How many hours in the day do YOU BLOG? I mean, be HONEST! Add up the first morning session, that chance you get at work, or during your day with the kids...before dinner......after dinner...into the late night......
HOW MANY HOURS DO YOU REALLY BLOG!? And, how do you feel about it?
Oh! And, if you think you blog too much, what SHOULD you be doing instead!?
As for me, I blog about 1 hour mabe twich a week and I read other blogs about twice that much.
I don't let it interferer with my other work. But I do enjoy it much. Maybe if I had more time I'd devote more time to blogger.
around 2 hours in the morning and 2 hours in the evening.
My blogging time varies according to my schedule for work. Some days, I'm online, more or less; other days, I'm online less than an hour.
As for blogging itself, I estimate that I spend an average of 6 hours a day. On weekends, I'm typically on the web for 8-12 hours at a stretch! **frown**
I do some multi-tasking, however. I can talk on the phone, read, and blog at the same time. Probably not good for my brain!
What should I be doing instead? Reading for pleasure, getting some exercise, and cleaning the house.
I have not been blogging as much as I's like to, I guess I'm too busry trying to make ends meet.
I spend more time visiting blogs than I do on my own.
I work at the computer several hours a day as I am writing a book. This makes it easy for me to 'browse'.
This past week I have had internet problems and have not been able to leave many comments. I realized how much time I saved by not commenting but I also noticed a big decrease in visits to my blog and in comments left.
I home school and have my computer next to me as we work together, so I frequently check a blog here and there through out my day, usually only one or two at a time.
The bulk of my blogging is done late at night.
I wish I spent more time at it. I spend the vast majority of my time reading other blogs. I have a rotation that I read about twice a day. I comment a lot more than I write. By the time I get home from school I just want to read.
Mine is based on my work schedule. I work 12 hr shifts so those days are limited and actually sometimes I am so tired I don't do much.
Days off I probably do 3 - 4 hrs a day. I think part of this is weather. Here in the artic circle (almost) it's not as much fun outside in the winter.
Blogging on my blog, maybe average of twice a month. On other gerat blogs such as yours, Z, probably 2 or more hours a day.
I spend most of my time reading and commenting on other blogs, like right now.
As for my own blog I guess I spend a few hours; which includes the time to think about what it is I going to put out for that day, and actual writing time is minimal.
I've been away for a couple days with an illness, and I think I experienced withdrawl symptoms along with sickness I had; rather devastating to say the least.
I used to spend far too much time. I've cut down a lot! I guess I used to spend about five hours a day on the pc. I sometimes ran two and three posts in one day, and almost always posted one post per day, then spent more time visiting than posting. No more! I plan to post far less often and visit as I find time for it. The pc is extremely addictive!
Eep! That's a loaded question. I am new to this so everything takes me longer. That's my story and I'm sticking to it! Now I have to go outside and do ...something.
Well, you're all less than me!! I have to find a Twelve Step Program for bloggers!!! I manage to get all my other life stuff done, but I who have NEVER been late for things, am ALWAYS running late now..!! Really! "one more look at the blogs" and I'm 20 minutes later thinking "I'm late to that... again!" Sometimes, I go to make a comment, ONE COMMENT...and I'm 45 minutes later thinking "Man, where'd the time go?"
I'm stacked up with five blog posts ready to go..2,written by Mr. Z....I could blog new posts all day..I'm insane.
When my computer was down recently, I felt like a ship without a rudder!! I MISS MY BLOGGER BUDDIES! HELP!
LOL Z. I too am catching the blogging bug. What am I saying? I already have it! You should see the list of blogs I jump around to and read! It's so fun getting to know people.
And I am highly opinionated, so I spend a lot of time writing my blog pieces as well as commenting on other blogs.
I work full time, am finishing two novels for publication, take care of hubby, and still am drawn to the blogging. I never knew it could be this...addictive. But I like it.
Leslie, if I may say so, I've got one of the best blogrolls in the blogging world! Poke around and enjoy! If I had my way, I"d have hundreds on it but want to keep it down so I keep plenty of other great blogs bookmarked, too!
I'm not THAT adept at the whole blogging thing, either, but adept as I need to be, I think! (thank goodness for Elmer's Brother, not only for his friendship but his tech help here!)
By the way, I don't FOLLOW much, but am honored to be followed..I just rely on my bookmarks and that works for me, it's SO NOT a criticism or anything when I don't tag great blogs that I FOLLOW! I DO follow them!!
You're right, Leslie...VERY wonderful people in our corner of the blogosphere; I'm so glad you're a part of it!
Z, I forgot to tell can hear me sing if you go to my other blog: click on my profile and click the audio clip.
At least a couple of hours each day, but i try and break it up and browse around when i have a few moments to spare.
On a good day, 0 hours. On a "bad" day, 4 hours?!?
It is addictive, in the very real sense of the word. Life can get neglected in a hurry.
Pinky! "On a good day 0 hours"? You don't love us!? :-)
This is a great question. Judging by the responses, many suffer my internet addiction. On average, I spend about 3-4 hours surf/roll/blogging. Sometimes more and sometimes less (when real world interferes:)
Z, I love y'all too much. ;-)
Too many-I realized last month that it has become an 'addiction' - rather like the young people I know who play the 'war games' by the hours..HMMM-
JOG while you BLOG
BLOG while you JOG.
Better yet:
If you don't JOG,
You can't BLOG
~ FreeThinke
What used to be called "Stenographer's Spread" might now be called "BLOGGER'S BUTT."
Stand, stretch, bend and bounce at frequent intervals lest Ye become like me. ;-)
~ FT
FT: You make perfect sense.
Mr. Z wants to go for a walk this afternoon and I'd rather SIT. NOT GOOD!
I'm feeling the need to GET MOVING again; swimming is my exercise and i don't enjoy public indoor pools, so I've been pretty sedentary and can't wait till the warm weather and the pool heat is turned on.
Also, this sitting does things to us we won't even admit...I can't go into it, TRUST me! NOT GOOD!
BLOGGERS UNITE! KEEP HEALTHY! WALK WALK WALK (pace your office, if you have to!!) :-)
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