thanks, FT
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"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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COW: “pasteurized” again?
OBAMA: No, just up to your grandchildren's grandchildren's chin.
Well, if we can't afford to pay up then we shouldn't have deregulated and let John Galt build an equity bubble that put us this far in debt, right?
Time for the right wing to man up and accept the fact that they let this much unsustainable leverage into the system.
DaBlade, fantastic!
Ducky, stop reading and get a grip. Think CONGRESS and what they did the last 2 years...and are still doing more now.
Think about when Bush and mcCain warned about Freddie and Fannie and how you ignored them. And even STILL can't admit it.
No, I'm afraid that it's not as simple as you'd like to make it, but VERY good try.
Do some reading on Rahm Emanuel and Geithner, some time...DARN, I wish that Geithner's father hadn't worked with Obama's mother those years back, and I wish Obama hadn't played so much basketball that he'd decide his basketball buddies were right to run this country, but we're stuck now, aren't we.
I'm quite sure we've never had a president who gets people like Stanley Greenberg to tell him how to slam Conservatives for the best venue for the most effect, like Greenberg intimated the other night in an interview, are you?
We need adults back in office. This is scary. I think THAT's what the cow's saying.
Why do you folks waste so much time and energy on these stupid subjects?
Think CONGRESS and what they did the last 2 years...and are still doing more now.
Okay, z, I'm going to go real slow. We are in a serious financial situation, you can probably call it a depression.
Now, how did we get here? Our financial institutions leveraged paper that was not based on solid assets at a rate of 50-1. We are bankrupt.
The consumer went so far into debt spending the imaginary home appreciation money that there is NO way we can generate a consumer led recovery.
Businesses can help grow an economy with capital spending but they will NOT spend to generate more excess capacity. If the consumer isn't spending then business is in a profit squeeze.
That leaves government as the one entity that can spend. If they undertake a well structured program that invests in projects that generate future growth we come out ahead.
Now, it is true that what Geithner and Summers are doing is trying to make Wall Street whole and get back to the way things were before the bubble burst. Insane, BUT THAT IS NOT WHAT THE RIGHT OBJECTS TO.
The right objects to the fact that government is involved at whole because you have been indoctrinated into a pathological fear of government.
Now, why don't you DO SOME READING. You are WAY BEHIND THE CURVE on Geithner. I imagine you think he's liberal.
Yes this is a scary time. Made more frightening by the possibility that a far right wing that behaves like Pavlov's dogs whenever they hear words like government, Muslim, Israel, freedom, capitalism. You've been conditioned to react and compound it by assuming you have understanding.
Actually, the best is when you start talking about the Constitution as if you've actually spent any time studying Constitutional law. You just don't understand your limitations.
The initial move, when in financial distress, for a normal person is to stop spending, stop borrowing and find ways to economize. Like turn your thermostat lower during winter, higher in summer. Like buying bargain brand items at the grocer's. Eating out less often, don't rent videos, reduce the channels on your cable package, mend your clothing and polish your shoes instead of buying new. Simply do without things.
As for the caption,
"You need to take of the mother cow or there will be no milk for anything."
It's a very old adage, Z, but it was never truer than right now.
Sal's Gal
Wouldn't you know it. Ron Paul was right.
Can't think of a caption right now though. I think I'm too pissed off.
Hiya Z - That poor, emaciated cow is more than representative of our US Treasury - it is symbolic of a thorough milking of our nation's values and freedoms. Those Obama buckets have been shamelessly being filled by swindling, tricking, duping and fleecing....
"Got Bilk?"
We are in a serious financial situation, you can probably call it a depression. Now, how did we get here?
While Ducky demonstrates what an imbecile he is, continuing with his left-right banality, others would like to see government take meaningful measures to arrest the economic cancer that confronts us. Proper government action is similar to that of a responsible family, on a much larger scale. The solution to debt is not more debt, and increased spending is not the answer to depleted national wealth. Everyone who is not a simpleton or a politician knows this . . .
The cartoon cow is mislabeled; it should be “taxpayer” rather than treasury because the last time I checked, the only money to which government entitles itself is ours.
So what's the deal, mustang? Tax cuts, the universal response.
Since spending isn't coming down I don't understand how swapping the owner of the debt really accomplishes anything long term.
Fact is that trying to restore Wall Street to it's pre-bubble state isn't a good idea either but I can't seem to get my brethren on the right to admit that Wall Street has owned their unfree little backsides for quite some time.
Also I notice that many of the most vociferous critics of government spending collect government or municipal pensions, health care and a variety of other benefits.
That cartoon is dead on.
I wonder why Grey-Headed Brother wastes his time posting the same troll spam on multiple sites?
Ducky, What you might want to learn is that many people around the world do not think that what Summers and Geithner are doing is fixing ANYTHING. The Pres of the EU thinks we're "going straight into hell"....these are people who've LIVED what we're attempting to do and know it's wrong. These are people who you and yours bemoaned "didn't admire us anymore".....and now they don't matter? Now they're to be ignored because you disagree?
Because half of America disagrees with you, you have to insult that they've not read the constitution, they're over reacting, they need to listen carefully to YOU? The hubris is astonishing.
Gray headed, I'm sorry...some of us think that what the man you IDOLIZE is doing is just plain wrong and we're frightened to see that people who obviously don't have a clue are in charge. Good luck to you. Brooke's right.
Sal's Gal...I've never heard that adage..perfect.
Brooke...weird, huh?
Some years ago, when the roots of the financial meltdown were starting, Congress CHOSE not to use their authorized oversight of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. As I recall, GWB did try to get Congress to wise up -- and least a bit.
I don't know what makes Americans think that federal oversight and regulation will be any better.
I'll call wrong, wrong when I see it. The republicans got cocky and started to spend and act like liberals. So they lost the congress. Then we had the Democrats in charge and guess what? They got cockier and started spending right out of the gate. Now we have an overtaking of America by the liberals who think they don't have to account for their actions to anyone.
Since those Democrats have attained control of the total government (minus a couple of conservatives in the Supreme court --which they are planning to change as soon as they can too) Spending has gone WAY out of control.
But it isn't just spending. It is a draining of our FREEDOMS due to the feelings of entitlement that the government is projecting onto the people to make them think that "change" is good. But what are they changing? They are changing the whole construction of our Constitution, of our country, of the principles that this country has been founded on. Wise up and take the rose glasses off.
In this digital age there is enough proof out there on video clips etc. to know just who is responsible for all this generated mess. Some just don't want to open their eyes...or perhaps they just share in the goals to destroy this country.
It is one thing to fly by and drop a generic comment on a blog. It is another thing to intelligently research a subject, from all different sources and discuss it responsibily.
GOOD one, Pris!
Always, from the article I read about Obama's speeches for the G20, it looked like he wants them ALL to join in on some bizarre WORLD REGULATION SITUATION...
we know what that could mean, but we have to be shamed into keeping quiet (Alinsky rules again) or we're over reacting. It's a pity for America, but Saul Alinsky's Left is in charge. BIG time.
Thank GOD there are enough Americans (And the Brit, Hannan) who are seeing the truth. That this is a dangerous time.
Hannan (I think that's the spelling ...most of you have seen the video by now on my link below to Leslie's site, hopefully...if you haven't, do it, it's well worth it) is telling the world "Britain has done what America's doing now and IT DIDN'T WORK." He's a parliamentarian who said he was totally enamored with obama and would have voted for him THEN if he could have. Now, he's warning America because our plans were implemented in Britain and they've ruined England. He says if he knew THEn what he knows now, he'd have done NOTHING to the economy. He also added "if you think nationalizing health care is going to work, let me just tell you IT DOES NOT"
But, nobody's really listening, except us 'knuckle dragging over reacting Rightwingers"..
But, people with such agendas are in charge, a kind of Harvard/MacKenzie attitude of WE KNOW BETTER, YOU IDIOTS! is prevailing.. from guys who 'talk every day on the phone' with Lefties like Begala and Carville...guys who were in fraternities together, promoting basketball playing buddies, guys who finally got somewhere and have taken on such elitist airs, the airs they've slammed Republicans for for YEARS, that it would be laughable if it weren't AMERICA they're destroying.
BY THE WAY, FOLKS...I'm just reading/hearing that Germans are fighting the nationalized healthcare they're being faced with too.
Doctors are putting up signs in their offices which, virtually, say "DO NOT VOTE FOR THE LEFT WHICH WANTS MORE SOCIALIZATION OF YOUR MEDICAL CARE"
WHY won't our media say that? they don't want you to know.
Leslie, I WOULD NEVER ignore the fact that Bush over spent...NEVER. I'm probably one of the few here who is not a huge fan of the man; never said I was...but I will stand up for certain of his agendas and keeping us safe was not the LEAST one of them.
Thank you for your comments regarding freedom...excellent point that got ignored here.
OH, my gosh! I'm just hearing that the German papers have this on their covers this morning!:
ALERT THE MEDIA....wait, didn't BUSH want that, too!? HAAAAAAAA!!
Should we trust Rahm Emanuel?
Before its portfolio of bad loans helped trigger the current housing crisis, mortgage giant Freddie Mac was the focus of a major accounting scandal that led to a management shake-up, huge fines and scalding condemnation of passive directors by a top federal regulator.
One of those allegedly asleep-at-the-switch board members was Chicago's Rahm Emanuel—now chief of staff to President Barack Obama—who made at least $320,000 for a 14-month stint at Freddie Mac that required little effort....
The exact, same-kind of regulators is what the feds will put in place with their proposed oversight now.
Here's obama's threat to the Taliban!! We can't call them terrorists but we can call for their eradication, huh?
Well, at least he's waking up and reading the daily intel. what a relief. I'd been feeling like he was going by his preconceived notions all along..."nobody's bad, you just have to be nice to them!" .. hopefully, he's finally got the true message.
Always..thanks...imagine that our media isn't critical of Emanuel after all that? Well, they barely mentioned Geithner's tax delinquencies, either, and when they did they neglected to mention how MANY years he'd avoided certain of his taxes.
I guess ducky prefer's Obama's government spending bubble to Galt's equity bubble....
The only problem is... the world of hurt the world's going to be in when Obama's "government bubble" pops.
What am I saying? Then all of Obama's suckers will be ready to sign up for the UN's international carbon credit based monetary reserve and Law of the Sea Treaty based economic transfer scheme... the only good part of which happens after it pops and somebody on a mountain top accidently trips over a copy of "The Wealth of Nations" laying amongst the ruins.
Also I notice that many of the most vociferous critics of government spending collect government or municipal pensions, health care and a variety of other benefits.
I collect a police pension. I put my rear end on the line for over 30 years to back up my government. That is why it is painful to see the overspending started under Bush and accelerated by BO.
It's tough to watch as America is ran into the ground by government ineptitude. A country worth protecting is one worth fighting for. That was a lame, cheap shot by someone who usually tries to argue with some facts to back him up.
The whole POINT to all of this, friends, is that even if it WAS the Republicans who put us in this hole --- and I'm not at all sure about that given the compulsively destructive nature of D'Rat policies --- but even SO, when you're already IN a hole, you DON'T keep DIGGING.
And how else could the stated aims of Obama & Co. properly be described, huh?
Liberalism is by its very nature the ANTIHESIS of common sense.
~ FT
Yes Z, I know you never ignored that fact because you and many people on here are intellectually honest when speaking on the facts.
I agree, Bush, in the latter of his term started to spend and allow spending too much. But there were many of his policies that I stood behind and still want upheld. I also agree that he kept us safe for the seven years of his presidency after 911, and to that all Americans should be thankful.
The liberal talking points are getting tiresome (the ones that want to blame this whole mess on those on the "right".)
My point is that when the liberals took over, they began to spend worse than any other group EVER. And then they want to say that capitalism doesn't work; Tax cuts don't work; Letting businesses fail if they are corrupt or reckless doesn't work...they think and keep trying to pound out to us that more government is needed, more spending, more bailouts, more giving up control is all that is needed to get us out of this mess...that they created.
Thank you for the ranting space.
*sidenote: there is a deeper issue with Obama saying the Taliban has to be erraticated... "words just words" to appease without stepping too firmly on the left fringe.
Isn't it the point that we are intellectually honest enought to tell the truth. I supported Bush and I feel he will be vindicated by history. But the Republicans got into the spending groove when they had power and they paid the price. Hopefully, the Dems pay the same price.
As FT said, when you are in a hole, you don't keep digging. Spending more on an overextended debt isn't sensible.
You can't spend your way out of a recession. FDR tried and failed. WWII saved him. Macroeconomically speaking of course.
There should have been a question mark after the first sentence. Sorry.
L & A exactly.
Fj...I'm not sure WHAT Ducky prefers but your hypothesis is better than that of most people...
great last paragraph.. are SO RIGHT, too.
Les and L&0...(Les, I hope you don't mind me calling you Les, let me know...) Yes, you do NOT keep doing the wrong thing to make things right.
imagine the EU telling us we're 'on the road to hell' ...they've BEEN THERE, they GET IT.
Our administration doesn't.
That cow is NOT from California!
Vegas fat cows around here, that's for sure.
But a lot of fathead politicians!
I'm sorry, but that cartoon is not very realistic. The cow has way too much meat on its bones to represent the American Taxpayer!!
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