Saturday, March 7, 2009

Don't you feel like we're just JUMPING THROUGH HOOPS ?

I saw Alan Colmes 'debate' Cal Thomas on FOX this morning.

Cal Thomas was bemoaning earmarks and how Obama hasn't done what he promised about ridding us of millions of dollars in special interest pork.

Alan smiles that toothsome, loathsome grin, and says "Well, you have to remember this bill was started in the past's hard for Obama to get rid of earmarks from the past administration's work..." (the public hears that and some believe him)

Cal Thomas remained silent. There's Z wanting to SCREEEEECH at the TV "But, BUSH didn't write this @$*(#&# bill! PELOSI AND REID (and Soros) DID...WHY DON'T YOU REMIND HIM, CALLLL??" Cal just sat there with a BIG smile on his face. Alan wins. And Alan knows he's wrong. Even Alan isn't THIS devoid of his senses. (if Cal doesn't rebutt, then....that public thinks he's got to be right!)

Do you ever feel like some of those people we THINK are on OUR side are not standing up for US?

(thanks for the picture, Mr. Z...I was typing this post when I got it...kind of fit!)


Anonymous said...

Actually, what amazes me most is that we even have television at all. What is the point when no American can remember anything longer than thirty . . . .what was I saying?

Law and Order Teacher said...

I used to think Alan was a pretty even-handed guy, but lately I have come to see him as totally intellectually dishonest. He was nothing on the show but an unprepared foil for Hannity. I don't think he left willingly, I think he was fired.

~Leslie said...

It often makes me want to fight my way into the interview/debate and really tell them all what the common American knows, feels, and can see.

~Leslie said...

BTW: great picture did you take it or find it?

Gayle said...

You're right, Z! It drives me nuts too when the interviewer doesn't point out the truth but just sits there like a dumb bump on a log! GRRRR!

Anonymous said...

Z, you noticed that Alan lied, that's what leftists do. Cal SHOULD have been more on his toes in that case. I've been blind-sided by these pernicious creatures of the left before, but that's because I like to think the best of people. I refuse to believe that the last moral leftist was D. Patrick Moynihan. Somewhere there MUST be an honest and forthright leftists out there.

They lie like cheap blankets, and they do so shamelessly!


Z said...

Mustang...sound bites...we live on sound bites. And, it's not enough we are watching a news story, they have to have a 'crawl' with another news story across the top of what we're watching and NOW with DirecTV, one can watch SIX different channels at the same time and pick what you want to zero in on. Oh, brother, is this SENSORY OVERLOAD.

L&0...Colmes is totally intellectually dishonest, you're right. The only really good shots he got at Hannity were JUST before the end of a segment, before they had to go to commercial, he's quickly get in some snide comment..which seemingly negated all that Hannity had just said, remember? And most of the time, it was RUBBISH but effective to those who don't know better.

Leslie, don't you wish some of us bloggers could do a panel on TV...I've often thought how popular a show that could be. Real informed people duking it out...The picture was taken in Vancouver, CA...readying for the Olympics there!! Wait till you see the story Mr. Z wrote about what's going on in's shocking and we're not hearing about it..I'll have it up in the next couple of days.

Gayle, it's infuriating! OUR OWN aren't prepared with the answers you and I KNOW!!!

Morgan...I didn't know you're a fan of Moynihan's, too. He LOVED THIS COUNTRY even if he did have a different view of how to reach her best success. Those were the days, huh? xx

Chuck said...

Do you ever feel like some of those people we THINK are on OUR side are not standing up for US?

Z, you are dead on about this. I find myself practically jumping out of my skin watching these debates.

As far as Colmes, I always thought he was an idiot. His argument is always "yea, but, so and so did the same thing". Never a coherent answer other than some Republican at some time did something similar.

Z said...

OH, brother, CHUCK...that is SO familiar. Yes "THEY DID IT, TOO!" Is the answer of the Left.
As if that helps? But, it makes him feel better. Even if it's not true.

But, this pinning this stimulus package on BUSH? AS IF!

Chuck said...

BTW Z, stop by and see Ari Fleischer's response to MSNBC

Z said...

Chuck, thanks! WELL worth reading! HOORAH for Ari Fleischer!

I with he'd work with Michael Steele!

Anonymous said...

Republicans, trying to win favor with liberals, denounce the likes of Coulter and Limbaugh. The liberals then debate the conservative junior varsity and create the impression that they have the superior arguement.

One of the worst things I saw out of Colmes came when they reported that Elian Gonzalez was working for the Communist Party in Cuba. Colmes, grinning from ear to ear, had apparently forgotten that liberals are supposed to pretend they oppose Communism.

-Tio Bowser

Z said...

Only Michael Steele denounces Rush, Tio! (well, not ONLY, but..LOL!)

I must say I dislike the tactics of Rush and Coulter because, while their acerbic delivery gets them attention, the Left runs with that and denounces it for its SHRILLNESS and NASTINESS the Left a perfect out for not debating the SUBSTANCE...which is usually DEAD ON.

Know what I mean?

Colmes....If Obama murdered someone on TV, Colmes would say "So what, SO DID JACK RUBY!"

Anonymous said...

"Do you ever feel like some of those people we THINK are on OUR side are not standing up for US?"

You mean there are people on our side in the Media!

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

...picking up where Cal Thomas left off...

"And so, Mr. Colmes, are you accusing the Messiah of reneging on his promise of 'change' from Bush policies if he signs a bill that never got to Bush's desk? Are you a racist, or just a blasphemer?"

Anonymous said...

"Do you ever feel like some of those people we THINK are on OUR side are not standing up for US?"

