Here's a paragraph from the linked article:
"In Cleveland, Onyango's lawyers Margaret Wong and Scott Bratton said that now Onyango will be allowed to receive a work permit, a Social Security number, and a driver's license or state identification card. She must wait for one year to apply for legal permanent residency, or a green card, and five years to apply for US citizenship."
Come ONE, COME ALL! Break our laws...........we LOVE IT! And, what an example the President's aunt has set for us all, huh? Now, I can understand why America might not want to deport the president's aunt, let's face it, but should she really get this kind of treatment when she'd been ordered home a few years back? And should he have let her live in public housing?
Oh, and PLEASE....lest anybody think I have any grudge against this woman and slam me for my thoughts the facts and read our laws. I wish her the best, why wouldn't I? I just think there's something fishy here. How could this have been handled in a way that impropriety wouldn't be raising its ugly head?
BTW did you know California has a law just like the on in Arizona?
CA Penal Code 834 para. B
Yes, I did know it...but only through blogging; one would NEVER KNOW THAT HERE IN CALIFORNIA, BElieve me :-)
Well Z, I could have predicted this. Really, with your nephew being President and a Democrat, how could she be deported?
Obama demonstrates over and over again, he's above the law.
I didn't want to see this woman sent back to Kenya, but is she still going to receive welfare, Section 8 housing, food stamps, etc.? I hope the Obamas take care of her financial needs, they damn well should.
Did you hear about President Clinton's niece being on government assistance? Roger Clinton's daughter? Why aren't the Clintons helping her?
Liberals are so good at giving .... away other people's money and stingy as hell with their own.
Maybe she has the birth certificate. Ah!
Ah, there goes that word again. Nepotism. It works wonders for those who have executive privilege.
If it were up to me she'd be placed on an aging C-141 sitting on a cargo net holding her pet bird cage and all of her belongings tied to a rope and flown back to her nation of origin with maybe a boxed lunch, But I would make her pay for the trip and the lunch.
FW, the Clinton Situation is awful, isn't it. They're millionaires many times over and she's on public assistance, yes.
FrogBurger, maybe you're right and that's how she got these immigration goodies!!!
I loved the fact that she thinks she'll get attacked by jihadists back in Kenya because of her muslim-appeasing nephew....I guess it's "Whatever works". She'd probably have a stamp in honor of her instead, for being his aunt!?
Well, Blogger erased my whole comment.
I can't repeat it now.
I will encapsulate for lack of a better term:
I don't respect illegal aliens, because they don't respect America's sovereignty.
I have respect for aliens who have gone through, or are going through, the legal process to live in the United States legally.
However, I doubt Obama's aunt ever had any intention of becoming legal, since she had every opportunity in the past to apply for legal status and apparently, didn't.
Surely Obama made this happen in an effort to boost his public image among the mugwumps. It is an exercise in futility to boost his image among Conservatives. We know he's a phony.
Oh, in case readers don't know... a mugwump is a person who sits with his mug on one side of the fence and his wump on the other.
And we can't tell one from the other.
Like McCain.
"I didn't want to see this woman sent back to Kenya, but is she still going to receive welfare, Section 8 housing, food stamps, etc.? I hope the Obamas take care of her financial needs, they damn well should."
If the plight of Obama's half brother in Kenya is any indication, I'm guessing Obama's aunt will be well fed US!
WHOZZAT? King Kong in drag?
I posted about this too, Z.
She was ordered to leave this country TWICE and disobeyed, and is NOW being granted asylum without consequence for her law breaking? WTF?!?
Must be nice...
According to USAToday, Barack Obama is really, really rich. I'm shocked. I thought he was a poor black kid who had to walk 7 miles up hill to school every morning. Well, I'm glad.
So can he now take care of his old auntie, or must we the people continue doing that?
I know the answer ...
I know who didn't pay for her legal services and bills... Obama.
I can tell you who did pay for her legal services and bills... the US taxypayer.
What a world.
I think it's criminal that Obama hasn't taken his dear Auntie and installed her in the White House as an honored guest.
The same is true for his half-brother who lives on something like 26 bucks a year in Obama's homeland of Kenya.
If he doesn't treat his own flash and blood decently, how do you think he feels about all the rest of us?
Mae B. Yudontno
She was ordered to leave this country TWICE and disobeyed, and is NOW being granted asylum without consequence for her law breaking? WTF?!?
I think she was under a deportation order for like ten years.
Alcee Hastings is running the country now. You know him. He's the convicted felon who now sits in the US Senate, because the majority of the voters in his state must be mentally retarded.
"There are no rules anymore, we just make them up as we go along."
That's what he said, and he wasn't joking. When people like that get power, all we can do is stand and deliver, then bend and spread.
The Lurking Presence
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