Sunday, July 21, 2013

Sunday Faith Post - HOPE HEALS

HOPE HEALS.   I believe I've introduced you before to Katherine and Jay, but they have a new, very short film, and I believe my blog is graced to present it here as my weekly Sunday Faith post.  You will be graced, too:

Katherine is an amazing young woman and her husband Jay is the producer of that film, the interior designer of their beautiful home, and the extraordinary chef who cooks for her now that she can swallow.
You will see in the short video that -

"All things work for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."  Romans 8: 28.

Give yourself a few minutes and watch..........and you'll see just what HOPE can do, and you'll get a sense of what Katherine and Jay want to do with what they have learned.  This has become their ministry...they have been 'called according to His purpose" in a most extraordinary and painful and confusing way.  And they're ready for it. 

I hope you've been blessed by watching and thinking and seeing how true HOPE can heal.

PS: Regarding Friday's post and my request for prayers for "L", I want to confirm that she came out of surgery well, the amputation was, very happily, below the elbow, BUT, she's got lots of pain and the drugs are miserable and she needs prayer for no complications.  I am glad that, at the time of surgery, she was just starting to feel the HOPE Katherine and Jay have....



Jen said...

It was even better the second time!

And yes, hope heals, even if not in the ways we expect.

I am glad you posted this again.

sue hanes said...

Z - I am glad that 'L' is doing well and I will keep her in my prayers.

I hope your Sunday is good.

Z said...

Jen, it's close, but this film is different; a little longer, more details, etc.
I admire them both so much.
They're in Alabama now presenting the film and doing a Q&A. They are really getting into a ministry to help others with the hope that's kept them together and, frankly, sane, after such an awful thing.

Sue, thanks...she needs prayer. These next weeks will be so painful and hard for her. But, I know she'll do well.

elmers brother said...

I follow them on Facebook