"Yes, researchers now say. Not only do crabs suffer pain, a new study found, but they retain a memory of it (assuming they aren't already dead on your dinner plate). The scientists say its time for new laws to consider the suffering of all crustaceans. "
Okay, I DID go to a clam bake and I WAS asked to fill the tin foil packets we were assembling with THE CRAB portion of the package (clams and maybe potatoes? I forget what all went into them, it's been a lot of years and I'm an LA girl, so I 'don't know nuthin' about clamming', Miss Scarlett)....and I WILL ADMIT that I felt this was hideous and I KNEW THEY FEEL PAIN, they just had to (I didn't need a research grant to figure this out) and, there was Z pounding the crab on the rocks first so I'd at least knock them out before they did their Joan of Arc routine roasting in the fire pits. (Yes, that's the truth, I did do that, I admit it, but it felt RIGHT at the time).
Today, I'm reading this article thinking "now we're going to consider the suffering of all crustaceans?" Have I become heartless, or ARE we NUTS?
And how much did they pay for this? A crab scampered from a painful experience so NOW THEY KNOW? ANTS SCAMPER WHEN YOU DESTROY THEIR HILL, don't they?
Oh, man. By the way, aren't they about the UGLIEST animal going? Or do we need a grant to decide that, too? AND, by the way, you haven't eaten crab until you've eaten them in Singapore!
Crabs also eat human bodies. I saw this on a remote beach in Puerto Rico. It wasn't a pretty sight to see.
umm...yeah, well FORGET IT! i am not giving up crab or any of the other edible crustaceous delights. sorry.
it's called the circle of life. i can handle some screaming shellfish.
Crabs......mmmmmmmm. Butter, lemon.....yummy. pain? Who gives a flip? I imagine that quail feel it when I blow one out of the air, or the deer that I butchered last Nov. I'm sure that shot thru the lung didn't feel very good.
I simply don't care. Every animal put on this planet is here to serve as food. For us, for other predators, for worms when they die of other than human causes. Oh, there's another one. I bet when I shove a number 8 fishing hook up a worms ass it hurts too. Should we be making laws for the earthworm too?
Think I'm gonna take my wife to Red Lobster tonight. Yeah, Crabs....mmmmmmmmmmm.
Does this mean I'm expected to give up the occasional clam plate at Kelly's?
Ain't gonna happen this side of the grave.
Steve....PULEEAZE! Sorry you had to see that...ugh
Namaste, 'circle of life', exactly right. Every 'animal' eats the smaller animal, right? "And the beat goes on...."
been thinking about you. EVERYONE ought to check out your rant about your girls; every parent's probably felt that way.
Greywolfe, You're UNKIND TO EARTHWORMS? How DARE you? :-)
Ducky...FRIED clams are one of my very favorites..
Do you know Legal Seafood? You must.
what comes with the Kelly's clam plate? I judge a place also by the side dishes.. My least favorite is those half-cooked vegetable bits so many fish restaurants throw on the side of a filet, with bland rice, too. I don't care HOW good the fish is, if the sides aren't happening, Z's not goin'!
Not only do crabs suffer pain, a new study found, but they retain a memory of it (assuming they aren't already dead on your dinner plate). The scientists say its time for new laws to consider the suffering of all crustaceans.
These times try our souls. Had I known years ago I could earn serious money through federal grants to “study” stupid stuff, today I would belong to the same country club as George Soros. I honestly cannot imagine how scientists conducted this study, but I can remember, following an injury, a doctor asking, “Does it hurt here?” At this juncture, we ought to wonder whether to believe anything the crab says; he could be looking for a large settlement check. On the other hand, given the number of clams who supported Barack Obama in November, it is plausible that crustaceans do feel pain. In this latter proposition, I suspect they’ve not seen anything yet.
OH! Now I see! It's not just me, all animals feel pain. Oh, what a revelation! Now, we need some new laws which would take into consideration the suffering of crustaceans. Right!
I will be going next month to my usual vacation spot in Florida. I typically eat a good deal of fish (or 'sea kittens' as PETA would prefer us to call them), crab, lobster, clams, and gator (i love gator). This time I guess I had better make sure that I get all the crustaceans that I can eat before they outlaw them.
MUSTANG "These times try our souls. Had I known years ago I could earn serious money through federal grants to “study” stupid stuff, today I would belong to the same country club as George Soros."
and DAPATRIOT: "OH! Now I see! It's not just me, all animals feel pain."
You guys are KILLING ME. I have tears running down my cheeks. Thanks for the laugh!
Ducky...FRIED clams are one of my very favorites..
Do you know Legal Seafood? You must.
what comes with the Kelly's clam plate?
They have a Legal's in heaven.
Kelly's clam plates are not lo-cal treats. Big mound of fried clams (with the bellies, not crummy clam strips) french fries, onion rings and cole slaw.
Not recommended as a regular meal but one of the world's great guilty pleasures.
Bingo, Ducky....that'll be the sides I love. Got to get there some day.
Maybe we can go together.
And kill eachother?!! :-)
I have to leave now and Mr. Z is writing a comment as I go...I am not responsible!
There was a serious discussion in France years ago whether or not to continue with the French custom and cut the life lobster in half before throwing into the hot water. Well, when it comes to food, the French are not giving up on their habits, so the PETA attempt ended.
Even more cruel is the habit of eating oysters raw! Can you imagine the pain once they die in the acid environment in somebody's stomach?
BTW: Don't get me started on useless study groups, grants, subjects at universities (like Mexican studies) and the like... and this all with taxpayers' money! Believe it or not, some of these researchers, paid for with our money, found a mouse they hadn't known before, living in the Andes in Peru at altitudes above 2,000 m! Soon, PETA will show up, or maybe Prince Useless Charley with his Beauty Queen representing the WWF, with signs asking that no building activity be undertaken to protect the habitat of that mouse.
Nah, no way z.
The Kelly's at Revere beach, have a clam plate sitting on the sea wall.
Absolutely not a venue that can even promote anger.
... or you can get a roast beef sandwich.
It's Kelly's Roast Beef and they were the first food stand in America to serve a roast beef sandwich.
You can load them up with plenty of junk too.
Long history.
If they are going to outlaw eating stuff that feels pain; I guess we'll all starve.
Didn't I hear of a study some years ago about plants 'feeling' pain?
What are we going to do? I think we need to decide over a plate of King Crablegs, who's with me in the discussion?
"Have I become heartless, or ARE we NUTS?"
Z, you are NOT heartless and, We ARE NUTS!!!
Who are these scientists, the leaders of PETA? And how many crabs did they torture with electric wires to make this momentous discovery? The crabs probably thought "uh oh, here comes that pesky electric eel again".
Wow, wait 'til they discover plants feel pain, then we'll really be in trouble. Ever see a plant when it isn't watered for a few days? Poor thing slumps over and looks downright sick!
Seafood is my favorite dish. As long as it's dead and cooked, I'll eat it.
And, when it comes to plain old fish, they're fair game when their alive, because Mr. Pris and I love to fish. Hmmmmm does this stupid study mean we'll be banned from fishing? As it is they want us to throw them back. We do if they're too small, otherwise they end up in a pan on the stove.
Maybe the problem is, like my Dad used to tell us when we didn't want to eat something, "you've never really been hungry".
And that's it. We are as a people, too soft and most ungrateful for the good life we have. Too many of us now look for problems that don't exist, and ignore the real, serious threats to our way of life because they're too hard to face.
So, we end up with studies worrying about crab pain. Good grief!
I think that the most disturbing thing about this entire thread is that I have found a topic upon which ducky and myself agree. The world is ending tonight.
As I say, Greywolfe.
Sitting having a fish or clam plate or crab is not an activity that can generate anger.
Can't be done.
Did you see the link at the end of the article?
Do Animals Enjoy Sex?
Well, duh.
I state here and now that I don't care about the pain inflicted on sea creatures so as to get them on my dinner plate. So, there!
Duck mentioned fried clams. Yes, indeed. One of my absolute favorites. But I think that lobster takes precedence.
no jokes ?..shux!..ha lol
I never cared for crab.
I will eat chickens into extinction though.
oh yeah, blame the victim. Just like you right wingers. There, now the PETA people can stay away. Got it covered.
Ducky, the ocean sounds great...and it would have to be horse radish sauce for me on the beef...mmm
I.H.S...great solution! I love that!
ALL of you left such great comments I enjoyed reading them!
Ducky and Greywolfe over clams at the sea....that'll be something!
Imagine that the one thing Ducky and we seem to have in common are CRABS! There's got to be a message in there somewhere...it couldn't be SWEETNESS? ..it has to be because I think Ducky IS a crab more often than not!?
RighKlik...why taste THAT good if you don't want to be eaten? Perfect
Beamish. CHICKEN? Got a special way of preparing it?
When we lived in Maryland, we used to go to bars where they had little tables covered with paper.
They would serve crab legs and you would hit them with a wooden mallet to get the meat out. It was delicious and I never heard one complain.
Sue! We had Maryland Crab Company restaurants here all over LA but I don't think they're in existence anymore..like you say, with paper on the tables and mallets. You're right, come to think of it..not a squeal from them!!
But, you had to see me, in my 20's, knocking crabs out cold on the rocks so they wouldn't hurt when they cooked. Man, I was like a budding PETA nut or something! Glad I got over it. (but, you know, I might just do that again, if in that situation again...I couldn't imagine burning anything to death!)
Nope, gotta have crabs in SF on Fisherman's Warf!
Mmmmmmm crabs....
Mr and Mrs Z had crab taquitos tonight..as part of the FIESTA PLATTER....what a coincidence!! WHO KNEW they'd be on there?
Man, this thread is making me very hungry!!! Being here in Missouri, and particularly just south of Kansas City, I get to indulge in wonderful BBQ to my hearts delight but the seafood here is far less than desirable. Can I come and visit with you, Ducky? We could watch MIZZOU win their elite 8 game and ravage the poor sea creatures.
The Time of the Termite is Close at Hand!
Mankind must now forever live in the DIRT from whence he sprang.
"All animals are equal."
Swat a fly, lose your soul.
Delouse your house, and you're lower than a mouse.
Sickness, Starvation and Death are the Reward for TOO MUCH MERCY.
When a bear comes after you in the woods, lie down and make of yourself a LIVING SACRIFICE for the sake of EQUALITY.
Death to all who wear furs!
Death to all who eat flesh of any kind.
The only way to achieve salvation is to ERADICATE JOY from the face of the earth FOREVER.
~ FreeThinke
The first lobster that I ever remember seeing, was in a fish tank near the front door of , if memory serves me right, Jack's at the Beach in Santa Monica.
I was almost 6 years old and stood watching a number of lobsters
crawling around all over eachother. They were green and covered with mossy plant growth. The tank smelled strange and they were both ugly and fascinating.
Sitting at the table, these creatures now appeared before me on a platter, --bright orange-red- surrounded by lemons and parsley.
I screemed out loud, a buried my head in my mom's lap.
I was horrified and shocked. I did not know lobsters were something to be eaten. Later when I found out that they were thrown live into a boiling pot of water, I was shocked again. It bothered me for decades.
Though adulthood has brought me
an appreciation for the sweet delicate taste of these creatures, I will always remember my "purity of childhood" reaction.
I laughted out loud at Woody Allen's reaction to cooking lobsters in the movie "Annie Hall".
Some things you just have to "get over" in life.
Making more laws about what part of God's bounty we are allowed to eat, is insane.
Stay out of our kitchens------- BIG BROTHER!!!
FT..eradicating joy is what the left seems to be up to, doesn't it. Joy of pride in workmanship, self reliance, independence, freedom..
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