The Left will denounce him and all he said, and they can, because they KNOW that Cheney CANNOT counter attack the denouncements because he can't list details of attacks thwarted by the Bush administration (the reason of which I doubt the left can understand, considering the NY Times' spilling of classified information even when asked and told why it shouldn't be published). Even now, I'm sure someone here will accuse Cheney of lying, accuse him of hyperbole, thereby promoting his causes, accuse him of being an apologist for Bush's administration.
Can you imagine any Republican Press Secretary saying any of the following quote, ever?:
"I guess Rush Limbaugh was busy," Robert Gibbs, Obama's press secretary, said during his daily briefing to journalists at the White House. "So they trotted out the next most popular member of the Republican cabal." (Z: Somebody PLEASE tell Robt Gibbs that half the country (rising by the minute) does NOT agree with HIS basketball buddy, please? That he's just insulted the half of America that IS Republican? Does he really have that elitist hubris that they don't matter? That his bunch is THE BUNCH? That's so sad.)
Who's ever asked the Democrat party who speaks for them and what it stands for? But, we got this from this article..."It followed a speech delivered by Rush Limbaugh last month during which the conservative radio host said he hoped Obama's policies "failed," prompting Democrats to question who speaks for the Republican Party and what it stands for. In his interview, Cheney said of congressional Republicans that "it will take them a while to get their act together" in finding ways to criticize a popular young president." (Z: he didn't say a thing about the popular young president in that vain...nothing about that. They're getting their 'act together' was what every party which lost does. Picture Cheney saying "Ya, the Republicans just haven't got it together yet on criticizing a popular young president".)
Added Gibbs: "I think not taking economic advice from Dick Cheney would be maybe the best possible outcome of yesterday's interview." (Z: imagine the level of incivility? the mocking? Why insult so much? This is a PRESS SECRETARY TO THE PRESIDENT, not ANIMAL HOUSE antics......or IS it?)
The left's set it up perfectly, according to the Alinsky Rules of all know that. When security is jeopardized by the Left, (remember the threatened Gitmo closing announcing it to the world without having figured out a safe place to keep murderers, the waterboarding prohibition, tribunals, etc.,) what does a country's people DO? And IF they 'do' something, they're attacked as ridiculous over-fearful nuts who are banding together like the Weather Underground or the Black Panthers but this time it's Conservative so it's mocked. (witness the negativity to Glenn Beck suggesting Americans meet in homes and remind ourselves of our history and talk about the constitution.."HOW THREATENING! Those nasty Conservatives!!"??)
In the name of TRANSPARENCY, in a world where ANY information is spread across the world in roughly two seconds, how can we (literally) survive the Eric Holder/Barack Obama/Sulzberger mentality of EVERYONE MUST KNOW OR WE'RE HIDING SOMETHING FROM THE PEOPLE!?
Do you know what I'm getting at here? They set Cheney up as the last laugh of the administration, "Bush's Brain", etc., so how can Americans sincerely interested in getting to the truth (centrists, independents, etc.) see through the insults and mischaracterizations? Most people drink the Kool Aid without asking.....they spout "Ya, Cheney..Halliburton....pompous...war monger.." It's pure Alinksy , and it's worked. There IS no "Obama....inexperienced...naive..." presented in the media, but the Cheney inferences are always there in overt or the subtlest of remarks on even front page, supposedly non editorial, pieces. Here's Alinsky's No. 5: Ridicule is man's most potent weapon.
It's our SAFETY at stake because of the Left's roadblock to real information, demeaning information from anyone who's not from the left...........and the media's complicit. What do we do? ..pretend there IS no terror threat like some do? Jeopardize the constitution with over-the-top secrecy? OR, stop the name calling, evil inferences, insults at anything the media abhors, keeping reporting REPORTING, not EDITORIALIZING to reflect the papers' viewpoints just to get the shots in to anybody who's not a liberal?
So, if Cheney is RIGHT, and we're not listening..........WHAT THEN?
(By the way, how is David RASPUTIN Axelrod NOT "Obama's Brain"??? and why's that not been discussed in the media? It will. I promise).
"That he's just insulted the half of America that IS Republican?"
They're sore winners.
"I think not taking economic advice from Dick Cheney would be maybe the best possible outcome of yesterday's interview."
They ask us for ideas, and this is the thanks we get...
...They won't be laughing in 2010.
There you go looking for and expecting intellect from the left again, Z.
You'd have better luck looking for brains in a dandelion.
Do you think Cheney would be willing to serve as VP again in the Limbaugh administration?
well done z. the "gibbs" discourse has shown a hypocrisy beyond compare!... cheney is becoming our nation's benjamin netanyahu. a man "out" of power, who preaches the proper power!
Thanks for putting this on your blog Z. I admire Dick Cheney tremendously and would have preferred that he be the President. Dick is a man of PRODIGIOUS intellect and unquestioned good judgement. He's the sort of man the Founders would have approved of!
Hi Z, et al. I'm just down to the Rbt. Gibbs part of this post...
That's just it...they DO have the "elitist hubris" & the DO think that 52% of the vote gives them the right to dismiss the other 48% out of hand. Lots of people's Mamas didn't do a very good job of teaching manners (or nuanced politics either) - like RightKlik says "sore winners".
That's okay. Let 'em keep it's gonna come back to bite 'em!! And that's gonna be fun! :)
"brains in a dandelion" !! (hee, hee)
"prodigious intellect" (oooohh, you people are good!)
Have a GREAT day all!
Great article, Z.
I really do think the Won's chickens will come home to roost.
A funny thing happened to the Won...seems he kept on reading that famous teleprompter in Ireland and ,well, guess someone wasn't paying attention because the Won kept repeating himself.
Now it is being reported that the White House DID know about those wascally bonuses to AIG .
It must be tough to lie like this every day to the public.
True we do have some brain dead voters out here but not all of us by golly.
Spitting on the veterans, lying to the public, putting nasty lawyers up for jobs for the highest law offices of the land..oh, these are the days , all right.
But for all things there is a season.
Keep going , Mr..I WON.
Thank you for uniting us.
And look at Obama's brain...guess that would be Joe Biden.
I admire Dick Cheney tremendously. He did a great job handling the war for the President. Unfortunately, he utterly failed to perform his duty at home in "counterring" the DNC and setting us up for a 2009 "Cheney" administration. Nice guys finish LAST.
I have to give it to Cheney. Three quarters of the world wants him behind a Plexiglas slab at The Hague and he's out there giving interviews.
Contrast to Curious George who is going around making speeches at a few luncheons that bar the press. Witness the scuffle in Calgary the other day.
George is afraid to show his face to the public but Cheney has guts. I'll give him that.
George Bush, unlike the Clintons, knows how to retire with class!
When are these ass hat Libs going to give it up?
Z, conservatives are regularly mocked by the left. It's strange how they dismiss the right as politically finished, yet still find it necessary to attack. If conservatism is dead, why continue to try to kill it?
Baffling how President Obama urges Republicans to proffer their ideas while his press secretary scoffs at them. Do the President and Robert Gibbs ever meet? With contrasting positions like these, it seems they don't.
Sal's Gal
Beamish, I keep hoping...I keep hoping.
Then Pelosi does something like she did yesterday in San Francisco and you think "Naa..Beamish is right..they're just so hate-America and that shows quite a lack of intellect.."
DaBlade. I WISH. But, don't forget, the media's skewered Limbaugh pretty well, too. Doesn't matter that what he says is pro America and would probably have put this country back on track; they remind us of the Oxycontin scandal, say he's gained weight again (doubtless part of the meds from the extreme back pain he still lives with but they don't care if it's cruel), they accuse him of being a blustering fool because they're scared to death of him...and most Americans don't pay attention. We all know that.
Pat, Israel's willing to give up the Golan Heights today! I can't believe this...
Morgan..the founders sure would have been proud of him.
Susannah, it's almost as if it's young kids who got a power they never dreamed possible, but they'd been planning this and OH, what fun they're having. They've simmered and sputtered all these years since Harvard, having believed their professors until NO (zero) good applicants for the FBI or CIA come from the Ivy League schools from which we got MOST of our applicants, did you know that?..and now they're going to CHANGE THE WORLD, TAKE IT OVER for their points of view...I guess they never did learn American history except to hate it.
WV..I think obama's brain is soros.
Ducky, Republicans do the right thing no matter what the jealous, chicken-shit Europeans think (and I say that term because much of Europe believes like you do that being KIND and SWEET makes violent enemies your's that Moderate Taliban plan that flunked and the "nyet" from the deal we offered Russia on Missile Defense/Iraq deal workin' for ya, Ducky!? It's not doing much for America)
Jungle Mom....Bush was kind to the Gore people when they mucked things up in the offices those first few days in the WH and he carried the class on..sadly. And yes, Bill Clinton's ego can't allow him to go home. You're so right. Kind of rough to get media exposure when you're in Crawford, TX.....But, since you sound sad that Bush is afraid to show his face, maybe he'll come out more often.
Loves to Debate: Is that a picture of you? I sure hope so.
Hi, Sal's Gal! I'm glad you're here!
No, obama's proffering Republican input is just something he's got to do in the line of bi partisanship he lied to us about. Then, I heard Bob Beckel the other night say "Well, he DID invite the Republicans in to talk.."
SO WHAT? YOu have to LISTEN and DIGEST and actually give them something meaningful to have bipartisanship...they represent half this country. Something the obama people forget,
Ya, Obama's out there welcoming, and his attack dog Gibbs, in such classless manner that lowers the bar of civility for presidents to come (unless we get another dignified, adult Republican on board soon), negates the 'welcome'..obama looks good! Gibbs gets slammed. Obama's no fool.
And Alinsky's rules fit him to a T.
highboy...what's sad is we're being run down to irrelevance, financially and in about every other way...making ourselves more weak morally in every way and to terror attack...meanwhile, where do you think Europe will go WHEN they get hit?
US... and nobody'll be home to help. And they don't get it.
Z in regards to the question you asked on my blog, no, I've never heard of that. Looking into now though so thanks for the info.
So, if Cheney is RIGHT, and we're not listening..........WHAT THEN?..were doomed girl...truly!
All true Z. When a Democrat goes into the White House, good manners go out the window.
I read somewhere recently that Michelle Obama has insulted former First Lady Laura Bush. Making the remark that soldiers families weren't invited to visit the White House.
She must've been in an alternate universe during the Bush Administration. Military personnel and family members spent countless hours with the First Couple the whole time they were in office.
It's quintessential elistist liberalism. Michelle never gave one thought to the soldiers protecting us before her husband started running for President. She thought everyone was just like her. Arrogance abounds at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
Sal's Gal
I gave up on expecting intellect from the left long ago.
Any leftist that doesn't introduce themselves as an imbecile is not interested in honest discussion.
Contrast to Curious George who is going around making speeches at a few luncheons that bar the press. Witness the scuffle in Calgary the other day.
and contrast the way duhkkky that he's treated Obama. In that same speech they asked him why he wasn't criticizing Obama...
Bush said that there are plenty of naysayers out there and that Obama deserved GWB's silence.
Contrast that with Carter, Clinton and Obama...the no class presidents.
get a life duhkkky...outside of the leftists bubble you live in.
It's quintessential elistist liberalism. Michelle never gave one thought to the soldiers protecting us before her husband started running for President. She thought everyone was just like her. Arrogance abounds at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue.
and now there's word that the Obama administration is considering making wounded vets get treated outside of the VA and making them pay for private insurance.
It's all in an effort to swamp the boat and prepare the country for gov't run healthcare.
BUT Michelle and Barry CARE about the vets.
If Beamish hasn’t started a book of political quotations by now, he certainly ought to. ”Any leftist that doesn't introduce themselves as an imbecile is not interested in honest discussion.”
Gibbs is clearly an idiot, and not even a moderately clever one. Listening to the Press Secretary speaking at the podium is much akin to reading Ducky’s trash on the internet. He issues many not-so-bright barbs, pays a great deal of attention to Limbaugh (who last time I checked is a private citizen, not a government official), and appears incapable of taking the high road on any issue. But this is what we should expect from the Obama administration; it is how he ran his campaign, and apparently, it is what the American voter most desired in a government of the people.
I cannot say that Dick Cheney is an honorable man; I can’t say that about anyone who I don’t personally know. I can say that I believe he is exceedingly intelligent, appears to be above-board, and that, in another ten years — like all vice presidents before him — no one will remember who he was.
But we should wonder about all the manufactured hullaballoo going on in the press these past few weeks. It seems to me there is a great deal of attention on Limbaugh, sudden congressional interest in AIG executive bonuses, and ludicrous comments by Grassley, Schumer, Dodd, and Frank . . . but while we’re all looking the other way . . .
Well, it's a president who sees nothing wrong with casual dress in the White House and taking time out to visit Leno.
Yup...something's changed.
Cheney is awesome.
Keep giving us these specific examples of the obvious double standard "urinalists" apply, Z.
Someday, you should make a documentary. I'm serious.
Thanks for your patience and vigilance in compiling these glaring examples of media malfeasance.
~ FreeThinke
I'd rather give 500 billion to Halliburton than to see ACORN get one penny of the taxpayers money.
At least with Cheyney and Halliburton we put the fear of Allah in these 6th century ass wipes. What will we get from Acorn? The actively voting dead?
"It must be tough to lie like this every day to the public."
Dottr, didn't you know? It's not Obama that's lying, it's that confounded teleprompter!
"I have to give it to Cheney. Three quarters of the world wants him behind a Plexiglas slab at The Hague and he's out there giving interviews."
Ducky, HMMMM..Don't be too sure, I think right about now, Bush and Cheney are beginning to look pretty good to them right about now. They are grown-ups.
That is when they stop snickering at the buffoons running things here.
It's hard to believe not too long ago, the man standing behind that podium in the press room was Tony Snow who personified class and forward to Robert Gibbs, who always looks like someone took his marbles and left him holding the bag.
Meanwhile our Commander in Chief, has decided our servicemen and women should be covered with private health insurance breaking a 90 year long compact with the American people, that we provide our veterans with healthcare for life. It is our duty and honor to do so.
Even the most down and out veteran, homeless on the streets, has the VA from which to receive his care, but "the one" doesn't give a damn. He wants to save money on the backs of these, the best and bravest of us.
However, under his healthcare for all, government scheme, even illegal aliens will qualify. How magnanimous.
I just this minute heard Obama's backing off his private insurance dictum for vets. I have not been able to confirm it. It's too late for Obama to rescind revealing his true feelings about the military. This will be remembered.
A political hot potato, ya think? That's the only reason he is backing off.
If Obama is backing off his proposal he is doing so because of the heat he received. What's bothersome about this stupid proposal is that if this was done without BO thinking it through, that's scarier than the callousness of this proposal. The incompetence of this administration is breathtaking.
How childish. So much for that bipartisan stuff Obama spoke of, huh?
I truly wish I could believe the left would heed anything, but I am sure they will not. Just today I read Obama is threatening Bibi in Israel to lay off Hamas. Now there is some treaty also going on in the UN that has something to do with allowing more rights for the gay community around the world and Obama is in on it all.
I am just sick at what Obama is doing and has already done!
It's all quite stunning.
He's treating everything like Gitmo:
"We don't know HOW we can close it, we don't know WHERE we'll put the people, we know we want to be nice so they won't be called 'enemy combatants' or (GASP) 'terrorists' anymore, we know we need some high priced Harvard lib lawyers Americans will pay to protect the 'rights' of the 'detainees'...and other than that....I'm telling the world that THIS IS MY DECISION!!!"
WHAT?? "No decision, no real plans...but I've DECIDED. And I WON. SO, THAT'S THAT. Oh, and don't you love my biparisanship!"
You can apply this to about every subject the poor man's handled so far.
He's green and he's naive and has very different a vision for America..always has, he's been trained carefully and well.....
Apply the "Gitmo Rules" to every fits. No good information to ponder, no goals, no futuristic planning...just a decision against all those "dreadful mean old Bush and Cheney Republican hate mongering, poor hating, homophobic people who don't think socialism is cool'.
That's not the way to run THIS country........not The United States of America.
Said it before, will say it again. This is a small and petty group of people. I do believe it will come back to bite them though.
The liberal dullards like Duck are sucking it up but what Obama needs to do is worry about the middle. He will lose this group with his childish behavior. This, I think may cost them the 2010 elections.
The Won has backed off his new private insurance companies paying for service related injuries of veterans.
That was quick..But, Old Sen. Dodd , has had to fall on his sword regarding bonuses and AIG.
However, I did just read a news ticker , some of Dodd's statements, and it was breath taking, how he said he did this, then turned around and said he did not.
But that little Obama is now being all coy about running for office in 2012.
Oh, like he never ever thought about it as he runs around already campaigning.
Nancy Pelosi is saying to enforce emmigration laws is Un American.
I am just stunned .
Michelle Obama claims Mrs. Bush , basically , never reached out to Military families.
Where was this woman for the past eight years?
And by the way, we are now being told that some ex inmates from Gitmo could be released into the USA.
Well, isn't that sweet.
WV....Mrs. Obama said THAT? It became known after the election, that the Bushes paid private, no media, visits to service people and their families! WHy would Mrs. Obama do this to Mrs. Bush? Of ALL PEOPLE!
I just feel like they have nothing but disdain for anyone in the WH before and it's so hurtful and so sad to me.
All we can do is pray that they not be so unkind, that they realize what dignity the Bushes had and please stop attacking anyone who disagrees with them. It's like junior high school antics and it's just so unsettling for the White HOuse!! unbelievable.
and contrast the way duhkkky that he's treated Obama. In that same speech they asked him why he wasn't criticizing Obama...
Bush said that there are plenty of naysayers out there and that Obama deserved GWB's silence.
Elmer, you seem to be late to the party. Okay, for late arrivals .... Chucklenuts is persona non grata. Remember all his appearances in the 2008 campaign? I knew you'd get it.
Cheney is a pretty tough skinned old bird and I doubt he will loose much sleep over anything the left says.
Ya know the DISDAIN (i.e. persistent negativity) expressed by the Obamas and by the Left ALWAYS (negativity after all is their stock-in-trade) is not so much an expression of what they truly feel, but more a way of covering their OWN ignorance and inadequacy.
The left has NO IDEA haw to do anything but DESTROY what others have built. Czarist Russia may not have been an ideal society, but look what happened to it after the Reds took over.
But it isn't just the Left it is ANY entity determined to exert Power and Control over the fate of others.
As I've said a thousand times, Left and Right when carried to their logical extremes meet BACK to BACK on a CIRCLE.
~ FreeThinke
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