It's funny, last night I wrote and then deleted a (very) scathing rant about how FUNNY so many people seem to find the fact that America's never been in more trouble financially or physically. Just for a laugh or advertising money, you see TV panels teasing about Robert Gibbs' nasties, Mr. Obama's being 'punch drunk', smiling with Bob Beckel over nationalizing banks in THIS country, giggling about how our new administration's mandating that we call TERRORISM "Man Called Disasters". I don't find those things particularly funny, myself...but..
We have all sorts of euphemisms so those who hate us and want to bring us down don't feel badly but they escape me me out. (This probably is a product of how, lately, the American left has adapted euphemisms, also, for BUMS "the homeless", illegals are "Undocumented workers"..might as well throw in a new one "Sanctuary deservers?" abortion is "the right of a woman to her body,", etc.
Anyway, I think it's wrong to joke about serious things when those serious things could wipe our families out in the next ten minutes. I also think it's scary to not properly identify an ENEMY because we then lose our resolve against that enemy..... but I decided we need levity and this could be fun. As an aside, families do this, too. When my (very) beloved grandfather suddenly passed away, I was called and told "Grandpa took a turn for the worse". They were afraid how I'd take it! But, I digress....
There is TERRORIST CHATTER reported in the news. (Ya, I know, decidedly NOT fun) Yes, I hadn't heard til Priscilla emailed me last night about it, and so I'm sorry to wreck YOUR day, too, if you hadn't heard, but this is what we're living with these days.
Could you come up with a Janet Napolitano euphemism for TERRORIST CHATTER? Let it rip! We don't want to make terrorists feel bad by calling it terrorist a new idea? "unfriendly mumblings?"
We have all sorts of euphemisms so those who hate us and want to bring us down don't feel badly but they escape me me out.
Hang in there kiddo ... Ducky will drop by shortly; he'll give you an exhaustive list of anti-American soubriquets. From memory.
Well this is a simple rebranding campaign. You don't want to draw too much attention to the fact that we've wasted quite a bit with this fiasco for the last several years so something like the brilliant "Coke Classic" campaign is out ("Classic Terorism", nah).
Maybe market it like an iPod, "the Terrorism Shuffle". That kind of hints at the line of deception and outright lies that have marked this from the beginning.
Just hit the touch sensitive control on your T-Shuffle and get the latest right wing paranoia. It comes with lots of arcade games that drop big explosive devices on sovereign nations, too.
Market it with a line of bin Laden ring tones and doctored videos. No way I couldn't sell this.
yup..dont call anything what it truly is Z!..ssssssshhh!!
Mustang, I'm waiting for some ideas from you!!
Ducky, what do you think the chatter is? I thought you said it was the BUSH GUYS making this stuff up to scare 'rightwing knuckle draggers' into .....what, locking the country down with too much gov't control?
WAIT! That's Mr. Obama NOW!! Maybe HE's making it up...because he sure as hell's going to too much gov't control. I'm confused, aren't you? heh
WHT....they'll never learn..but terrorists must just love this...laughing their bottoms off
Tweeterist's Twitter?
Anonymous...VERY, VERY good.
We Do know they use cell phones...why not tweeter! Excellent
disgruntled Islamic fire-cracker maker mutterings.
Or, Camel rancher sublingual rants?
How about Sandblown goatsniffers plan destructive fireworks display.
Water douser's Union planning strike against U.S.
Suicide bombers: The 72 virgins club. As in "Mohammad is a charter member of the 72 virgins club".
"Simple rebranding campaign." Kind of like Russian films and esoteric art. No one pays attention so people are impressed with the breadth of someone's knowledge. The outright lies are just beginning? Finally, we agree on something.
The term, War on Terror has been changed to: Overseas Contingency Operations, by the administration.
Soooo for terror chatter, I think they'd choose something like: Risky international communications.
BTW, I guess they don't entertain the possibility of Homeland Contingency Operations??!!!
Ducky, wasn't "coke classic" more in line with Obama's 60 Minutes giggly performance? Just askin'.
Ducky, Sorry you couldn't respond regarding the fact that you've always underplayed terrorism and blamed Bush for it.. odd.
Larry.."72 Virgins Club" isn't bad, either!
Greywolfe, VERY funny!
"International Talks"
"United Nation Speech"
"Constituent Lecture"
"Antagonist Verbalization"
"Action Marketing"
Les! I love them ALL but those last 2 are KILLERS.
Good thinking, girl!! xxx
Ducky, Sorry you couldn't respond regarding the fact that you've always underplayed terrorism and blamed Bush for it.. odd.
I've never underplayed, z. However, the right HAS overplayed it.
Law and Order Teacher, I'm taken aback that you've never heard of "rebranding". It's a pretty standard advertising activity.
Right now Obama is sensibly trying to take the emotion out of our reaction to all things Muslim and dial down the language so that reason can be applied.
Russian films? Believe me, I can switch to Hungarian if you like. Right now Romania is a hot spot.
Esoteric art? Maybe on the right but as your ham fisted response to any threat regardless of source or true magnitude your thought process doesn't allow a lot of subtlety.
Of course you've played it down, Ducky, you know that.
As far as 'reason'....would you mind going to the camps all over America and make sure those islam is training use 'reason', too?
There's a video of an islamist talking about a suitcase with 40 pounds of Anthrax coming into the States ... and what that would do.
Gee, how 'reasonable'...
I think I will engage in another ham-fisted response. This country was founded on western ideals of laws and justice. As I am a ham-fisted cuturalist, I believe these ideals are worth preserving.
Rebranding is simply repackaging the same idea. Collectivism by any other name, as they say. Enlightenment ideals have their place, but total reliance on pragmatism has proven to be misspent brainpower. America is an ideal worth saving. It doesn't need to be rebranded.
L and A Teacher, we are talking about Janet Napolitano's renaming of "the global war on terror" which has become a meaningless phrase used to elicit a knee jerk response from the populace.
Now, that kind of manipulation may be some western value you see as worth preserving but I think an open dialog is more important.
The far right has been wrong about the scope of the threat and the nature of the threat since day one.
The childlike nature of the right and its inability to see anything but deep black and bright white and base those judgments on uninformed emotional responses has led to situation that's impossible to manage.
Napolitano is making the correct move by trying to squeeze out the irrational emotional right wing hysteria.
"The far right has been wrong about the scope of the threat and the nature of the threat since day one."
Ducky, I don't have a clue what the KKK, ot the Aryan Brotherhood think about terrorism.
However, the threat is very real and the fact that you don't like thinking about it, or focusing on it shows your disengagement from reality. You spend too much time at the movies if you ask me.
What this administration, including the Homeland Security Dept. are doing is simply political correctness. Very Orwellian. A sickness I think. He was so right.
The fact that you want to be fat, dumb and happy, and pretend the terrorist threat doesn't exist,
doesn't change the fact that it does.
You'd probably like to pretend that Shariah compliance finance hasn't found it's way into our financial institutions either, but it has.
This is an insidious effort on the part of the enemy and we should know and be aware of their activities.
Yes, Ducky, they are the enemy, and seek world wide dominance. They will eventually succeed sometime down the road, if we pretend they're not a threat, and relax our guard.
It is projected, as we speak, that Sweden will be a muslim country by 2049. Look at Lebanon today, a once Catholic country, which is now under siege due to Islamists.
Spain and Britain are on the brink because of political correctness and cowardice, because of people just like you.
Ducky, no offense, but since you've had no problems being as ugly and scathing as possible on the other post, let me tell you you're sounding like a complete raving idiot now about terrorism.
You honestly think this ridiculous euphemization of really serious situations is going to affect US more than it does the ones who mean us harm? I SO wish I could be liberal and live with my head under a pillow. Bliss.
Think, man.
I don't see how changing the name of something without changing the essence of it makes any difference. For it to make a difference the essence has to change and if that's what BO is contemplating, that is what I object to, not the name.
Euphemisms are simply a rhetorical device used to cover reality. Changing the name of the war on terror, or whatever you want it to be called is simply stupid.
Changing the policy and refusing to recognize that these people are at war with us in not only stupid, it could be fatal to our country.
My life experiences have taught me that there are evil people in the world and they do evil things and they must be dealt with. No amount of euphemisms is going to change that truth. What will change that is if we see this fight as a preference not an imperative.
That's it in black and white.
And here Ducky goes again with the generic comment.
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