Saturday, March 7, 2009

WARNING! Do NOT be drinking anything while you watch this or you'll need a new keyboard

This must have made the rounds last April, when this was taped, but I didn't see it (trust me, I'd have remembered this).

Regardless of whether you feel taxes are legal, etc., etc., PLEASE watch this and realize our financial lives, for a large part, are in this guy's hands. I don't think I have EVER seen a politician reveal his stupidity in this big a way. I'm sorry....I don't often use 'stupid', but............. Oh, dear.



Z said...

Why not wait until that LA to Vegas train's built (it's part of the stimulus package). You all come here to MY house and off we'll go on that ridiculously expensive, waste of money of a train!

This video even blew MY mind. I mean, I never admired Reid, but THIS? WHOA

~Leslie said...

It is so stupid you have to laugh. Hey Harry, please get your dictionary out and look up the word: VOLUNTARY.

This is also so stupid it makes you want to cry. It is a prime example of the liberal circle: avoid giving a real answer to any question as long as you can by using diversion, babbling, drooling and flat out distortion of the English language.

Anonymous said...

Rail, Tar, Feathers... Some assembly required. OMG... what a doofus this guy is.

Anonymous said...

This is why they put R's and D's behind politicians' names. If you had to judge intelligence by what these guys say, you might mistakenly call Reid stupid. The letters behind their names take all the guess work out of deciding who is stupid.

-Tio Bowser

Z said...

Jenn, 'if the shoe fits..'!! Right?

Tio, that is HILARIOUS! D always stands for DUMB, doesn't it? heh
(just a little joke!)

Anonymous said...

I'll bet the last tax bill the idiot passed was called "The Voluntary Tax that Everyone Either pays or Must Go to Jail" bill.

Talk about Orwellian...

David Wyatt said...


I hate to be the bad guy & point this out, but I must speak the truth. Senator Reid is exactly right. Paying taxes IS voluntary. That has been amply proven in the process of setting up B. Hussein's new cabinet, especially in the Treasury Department. Most of them have chosen not to pay their taxes, & have suffered no consequences. Case in Point: Timothy Geithner. So, Senator Reid is exactly right, paying taxes IS voluntary.......IF you are a Democrat Congressman. Otherwise it is most certainly NOT voluntary.
Thank you for letting me have my say.


Dr. John said...

I am truly speechless...

David Wyatt - excellent point.

cube said...

I'm with Mustang's fleet of buses idea. Reid is a maroon. What in the world is he doing holding such a high office?

cube said...

BTW David Wyatt is spot on.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, i saw this back then, what a dumbass.

Unless what he actually meant was that, only democrats have the choice to pay taxes, which they seem to think they do, judging by the number of tax evaders obama has attracted.

LA Sunset said...

Awhile back, I said in another thread that Nancy Pelosi is the dumbest person I have even seen in my lifetime, holding a high level position such as hers. Today, I want to say that Harry Reid is the runner-up. Al Gore is quickly gaining in stupidity, he may even tie or overtake Reid, by next week. But for now, Reid is safely in second.

(((Thought Criminal))) said...

As the leading figure of America's leftist party in the US Senate, Harry Reid has to work double hard in the spotlight at forwarding the leftist agenda.

The leftist agenda has as its main priority, above all other considerations, the need to convince rational people that all leftists are imbeciles.

It is impossible to have an honest conversation with a leftist that is hesistant to admit this.

Anonymous said...

I have to repeat what Michael Savage said: "Liberalism is a mental disorder". How else can it be that two of the dumbest people of our lifetime, Reid and Pelosi (proven every day), be elected into these high offices "to represent us". Who the hell elected these inverse "intellectual giants"?


Anonymous said...

Guess I'm a complete moron, because obviously all the other readers saw some link to the video being talked about...I didn't see any such link. Sorry.


Anonymous said...

I love the look on Reid's face when the interviewer is explaining the questions.


All that was missing was the drool.

Anonymous said...

Got the video Z. Apparently, one of the two times that the Norton blocker that comes up every time I try to open your blog site, I didn't hit 'allow', that's the only thing I can think of anyway, because this time the video was there. Last time, just the title and the comments below where the video shows up...: )

And YEAH..the man is a complete moron. Did you hear him the other day suggesting that the Federal gov't TRUMPS states' rights? Really? On energy? Really? I must have missed that in my Constitution...


Z said...

Norwegian..the Dems seem to have a whole different constitution, huh?

Pinky, I think that face on Reid's betraying his thoughts "how the hell did I get into THIS pickle" BUT, that's what a normal man would might be right, it really does just look like DUH.

By the way...I see MAROON for MORON all over that a blogging thing? Because I've never seen a moron look purple!! LOL! But, seriously..what's with maroon!?

Anonymous said...

Reid is absolutely right. If you stay home and collect welfare and vote Democrat, you DON'T have to pay taxes. It's only if you try and provide for yourself and your family like a Republican that you MUST pay your taxes. It's YOUR choice.

Anonymous said...

ps - And as the last election shows, more and more people are "choosing" to become Democrats every day. Heck, they're even get 'bonuses in the form of "stimulus' checks to vote Democrat, now.

Welcome to the land of bread & circuses.

Anonymous said...

Someone should tell Hairy Red that the word he overuses in this absurd, palpably dishonest film clip is pronounced

FRAY - zee - OL - uh - gee

Phraseology would rhyme with "crazyology" if there were such a word.

How anyone could hope to talk intelligently about something he can't even pronounce is beyond me.

~ FreeThinke

Z said...

Fj...there isn't enough wine for all that bread and cheese, either. And we're going to NEED wine.

FT...that drove me a little nuts, too. Even when the host said Phrase EE ology, Reid didn't hear's some hubris "I have to be right", probably, plus some completely not hearing what the guy's saying because Reid can't dig fast enough out of the hole he'd dug himself into...panic doesn't help one think clearly

Anonymous said...

Z, "maroon" is from the Bugs Bunny cartoons.
Remember when Bugs would say, "What a maroon!"?

Law and Order Teacher said...

Even if Rush was the Republicans leader, he is infinitely better than accepting an abject moron, a heartless, power-mad shrew and a socialist in a democrats clothing for the leaders of the Dems.

Whatever Rush may be and I'll leave that to your personal opinion, he is honest and prepares and gives you his best shot.

There's alot to be said for being a straight shooter and doing your homeworks. The Dems could learn a lesson.

Z said...

Pinky! NO, maybe Bugs started saying that after MY TIME, DOC!

L&0...good one. Dems will never...never learn. You saw how much homework Reid did regarding VOLUNTARY TAXES on the video, right? WOW

Pat Jenkins said...

z i volunteer YOU to pay MY taxes! how does that sound?

Z said...

Pat, sounds good IF you mean REID, not MOI!! LOL!

Anonymous said...

Whew is the land of the free and the home of the brave? I'd like to emigrate there immediately. Can anyone direct me?

I don't think there is such a place frankly.

~ FreeThinke

Khaki Elephant said...

Mustang, when the buses are ready let me know.

Anonymous said...

Hairy Red is a revolting little TWERP.

There's nothing more to be said.

~ FreeThinke