood. . . .
It has indeed been a trying hour for the Republic; but
I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war,corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places
will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety
of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.
God grant that my suspicions may prove groundless."
don't worry libdude...keep coming back...we'll keep educating you
Elbro, we need to include that the CORPORATIONS aren't REPUBLICANS! Neither is Wall Street...though the media does a particularly good job with that lie.
My cousin's wife is a very big headhunter on Wall St....she said nearly all the really big hitters are Democrats and pretty leftwing about it...
It's important to remember that as it's also been discussed in periodicals but the public doesn't really read that stuff, sadly.
So right Z. Wall Street has given huge sums to Obama
Elmers Brother said...
for the context of your quote from Lincoln Libdude you should read this:
Same context. How about Eisenhower:
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist."
Z said...
Elbro, we need to include that the CORPORATIONS aren't REPUBLICANS! Neither is Wall Street...though the media does a particularly good job with that lie.
Lol, did you say this with a straight face? I'll bet you've also said; "I'm not racist, I have a friend who is black, ' lol
Littleman that you can't recognize your own classic Marxist tendencies is no reason to project them on great men who were neither Marxist nor imbecilic like yourself.
Z, Very good point. Wall Street is full of people who vote for Dems.
James Cramer voted for obama, as did many other Wall Street professionals that I'm acquainted with. There must be something in the water up there.
Or it could be about the money I guess.
Littleman you're familiar with Marx's historical dialectic?
You should also consider that the Democrats controlled Congress from the 1930s to the 1980s ... look how large the 'militaru industrial complex' grew while THEY were in power. You're a hoot man
Elmers brother has entered into my pantheon of great people who won't allow historical figures to be misused for partisan purposes. I want to think that I am the keeper of the quotes, but EB, you are the man.
It's too bad Libtards don't have to follow the 3 Laws For Robotics
They are mindless robotic twits afterall.
I would add one more though. Refusal to accept fact will result in one way deportation to the marxist country of choice. That would clear things up in a hurry.
Thanks L and O but you may retain the title. I'm an amateur, you're the pro.
Thanks, but I want to give credit where credit's due. You have amazed me with your research/knowledge. Keep up the good work. Together we'll keep these people under control.
Well thank you then.....I'd rather the ignoramuses finally recognize their ignorance and repent.
I've often thought that ignorance spawns ignorance. It's amusing to watch as they feed off each other. I only wish that Romney would get on the uptick. Sheesh. Let it go son.
At this point I'm more concerned about going to the gulag or a reeducation camp than I am the corporatist.
Libmann>>Z said...
Elbro, we need to include that the CORPORATIONS aren't REPUBLICANS! Neither is Wall Street...though the media does a particularly good job with that lie.
Lol, did you say this with a straight face? I'll bet you've also said; "I'm not racist, I have a friend who is black, ' lol"
Can you tell me ANY connection between that racist nonsense and the truth I wrote?
I'll wait! :-)
you're smarter than that.
Aren't you?
To the smarter ones :-)..
I thought it was pretty understandable...pretty clear; wall street types are NOT the republicans the left likes to say they are; they're mostly quite far lefties. but, you know, "Some of my best friends are Wall St. guys" (Not!) !!!!
Z can Littleman help it if he has a button in a fur coat?
Cat got your tongue Littlemann?
EB You're absolutely right.
Although before you use that term you should know that the word was used as a propaganda tool by the Nazis and the Fascists...it was a euphemism for Jew.
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