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10 hours ago
"I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen, not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else." ~ C. S. Lewis (Yes, even politics)
In loving memory of Mr. Z
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Yep, workers and contractors would have to pay union dues even if they don't join or belong to a union.
The Union bosses are salivating at this prospect. Of course they contributed big time, to Obama's campaign.
And we can't forget all those illegal aliens who'll line up and get jobs. It is permitted in the legislation.
So much for American jobs. 84% of construction workers are not union members.
Yessirree pay for play is alive and well! After all it is "The Chicago Way"!
Straighten me out here, folks, but I think that Pris is not only right in to get jobs .. is permitted.." I believe it's encouraged; I believe there's a percentage which are encouraged. I hope I'm wrong, but I believe that's what I've heard.
Imagine paying dues for something you don't believe in?
The illegals here have killed our construction sector; White and Black workers have been threatened to the point where skilled workers are harder and harder to find. A builder of a VERY expensive condo complex next door (Starting at $800,000) ran out of money so he brought in workers from Mexico. They did such horrid work that medicine chests and light fixtures are falling off walls, HVAC doesn't work mroe than it does, ...etc. HE had to go to RENTING which is the kiss of death for any new condo project because he was over priced ..and those who did buy are suing him now for shoddy craftsmanship.
I believe I"ve mentioned here before that an acquaintance of ours was a construction manager who suffered a heart attack after having had Mexicans come to his home with guns and threaten that he'd damn well better hire Mexican laborers.
I don't know how we can fix this.....and obama's apparently encouraging this through mandating jobs for illegals.
Which is stronger the teachers union or the construction union?
Isn't he upsetting the teachers union right now? I guess he would have to offset that with making the construction unions happy, right?
Never really understood unions, any help you could offer?
Damn Corruptocrats! Your tax dollars at work, being wasted to repay corruptocrat supporters.
Great post!
I pay into a union that I in no way support. I have to because Ohio is a mandatory union state. I have no alternative but to pay. I can only become an agency fee payer and demand the part of my dues that go to political causes be repaid to me. That I assure you is a small fraction of the large amount of my union dues, in excess of $700 per year.
The NEA is a left wing supporter of the Dems. They have really given up all pretense of being a labor union for their advocacy of Dem/left wing causes. The Dems reward them with legislation, some passed just today, outlawing and abandoning vouchers and any other money to allow students in bad schools the same opportunity BOs children have to pick a functional school. Some of the children that were abandoned by the Senate today are schoolmates of BO's children at Sidwell.
I am a public school teacher and fully realize there are public schools that aren't worthy of the name. They are pits in which students are dumped daily with no chance of getting an education. They are the shame of our country.
I have been a union member since the 1970s, a union president for 5 years. The fact that unions seek nothing more now than to perpetuate their existance is scandalous. Most have lost sight of their duty and have become advocacy groups for certain politicians and abandoned their membership. Card check and union set asides are breaking the backs of business, saddling them with laws and regulations that choke off their productivity.
Now I got that off my chest.
Slightly unrelated. Maybe it's because I don't watch him enough or maybe it's because I am too lazy to watch Lou Dobbs - but where does he sit politically?
Steve, good question. I believe he's a Democrat...Actually, I'm SURE he's a Democrat. But, he's one who is seeing the ridiculous hypocrisy and PC and Socialism and of the Left AND, I have to say, he was tough on Bush, too.
His 'awakening' started about amnesty..I'd say he really led the beginnings of the NO AMNESTY thing. he's been very good against amnesty, against illegals, etc.
Law & Order..I beg you to show FREEDOM WRITERS to your kids. A little off subject, but.... have you seen it? I highly recommend it.
As for the unions:
Oops, pardon me!! I hate to #@$#@ at my site!
I don't know what to think. I know they're bullies, I know they're demanding way too much.
Do you know LA teachers average something like $43.oo an hour plus INCREDIBLE benefits? Yup.
And they just keep graduating kids so they get out of their hair.
I'm so bereft right now about the Republicans who voted for the Omnibus (it probably wouldn't have passed without the few Republicans who just couldn't resist the PORK for their states becasue Bayh and Feingold voted against it, or said they would yesterday...I have to check)
I am SO ticked off.
It is disturbing that Feingold and Bayh are now in the position of telling the RINOs in congress that bills are financially irresponsible. The bill passed and Feingold and Bayh did vote against. I'll find out who voted for it. I suggest a campaign to oust any RINO who voted for it. Shameful.
I haven't seen the movie. I'll try to get ahold of it. Is it old or new?
Law & Order...2007. I know you'll like it. Make sure you stay with it, the beginning is slow in developing the story but well worth it, in my opinion.
thanks for letting us know when you find out the RINOs' names..xx
I did some reading on Dobbs. I think I actually like this guy, and for one reason:
He's against illegal immigration, and of course so am I, in more ways than one. ICE knows me by name now. I call them all the time and have their toll free number in my cell phone.
Steve, 20 years ago, you'd see Latinos on the streets here, few, and you sensed they were illegals if they skittered away or couldn't meet your gaze.... everyone would say "They must be illegal". It was just known.
Today, you see nearly nothing but illegals, I'm sure, and they meet your eyes, NO PROBLEM ...like "so, arrest me!"
But, you know, there are a LOT of very sweet Hispanics here in So. Calif. ...some of the very nicest people I've been around.
Still, there is NO WAY ANYBODY ought to come here illegally...and I'm getting a little worried about the threats of MX imploding because of these drug cartels (there's talk the 2 biggest ones are joining up) and the realization that millions of Mexicans will come spilling over into America for protection (and food, and money, and healthcare, and...)
Lou Dobbs is VERY fond of his nickname which is "Mr. Independent." Lately, he is sounding just like us. I have not always agreed with him, BUT, I have always respected him. If you don't watch him now, I suggest you give him a try. He is at least as pissed off at Washington as anyone here.
average, you're right. I haven't always agreed with him, God only knows, but he stands for American sovereignty, lower taxes and honest in government: He's become a conservative!!
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