Yes, I will probably be back August 1, the day I go back to work. Maybe. That's been my plan, but now I'm not sure.
Lots to think about. I've been happily busy but have watched television news, too.
Watching Obama speeches.
Seeing horrid scandals simply dismissed as not horrid.
Constant insults.
The requisite Obama-speech joking about 'the other party' and how they just don't understand that what he wants is good for us all and that they should 'move on' (always accompanied by his toothsome grin which seems to say 'what's WRONG with those people?') and let him do it so all of us will thrive.
Very difficult to watch an American president that nasty. A first in our history.
I may blog on gardening instead. If I was a gardener.
Or art, maybe. Or music. Or cooking. Maybe I should go back to Mac 'n GeeeZ, the food blog I've been neglecting in my efforts to discourage myself as much as possible with research for political posts and the astonishingly sad and even indecent comments I sometimes get here.
News is full of every massive fire ...for days ...until the fire's out. We don't hear that good news.
We hear about every missing child until it's found dead. If it's found alive, barely a mention.
I just heard a talk between two MDs who say we shouldn't be calling some cancers 'cancer' because they don't grow quickly and people get nervous and over treat. Is this sudden discussion a prelude to Obama Care turning down your cancer should you, God forbid, get cancer in the next few years?
I watched a favorite film of mine this morning, The Women, and one woman used the 'generic' "HIS" in a sentence..."everyone must watch over HIS own feelings.." There isn't a man in the film, by the way. She used that in the way I remember used to be acceptable, until women started feeling belittled and we had to start saying "his and her" can add "it" to that now, too, I suppose. It felt so refreshing to hear the correct grammar but then so sad to remember we mustn't say "his" anymore lest we offend some woman.
I just heard about a guy named Daniel Chong who was detained for having had drugs for four days with no food or water and nearly died. He won a $4.1 million dollar settlement. DoJ is looking into what happened (in May, 2012). Meanwhile, he's of Chinese descent...where are the Asians yelling "RACISM! RACISM!". Nowhere. Even Chong is saying it was "a horrible accident.." Rare and admirable reaction after having had to drink your own urine to stay alive, I'd say. No Chinese Al Sharpton's around?
Obama's "Hello, everybody.." with which he greets Democrats upon meeting with them, seems to now mean "...get a load of the insults we're going to pile on the Republicans and let's plan my next belittling speech.........we're going to promise Americans the world but, don't worry, the rich are going to PAY. I'll get Axelrod, he'll figure it out. :-)" And Americans believe it. And, yesterday, Axelrod actually said "I occasionally talk with the president.............." Right.. "occasionally" WOULD that the Republicans had a man as dedicated, so cleverly evil and conniving as Axelrod. Add Soros money to Axelrod's astonishing mind and focused endeavors in bringing to life leftist dreams and it makes the Kochs, who the left brings up the minute we're on to Soros or any of Obama's supportive cronies, look like small potatoes in the light of the left's reality.
Only a few intractable libs come here, so am I singing to the choir? What's the point?
Got any insights of your own, folks? what's the point anymore, right?, with a president who just wants to keep spending tho there isn't any money left (considering we're $16 TRILLION in the hole) and insulting the other party with lies and demeaning laughter on television? I would laugh at us, too, considering one hardly hears the Republicans trying so hard to get Americans to wake up to the debts and over spending and pitfalls of the Obama Health Care fiasco, to only name a few things. But then I realize we're speaking out but Americans are not hearing it. It's the media.
I've watched a lot of CNN the last month or so.......and a little network news, too, for a change. We have to realize what happens when the media's SO in the hole for one party and we have to realize Americans aren't hearing both sides nor are they hearing anything even slightly and oh, so legitimately, critical of Obama.
Meanwhile, CNN got an interview with a terrorist but the FBI hasn't. Is that how Obama's "tracking down terrorists?"
I'd have thought even the Left would understand how dangerous that is to a democracy. They would if it was Republicans insulting them, misrepresenting them, with a media in their pockets, trust me.
So...what to do?
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